The area of Plouëc-du-Trieux is 18.27 square kilometers.
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In my family the x is not silent. It is pronouced tru ax (True axe).
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1st check with the Chicago Hisorical Society under businesses. Then by name(s) to see if you can come up with an idividual; and approximate date. If you know the type of business and who or what they dealt with you can approach it from that angle. The local chamber of commerce is a good check as well. I don't know much, but here goes: Not "Chase" but Charles Truax & Greene Co. was a maker of medical supplies. Occasionally their speculums and proctological appear on Ebay (today there are 2). I know nothing of Mr. Greene, but as I am a Truax myself, I know a little more about the Truax name .... all very easy to research on the web. Anyone with the name Truax or Truex is a direct descendant of Phillipe de Trieux, a Belgian-born Walloonian Huegonot who came to New York in 1624.
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The rivers in this section are sorted clockwise along the Corsican coast starting from Cap Corse.
2 answers