The cast of Posta pre teba - 2004 includes: Jan Gordulic as The Postman
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Tola has no meaning in Hebrew. But you can spell it phonetically as: טולה
3 answers
The cast of Bailando - Tanec pre teba - 2007 includes: Pavel Bruchala as himself Martin Dejdar as himself Josef Laufer as Himself - Judge Vilo Rozboril as Himself - Host Laci Strike as himself Patrik Svajda as himself
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3rd and 4th september-wonderful progamme over the two days
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я тебя люблю
this is kinda what it's like with English letters
ia teba liubliu
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Sorry but it took place on the 5 & 6 of September
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it's called teba from elliott lucca try bags or amazon for a better deal though
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the capital of upper egypt was known as Teba(luxor) and the capital of upper egypt was in nile delta then the two were united by Mena the pharoh of upper egypt
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Frauenarzt is a German rapper from Berlin. His real name is Vincente de Teba Kolterhoff and is well known for his explicit lyrics and his first big hit was "Das geht ab" in 2009.
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tebuah is not a Hebrew word, but it sounds like tvu'ah (תבו××”) which means "cereal grain" or maybe tibuah (טיבוע) which means "sinking"
2 answers
The cast of Terroir - 2012 includes: Mattia Barzaghi as himself Keith Carradine as Jonathan Bragg Jo Cooke as The Englishman Salvatore Ferragamo as Massimo Gaetano Guarino as Victor Borgo Roberto Renieri as Bob the Bouncer Alessandro Scardigli as Teba
1 answer
The Importance of school laboratory is .. !
bsta importante yon .. !
importante nga teba .. ?
wag pa ulet ulet .. !
D kita bosz ahh .. !
baLiw .. ka .. !
Certified JeoRge Nq Bayan .. !
--- ERLJEORGE BOCOBO .. !! ---
Just Add me On FaceBook .. !
1 answer
Do you mean how to say 'what is your name' in Russian?
shto tvoe imea? - what is your name?
no that's not your name!!!
Russians say: KAK TEBIA (TEBA) ZOVUT? or KAK VAS ZOVUT (respectfully or more than one person. //// well yes it is not chto tvoyo Imya. Its как тебя зовут informal or как вас зовут formal. This literally means "How do they you call/refer to you?" Or something like that.
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Robert the Bruce's body is buried in Dunfermline Abbey, while his heart is buried in Melrose Abbey. His embalmed heart was to be taken on crusade by his lieutenant and friend Sir James Douglas to the Holy Land, but only reached Moorish Granada, where it acted as a talisman for the Scottish contingent at the Battle of Teba. According to legend, the heart was later recovered by Sir William Keith and taken back to Scotland to be buried at Melrose Abbey, in Roxburghshire.
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S M Moloi is the author of the book "Born to Kwaito: Reflections on the Kwaito Generation." The book explores the impact of the Kwaito music genre on South African society and culture.
7 answers
The headquarters of the Northwest bank are centered in both Iowa and Nebraska. Locations for Northwest bank include: Algona, Ankeny, Arnold's Park, Belmond, Estherville, Fort Dodge, Humboldt, Milford, Spencer, Spirit Lake, Storm Lake, and West Des Moines, Iowa. Nebraska includes just two locations; La Vista and Omaha.
4 answers
Emil Hurtik has written:
'In phase' -- subject(s): English language, Style, Sentences, Report writing
'An introduction to short fiction and criticism' -- subject(s): College readers
'Insight' -- subject(s): College readers, English language, Problems, exercises, Report writing, Rhetoric
7 answers
Not so. This correction is itself based on a fallacy. While Sir James Douglas' mission furth of Scotland with King Robert's heart in a silver casket is historical, the gesture with the casket is purely legendary as are any words ascribed to Douglas in his fatal encounter with the Moors of Granada. In any case, the poems that gave rise to this myth either describe the gesture as occurring at the beginning of the battle at Teba or repeatedly in numerous battles in the Holy Land. In each case Douglas recovers the heart and rides on. In no version of Douglas' speech does the term 'Braveheart' appear.
Sir Walter Scott was responsible for creating the story of Douglas, in extremis, hurling the casket with Bruce's heart into the midst of the enemy, which appeared in his 'Tales of a Grandfather' (1827).Logic inconveniently suggests that, the only surviving witnesses of the fight being Andalusi or Berber soldiers, no one would have understood Douglas' last words, far less recorded them for posterity.1 answer
Josef Laufer has: Played Singer in "Musik aus Studio B" in 1961. Played Singer in "Die Drehscheibe" in 1964. Played himself in "Horecka" in 1964. Performed in "Revue pre jeden a pol orchestra" in 1965. Performed in "Niet inej cesty" in 1968. Played Singer in "ZDF Hitparade" in 1969. Played Rambling singer Engelbert in "Toulavy Engelbert" in 1973. Played Varlet in "Noc na Karlstejne" in 1974. Performed in "Operation: Daybreak" in 1975. Played New Bridegroom in "Panna a netvor" in 1979. Played Joe in "Challenge of the Tiger" in 1980. Played Paulo in "Cirkus Humberto" in 1988. Played Advocate Jose in "Tri Alberti a slecna Matylda" in 1994. Played Magic Master in "Tajomstvo stastia" in 1995. Played Drexel in "Dangerous Prey" in 1995. Played Suler in "Bubu a Filip" in 1996. Played himself in "Immer wieder geht die Sonne auf" in 1999. Played Himself - Judge in "Bailando - Tanec pre teba" in 2007. Played himself in "Slovenka roka 2010" in 2010.
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The best way to learn Russian online is to find a professional Russian tutor who is a Russian native speaker and who lives in an English speaking country. The other way is to find some free Russian language related sites (for example pen4pals.com, pen-pal-club-edelveis.info, masterussian.com) and get some kind of a tutorial.
Its actually easy...!!! Im russian but i was not born in russia. I know only some words. I don't know how to change keyboard letters but For example if you want to say, hi, say, Privet. If you want to say, i love you, say, Ya teba lublu. Its actually a beautiful language! Plus if you hear our russian songs you may not know the words but it is beautiful
You can learn to speak Russian by taking a class in speaking Russian or by purchasing a computer program in speaking Russian. I did much better in the class than with the computer program but I understand computer programs have been greatly improved.
A number of websites offer online tutoring in speaking Russian. It is also possible to purchase tutoring materials on DVD and in audio form. To learn to speak a language it is important to listen to it being spoken by native speakers so an opportunity to converse with Russian people is a very good way to develop pronunciation skills.
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Maria Eugénia Ignacia Augustina Palafox de Guzmán Portocarrero y Kirkpatrick, 9th Countess de Teba, aka Eugénia de Montijo (May 5, 1826 - July 1920) was Empress of France (1853-1871).
- Empress Eugénie -
The future and last Empress of France was born in Granada, Spain to Don Cipriano Palafox de Guzmán y Portocarrero, Count de Teba, subsequently Count de Montijo, and his half-Scottish, half-Spanish wife, Maria Manuela Kirkpatrick, a daughter of the Scots-born William Kirkpatrick, who became U. S. Consul to Malaga and later operated a wine bar. Her sister, Maria Francisca de Sales, aka Paca, inherited the Montijo title as well as other subsidiary family titles, married the duke of Alba, and died in 1860. According to some sources, Don Cipriano was not the father of his daughters, and rumor had it that Eugenie's father was actually a British diplomat, George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), later 4th Earl of Clarendon, who gained fame as British Foreign Secretary.
The Countess de Teba, as Eugénia/Eugénie was known before her marriage, was educated in Paris at the fashionable convent of Sacré Coeur, where she received an indelibly Catholic training. When Louis Napoleon became president of the Second Republic she appeared with her mother at the balls given by the prince-president at the Elysée, and it was there that she met the future Emperor Napoleon III, whom she wed on January 30, 1853, not long after he had been rebuffed in his eager attempts to marry Queen Victoria's teenage niece Princess Adelaide von Hohenlohe-Langenburg. In a speech from the throne on the 22nd of January he formally announced his engagement, saying "I have preferred a woman whom I love and respect to a woman unknown to me, with whom an alliance would have had advantages mixed with sacrifices." The love match was looked upon as bourgeois in some British circles; The Times wrote, "We learn with some amusement that this romantic event in the annals of the French Empire has called forth the strongest opposition, and provoked the utmost irritation. The Imperial family, the Council of Ministers, and even the lower coteries of the palace or its purlieus, all affect to regard this marriage as an amazing humiliation ...." Apparently, a 26-year-old Spanish countess was not considered nearly good enough for a Bonaparte (in any case, rumor suggests that the emperor was probably not even a blood Bonaparte, but the result of one of his mother's extramarital affairs).
On March 16, 1856, the empress gave birth to a son, Napoleon Eugene, Prince Imperial. By her beauty, elegance and charm of manner she contributed largely to the brilliance of the imperial regime. When she wore the new cage crinolines in 1855, all Europe followed suit, and when she abandoned vast skirts at the end of the '60s, the silhouette of women's dress followed her again. As she was educated and very intelligent, Eugénie's husband usually consulted her on important questions, and she acted as Regent during his absences, in 1859, 1865 and 1870. Eugenie's influence countered any liberal tendencies in the emperor's policies. She was a staunch defender of papal temporal powers in Italy.
When the Second Empire was overthrown after France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), the empress and her husband took refuge in England, and settled at Chislehurst, Kent. After his death in 1873 she moved to Farnborough, Hampshire and to a villa she built at Cap Martin on the French Riviera, where lived in retirement, abstaining from all interference in French politics.
The former empress died in July 1920 at the age of 94, during a visit to her native Spain, and she is interred in the Imperial Crypt at Saint Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, with her husband and her son, the Prince Imperial, who died in 1879 in Africa during battle with Zulu warriors.
Her deposed family's association with England was commemorated when the second daughter of the present Duke of York, born in 1990, was named Princess Eugenie.
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I'm not sure of the lyrics but the definition of the NOMALANGA is derived from LANGA which is Nguni(Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Swati) for SUN. In Nguni vernacular it is customary that a female is prefixed by "NO" or "NOMA", depending on the how the word sounds. For example a boy would be called LANGA while a girl is called NOMALANGA, these both mean the same but differ in a gender - context.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nomalannga is a song about separation of families in South Africa during the Apartheid era.A man is lamenting about leaving his young wife (hint: he talks about leaving "children") & family for 5 years (i.e a contractual obligation with Teba - a big mining company at the time), he tries to console her and tells her to dry her tears cause everything will be alright. He vows that he will never end up living in hostels for good, where young men used to live and where women were not allowed. (What he means essentially is that he will not be broken by the system as many young men ended up disillusioned and left their families for good or became alcoholics due to the shame of being unable to provide for their families.)He then says things will change shortly, its only a matter of time - this is in reference to the political situation at the time, which ofcourse, was not legal to mention or protest against.In short, its a very sad song, which talks about the suffering during the Apartheid era that is rarely talked about - the breakdown of families and the hopelessness & anguish which was brought by the separation.
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Martin Dejdar has: Performed in "Masseba" in 1989. Played Jozka in "Houpacka" in 1990. Played Bernardo in "Slunce, seno, erotika" in 1991. Played David Bauer in "Pofoukej mi jahody" in 1991. Played Bejby in "Sakali leta" in 1993. Played Presenter in "Cesky lev (1993-2003)" in 1994. Played Himself - Judge in "Caruso Show" in 1994. Played himself in "Eso" in 1994. Played Karel Rossman in "Amerika" in 1994. Played Pepino in "Cesta peklem" in 1995. Played Richard Majer in "Ucitel tance" in 1995. Played Pedro in "Une trop bruyante solitude" in 1996. Played himself in "Sama doma" in 1998. Performed in "Vincenz Priessnitz" in 1999. Played Inspector Tomas Hatcher in "The Manor" in 1999. Played himself in "Noc s Andelem" in 1999. Played himself in "Letadlo" in 2001. Played Homenides de Histangua in "Brouk v hlave" in 2002. Played Fremen Captain in "Children of Dune" in 2003. Played himself in "Rex-patriates" in 2004. Played himself in "Dementi" in 2004. Played David Brancusi in "Ulice" in 2005. Played Podnikatel in "Trapasy" in 2007. Played himself in "Bailando - Tanec pre teba" in 2007. Played himself in "Anno 2008 - 15 let TV Nova" in 2009. Played himself in "Show Jana Krause" in 2010. Played himself in "Anno 2009" in 2010. Played himself in "Top Star" in 2011. Played Karas in "Bastardi II" in 2011. Performed in "Kozi pribeh se syrem" in 2012. Played Innkeeper in "Duch nad zlato" in 2013. Performed in "Co v detektivce nebylo" in 2013.
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Nina Foch has: Played Jan Colburn in "Wagon Wheels West" in 1943. Played Marie Latour in "Cry of the Werewolf" in 1944. Played Alice Blake in "Nine Girls" in 1944. Played Frieda Brenner in "Strange Affair" in 1944. Played Lois Garland in "Shadows in the Night" in 1944. Played Nicki Saunders in "The Return of the Vampire" in 1944. Played Eileen Carr in "Escape in the Fog" in 1945. Played Constantia in "A Song to Remember" in 1945. Played Ellen Monk in "I Love a Mystery" in 1945. Played Julia Ross in "My Name Is Julia Ross" in 1945. Played Anne Graham in "Prison Ship" in 1945. Played Harem Girl in "A Thousand and One Nights" in 1945. Performed in "Lights Out" in 1946. Played Susie Pearson in "The Guilt of Janet Ames" in 1947. Performed in "Kraft Television Theatre" in 1947. Played Herself - Guest Panelist in "Pantomime Quiz" in 1947. Played Elizabeth in "The Philco Television Playhouse" in 1948. Played Joyce Newell in "Studio One" in 1948. Performed in "The Chevrolet Tele-Theatre" in 1948. Played Betty in "The Dark Past" in 1948. Performed in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Wife in "The Chevrolet Tele-Theatre" in 1948. Played Melissa Turner in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Carrie Brown Huddleston in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Fran Dundee in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Barbara in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Belinda Cattson in "Studio One" in 1948. Played Herself - Actress in "Texaco Star Theater" in 1948. Played Glenda Chapman in "Johnny Allegro" in 1949. Played Judith Warren in "The Undercover Man" in 1949. Performed in "Suspense" in 1949. Performed in "Somerset Maugham TV Theatre" in 1950. Played Sabrina in "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" in 1950. Performed in "Danger" in 1950. Played Flo in "Lux Video Theatre" in 1950. Performed in "Nash Airflyte Theatre" in 1950. Performed in "Cameo Theatre" in 1950. Played Jessica in "Lux Video Theatre" in 1950. Played Jane Conway in "Lux Video Theatre" in 1950. Played Herself - Guest Performer in "Your Show of Shows" in 1950. Played Sophie Teale in "The Colgate Comedy Hour" in 1950. Played Terry in "Lux Video Theatre" in 1950. Played Jane Crosby in "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" in 1950. Performed in "Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" in 1950. Performed in "Armstrong Circle Theatre" in 1950. Played Milo Roberts in "An American in Paris" in 1951. Played Linda Kovacs in "St. Benny the Dip" in 1951. Performed in "Tales of Tomorrow" in 1951. Performed in "Faith Baldwin Romance Theatre" in 1951. Performed in "Schlitz Playhouse of Stars" in 1951. Performed in "Hollywood Opening Night" in 1951. Performed in "Two Girls Named Smith" in 1951. Played herself in "That Reminds Me" in 1952. Played Joyce Laramie in "Young Man with Ideas" in 1952. Played Marie Antoinette in "Scaramouche" in 1952. Performed in "The Gulf Playhouse" in 1952. Performed in "Chesterfield Presents" in 1952. Played Julia Walton in "The United States Steel Hour" in 1953. Played Mrs. Davenheim in "General Electric Theater" in 1953. Played Mrs. Graff in "Letter to Loretta" in 1953. Played Elena Cantu in "Sombrero" in 1953. Performed in "General Electric Theater" in 1953. Played Mercedes Bellway in "Fast Company" in 1953. Performed in "The Philip Morris Playhouse" in 1953. Played Grace Barlow in "The United States Steel Hour" in 1953. Played Joan Rogers in "Letter to Loretta" in 1953. Played Ellen Townsend in "General Electric Theater" in 1953. Performed in "The United States Steel Hour" in 1953. Played Erica Martin in "Executive Suite" in 1954. Played Maggie Flannery in "Four Guns to the Border" in 1954. Played Aunt Lavinia Culp in "Disneyland" in 1954. Performed in "Justice" in 1954. Played Ellen Miles in "Illegal" in 1955. Played Agatha Corey in "Gunsmoke" in 1955. Played Brita in "The Alcoa Hour" in 1955. Played Beatrice in "Matinee Theatre" in 1955. Played Joan Byrnes in "The 20th Century-Fox Hour" in 1955. Played Susan Harland in "The 20th Century-Fox Hour" in 1955. Played Bithiah in "The Ten Commandments" in 1956. Played Lt. Mary Jane McCoy in "Three Brave Men" in 1956. Played Mrs. Kelly in "Playhouse 90" in 1956. Played Libby Hanneman in "Playhouse 90" in 1956. Played Wanda Newton in "Playhouse 90" in 1956. Played herself in "Tonight Starring Jack Paar" in 1957. Played Clara Beauchamp in "Wagon Train" in 1957. Performed in "The Thin Man" in 1957. Played Mrs. Claire Holden in "Pursuit" in 1958. Played Kitty Lamson in "Naked City" in 1958. Played Maude Hutchinson in "Naked City" in 1958. Played Madrina Wilcox in "Rawhide" in 1959. Played Andromache in "Play of the Week" in 1959. Played Clarissa in "Bonanza" in 1959. Played Anne Elliot in "Checkmate" in 1960. Played Maude Kennard in "Cash McCall" in 1960. Played Lillian Aldrich in "Route 66" in 1960. Played Helena Glabrus in "Spartacus" in 1960. Played Autumn Ely in "Route 66" in 1960. Played Samantha in "Route 66" in 1960. Played Sally Mellanby in "Moment of Fear" in 1960. Played Kitty Blaine in "Bus Stop" in 1961. Played Rose Greenbow in "The Americans" in 1961. Played Ginny Thatcher in "The Dick Powell Show" in 1961. Played Georgia Pettigrew in "Dr. Kildare" in 1961. Played Frances Graham in "The Virginian" in 1962. Played herself in "Your First Impression" in 1962. Played Mrs. Danvers in "Rebecca" in 1962. Played Nora Hildon in "Sam Benedict" in 1962. Played herself in "Girl Talk" in 1962. Played Vera Stannard in "Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre" in 1963. Played Angelica Cellini in "The Greatest Show on Earth" in 1963. Played Eva Fraser in "The Outer Limits" in 1963. Played Dee in "Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre" in 1963. Played Ellen Burnham in "Arrest and Trial" in 1963. Played Sarah Middleton in "Kraft Suspense Theatre" in 1963. Played Maggie in "Mr. Broadway" in 1964. Played Marlee Cole in "A Man Called Shenandoah" in 1965. Played Gerta in "I Spy" in 1965. Played herself in "Gypsy" in 1965. Played Duchess Sophia in "The Wild Wild West" in 1965. Played Terry Simms in "The F.B.I." in 1965. Played Carlotta in "The Long, Hot Summer" in 1965. Played Frances Nelson in "That Girl" in 1966. Played herself in "The Joey Bishop Show" in 1967. Played Marian Scott in "Hawaii Five-O" in 1968. Played Virginia Westphal in "The Mod Squad" in 1968. Played Carol Flemming in "Prescription: Murder" in 1968. Played Mrs. Fredericks in "The Name of the Game" in 1968. Played Angela Morgan in "The Name of the Game" in 1968. Played Mrs. Dykstra in "The Mod Squad" in 1968. Played Diana Masterson in "To Rome with Love" in 1969. Played Bibi Crosby in "Gidget Grows Up" in 1969. Played Police Sergeant F.J. Dameron in "McCloud" in 1970. Performed in "Paris 7000" in 1970. Played herself in "The Virginia Graham Show" in 1970. Performed in "Storefront Lawyers" in 1970. Played Sylvia Mitchell in "Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law" in 1971. Played Mrs. Peterson in "The Brian Keith Show" in 1972. Played Goody Rickby in "The Scarecrow" in 1972. Played Ceil in "The ABC Afternoon Playbreak" in 1972. Played Myra Westmore in "Barnaby Jones" in 1973. Played Amelia Craig in "Female Artillery" in 1973. Played Nellie in "The Wide World of Mystery" in 1973. Played Mrs. Penninger in "Salty" in 1973. Played Eleanor DeRoche in "Barnaby Jones" in 1973. Played Irene Denore in "The Magician" in 1973. Performed in "Salty" in 1974. Played Madame Trevi in "Kolchak: The Night Stalker" in 1974. Played Miss Evans in "Mahogany" in 1975. Played Rev. Le Veyne in "The Great Houdini" in 1976. Played Mrs. Polk in "Lou Grant" in 1977. Played Aunt Lavinia Culp in "Child of Glass" in 1978. Played Mrs. Calley in "Jennifer" in 1978. Played Dr. Adela Teba in "Ebony, Ivory and Jade" in 1979. Played Julie Luden in "Trapper John, M.D." in 1979. Played Literary Party Guest in "Rich and Famous" in 1981. Played Rebecca Kinkaid in "Murder, She Wrote" in 1984. Played Mildred Hofsteder in "Mike Hammer" in 1984. Played Katie Emhardt in "Murder, She Wrote" in 1984. Played Milo Roberts in "Cinema 3" in 1984. Played Gloria Morrell in "Hunter" in 1984. Played Hannah Kingsley in "Comedy Factory" in 1985. Played herself in "American Masters" in 1985. Played Dr. Juliana Moorhouse in "Shadow Chasers" in 1985. Played Real Estate Agent in "Nomads" in 1986. Played Lawyer Camille Carlton in "L.A. Law" in 1986. Played herself in "Biography" in 1987. Played Comtesse de Chambrun in "War and Remembrance" in 1988. Played Hazel Laidlaw in "Dixie Lanes" in 1988. Performed in "Room for Romance" in 1990. Played Carmela Kaufman in "Reasonable Doubts" in 1991. Played Ellen Scott in "The Sands of Time" in 1992. Played Mrs. Venible in "In the Arms of a Killer" in 1992. Played Evelyn McEvoy in "Sliver" in 1993. Played Bernice in "Missing Persons" in 1993. Played Miss Beasly in "Morning Glory" in 1993. Played Burak in "Alien Nation: Dark Horizon" in 1994. Played Herself - Actress in "100 Years of Horror: Girl Ghouls" in 1996. Played herself in "100 Years of Horror: The Double Demons" in 1996. Played herself in "100 Years of Horror: Werewolves" in 1996. Played herself in "100 Years of Horror: The Count and Company" in 1996. Played Alice Baring in "Hush" in 1998. Played herself in "Classified X" in 1998. Played Peg Miller in "Family Blessings" in 1998. Played Sylvia Saxon in "Shadow of Doubt" in 1998. Played herself in "Universal Horror" in 1998. Played Madeline in "Bull" in 2000. Played Betsy Collander in "Pumpkin" in 2002. Played Mrs. Victoria Mallard in "NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service" in 2003. Played Grandma Halley in "How to Deal" in 2003. Played Mrs. Holmes in "Back When We Were Grownups" in 2004. Played Eileen Carr in "Budd Boetticher: A Man Can Do That" in 2005. Played Doris Donnelly in "The Closer" in 2005. Played Herself - In Memoriam in "The 81st Annual Academy Awards" in 2009. Played Herself - Memorial Tribute in "15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards" in 2009. Played herself in "The Nina Foch Course for Filmmakers and Actors" in 2010.
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