what normal horse shors are made of....
Some1 told mii that some are made of plastic but i don't really belive dat. hope this hellps......its not da best dough
1 answer
Its a pretty simple question to answer,it just depends wether your a girl or boy.. Boys its eays they cann just wear there boxers or shors. But huney if your girl & seem to wear alot of skirts or dresses your best opption would be to wear underwear. they dont want to see what u had for breaky
1 answer
a Marinette puppet. just ask me any question you have and i will answer.
34 answers
The most common injury to the calf while running is the forced extension of the calf muscles causing minor to sever tearing in the muscle. This can be avoided through proper hydration along with a solid warm up routine with stretches to prep the muscles before and after running.
6 answers