Not many know this so I did some serious research:
The name used for Bible by God was: The Injil (Arabic إنجيل (or Injeel) is the Arabic name for the Christian gospel/Bible.
To many, the origin of the Bible can be summed-up as follows: "A mere translation of a translation of an interpretation of an oral tradition" - and therefore, a book with no credibility or connection to the original texts.
Origin of the Word Bible:
The word "Bible" does not occur in the Holy Scriptures. The English word "Bible" is a manufactured, made-up word. Its origin is in the Greek word for the papyrus (pa-Pie-rus) plant that the Egyptians used to make paper. The Greeks called the plant biblos and eventually writing products derived from the plant such as scrolls became known as biblos. There is even an ancient Phoenician city named "Byblos" whose name is derived from its extensive manufacturer and trade in writing materials. To invent the word Bible, scholars borrowed the plural Greek word "biblia" meaning scrolls, or "little books" and created the English word Bible.
In Islam the Bible is held to reflect true unfolding revelations from God; but revelation which had been corrupted or distorted ; which necessitated the giving of the Quran to the Prophet Mohammad o correct this deviation.
Specifically, the Qur'an identifies books known as the Tawrah (Torah) given to Musa (Moses), theZabur (Psalm) given to Daud (David), and the Injil (Gospel) given toIsa (Jesus) as genuine divine revelations brought Messenger so the Jews and the followers of Ibrahim (Abraham).
I investigated the origin of the Bible and its authors and discovered that it has many contradictions and unknown authors and some are Jews and other single famous ones and some of the authors didn't even know Jesus but nonetheless wrote what he said.
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Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Although funny, the line above is not entirely correct. Bible comes from the Greek 'biblia' - meaning 'books'. The bible is a collection of 66 books.
Gubla (present-day Jbeil in Lebanon) is a Phoenician town noted for its abundant papyrus. Before paper was derived from trees ancients used fiber from the stem of the papyrus plant upon which to write messages and documents. They rolled them up into safekeeping and handled these delicately due to their tendency to become brittle over time. Unlike wood and stone, which the ancients used for inscriptions, papyrus was lighter, easier to transport and certainly easier to use and keep. In 1200 B.C. the Greeks renamed the city Byblos from their word for book which by this time was made of papyrus. Since books were made from pages of papyrus and Gubla was the known world's center, they called the town Byblos. Later, Romans translated the-word for book (byblos) into the Latin Biblia, and it is this word from which the English word "Bible" was derived.
3 answers