Some restaurants that are open for Christmas dinner in Sacto include Buca di Beppo, Ruth's Chris Steak House, and Towne House Restaurant at Wine & Roses.
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Distance from Sacramento to Dallas is 2317 kilometers or 1440 miles
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I happen to own an autographed copy signed to my mother of Bash Kennett's LP "Songs of Ship and Shore".
1 answer
T o whom it may concern. My father was drafted late in the war because he was supporting five children and was older than the average soldier. He was a truck driver from Mpls . Minnesota He served only about six months ..butI distinctly recall him saying he was guarding German POW,s in Turlock. When he returned to Mn. he always wanted to return to that area and the remaining family members now reside in the Sacto. Ca. area I have tried to learn more of this camp w/o s success smoothgm@aol.com
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Using 8 or 9 springform pan, press your favorite crumb crust recipe on bottom and 1/2 way up sides - or use readymade crumb pie crust. Chill. With mixer, blend 1st layer ingredients until smooth. Pour into crust and bake at 350 F. for 20 minutes. Cool. With mixer, blend 2nd layer ingredients until smooth. Pour on top of lst layer and return to 350 F. oven for 20 minutes, Cool and chill before serving. Lynn, Sacto., Ca. P.S. Top with fresh fruits or berries for a special
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There are 2 adjusting screws new the metal air intake body. The Phillips is mounted by the dual cables for the throttle and and if for adjusting the intrenal butterfly ONLY - DO NOT TURN IT!!
The IDLE speed is adjusted by the slotted screw (uses a straight screw-driver)- NOT Phillips head screw on the air intake housing. This screw in in the metal body of the air intake. I asked a local deal service dept and got great advice: Turn it clock wise until you hear the idle speed slow, check the RPM's.. should be appox 900rpm. Turn the screw 1/4 turn at a time - WAIT 30 secs for the onboard computer to adjust... still too fast? Give it another 1/4 turn until you get the idle rpm to appox 900rpm.
it MAY run a little rough on cold starts after this adjustment: IF So turn it back COUNTER_clock wise and 1/8 of a turn at a time to 'tweak" the cold start. I did it after a few days of trail & error..
good luck!
JD sacto, ca
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Natural pearls
Contrary to popular belief, a natural pearls is not formed by a grain of sand. This story is an urban legend.
A natural pearl forms inside a bivalve mollusk when the shell has been invaded by a parasite or damaged. The most common reason a natural pearl will develop is due to parasitic invasion.
The parasite wil burrow through the periostracum layer (outer layer) of a mollusk shell and into the mother-of-pearl beneath. When the parasite penetrates the mother of pearl in comes in contact with the mollusk's mantle muscle. This muscle contains cells known as epithelial cells. These cells produce a substance called nacre which coats the inside of the shell (mother-of-pearl) and is the substance of which a pearl is composed.
The parasite becomes lodged in this mantle muscle and dies. The mollusk's definsive reaction is to grow a sac around the intruder. This sac is called the pearl sac. Once the sac encases the intruder the cells begin to deposit nacre- which is composed of aragonite and calcite (a calcium carbonate compound) platelets.
Cultured Pearls
Cultured (marine) pearls are grown by inserting a rounded bead of mother-of-pearl and a piece of mantle tissue containing epithelial cells from a donor mollusk into the gonad, or reproductive organ, of a host mollusk. The donor tissue grows into a pearl sac around the bead. As in natural pearl production, this sac then deposits nacre.
Read more: How_is_a_pearl_formed
2 answers