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A dwarf planet in the outermost reaches of the solar system, discovered in 2003. It has a diameter of approximately 1,400 kilometers and orbits beyond the Kuiper Belt. Its surface composition is largely a mixture of water, methane, and nitrogen ices with tholins, similar to those of some other trans-Neptunian objects.

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in in between the kuiper belt and oort cloud

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Not "a" Sedna; just "Sedna". Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea. Also, a dwarf planet named after this goddess.

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No. Sedna is currently classified as a planetoid.

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There is not a way to tell how many km are from the sun to Sedna. It is a long distence from the sun to Sedna.

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Sedna is a small DWARF planet made of ice and rock.

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Sedna does not have any moons. It is a planetoid located in the outer reaches of the Solar System beyond the Kuiper Belt.

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Sedna is not a moon of Saturn. It is a dwarf planet that is located in the outer parts of the Solar System. Sedna was discovered in 2003.

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Sedna was discovered on November 14, 2003. It is a large planetoid located in the outer reaches of the Solar System.

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Sedna means as a girl name goddess of the icy seas.

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Sedna is a dwarf planet. It is to far away to be one of plutos moons and is proved to orbit the sun

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Sedna's average distance from the sun is about 86 Astronomical Units.

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A year on Sedna is 10,500 Earth years.

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The planet Sedna is not actually a planet, just a small lump of ice and rock. In fact Pluto, the ninth planet in our solar system, has just been downgraded and is no longer considered a planet. Because of Sedna's frigid temperatures, the team who discovered the object named it Sedna, after the Inuit goddess of the sea from whom all sea creatures were created

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Yes, Sedna is smaller than Earth. Sedna is classified as a trans-Neptunian object and is estimated to be about three-quarters the size of Pluto. Earth is significantly larger than Sedna.

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Yes she is. If the Inuit goddess Sedna didn't exist than all the people would die.

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Most scientists believe that Sedna is another planet, similar to Neptune. It is believed that the outer surface of Sedna consists of water, nitrogen ices, and methane.

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Pluto is a dwarf planet in our solar system located in the Kuiper Belt, while Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object with an extremely elongated orbit that takes it far beyond the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is larger and has been visited by a spacecraft (New Horizons), whereas Sedna remains largely unexplored.

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The heliosphere starts right here (or, you might say, at the Sun). Sedna is much further out.

However, the heliosphere extends far out beyond Pluto. So the outer boundary of the heliosphere can be beyond Sedna.

Sedna has an orbit that is very "eccentric" (highly elliptical). It's distance from the Sun varies greatly as it orbits.

So, whether Sedna is inside or outside of the heliosphere changes with time.

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The symbol for dwarf planet Sedna is a capital letter S with a horizontal line across the middle, resembling the astronomical symbol for the planet Earth.

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smaller then earth

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yes, such as sedna

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No, Sedna is a dwarf planet located in the outer reaches of the solar system and does not have an atmosphere that could support human respiration.

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No. While we only have a rough estimate of Sedna's size, we know that it is much smaller than Earth.

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No, Sedna and Nibiru are two different celestial bodies. Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object that orbits the sun in the outer reaches of the solar system, while Nibiru is a hypothetical planet often associated with conspiracy theories and doomsday predictions.

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The gravity on Venus is about 91% of Earth's gravity, on Mars it is about 38%, on Uranus it is about 89%, on Sedna it is about 0.6%, and on Neptune it is about 114% of Earth's gravity.

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The myth of Sedna, an Inuit tale, teaches the importance of respecting nature and the consequences of disregarding it. It emphasizes the need for balance and harmony with the natural world. Additionally, it conveys the idea of redemption and forgiveness through Sedna's transformation.

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Sedna is a minor planet located in the outer solar system, beyond the Kuiper Belt. It is believed to be composed primarily of rock and ice, similar to other dwarf planets and Kuiper Belt objects. Sedna's exact composition is not well-known due to its distance and size.

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From the Inuit god of the sea

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Ceres and sedna

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A day on Sedna, a trans-Neptunian object in the outer solar system, is not well-defined due to its slow rotation. Sedna's rotational period is estimated to be around 10-12 hours or even longer, but more precise measurements are needed to confirm.

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Planet Sedna does not have any rings and as of current scientific observations, it does not have any known moons either. Sedna is a small, icy dwarf planet located in the outer reaches of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune.

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In between the kuiper belt and the Orrot cloud.

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They are both dwarf planets.

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That's the Inuit goddess of the sea.

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11,400 earth years.

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