The Transitus Shield is a flight point/quest hub for the sub-zone Coldarra in Borean Tundra.It is controlled by the Kirin Tor mages.
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The Transitus is a Franciscan devotion to ritually remember the passing of Saint Francis of Assisi from this life into God. The ritual takes place every year on the evening of October 3rd.
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The Coldarra is a rather large sub-zone in Borean Tundra featuring the Nexus/Oculus Instances and the 10 man raid Eye of Eternity. The area is reached via quest during which you grab the fligh point at the Transitus Shield, so you can come back anytime. You must discover the flight path at Amber Ledge before you can discover the one at Transitus Shield.
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The English word "transit" comes from the Latin prefix "trans" (across) and the third person singular, present, active, indicative of the verb "eo, ire" (to go) - "it"
Thus transit is "going across"
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None, but you might consider these historical realities:
Pope Gelasius in 495 A.D. declared by Papal Decree, an anathema upon all those who would choose to adopt the heresy of the "Assumption of Mary" as a dogma in the Church, this decision was again supported by Pope Hormisdas of the 6th century, when the heresy began to resurface. Yet in 1950, Pope Pius XII in contradiction, infallibly declared this heresy "official Catholic Doctrine which all Catholics are required to believe"! Which Popes were correct. Is the "assumption" even mentioned once by the early Church fathers that were taught by the Apostles or their students? I have been told that centuries later (by the first millennium) the Orthodox had accepted it as well. Irenaeus, Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose and the others Church Fathers said nothing about it. Writing in 377 A.D., church father Epiphanius states that no-one knows Mary's end.[3]
"The belief in the corporeal assumption of Mary is founded on the apocryphal treatise De Obitu S. Dominae, bearing the name of St. John, which belongs however to the fourth or fifth century. It is also found in the book De Transitu Virginis, falsely ascribed to St. Melito of Sardis, and in a spurious letter attributed to St. Denis the Areopagite" (Catholic Encyclopaedia).
The first church author to speak on the assumption, Gregory of Tours, based his teaching on the Transitus, perhaps because he accepted it as genuine.[4] However, in 459 A.D. Pope Gelasius issued a decree that officially condemned and rejected the Transitus along with several other heretical writings. Pope Hormisdas reaffirmed this decree in the sixth century.[5] It is ironic that this heretical teaching was later promoted within the Catholic Church, until eventually it was proclaimed a dogma in the twentieth century.
It was made a dogma around the mid 1900's and even though it was never taught by Jesus or the Apostles or even by any of their students for 300 years and previous Popes had declared it an anathema it is now "required" if you are Roman Catholic.
AnswerPut simply, the assumption of Mary is a belief held by Roman Catholics as well as some other denominations that Mary, at the end of her life, was physically taken up into heaven.
This doctrine cannot be found anywhere in scripture. Revelation 12 is the nearest that the Bible comes to the doctrine, but this is only even remotely relevant if a particular (and some say, bogus) interpretation is placed on this reference in the Bible. There were some references that date from the 4th Century, but these are apocryphal to say the least, and most regard these references as very suspect.
For most non-Catholic Christians the doctrine of the Assumption is heretical and is seen by them as yet another human invention (along with purgatory, limbo and many others) of the Catholic Church.
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Most would say no but some same yes.
Traditionally the two people named James who were apostles named James the Greater (brother of John) and James the Less (son of Alphaeus) were different than James the brother of Jesus (also called James the Just and the bishop of the church in Jerusalem) who is described as the author of the book of James.
Critics argue that James the brother of Jesus (James the Just) was also James the Less. James was a very common name at the time (as it is today) so it can be confusing which James is described in the Bible.
Answer 2.
In the Holy Scriptures, James the Less, also known as James son of Alphaeus, was the foster son of Joseph the Carpenter and the Virgin Mary, and so foster brother of Jesus. Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3; The History of Joseph the Carpenter.
He was given the appellation - 'brother of Jesus'. He is listed as one of the Twelve apostles, Matthew 10:3.
He died during the turmoil as described in Acts 12, dated to the death of Herod in that year - 44 A.D. John son of Zebedee, of whom Jesus decreed was the son of the Virgin Mary, and so decreed in Law to be James son of Alphaeus' foster brother, is marked as such, in Acts 12:2.
James the Just, James son of Zebedee, 'the Lord's Brother' and 'brother of the Lord' - being the same person, is marked as such in Holy Scripture: Gal. 1:19; Gal. 2:9; Acts 12:17; Acts 15; Assumption Gospels; James' Apocalypse; Transitus Mariae, Apocrypha Syriaca; etc. The term brother is one given to signify his character, Acts of Philip.
He is one of the Twelve apostles as listed in Matthew 10:2.
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As the Bible does not mention Mary's life and death directly after the Pentecost in 31 AD, some have said she dies in Ephesus in circa 50-52 A.D. at the age of 64(?). This undoubtedly assumes Christ was born in 1 A.D. which most historians would say is definitely incorrect.
The majority of biblical scholars date the birth of Jesus to circa 5-4 BC. Given then that many believe Mary to have been a young teenage girl, about 14 is commonly said as her age, then Mary would have needed to have been born circa 19-18 BC for this scenario to be true. Then if she dies circa 50-52 A.D., she would have been about 70 years old (a scripturally significant number). Of course all this assumes the Jewish lunar calendar and not the solar or Julian calendar that omits the year zero.
As Jesus is the only human born that is now 'immortal' as the firstborn of the firstfruits of Scripture (1Timothy 6:16) and only He is in Heaven (John 3:13), we know that Mary is 'sleeping' as are all others who have died - awaiting her resurrection which she would probably be in the 1st Resurrection of firstfruits at the sound of the 7th trumpet of Revelation.
About 76 to 77 years old. Born circa 16 BC, died circa A.D. 61. Infancy Gospels ascribe her birth year and Assumption Gospels ascribe her departure year.
' she was sixteen years old when these strange events happened to her.' Infancy Gospel of James the Just.
' " ...it is sixteen years since we have gone forth proclaiming the Gospel and the preaching of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus the Messiah in all regions" ' - Syriac Transitus Mariae, W. Wright; '...the Lord said to the Apostles after twelve years go ye out into the world...'. - Preaching of Peter. Therefore after Jesus' resurrection AD 33, there were 12 years until circa AD 45 before their departure to preach to the regions, then 16 years until their gathering for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary - circa AD 61.
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A True Christian doesn't need to. God doesn't command His servants to celebrate "birthdays"... this pagan, godless world's customs, traditions do that [one of which is the annual pagan celebration of the rebirth of the sun, that this world calls "Christmas," today]. God doesn't command its celebration in the Scriptures... the world does. Some of the most irreligious people do it.
The Bible records two major "birthday celebrations" in its inspired pages: Pharaoh's birthday in the Old Testament, and Herod's birthday in the New.
As for Christ... God commands His servants to "REMEMBER His DEATH!" It's called the 'PASSOVER!'
"...'With desire I have desired to EAT THIS PASSOVER WITH YOU before I suffer... This is My Body which is given for you: THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME." (Luke 22:15-19 KJV)
God provides the accurate date for the remembrance of Christ's DEATH. It's recorded in Leviticus 23:
"THESE ARE THE FEASTS OF THE LORD [notice: they are not the feasts of the 'Jews], even Holy convocations [commanded assemblies], which ye shall proclaim IN THEIR SEASONS. In the FOURTEENTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH at even [evening; sundown] IS THE LORD's[not the Jews'] PASSOVER. And on the FIFTEENTH DAY of the same month is the FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD unto THE LORD [not the Jews]..." (Lev.23:4-6 KJV).
"A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth." (Eccle.7:1 KJV)
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the DEATH [not the birth] of His saints." (Ps.116:15 KJV)
This Satan-guided world celebrates birthdays... not God. So God's Faithful servants don't need to accurately provide anyone with Jesus' birth date. God provides them with His Son's DEATH DATE [the PASSOVER]... not His birth date. And His Son commands them to "remember" it.
You seek the Word of God concerning the date of His birth and if it is His Word that He spoke from the beginning, then that date of His birth will be found to be true.
Words attributed to Jesus Christ concerning his birth:
1. 'I came into being on the eighth day, which is the day of the Lord.'
Ref - The Epistle of the Apostles; Coptic version.
2."I was born the same day on which Augustus Caesar gave peace to the Roman world."
Ref - The Archko Volume, Pilate's Report.
All deliberations by me for the date of Jesus Christ's birth are then circumscribed to conform to the day related by Jesus Christ, for as Christians we are to 'hear Him' - Luke 9:35.
1. The eighth day in Holy Scripture is Sunday, the first day of the week - the Lord's day.
The eighth day in Holy Scripture is also the inauguration day of the High Priest : Exodus 40:2 has that day as the first day of the first month, where chief-priest Aaron was anointed and placed in that office to minister to God as a saviour ministering for the atonement of the children of Israel.
Jesus Christ as our High Priest (Hebrews 4:15) has in Holy Scripture prescribed his birth as for being on a Sunday on the first of January.
Infancy Gospel of Matthew the Evangelist; ' And some shepherds also affirmed that they had seen angels singing a hymn at midnight, praising and blessing the God of heaven and saying , 'The Saviour of all, who is Christ the Lord has been born. Salvation shall be brought back to Israel through him.'
I Clement Ch.18; 'And particularly, that we perform our offerings and service to God, at their appointed seasons... at certain determinate times and hours.' 'For the chief-priest has his proper services...' 'They therefore who make their offerings at the appointed seasons are happy and accepted: because that obeying the commandments of the Lord, they are free from sin.'
Apocrypha Syriaca: Transitus Mariae; 'He was in her womb until the Second Kanun (Syriac calendar month conterminous with January) on its sixth (hour - midnight) on the first day of the week, the Holy Day...'
Day of Birth: Sunday the first of January at midnight 00.00 (am).
2. The day that Augustus Caesar gave peace to the Roman world can be happily placed to be a time when the Roman people enjoyed peace within the bounds of the Roman Empire.
That day was celebrated by the ritual of the doors of the Temple of Janus being closed. At times of war they were kept open and rarely were they closed but on three occasions during the years of Augustus Caesar they were closed, of which he listed as a laudable achievement of his as Princeps - Res Gestae 13. The first two occasions were 31 BC and 25 BC but with no record for the third closing of the doors of Janus that day has to be exacted judiciously from subsidiary historical records.
The day then that the doors of Janus were closed for the third time is determined to be the day that Jesus Christ was born.
Times of peace are when treaties are signed and so threats are nullified. Of the range of years during the time of Jesus' birth there was one occasion when a relevant treaty was signed, that was with the Parthian Empire.
The Parthian Empire was at the time more than capable of attacking the Roman Empire over the other peoples and tribes. Utilizing archers possessing outstanding horsemanship their repeated hit and retreat attacks were able to overcome the strength of the Roman Legions.
And so by ensuring no war broke out with the Parthians, Roman Legions could be on hand to defend other parts of the empire such as near Germanica, therewith ensuring peace and safety for the people residing within the Roman Empire.
Augustus Caesar sent his sons Gauis and Lucius in the year 1 BC to the regions of Parthia to make terms with Phraates V ruler of Parthia on an island on the river Euphrates. The Euphrates was then to remain the boundary in which the Parthian army were not to pass. Gaius and Lucius were Consul-Designates with Gaius assuming the office of Consul at the age of 21 on January 1, A.D. 1 therewith consular powers to sign the treaty.
With the day settled as January 1 as to which the doors of the Temple of Janus were closed for the third time by Augustus thereby giving peace to the Roman people, only the year has to be determined.
The Apocryphal and Legendary Life of Christ has the Gates of Janus being closed at the time of Jesus' birth. Orosius a priest, historian and theologian has chronicled the temple doors closing at the time of Jesus' birth.
Roman Historian Dio Cassius has Gaius making peace with Phraates king of Parthia in early A.D. 1.
Thereupon Jesus Christ was born at midnight on a Sunday, January 1, A.D. 1.
Further investigations are now directed to authenticate this date if your doctrine is Christianity, as it conforms to the words attributed to Jesus Christ at 1. and 2. above.
Continuity of historicity is built from information confirming the date, that is, a plethora of confirming information will ensue that there is no doubt for the reasonable person.
All information that doesn't calibrate to the date 1 Jan. A.D. 1 are then to the faithful Christian, discomfirmations.
Continuing Investigation:
An eclipse of the moon occurred before the death of Herod, that being near the time of Jesus' birth. The eclipse of Dec 29 1 BC is chosen, other eclipses are disconfirmed.
Quirinius (Cyrenius) is described as governor of Syria at the time of Jesus' birth, this is deemed to be in an acting capacity, and in an official capacity later.
Herod's death is given at 4 BC because his sons were reckoned as rulers at the time. As they were acting in name at the time then they therefore antedated their reigns to that date on the death of their father, in A.D. 1.
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