Alejandro Tobar was born on May 24, 1907, in Bogot, Colombia.
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Marcelo Tobar was born on July 15, 1977, in Distrito Federal, Mexico.
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The airport code for Gerardo Tobar López Airport is BUN.
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Maria Stella Tobar was born on May 22, 1974, in Campinas, So Paulo, Brazil.
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Nick Tobar an unemployed black man. He is hoping on getting the job of the guy who gets to ride on the back of the trash truck.
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Hello everyone, Tobar is a spanish name that originates from...well spain! It can be used as a surname (last name) or just as a name, like Tobar Svenson or whatever.
Hope that helped you, if you need more information about the name contact me at leak_bro@hotmail.com
//Tobias Özterberg
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Carlos R. Tobar has written:
'Consultas al diccionario de la lengua' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Provincialisms, Spanish language
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you have to round them up and bring them back to tobar. its impossible i know : (
I find it extremely difficult, but tobar did say that if you get too close to them they run away... maybe that's a clue... :/
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Bayardo Tobar has written:
'El ingreso del Ecuador a la OMC' -- subject(s): Commerce, Commercial policy, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization), World Trade Organization
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There is little known about the Tobar Baseball Company. The Tober Baseball Co. at one time was located in Rockville, CT. There are rumors that Tobar made baseballs for major League baseball but there is no official documented evidence to back this claim.
Tober started making baseballs in 1902, and made balls for semi-pro teams and youth baseball organizations. It might be possible that baseballs were made by Tobar for the Major Leagues with the Reach, and Spalding trademarks, and not under the Tobar brand name.
The Tober Baseball Co. was in business some time during the 1950's through the 1970's and manufactured softballs and Little League baseballs. If your baseball is marked Tobar 9 (9" baseball) it would most likely fall into the 1950-1970 time period. Tobar baseballs have turned up with Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig signatures, and would then date the baseballs as far back as the 1930's.
The bulk of the value for the baseball will rely on if you have the original box, as it would be easier to date. I have not found any auctions selling a Tobar baseball, and I would estimate the value for a 1950 -1970 Tobar baseball at about $50.-$150. and double the price or more with the original box.
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it was found in europe medieval in 1300 it was named after a instrument called tobar
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tobar (a well)
go maith (adjective) Tá mé go maith. I am well.
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Julio Tobar Donoso has written:
'Historiadores y cronistas de las misiones' -- subject(s): Missions, Historiography, Sources, Indians of South America, History
'Figuras del catolicismo social' -- subject(s): Catholics, Biography, Social service
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The cast of Las peluqueras - 2008 includes: Isabel Ahumada Ana Luisa Tobar
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you have to get behind them and they will run forward. then just lead them to tobar! hope that helps! its kinda hard though!
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The cast of Chileno emergente - 2005 includes: Peggy Cordero as Julia Alejandro Montes Daniella Tobar
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To find Violets cat you have to go in front of the house that's in between katies and violets house! There should be a white bow right in front of it. Go to violet and she will tell you to go to Michelle (the interveiwer person) Michelle will tell you to go to tobar. you go to tobar and he will say the dogs were barking! THEN you have to rearrange these boxes and THEN you will find the cat and THEN violet will come and she's all happy and stuff! THEN you get a present!
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"In Ainm na Tríonóide Ró-Naofa is tobar don uile agus"
(In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity the authority of all)
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The cast of No me toques - 2004 includes: Carmen Gloria Bresky Francisca Lewin Juan Pablo Ogalde Daniella Tobar Luz Valdivieso
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The cast of The Bike - 2007 includes: Nathanjohn Carter as Mr. Red Abraham Castro as Mr. Black Miguel Tobar as Mr. Blue
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In Irish 'Gaelic':
Tobar Bhríde Saint Bridget's Well orcrosóga Bhríde St. Bridget's crosses.
In Scottish Gaelic: Bhrìghde as in Cille Bhrìghde, Kilbride, Scotland.
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Patrick S. Dinneen has written:
'Irish-English dictionary'
'An Tobar draoideacta'
'Cormac Ua Conaill' -- subject(s): Fiction
'Spioraid na saoirese'
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The cast of Caniche - 1979 includes: Manuel Cazorla as Monaguillo Werner Delil as Domesticador Isabel Heredia as Enfermera Marcel Ibero as Dentista Marta Molins as Carmen Cruz Tobar as Alberto
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You have to go to his hideout and listen to the frogs, then lok at the map and select Bottom of lake, Then ask Katie to make it, Then talk to tobar, then Katie, wait a few days and find the tresure. Then thief v will be in your contacts. And he has to clean the town LOL!
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Tobar Mayo has: Played Leon in "Mannix" in 1967. Performed in "The Mislayed Genie" in 1973. Performed in "Tough" in 1974. Performed in "The Big Rip-Off" in 1975. Played Walter Moten in "Serpico" in 1976. Played Shoogie in "Quincy M.E." in 1976. Played Big Al in "Panama Red" in 1976. Played Abar in "Abar, the First Black Superman" in 1977. Played Harold Johnson in "Big Time" in 1977. Played Guard in "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" in 1979. Performed in "Killer of Sheep" in 1979. Played Fritz in "Schizoid" in 1980. Played Third Indian in "Escape from New York" in 1981.
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On the west bank of Loch Oich near a spring known as Tobar nan Ceann stands a remarkable memorial to a bloody incident that took place in the 17th century. Seven brothers were executed for the deaths of two members of the Keppoch family. Their heads were washed in the spring before being presented to the clan chief.
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The cast of Monos con navaja - 2000 includes: Rodrigo Achondo as Cachulo Felipe Braun as Mario Pablo Cifuente as Teniente Nano Aguayo Carolina Fadic as Josefina Fernando Gallardo as Alcalde Loreto Inostroza as Mabel Mariana Loyola as Isabella Ignacio Tobar as Marcelo (Oficial Figueroa)
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The cast of Salvador de mujeres - 2010 includes: Ana Bolena Mesa as Mercedes Carina Cruz as Lula Katherine Escobar as Isabel Mauricio Figueroa as Pedro Gisselle Legere as Club Dancer Shirley Marulanda as Elena Orlando Miguel as Felipe Alejandra Sandoval as Socorro Vicente Tepedino as Gonzalo Lorena Tobar as Agustina Coraima Torres as Ana Morela Zuleta as Victoria
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The cast of Tough - 1974 includes: Ronnie Bowman Tammy Emerson Antionette Emerson Jina Gordon Dion Gossett as Johnny Tough Philip Hadler as David Rich Holmes as Teacher Inez Jacobsen as Nancy Loretta King Tobar Mayo Melvin Peoples as Herbie Detra Piernas as Bonnie Alfonso Ramos Sandy Reed as Denise Renny Roker as Phil Juan Russell as Juan Christopher Townes as Christopher
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The cast of El nominado - 2003 includes: Juan Andres Salfate as himself Paola Camaggi as Manicura Julieta Cardinali as Catalina Rodrigo Cuadra as himself Paulina De la Paz as Agustina Gonzalo Feito as Notero Paulina Magnere as herself Francisca Merino as Celina Juan Pablo Bastidas as Hombre Carpa Valentina Pollarolo as Mujer Carpa Francisco Reyes as Patricio Daniella Tobar as Ana Julio Videla as himself Felipe Viel as himself
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The cast of Immersion - 2009 includes: Nabor Acevedo as Father Gerardo Acevedo as Gerardo Antonio Acosta as Janitor Michelle Alvarez as Girl making Bunny Ears Angela Carlos De Silin as Mother Luis Cervantes as Pitcher Theodora Dunlap as Ms. Peterson Lewis Hernandez as Luis Johnny Jimenez as Enrique Ben Ortega as Principal Rosa Sherrie Saechao as Michelle Galo Tobar as Man in Poster Camryn Torres as Camryn Mario Villalta as Johnny
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Tyler Gallant has: Played Johnnie in "Ten with a Flag" in 2013. Played Sheriff Cristos (Lepus) in "Death by VHS" in 2013. Played Chaos in "Romans Road" in 2013. Played Johnny in "Night of the Sea Monkey: A Disturbing Tale" in 2013. Played Dr. David Gibson in "Poison Sky" in 2013. Played Tyler (segment "Sheep") in "Anxiety Overload" in 2014. Played Driver in "After the Chase" in 2014. Played Victor Campbell in "Euphorium: Genesis" in 2014. Played Gary Knapp in "The Walkers" in 2015. Played Tobar in "In the Woods: A Red Riding Tale" in 2015.
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The cast of Essas Mulheres - 2005 includes: Alexandre Bamba as Capataz Marcelo Bamba as Capataz Daniel Boaventura as Ferreira Pinto Roberto Bomtempo as Cunha Gabriel Braga Nunes as Fernando Seixas Marcos Breda as Alfredo Moreira Carlo Briani as Rodrigo Luiz Carlos de Moraes as Artur Amaral Talita Castro as Bela Lemos Mariana Clara as Nina Theodoro Cochrane as Geraldo Duarte Milhem Cortaz as Lobato Ewerton de Castro as Ministro Duarte Camila Dos Anjos as Ana Maristane Dresch as Laura Tuna Dwek as Fedra Luciano Faria as Teodoro Celso Frateschi as Pedro Camargo Miriam Freeland as Mila Duarte Adriana Garambone as Adelaide Amaral Bruno Giordano as Delegado Petronio Gontijo as Torquato Ribeiro Paulo Gorgulho as Manoel Lemos Ingra Liberato as Marli Lemos Leonardo Miggiorin as Pedrinho Alexandre Moreno as Dr. Augusto Alexandre Moreno as Dr.Augusto Ariel Mosche as Braz Ariel Moshe as Braz Padu Nairobi Pablo Rodrigues as Nicolino Lena Roque as Raimunda Ana Rosa as Camila Seixas Veruska Souza as Leonor Maria Stella Tobar as Mariquinha Seixas Maristela Tobar as Mariquinha Seixas Rodolfo Valente as Mateus Marcos Winter as Eduardo Abreu
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I had never heard this use before, but the Oxford English Dictionary lists as one of the definitions of toby to be "the highway" in thieves' slang. It is thought to have originated from toba' from tobar, the word for "road" in Shelta, the secret language of the Irish tinkers. It dates back in print to 1807.
In New Zealand, 'toby' is widely used to mean the mains water tap outside a house frontage, presumably because it is on, or at the side of, the highway.
This seems to have spread from Irish immigrants to Australia, and thence to NZ. Where the word is never used for 'highway', though it probably still is in the UK (where a 'Tobyman' meant a highwayman.
As a diminutive of the name Tobias, the Toby jug (Toby Fillpott) has no connection; it occurs in Cockney rhyming slang in 'toby jugs' for ears (lugs). Similar to 'Tobermory' for an unlikely story, from the main village of the island of Mull in Scotland.
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The cast of Quicksand - 2012 includes: John Calvanico as Undercover Street Cop Arturo Cardenas as Man in Street Crowd 1 Andre De Leon as Vagrant DawnMarie Ferrara as Lucia Sanchez Patricia Hoetzel as Woman in Street Crowd 1 Holland MacFallister as Twinkles Tandy William Mercado as Transit Cop 1 Anoush NeVart as Sasha Emilio Pantero as Mildred The Drag Queen Saul Rojas as Gangster Driver 1 Steven Rojas as Man in Street Crowd 3 Rob Roy Cesar as Jerry Bellows Kathy Salazar as Prison Lawyer Pete Sell as Transit Cop 2 Viancey Taveras as Homeless Teenager Richie Tee as Gangster Driver 2 Richard Tobar as Store Manager Nelson Velez as Corrections Officer
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Cameron Everts of Kempner, TX ran 6:05 at the toughest 1 mile in Texas on 7/10/10 . He was only 8 years old!! That was Cameron's last recorded 1 mile as he has moved on to running VERY FAST 5k times. Plan to record his 10 year old mile time sometime this year at a local event.
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First of all you go to Katie (the tailor)(in east village) and talk to her. Then she will tell you to find someone else who has the metal parts so you go to Tobar (In the petting zoo)(off of bayside) and talk to him.
Then go back to Katie and then pay the $2000
Now something should pop up saying go to the elevator and check the message, so do so.
You will now get a call And your diving suit is finished!!!
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The cast of Disappear Here - 2012 includes: Gaby Alpizar as Cosplayer - Sailor Mars Malka Ampuero as Cosplayer - Harley Quinn Carey Barns as Cosplayer - Rachel Alucard Alexa Burno as Cosplayer - Faye Valentine Manny Caso as Cosplayer - Riddler Junicorn Cosplay as Cosplayer - Momo Otakitty Cosplay as Ikuo - Cosplayer Lydia Davis as Cosplayer - Supergirl Nicholas Dufour as Cosplayer - Ghost Pro Edward Duran as Cosplayer - Mr. Blue Rafael Escorcia as Cosplayer - Ghostbuster Escorcia Amanda Izquierdo as Cosplayer - Iruka Sensei Sarah Jessup as Cosplayer - Black Cat Aleta Karpan as Cosplayer - Golden Corsair Meagan Lamb as Cosplayer - Skull Kid Lis Lominchar as Cosplayer - Sailor Moon Michelle Marcheco as Cosplayer - Silent Hill Nurse Dean McDermitt as himself Anna Navarrete as Cosplayer - Ciel Phantomhive Corina Orozco as Cosplayer - Chilindrina Franco Pejovac as Cosplayer - Captain Hook Nick Roldan as Cosplayer - Ghostbuster Roldan Krystal Stants as Cosplayer - Kirin - Monster Hunter Christian Tejada as Cosplayer - Ghostbuster Tejada Teppong Teppawan as Cosplayer - Mana Chardonnay Tobar as Cosplayer - Steampunk Harley Quinn Sake Vilasack as Cosplayer - Sasuke Vchiha
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Rashaan Nall has: Played Donny in "NYPD Blue" in 1993. Played Brett in "ER" in 1994. Played Lightning in "Touched by an Angel" in 1994. Played Lil Dawg in "Sister, Sister" in 1994. Played Pack Kid in "The Tin Soldier" in 1995. Played Dog in "Tyson" in 1995. Played Rafael Watson in "Nash Bridges" in 1996. Played Lucas in "Mr. Rhodes" in 1996. Played Jared Moore in "Social Studies" in 1997. Played Darin Watlington in "Cracker" in 1997. Played Lewis in "Inferno" in 1998. Played Peter Heath in "Principal Takes a Holiday" in 1998. Played Bad Actor in "Dancing in September" in 2000. Played Stray Bullet in "Leprechaun in the Hood" in 2000. Played G Smooth in "Something to Sing About" in 2000. Played T-Bird in "3 Strikes" in 2000. Played Walt Powell in "One on One" in 2001. Played Ronald in "The Wash" in 2001. Performed in "The Bernie Mac Show" in 2001. Played Floyd in "Snipes" in 2001. Played Tobar in "The Shield" in 2002. Played Evan Bingham in "Without a Trace" in 2002. Played himself in "2nd Annual BET Awards" in 2002. Played Titus Oliver in "Blind Justice" in 2005. Played Walt Powell in "Cuts" in 2005. Played Jesse Roberts in "Standoff" in 2006. Played Darryl in "The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman" in 2006. Played Cloudy in "Spoken Word" in 2009.
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