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list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them

1 answer

SWT: This stands for "sweat", which is another term for "solder" (typically used to join copper pipes).

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SWT is used as an cronym for "Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aala" which is placed after the name of God. It means: "Glorified And Exulted".

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This type of battery:


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magnify glass

Try not to draw Allah (SWT)

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Allah swt is the creater of the Quran and the creater of Islam.

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The airport code for Strezhevoy Airport is SWT.

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Allah (swt) honour the two son of Ibrahim (als) as his line of prophet's in Islam also as they both have the tawheed to Allah (swt) only...

4 answers

A good one. But Allah(SWT) knows best.

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Muhammad is only a prophet of Allah SWT so he is not worshipped.

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Allah(swt) created the earth(s) and the skies

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State Withholding Tax, which is to pay state taxes

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no Muslims don't sing songs. When you step in the mosque, it's usually quiet, or you hear low voices of people reciting the Qur'an or doing dua'a. Amd our prayer times are strict on timing. In Arabic it's 'kitaabun mawkoota' ..which means Allah (swt) created the times in a book schedules, whoever misses it or does not pray on time will be treated how Allah (swt) wills in the hereafter. However, i do not pray at bad times only..pray at good times do. How is it fair to ask Allah (swt) to be there for you in your worst times of life, and you are not there for Allah (swt) in your best times of life? so Muslims strictly believe that we should praise Allah (swt) whenever. Because everday life problems occurs mostly from us, Allah (swt) watches... and Allah (swt) created this Earth spacious and perfectly suited for us. So we should praise him back, although it may never be equal to the khair, the goodness Allah (swt) has given us. We pray five most important prayers. In the days of Prophet Mohammed, they would pray to up to 50 prayers! but kind and merciful Allah (swt) eventually lowered it down to too. And some people don't find 5 enough, so they begin to turn the very very early in the morning prayer 'fajr' into a fard prayer.

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Jihad basically means 'war' [i.e defensive war]

and Mujahideen means 'soldiers'

the Islamic connotation to both of these words are, defensive war for the sake of ALlah [swt], and soldiers who fight in the way of Allah [swt], respectively

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Being held in the tower of light , in the heavens .

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well thats not exactly true that Allah (swt) doesn't like that Masjid no one ever found out for sure. And i think Allah (swt) likes every Masjid because they are all concidered the house of Allah.

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Well if you are Muslim then You ask Allah (swt) during prayer (salah) to grace you with a good wife and if your intention is good and you don't miss out on your Salah and you ibadah (worship) then be sure Allah (swt) will pair you with a good woman. Incha Allah.

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There is no description; as in appearance.

Muslims believe that Allah SWT has always been and will always be.

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Allah (SWT) last Prophet of Islam was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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he was the messenger and prophet of Allah (swt) and he was a very kind man and he had lineage trustworthiness he was honest and he was generous

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The Holy Prophet Muhammad [SAW] received divine revalation from Gabriel [AS] at Mt. Hira in 610 AD. Because of Allah's [SWT] mercy upon mankind, Prophet Muhammad [SWT] brought the truth of Islam to humanity.


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Butterflies have a purpose in life. They pollinate, provide food for other animals, and astound all people with their bilateral symmetry and aesthetic design. They are one of the pinnacles of insects and shows Allah's [SWT] amazing creations. Alhamdulilah.

Allah [SWT] knows best.

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During fasting, you can see the world in a different view. You yourself become more wiser and think more about your actions and behaviour. You do this through the help of God (swt) and therefore you are brought closer to Him(swt)

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This is one of the Mystic names from the Quran - The meaning of it has not been given by the Prophet nor any reference from the companions. The later scholars deliberated on its meanings and always end with " Allah (swt) knows best " So it is better to refrain from giving it any meaning ourselves or choose from the meaning of any scholar .

The best answer then will be " Its a mystic name and the meaning is know only to Allah (swt)

And Allah ( swt) knows best !

As-salaamu alaikum!

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The name of the mosque was Mosque Zarar. Allah (SWT) ordered to burn that mosque because it was meant to harm people and that was wrong because a mosque or masjid is Allah (SWT) home, just like Kaaba is.

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Because they will be punished in hell and Allah SWT does sometimes in this life too.

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was tortured only because she believed in Allah (SWT) and His Messenger

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

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In some Mushafs, (Quran) all the names of Allah swt is written in bold.

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Islam goals of life is to please Allah(swt) by offering prayers and helping the needy.

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he was the messenger and prophet of Allah (swt) and he was a very kind man and he had lineage trustworthiness he was honest and he was generous

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Allah(swt) and the Quran are more important than Muhamman(pbuh). Muhammad's(pbuh) importance comes from the fact that he was a prophet from Allah(swt) and that he was the last prophet. Muslims follow the way that Muhammad(pbuh) carried out his life and do their best to emulate it.

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Because Muslims believe only Allah swt is perfect- so they always leave a tiny imperfection amidst all the glorious beauty of a perfect silk woven rug for example. This imperfection reminds us that only Allah swt is supreme and the most perfect.

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it was the prophet muhammed peace be upon him who did this miracle with the permission of Allah SWT

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The looh-e-mahfoos is a safe in heaven which contains the holy books, the other books have already been changed and now it contains the human words and not Allah (swt). the last book which was sent was the Qu'ran, and was protected and so the Qu'ran contains Allah (swt)'s words and is the true book.

so basically the looh-e-mahfoos is just a safe in heavens which protected the quran for years and was finally sent down to the beloved prophet (SAWW) and took 23 years be put together

Hope this helped and may Allah (swt) bless you!

by the way the swt stands for subhana wata allah and the saww stands for salalahu alayhi wa'ali wasalam!

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Alms means charity.

In Islam, we call that zakat. It is obligatory to give away 2.5% of one's revenue & savings and 10% of one's income to the poor. If one is poor and cannot give zakat however, then Allah [SWT] shall forgive that person because Allah [SWT] is the Most Merciful.

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Okay what do you mean exactly? If you have a problem usually a Muslim goes and makes dua that Allah swt helps him resolve it.

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yes Quraan does not accept incarnation

rather it says there is only one diety-Allah(swt)

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Allah (swt).

Muslims don't worship Muhammad (pbuh), but he is a very important figure in Islamic history.

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he was the last prophet of Islam, a wonderful religion.Muslims believe in one god, Allah [swt[]Islam is one true religion

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its says it is haram to beat to even cause harm to her. she is more beloved to allah(swt) than she is to you.

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gazi tradition is based on conquering land for Islam where jihad is fighting in a war for Allah swt.

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Okay what do you mean exactly? If you have a problem usually a Muslim goes and makes dua that Allah swt helps him resolve it.

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The benefit of reciting Qur'an is on the day of judgement the Qur'an will intercede to Allah swt for that reciter to go into paradise.

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They most definitely do not! Muslims worship none other than Allah (SWT) and think of Muhammad (PBUH) as HIS Messenger.

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both were pagans, but they had died when prophet mohammad (swt) was at a young age. afterwich he was left with his uncle.

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If a person has committed any sin, perform two rak'at salaah and thereafter recite durud upon Nabi PBUH. Be ashamed and regret over the sin and seek Allah's SWT pardon by a firm pledge saying: "Oh Allah! I shall not commit this sin again. Oh Allah! forgive me." By the grace of Allah SWT the sin will be forgiven.

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Yes that is true. Allah swt is the REAL god!! Beleive this! OR ELSE!!! YOU"LLL DIE DIE DIE DIE!!

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Most Muslims know all the 99 names of ALLAH(SWT) but to remember them, keep reading them everyday

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Because allah swt (god) give him instruction to marry with her, because allah (god) forgive zulaikhaas.

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