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Marik Ishtar's Chant: "Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. Envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers from deep within so that together we may win. Appear now in this Shadow Game as I call your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!"

"Divine Créature céleste,

Écoute mon appel funeste

Laisse briller te beauté de tout son éclat

Et aide-moi à vaincre dans ce combat

Éblouis les déserts de ta lumière astrale

Et porte à mon ennemi le coup fatale

Brise ta sphère et déchaine tes immense pouvoir

Sur la terre résonnera notre cri de victoire

Gagner le Jeu des Ombres est ta mission

C'est pourquoi j'invoque ton glorieux nom

Le Dragon Aîlé de Ra !"

1 answer

No, but it is addictive and is brutal in it's withdrawals. If you take it for some time, your body will get used to it and you'll go into withdrawals. That's called "Paxil Poopout" on withdrawal forums.

Withrawals occur in about 67% of the people tapering off the drug. They include: Severe anxiety, depression, intense dreams/nightmares, suicidal thoughts, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, irritability, anger, sweating, feeling off-balance and clumsy, shaky, twitches and jerks, brain zaps and flashes of light, tinitus, difficulty focusing thoughts, akathisia, dysphoria and more.

4 answers