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Edmund Sturge died in 1893.

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Edmund Sturge was born in 1808.

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David Sturge was born in 1948.

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Joseph Sturge died in 1859.

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Joseph Sturge was born in 1793.

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Alfred Sturge was born in 1816.

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King Sturge was created in 1760.

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King Sturge's population is 2,010.

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William Allen Sturge was born in 1850.

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Alfred Sturge died on 1901-01-25.

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May Sturge Gretton has written:


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Thomas Sturge Moore was born on March 4, 1870.

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Thomas Sturge Moore was born on March 4, 1870.

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Robert F. Sturge has written:

'The weather at Clifton'

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T. Sturge Moore has written:

'Albrecht Altdorfer'

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Thomas Sturge Moore died on July 18, 1944 at the age of 74.

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In May 2011, King Sturge was purchased for €197 million, or $261,202,193.04. King Sturge is a Real Estate Company, having expertise in banking and financing.

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Thomas Sturge Moore died on July 18, 1944 at the age of 74.

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William Allen Sturge died in 1919.

2 answers

Sturge-Weber syndrome is a sporadic disease that is found throughout the world, affecting males and females equally.

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Thomas Sturge Moore was born on March 4, 1870 and died on July 18, 1944. Thomas Sturge Moore would have been 74 years old at the time of death or 145 years old today.

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Charles R. Sturge has written:

'Emotional first aid' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Mental health

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Joseph Sturge has written:

'A visit to the United States in 1841' -- subject(s): United States, Controversial literature, Slavery, Description and travel

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Lewis F. Sturge has written:

'Basic rules of the Supreme Court' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Great Britain. Supreme Court of Judicature

2 answers

Donald R. Sturge has written:

'Lumpfish roe fishery development in Newfoundland during 1980' -- subject(s): Government policy, Lumpfish fisheries

1 answer

William Allen Sturge has written:

'The phenomena of angina pectoris, and their bearing upon the theory of counter-irritation' -- subject(s): Angina pectoris, Irritation

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Sturge-Weber syndrome is a rare disorder that is present at birth. A child with this condition will have a port-wine stain birthmark (usually on the face) and neurologic problems.

Alternative Names

Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The cause of Sturge-Weber is unknown. It is not thought to be passed down (inherited) through families.

  • Port-wine stain (more common on the face than the body)
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis or weakness on one side
  • Learning disabilities
Signs and tests

Glaucoma may be one sign of the condition.

Tests may include:


Treatment is based on the patient's signs and symptoms, and may include:

  • Anticonvulsant medicines for seizures
  • Eye drops or surgery to treat glaucoma
  • Laser therapyfor port-wine stains
  • Physical therapy for paralysis or weakness
  • Possible brain surgery to prevent seizures
Expectations (prognosis)

Most cases of Sturge-Weber are not life-threatening. The patient's quality of life depends on how well the symptoms (such as seizures) can be prevented or treated.

Patients will need to visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year to treat glaucoma. They also will need to see a neurologist to treat seizures and other neurologic symptoms.

  • Abnormal blood vessel growth in the skull
  • Continued growth of the port-wine stain
  • Developmental delays
  • Emotional and behavioral problems
  • Glaucoma, which may lead to blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Seizures
Calling your health care provider

The health care provider should check all birthmarks, including a port-wine stain. Seizures, vision problems, paralysis, and changes in alertness or mental state may mean the coverings of the brain are involved. These symptoms should be evaluated right away.


There is no known prevention.


Haslam RHA. Neurocutaneous syndromes. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 596.

2 answers

Mary Sturge Gretton has written:


'Burford, past and present' -- subject(s): History

'A corner of the Cotswolds through the nineteenth century' -- subject(s): History

'George Meredith' -- subject(s): Accessible book

1 answer

It is not "found in", it may "co-exist with" that is a different

1 answer

Kate Sturge has written:

'\\' -- subject(s): History, History and criticism, Literature, Modern, Modern Literature, National socialism and literature, Political aspects, Political aspects of Translating and interpreting, Translating and interpreting, Translations in German

'The alien within: translation into German during the Nazi regime' -- subject(s): German literature, OUR Brockhaus selection

1 answer

Yes, a franchise operator has placed a lease on a unit King Sturge are developing on their houndstone business park located near ASDA. The unit is being placed on the far left side (opposite Homebase). The restaurant will house a drive-thru, and a seperated carpark (as per plans).

More information is available from South Somerset council's planning department and King Sturge themselves.

2 answers

Port-wine stains are present at birth, and seizures may occur in early childhood. If an individual has both of these features, SWS should be suspected.

1 answer

Malcolm Easton has written:

'T. Sturge Moore (1870-1944)' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, English poetry, Illustrations, Irish authors

'Aubrey and the dying lady' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Augustus John'

'Thomas Sturge Moore, wood-engraver'

2 answers

"Apollo kept my father's sleep" is the first line from the poem entitled A Daughter of Admetus. This poem was written by Thomas Sturge Moore.

1 answer

Commercial photographers that are available in London are Michael Molloy, Victoria Pavlov, Laura Siebert, Richard Boll, Matthew Joseph, Chris Gloag, Charles Sturge, and Thomas Ball.

1 answer

The prognosis for individuals with Sturge-Weber syndrome can vary widely depending on the severity of symptoms, extent of brain involvement, and presence of associated complications. Long-term outcomes can include developmental delays, seizures, visual impairment, and other neurological deficits. Regular monitoring and early intervention can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

2 answers

Joseph Sturge played a key role in the abolition of slavery by founding the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society in 1839 and by leading campaigns to raise awareness about the inhumane treatment of slaves. He also worked to gather evidence of the brutality of slavery and lobbied the British government to pass laws abolishing the practice.

2 answers

The cast of Nance - 1920 includes: Percival Clarke Isobel Elsom as Nance Gray Mary Forbes as Felicia Damarche James Lindsay as Lord Stoyle Bassett Roe Ivan Samson as Bernard Yorke Howard Sturge

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Huh? Babies don't have fins.

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No she didn't, as it was illegal, although she did have servants, a number of whom were from the Indian Subcontinent.

'A public campaign.... throughout the cities of Britain by Joseph Sturge and many others. The idea was to engender public pressure for a new Parliamentary Act to outlaw slavery, rather than continue the gradualism of Whitehall's negotiations, mainly with colonial governments. In 1831 George Stephen and Joseph Sturge formed a ginger group within the Anti-slavery Society, the Agency Committee, to campaign for this new Act of Parliament. This campaign, and public pressure, led to the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, though it contained compromises which they disliked. The indentured labour schemes were particularly opposed by Sturge and the Agency Committee supporter; and the full working out of the Act would take several years, with slavery eventually being abolished throughout the British West Indies on 1 August 1838. In response to the new legislation, other members of the 'Anti-Slavery Society' considered their work was over. The original purpose, as reflected in the name of the society (abolition in the British dominions), had, they thought, been achieved.' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Slavery_Society

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Cortical cerebral atrophy refers to a loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher brain functions. Central cerebral atrophy involves shrinking of structures deep within the brain, such as the hippocampus and thalamus. Both types of atrophy can result in cognitive decline and neurological symptoms.

5 answers

The cast of Toxic Minds - 2015 includes: Tim Adamopoulos as Private Jose Romero Raymond Boutin as Soldier Troy Caspi as Corporal Ryan Devore Tommy James Murphy as Sergeant First Class John Bridges Davin Lamsa as Private Jake Caldwell Brian Quintero as Private Ricardo Martinez Jake Raymond as Corporal Alex Riggins Andrew Ronald Kennedy as Private Duncan Haynes Craig Shoebottom as Sergeant Shoey Nathaniel Sturge as Private Spike

1 answer

Ivy Duke has: Played Ida Sturge in "I Will" in 1919. Played Ivy in "The March Hare" in 1919. Played Edith Cowper in "The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton" in 1919. Played Clarissa in "The Garden of Resurrection" in 1919. Played Hebe in "Fancy Dress" in 1919. Played Althea May in "Testimony" in 1920. Played Georgette in "The Lure of Crooning Water" in 1920. Played Pamela Arnott in "The Bigamist" in 1921. Played Nance Hamon in "A Maid of the Silver Sea" in 1922. Played Ann Wetherall in "Fox Farm" in 1922. Played Beauty in "Beauty and the Beast" in 1922. Played Lady Audrey Beaumont in "The Persistent Lovers" in 1922. Played Boy Woodburn in "Boy Woodburn" in 1922. Played Phyllis Berknowles in "The Starlit Garden" in 1923. Played Lady Maggie Trent in "The Great Prince Shan" in 1924. Played Perdita in "Decameron Nights" in 1924. Played Lady Morland in "A Knight in London" in 1928.

1 answer

There are about 36 named volcanoes and volcanic active mountains on the Antarctic continent. Note that there are many unnamed volcanoes under the ice sheet. These names come from the Antarctic List of Volcanoes Wikipedia entry.

The names include, in no particular order:

Mount Andrus

Mount Berlin

Mount Bird

Bridgeman Island

Brown Peak (Sturge Island)

Coulman Island

Deception Island

Mount Discovery

Mount Erebus

Mount Frakes


Mount Hampton

Mount Harcourt

Hudson Mountains

Mount Melbourne

Mount Morning

Mount Moulton

Mount Murphy

Mount Overlord

Paulet Island

Penguin Island

Lars Christensen Peak

The Pleiades

Royal Society Range

Seal Nunataks

Mount Sidley

Mount Siple

Mount Steere

Mount Takahe

Mount Terra Nova

Mount Terror

Toney Mountain

Mount Dimitra

Mount Brown

Mount Christos

Mount Waesche.

4 answers

In Johto you have a fixed order to beat the gymleaders, except for the 5th and 6th since you can do the 6th gym before the 5th. Anyhow, here are the names of the Johto gymleaders, their types and which city you can find them.

1. Falkner, flying. Violet City.

2. Bugsy, bug. Azalea Town.

3. Whitney, normal. Goldenrod City.

4. Morty, ghost. Ecruteak City.

5. Chuck, fighting. Cianwood City.

6. Jasmine, steel. Olivine City.

7. Pryce, ice. Mahogany Town.

8. Clair, dragon. Blackthorn City.

In Kanto you don't have a specific order of gyms, except for that you have to do the eight one as last. However, here's a likely order to beat the gymleaders in;

1. Lt. Sturge, electric. Vermilion City.

2. Sabrina, psychic. Saffron City.

3. Erika, grass. Celadon City.

4. Janine, poison. Fuchsia City.

5. Misty, water. Cerulean City.

6. Brock, rock. Pewter City.

7. Blaine, fire. Seafoam Island (it moved from Cinnebar City to Seafoam Island.)

8. Blue. Viridian City. Blue has mixed types of pokemon.

3 answers

New Zealand has the smallest of the Antarctic territorial claims and includes part of Victoria Land, most of the Ross Ice Shelf, the Balleny Islands, and Sturge Island. The New Zealand claim has an area of about 420,000 sq km.

10 answers


A port-wine stain is a birthmark in which swollen blood vessels create a reddish-purplish discoloration of the skin.

Alternative Names

Nevus flammeus

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Port-wine stains occur in about 3 out of 1,000 people.

Port-wine stains rarely may be a sign of Sturge-Weber syndrome or Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome.


Early port-wine stains are usually flat and pink in appearance. As the child gets older, the color may deepen to a dark red or purplish color. They occur most often on the face but can appear anywhere on the body.

Signs and tests

Your doctor can usually diagnose a port wine stain by looking at the skin.

In unusual cases, a skin biopsy may be needed. Depending on the location of the birthmark and other symptoms, your doctor may want to do an intraocular pressure test or x-ray of the skull.


Many treatments have been tried for port-wine stains, including freezing, surgery, radiation, and tattooing.

Laser therapy has been the most successful at eliminating port-wine stains. It is the only method that can destroy the tiny blood vessels in the skin without significantly damaging the skin. The exact type of laser used depends on the person's age and particular port-wine stain.

Expectations (prognosis)

Stains on the face respond better to laser therapy than those on the arms, legs, or middle of the body. Older stains may be more difficult to treat.


Some stains may occasionally cause deformity and increasing disfigurement.

People with port-wine stains may have emotional and social problems related to their appearance.

Port-wine stains that involve the upper and lower eyelids may be associated with the development of glaucoma.

Calling your health care provider

All birthmarks should be evaluated by the health care provider during a routine examination.


Morelli JG. Vascular Disorders. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th Ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: chap 649.

2 answers

Virgil Frye has: Played Andy in "Bonanza" in 1959. Performed in "Queen of Blood" in 1966. Played Biker in "Hells Angels on Wheels" in 1967. Played Det. Andy Anderson in "Ironside" in 1967. Played Ralph Tenier in "Nightmare in Wax" in 1969. Played Biker in "Easy Rider" in 1969. Played Folsom in "The Jesus Trip" in 1971. Played Deputy Sheriff in "Cannon" in 1971. Played Kenny in "The Limit" in 1972. Performed in "Garden of the Dead" in 1972. Played Joe Day in "Howzer" in 1973. Played Trouble Maker in "Deadhead Miles" in 1973. Played Donovan in "The Cat Creature" in 1973. Played Johnson in "Klansman" in 1974. Played Perry in "The Rockford Files" in 1974. Played Fred in "The Six Million Dollar Man" in 1974. Played Poggin in "Arde baby, arde" in 1975. Played Joe Grant in "Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw" in 1976. Played Pritchard in "The Quest" in 1976. Played Woody in "The Missouri Breaks" in 1976. Played John Bayers in "The Great Gundown" in 1977. Played Jesse James Jr. in "CHiPs" in 1977. Played Earl Sullivan in "Up from the Depths" in 1979. Played Bandit Leader in "Borderline" in 1980. Played Officer MacGregor in "Graduation Day" in 1981. Played Luke in "Bret Maverick" in 1981. Played Crapshooter in "The Postman Always Rings Twice" in 1981. Played Cleach in "Take This Job and Shove It" in 1981. Played Lt. Dire in "Revenge of the Ninja" in 1983. Played Deputy Cassell in "Hunter" in 1984. Played The Porno Man in "Hot Moves" in 1984. Played Ross in "Running Hot" in 1984. Played Virg in "The Burning Bed" in 1984. Performed in "Destination America" in 1987. Played Sam in "Winners Take All" in 1987. Played O.S.S. Sheriff Foster in "Colors" in 1988. Performed in "Dance Academy" in 1988. Played Thug in "Trust Me" in 1989. Played Frank Hagen in "The Secret of the Ice Cave" in 1989. Performed in "Citizen Soldier" in 1990. Played Deputy Buck in "The Hot Spot" in 1990. Played Sturge in "Man Trouble" in 1992. Played Earl in "S.F.W." in 1994. Played Service Station Owner in "Children of the Dark" in 1994. Played Buffalo Hunter in "Wild Bill" in 1995. Played Survivor in "Xtro 3: Watch the Skies" in 1995. Played Gas station attendant in "The Nature of the Beast" in 1995. Played himself in "Sonny Boy" in 2004.

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