The scientific name for Tokay Gecko is Gekko gecko.
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first of all if any breed beside tokay gecko you can hold it! if tokay gecko it is because it does not enjoy it and will bite!
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Yes. The tokay geckos primary form of defense is its agile speed and ability to scale vertical surfaces. if that doesn't work, they will bark and bite.
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Tokay is not the name of a state in any country. Tokay is a gecko in Asia.
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Eating a tokay gecko to cure H I V is a myth. The people of Malyasia and surrounding area believe eating a tokay gecko will cure illnesses and diesease. This is all false. There is also a believe that it can be used as a
Aphrodisiac, this assumption is also false.
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Tokay would rip the life out of ur bearded dragon buddy
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The common tokay gecko is not a pricey gecko. They are an invasive species in several parts of the world and are somewhat common. Morphs of tokay geckos are highly sought out due to the rarity of these amazing colors and patterns.
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A tokay geckos natural instinct is to defend one's self. A tokay will bark to ward off predators, call a mate, stress, or simple exhaustion.
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Tuko or tokek is the native name the Indonesian people have given the Tokay gecko. the name derives from the sounds that a tokay makes. These animals are very aggressive but not venomous in any ways.
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There are two common myths of geckos. In South Eastern Asia, the native people believe that the tokay gecko are a method of warding off bad energy and spirits. Others in the area believe that if the tokay gecko is consumed that the effects can cure aids and HIV. The last and final myth of the Asian communities is that the tokay gecko is an aphrodisiac.
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Tokay geckos, though cute and exotic, don't make good pets for people who have low tolerance for nastiness. They are referred to as "the pitbulls of the gecko world" for their unusually strong bite and their viciousness.
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No, In southeast Asia it is a myth that the Tokay gecko can do these two things; one being that after ingesting the animal it would cure HIV and aids. The second being that if they are consumed they will serve as an aphrodisiac.
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Tokay geckos are known to be the "pitbull" of the gecko family. They tend to be very territorial and aggressive, although can be hand tamed.
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Tokay geckos are one of the most aggressive gecko species. They're often reffered as the pitbull of the gecko world. These animals do not enjoy handling. Your presence is enough to startle this species.
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almost every gecko some names are the tokay gecko the crested gecko and the golden gecko you can tell by looking at their eyes if their pupil is a sslit they are nocturnal
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In captivity a tokay gecko can typically live 15+ years while in the wild they typically live for 5-10 years.
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Yes of course, if it is a cricket spider pinky(baby mouse) weaker gecko ( if both are males) and a tokay gecko definitely!
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You could have a 300Gram tokay gecko reaching 11" in length or you could have a 300G leachie reaching 14" in length. It depends on the species of gecko.
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It will first bark a warning but then will try to flee but if that fails it will atack
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Since the Tokay Gecko is not venomous - simply clean the bite area with antiseptic, and if necessary apply a sticking plaster to protect the wound while it heals.
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* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos
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The average lifespan of Tokay geckos is around 7-10 years in their natural habitat. They can be anything of average 10-20 years with proper care in captivity.
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Depending on your location, The tokay gecko is probably your noise maker. The males of this species are able to reach 100Grams +. During the warmer weather the males make a vocalization to attract a female. "oh ugh" The begining of the call is a higher tone than the end of the call. Resembles their name "to-kay"
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I think you mean the Tokay Gecko, and they can be found in Northeast India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the Western part of New Guinea
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Tokay geckos are one of the largest and strongest species of gecko. They are insectivores with great speed and maneuvering ability due to the setae on their hands and feet. In my experience, these animals will not show interest into anything other than live feeders. If one is wishing to provide a treat for the Tokay gecko, try feeding appropriately sized roaches, horned worms, silk worms and Ive been success full in feeding Tokay's Repashy MRP
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mealworms, crickets and larger tokays will take pinkie's (baby mice) good luck
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It will bite and not let go for quite a long time maybe even for 2 hours!
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A little more specific question, there are Multiple species endemic to Madagascar.
Depending on which one, there may be some similar traits between them and Tokay. Madagascar is an area with a lot of humidity and relatively hot temperatures. With humidity levels reaching 65-85% daily and temps reaching up to 85-100F on a typical day, the Tokay gecko may be able to live in this area. One species of day gecko that come from Madagascar named the Giant Day Gecko are able to reach moderately large sizes, similar to a Tokay. Their is also species from Madagascar that have sticky pads (setae) on the bottom of their feet that allow them to scale almost and type of surface, as does the Tokay
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The enemies of a gecko are a) Snake b) Owl c) Small mammals d) Centipedes e) Scorpions
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The only species capable of reaching that size and weight would be the Tokay Gecko (G. Gekko). Most house gecko species are Mediterranean species only reaching 5-15Grams in weight.
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Species of gecko that come from the same region, habitat and ecosystem are able to co exist with factors such as: space, temperament's, personality, feeding schedules, light cycles, heat, humidity, hideouts, breeding season.
For example: Tokay geckos and Golden geckos both come from Southeast Asia. The tokay gecko is a very territorial, aggressive species and if housed with a Golden gecko (even though they require the exact same housing conditions) There is a sure chance that the golden gecko will have wounds from the tokay.
Housing multiple species is not recommended for a avid hobbyist.
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A tokay gecko can vary in size depending on the sex of the animal. Males grow to be larger then females for territorial and breeding purposes. Males can grow up to 12-14" in length and weigh up to 150-200 grams. Females can reach 12" in length and reach 100-150 grams on average.
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The urban Myth that a tokay can cure H.I.V, AIDS, or to be used as an aphrodesiac is simply something that the people of Indonesia and Malyasia believe. One has said that eating the tails, others believe the sounds they make are to ward off spirits. The tokay gecko is a iconic symbol to the people of Asia. A symbol of pride and strength.
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I've had my Tokay for about 2 weeks now and they are tamable if you handle them correctly. he did bite a lot for the first couple days but you have to move a bit slow when you go to touch them. fast movements are a threat. you spook them, they get defensive. they will get use to you handling them and wont be a hassle to take them out of the cage. my Tokay actually no longer bites at me, but does bite at others. they know who their owner is. They will try to run off and jump out of your hands when you first take him out but in most cases, after being removed from the terrarium they calm down. You'll have a much better chance at taming the Tokay gecko outside of the enclosure, rather than within.
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No ! Botox is a man-made product synthesised from the Botulinium Toxin. It's used in the cosmetic industry to temporarily smooth out wrinkles !
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Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.
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i think in my country having not more then 300gm.. and also i having 2 gacko of 300 gm and length 13 to 14 inch.
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They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D
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