what broadway show revealed more than long treases
1 answer
go to the forest tempel where korroi forest is at go in the lost woods follow the music till you get to another forest where you see a white wolf kill him go their maze watch the gurds that are in there when you get at the end. there will be stairs when you go up them there will be a big gurd there dont worry he's easy to beat just hit him in the back with the hookshot when he is froze hit him with the sword ( or just run around him not hard at all ) when you get past him there is the forset tempel just hook shot to the tree above you. inside are two white wolf's and on the right side of you are vines ( watch out tho there are spiter on the vines aftar you kill them go up the vines then you go across the tree that's up there and they will be a treases chest with a key in it
1 answer