No. Atlas corp doesn't make SMGs or Rocket Launchers.
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In the phone book, under upgrades, there is a Dual Wield upgrade for Pistols and SMGs.
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4 Pistols
Magnums or in anniversary 50 caliber pistols
and Uzis or Mini SMGS
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4 Pistols
Magnums or in anniversary 50 caliber pistols
and Uzis or Mini SMGS
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the G18
The G18 is a machine pistol, not a machine gun. Which category do you mean : LMGs, SMGs
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Ones made in a very small caliber. There have been SMGs made in .22 LR, and FN 5.7mm
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first of all you need three smg on the floor plus you holding a magnum, pick up 1 smg for the secondary weapon go bak to your first weapon (pistol) then duelwield the pistol with the smg, then change the pistol with the other smg on the floor then done u have 3 smgs hope this help :P
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Some weapons you start off with, in the smgs its mp5 and skorpion i strongly advise using the mp5
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with assault rifle, lmgs, smgs must be with headshots and shotguns, snipers must be with normal kills
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This question is a matter of opinion. For me personally, I believe the ACR, AK47, and TAR-21 are the best assault rifles in the game. I don't use LMGs because of the high recoil, as well as the fact that they slow you down when moving around. I do however use SMGs in my rushing classes, which include UMP45 and P90, which are both two of the best SMGs.
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Anti Personnel: MGs, SMGs, ARs, or Rifles (Include sniper rifles)
Anti Material: AMRs, Mortars, or Howziter (Frag Grenades are also used)
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1 answer
Anti Personnel: MGs, SMGs, ARs, or Rifles (Include sniper rifles)
Anti Material: AMRs, Mortars, or Howziter (Frag Grenades are also used)
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easy just get 3 or 4 guys and ambush them wiith smgs and machne guns. so uh and dont forget you are screwed if you dont have a hammer yourself
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yes it is you unlock it after you unlock gold for a gun category like snipers or smgs or lmgs or pistols or anything u just have to get all of the guns in a class gold to get diamond camo in black ops 2.
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So Far I Found out That Its being closecombat... Use Combat Shotgun and Sword... If you have to use guns i would use Duel SMGS and Sniper, Sparten Laser is good except The Charge Time
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tec 9, AK47, sawn-off shotgun and molotov cocktail @ CJs first house and all 'homies' have SMGs and desert eagles
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Treyarch left many weapons out of the box in B.O.Z. Including but not limited to monkeys, RAY GUN, THUNDER GUN, Both sniper rifles, SMGs (besides the spectra which sucks), other wonder weapons, and there is no mule kick perk
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First off, you could use some guns. Main groups are pistols, shotguns, rifles, SMGs, LMGs, and launchers. good pistols are .357 Magnum, 9 mm., CZ75, and Colt 19 revolver. Some shotguns are SPAS-12, 12-Gauge, HS10, and 20-Gauge. Rifles are 22's, Dragonuv, and AK47. SMGs can be MP5K, Skorpion, and Kiparis. A couple LMGs are AUGs, M16 and M40s. It'll be harder to get launchers, but if you can, get RPGs and China Lakes. Also some knives will be good. Crowbars, baseball bats, and pipes are good pole arms. Explosives are good, too. Now, get out there and make some zombie-brain stir fry!
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the german side of the conflict used mainly the Mp series of SMGS and mauser rifles, the british had the tommyguns and rifles, japan had ariska rifles, china had stolen rifles and guns from japan and guns given by the USA, USA had the greasegun, tommygun, M1 rifles and M2 machineguns
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It gives more accuracy to the shooter due to its length. Rifles have a stock to help aiming better (faster and more accurate) and their firing range is even longer than SMGs, shotguns, and handguns' range is. There's the fact too that their caliber and the projectile launch by them can penetrate more easily some shelter and bulletproof suits.
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It depends what gun you are using. If its an assault rifle id use cold blooded pro because the fact that they are very overpowered. On the other hand if you are using a SMG or Sub Machine Gun i`d whip out stopping power pro because SMGs dont have that much of a damage rate.
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blowback is when the bolt of the rifle, ( the thing that pushes the ball out of the barrel and at your opponent or target) blows back, or the slide on the pistol goes back, after every shot. usually its gas or electric guns, never spring action guns. non-blowback does not have this feature, without it it is much less realistic, and less cool. but when using rifles or SMGs, it doesn't exactly matter. but it does make it look cool.
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To get Diamond camo in Black ops 2 you need to unlock the gold camo for all weapons in that category, Example To unlock Diamond camo for Mp 7 you need to have the gold camo for all the other Sub Machine Guns. Hope this helped.
3 answers
Primary weapons (except SMGs) can unlock the heartbeat sensor attachment. First you must unlock the silencer attachment by getting 75 kills with your chosen gun. Then you must get a certain amount of kills using the silencer on your chosen gun (I believe the number is 20) and then you will unlock the heartbeat sensor for use.
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The best collection pack for MW3 is probably the Chaos Collection pack. It has an addicting arcade-like gametype that gets added to the Spec Ops Mode. You do not have to level up for it because as the gametype progresses, it will give you bonus perks for keeping a hit streak alive.
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Yes and no. In the early days, a rifle was defined simply as a firearm with a rifled barrel and is intended to be fired from a shoulder. Most submachine guns (SMGs) fulfill both these requirements. However, in modern times, rifles are also characterized by large bottlenecked cartridges (eg. 7.62x51mm, 5.56x45mm, 7.62x39mm), while submachine guns are characterized by the use of pistol cartridges (eg. 9x19mm, .45 ACP). So in most circles, the submachine gun is not considered a rifle.
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They normally used a Ruger Mini 14 variant.. the Mini 14 GB-F, although they had a variety of weapons on different occasions. One episode, they did a funeral service with M16A1 rifles (which may have been civilian semi automatic clones in reality), MAC-10 SMGs visibly modified to vaguely resemble Uzis were also pretty commonplace, and I think the Armalite AR-18/AR-180 has made a couple appearances on the show, as well.
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These spray painted areas are gang tags. In GTA: San Andreas, there are 100 tags hidden all around Los Santos. If CJ can spray over all of the tags, he will gain extra respect, and in his mom's house an AK47, Tec-9, Molotovs and a Sawn-off Shotgun will be spawned. CJ's gang will also be armed with SMGs and Desert Eagles.
For information on how to find these tags, I recommend gtaforums.com
This forum has a complete guide on the tags.
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You may need to narrow down your question- in the case of M1 carbines marked Quality HMC, they were made by the Quality Hardware Manufacturing Company.
(OP here, narrowing it down here because of the silly policy of not allowing punctuation in questions... Basically, a gun range I occasionally visited in Durban runs courses, and their website lists various categories; Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, HMC and so on. I'm wondering if it might be a local way of referring to SMGs or something.)
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With 2 one handed weapons. You highlight one and click "e" to equip, you'll notice a <r> for right hand. then you highlight the second weapon and Left click on it and you get <L> for left. You can do the same with spells.
4 answers
i don't feel like its the worst cod but it could be much better i think this because of the sync issues like when you know you run behind an object that cannot be shot through but you get killed and when you look at the kill cam i never ran behind anything.also the scorpion evo and other smgs get annoying to.the target finder doe's not help either and i think their might be something wrong with the hitboxs.
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well, light machine guns have a large ammo capacity due to their drum, so you don't have to be reloaded every two seconds but they are inaccurate because they rise after a only couple shots
Assault rifles are in between, they are able to penatrate thin walls alongside the the LMGs and are more accurate but they have smaller mags so if you get into trouble and have to reload, you are pretty much Swiss cheeze.
SMGs have a better rate of fire and the same general mag capacity as rifles but they can`t penatrate thin walls and have the same problem as the LMGs with the muzzle clime so they are only useful at short to medium ranges
Using ARs LMGs and SMGs compared to the other weapons really depends on the map you are on, if the map is big and clear use snipers if its hazy and small use automatics etc. Experiment with different maps+make a new file to experiment so it doesn`t screw up your record when your no-scoping noobs 3-ft away every 2 secs with your intervention or trying to snipe with the mp5k
sry 4 the long answer, hope it helps :-)
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Guns: 18 pistols. 24 rifles. 8 SMGs. 9 shotguns. 5 Heavy Weapons.
Energy Weapons:
17 energy pistols. 15 energy rifles. 12 energy heavy weapons.
14 projectiles. 13 thrown explosives. 13 placed explosives.
33 bladed. 21 blunt. 7 thrown. 32 unarmed.
With a great total of: 241.
3 answers
Each FPS game is different, but I'll start of with the basics. You should be aware of the map your are playing on. For example, small maps would require weapons that are more effective in close-quarter combat, such as SMGs or shotguns. Larger maps would require something with range, such as assault rifles or snipers. You will probably find campers in most FPS games. Be aware around corners and behind objects, an enemy might be waiting there. Obviously, guns matter. Experiment with what weapon you do best with. Also, know the stats of the weapon (its power, accuracy, firing rate, and so on). Hope this helps!
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The Colt SMG is chambered for 9mm x19 NATO (AKA 9mm Luger) pistol cartridge. Unlike other members of the AR-15 / M16 / M4 family it is blow-back operated like most SMG and the bolt is completely different then the gas operated bolt and bolt carrier used for 5.56 NATO cambered guns. the other major way it differs is a two piece magazine adapter is pined in the mag well so colt SMG or modified UZI magazine's can be used. last like the MP5 it fires from a closed bolt making it more accurate them most open bolt SMGs.
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Depending upon whether they were line infantry, panzer grenadiers (mech inf), fallschirmjaeger (paratroops), pioneers (engineers), and the SS, their weapon mix for close assaults could change somewhat. The standard German formation was of 10 men. The section leader (usually a sgt.) carried a SMG, MP-38 or MP40. In addition, there was to be a LMG to each unit, MG 38 or MG 42. The assistant section leader if possible would also have a SMG but this did not always happen. The Germans used these SMGs with tracers to help direct fire from the squad. The rest of the squad would have started the war with bolt action rifle. In pioneer units, you would see a flamethrower and one or two men with satchel charges. In the latter years, the panzer grenadiers were issued some of the better equipment, such as the assault rifle. The SS of course always had better equipment than line units. The fallschirmjaeger all jumped into combat with only a pistol and a knife. They would have to find their cannisters that contained their heavier weapons, such as rifles, SMGs, LMGs, mortars, etc. As the war progressed soldiers would discard their weapons for those better suited to their environment. Many soldiers on the eastern front would take the Soviet SMG whenever they could get one. And of course each of these soldiers when supplies allowed would carry the German hand grenade.
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Assault Rifles:
Mini Uzi
Sniper Rifles:
Barret 50 cal.
Secondary Weapons
Machine Pistols:
Model 1887
Thumper (noob tube)
USP .45
Desert Eagle
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The M27 is an assualt shotgun (gold plated) which is unlocked by completing the following tasks;
Unlocking the golden desert eagle (reach lv55)
Unlock the golden dragunov (finish all weapon challenges for sniper rifles)
Unlock the golden AK47 (finish all weapon challenges for assault rifles)
Unlock the golden Mini-Uzi (finish all weapon challenges for SMGs)
The M27 is largely agreed to be the best weapon on the game as its superlative range and high power make it perfect for clearing buildings and also firing shots down range, much like the mp44, weapon attachments are not available for the M27 and so the iron sights will have to be used and the weapon is unsuppressable.
The M27 fits under the category of shotgun after unlocking it.
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I'm English my self and in England you need have a license to own any gun except air guns (air pistols and rifles, BB guns.) In almost all states you need a permit. There are many different types or license (permit), you can get shotgun and rifle licenses along with handgun licenses, other licenses for assault rifles and sub machine guns are understandably quite a bit harder to get. But in England handgun licenses are very hard to get. You can get a license or permit by filling out forms that you can receive from your local police station and gun store. It might possibly cost money. And you must expect to have to renew your license or permits every 1 to 5 years.
Legal guns can cost anything from £270/$350 to 50,000/$60,000 hand guns and pump action shotguns being at the lower end of the spectrum and assault rifles and SMGs being at the higher end.
Once you've bought a gun and you've got a license you'll be expected to keep the gun separately from the ammunition and in a secure location with the firing pin removed from the gun to do this see gun user manual. You can use it on private land but only if it doesn't interfere with anyone else. I would recommend using it at a shooting range or if you have several acres of land.
Now we've got the boring bit over and done with on to the good stuff.
There are many different types of guns all with different fire rates semi automatic, full automatic, full automatic burst or single shot.
Semi automatic is where each time you pull the trigger you fire a round (bullet) so the faster you pull the trigger the faster the gun will firer. This means you don't have to re-cock the gun between each shot. Semi automatics are mostly handguns although most assault rifles and SMGs have a setting which enables you to put the gun into semi automatic mode.
Single shot guns are simply guns which have to be re-cocked after each shot for example a bolt action rifle is a perfect example. You fire one shot then pull the bolt back ejecting the used cartridge then shunt it forwards again putting the next cartridge into the barrel ready to be fired.
Full automatic is a setting on most assault rifles and SMGs it enables the person who is in possession of the gun to fire his entire magazine in mere seconds. If you hold the trigger down you will carry on firing until the gun is empty if you release the trigger the gun will stop firing. A 30 round magazine which is the average for most assault rifles and SMGs could be used up in less than 4 seconds however it is not accurate for the vast recoil from the gun throws you off target.
Full automatic burst has the same fire rate as full auto but it is burst of 2-4 shots so when you pull the trigger and hold it will fire burst over and over again until the magazine is empty it will sound like full auto but will have little interruptions every couple of shots, if you only pull the trigger once it will fire a burst then stop.
Hope it helps, if you have anymore questions like about bullets which I didn't add or if you would like to know how the full auto and semi auto works in detail then please feel free to email me: jazzomonkey@hotmail.co.uk
1 answer
A Pirate would look somewat like this:
Pirate Scars
Pirate Eye Patch
Pirate Tattoos
Gold Pirate Coins
Pirate Hook
Pirate Map Buccaneer Pirate Shirt
Sword Pirate Hat Go here: http://www.costumecraze.com/Traditional-Costumes-Pirate-Costumes-Pirate-Costume-Accessories.html and here http://www.iclipart.com/search.php?keys=Pirate&andor=AND&c1=COLOR&c2=BANDW&cat=All&s1=&s2=&tl=clipart&release1=&release2=¬keys=&previewcheck=&rows=5&period=&cols=&jump=0&type=REGULAR&submit=TRUE&previewcheck2=0
5 answers
There are a total of 39 weapons in multiplayer, this list does not include point-streaks, weapons on a kill streak, stationary weapons, wonder weapons, or weapons only available in Campaign.
Assault Rifles
Type 25
Sub Machine Guns
Chicom CQB
Peacekeeper (DLC)
Skorpian EVO
Shot Guns
KSG 12
Remington 870 MCS
Sniper Rifles
Light Machine Guns
Mk 48
Assault Shield
Pistols (Hand Guns)
Five Seven
Ballistic Knife
5 answers
Fox's gun in the movie is a SW 1911 Custom.
heres an image if you want to compare.
6 answers
Assault Riffles:
Sniper Rifles:
China Lake
Ballistic Knife
Non-Create a Class guns:
Death Machine: Mini-Gun(1000 bullets)
Grim Reaper: 4-shot Rocket launcher 60mm Incediary (Lock-on Capabilities)(12 rockets)
Valkyrie Rockets: Modified Strela-3 with remote guiding capabilities (2-rockets)
1 answer
If you're asking what kind of devices were used to KILL people in the concentration camps (in Germany during WWII)... Gas chambers were a big thing. The Nazis would make the prisoners take off all their clothes and anything that had value. They told them they were going to take showers, so they put them in a huge room, but when the showers turned on, water did not come out. Gas did. Eventually they all died. Another way they used to kill the prisoners was to make them dig wholes in the ground then they would shoot so they would fall straight back into the whole that they dug ... they were basically forced to dig their own graves.
3 answers
Knives; Dusk Kris
Swords; Dusk Razor
Blunt; Doom Cane
Chainsaw; Grinder
Semi-Automatic Pistols; Desert Fox
Revolver; Alpha Bull/Dusk Enforcer
Rifles; Rebellion
Shotguns; Usan-12/Corpse Blaster
Sub-Machine Guns; K-50M
Assault Rifles; AK47
Heavy Machine Guns; M60
Mini Guns; Gau-19
Grenade Launchers; XM-25
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if you are a rusher type of player, you would probably want the scar h with a heart beat sensor, if your a camper, a Barrett 50 cal for maximum damage and accuracy. The M16 is also a good gun for rushers and smart players that do a little bit of both. I would use a heart sensor on it to.
m4a1 and vector are quite good weapons when you have completed their challenges
If you want a long range wep which isn't a sniper then the acr is a good gun
2 answers
It all depends on the type of gun. For example a handgun would cost considerably less than an top end assault rifle like an M4 carbine or M16.
If it's a handgun your after I guess you'll want a semi automatic one which means you fire a round (bullet) each time you pull the trigger without having to re-cock the gun between shots so you can fire rapidly until the magazine or clip runs out.
These guns, legally can cost from around $300 to around $1000 or more, but illegally $150 to $1000. However the chances are if you buy a semi automatic handgun for $150 it will either be a piece of sh*t that would jam and even explode in your face or if it's a decent gun it would probably have been involved in some bad business.
For most bog standard assault rifles, rifles and shotguns (except pump action) your looking at about $1000 or more the maximum is about $5000 but for some assault rifles and SMGs (Sub Machine Gun) you can pay up to $60,000.
However if you wish to upgrade your guns with new sights, bigger magazines, scopes, grenade launchers (illegal almost everywhere) new grips, camouflage paint jobs, bayonets and whatever else you want to stick on a gun you can spend further thousands.
Hope it helped, if you've got anymore queries just contact me at: jazzomonkey@hotmail.co.uk
1 answer
It depends on the mission at hand - for Close Quarter Battle / close quarters fighting, they'll typically use an MP-5 or other similar weapon, with suppressor. If the mission is going to require a longer range weapon, an M4 or other similar rifle can be used. SEAL's are schooled in and use a wide variety of weapons, and in missions where they can't reveal their national origin (which is most of them) they may also use enemy weapons like an AK-47, 74, etc., so that it would appear the attack came from a local group. SEALS also use and carry their own personal weapons of choice, such as a .45, 9mm, etc., usually built to the operator's own specifications.
10 answers
It really depends on what you are a good at, Search and Destroy gives you 500xp per kill and 1000 bomb related so if you can master Search and Destroy you will be getting mad exp. Demolition is another great one if you don't like Search and Destroy.
Domination is another way to get alot of XP. you get 150 for each position secured, 200 for defending a position or taking someone out who is defending their flag. You also get 50 points per kill. You also get a large bonus if your team wins the round.
Search and destroy will give you tons of XP but if you get killed you must wait until the next round to re-spawn.
8 answers