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Hi any any one r there alone women have fun with me

2 answers

Sowerby Bridge High School (Formerly Sowerby Bridge Grammar School), is in the town of Sowerby Bridge, near Halifax in Yorkshire, England.

It's recently been rebuilt, the Edwardian stone built characterful building was demolished.

I went there, saw it deteriorate from a well regarded grammar school, to what is to be blunt, now a bit of a sink comprehensive, shunned by the local community, the aspirational of which favour Ryburn Valley High School nearby

Sowerby Bridge HS is marginally behind Ryburn in terms of results. Last year's results were better than any the Grammar school achieved!! The term sink does not apply to SBHS although the school does have around forty percent of its intake with English as a second language. Is this what the previous writer really means. A grip on reality instead of anecdotal gossip would show the writer that many 'aspirational' parents are happy to send their children to SBHS. Trying to turn years of 'tradition' and prejudice around is quite difficult especially when they are perpetuated by ignorance.


1 answer