A. Mozumder has written:
'Fundamentals of radiation chemistry' -- subject(s): Radiation chemistry
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Nuclear chemistry is the chemistry involved in nuclear processes; in a large sense may be considered also the chemistry of radioactive elements. Sometimes radiation chemistry (radiochemistry) is considered a chapter of nuclear chemistry.
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Nuclear chemistry deals with the chemical reactions involving radioactive elements. Gamma radiation is due to the electromagnetic force, beta radiation is due to the weak nuclear force, and alpha radiation is due to the residual strong force (which you might call the strong nuclear force).
So... if you didn't have the nuclear force, you wouldn't have alpha radiation.
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Yasunori Takeuchi has written:
'Photo- and radiation chemistry of polymers'
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The one difference that nuclear chemistry has from the other branches is its study of the nucleus (core) of the atom. Nuclear chemistry will deal with how the nucleus can split, absorb and release energy as radiation, and decompose to form different elements.
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What is the wave number of IR radiation designated by 20.48 micrometres?
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The most common radiations are alpha, beta and gamma.
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Keith Ernest Robbins has written:
'The radiation chemistry of indole and its derivatives'
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The G value in radiation chemistry is the number of molecules that undergo a chemical transformation per 100 eV of energy absorbed. It is calculated by dividing the moles of the product formed by the absorbed radiation energy in eV, then multiplying by Avogadro's number to convert moles to number of molecules.
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Nuclear chemistry has changed medicine and made it more efficient. Radiation controls have been used to change the chemical properties of various aspects of the medicine industry.
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Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, so they fall within the field of physical chemistry. They are typically studied in the context of nuclear chemistry, as they are emitted during radioactive decay processes.
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John William Tranter Spinks has written:
'An introduction to radiation chemistry'
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Peter Ausloos has written:
'Fundamental processes in radiation chemistry' -- subject(s): Radiochemistry
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beta is not a word, it is a greek letter at the end of the alphabet. In chemistry, it is a type of radiation, and in math it is a varible.
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Ozone, or O3 in chemistry terms.
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Albert Raymond Denaro has written:
'Fundamentals of radiation chemistry' -- subject(s): Radiochemistry
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Ernest Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908 for his investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances. He is known for his discovery of the concept of radioactive half-life and distinguishing between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.
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The positive uses of nuclear chemistry is its application in the medical field for imaging. It is a very useful diagnostic tool. Radiation and radioisotopes also have applications in agriculture for insect control.
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Determining sodium or chlorine by analytical chemistry methods.
In the flame test the color is yellow (from sodium radiation).
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Account is taken of the field of study; example: photochemistry = study of chemical reactions induced by visible, UV and IR radiation.
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Gamma radiation is often used in various industries for sterilizing medical equipment and food, treating cancer, and preserving food. It is also used in some imaging techniques, such as PET scans. Additionally, gamma radiation is used in research and development in fields like physics and chemistry.
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A. M. Pravilov has written:
'Radiometry in modern scientific experiments' -- subject(s): Analytic Chemistry, Experiments, Radiation, Measurement
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Robert S. Mellberg has written:
'Radiation processing' -- subject- s -: Industrial applications, Radiation chemistry
'Identifying new business opportunities' -- subject- s -: New business enterprises, Venture capital
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In chemistry, Pb is the chemical symbol for lead. Lead is a heavy metal element with the atomic number 82. It is commonly used in batteries, construction materials, and as a shield against radiation.
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Physics is science in a sense. It explains why how and why things happen from simple motion to waves to radiation. Chemistry is a part of physics and in a sense Biology is a result of Chemistry. Without our understand of Physics we would not have any other understanding of science.
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In chemistry, a compound molecule that is made of multiple elements is different from an element molecule.
Other things that are not elements:
Light, or any kind of electromagnetic radiation
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Radioactivity is a concept rooted in physics rather than chemistry. It involves the spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei, leading to the emission of radiation such as alpha, beta, or gamma particles. While radioactivity has implications in various fields including chemistry, its fundamental principles are based on nuclear physics.
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Nuclear chemistry has advantages such as providing a clean source of energy through nuclear power plants, contributing to medical diagnostics and treatments through nuclear medicine, and enabling precise dating of archaeological artifacts through radiocarbon dating. Additionally, it helps in studying fundamental particles and forces in the universe through nuclear reactions and fusion research.
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Arturo Alcaraz was a Filipino scientist known for his work on nuclear chemistry and radiation chemistry. His scientific attitude was characterized by a dedication to research, intellectual curiosity, meticulous experimentation, and a commitment to advancing scientific knowledge in his field.
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Nuclear chemistry is used in the medical field for techniques like PET scanning and radiotherapy. In PET scanning, radioactive tracers are used to visualize and diagnose diseases such as cancer. In radiotherapy, radiation is used to target and destroy cancer cells.
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Radiation is lethal because it damages the cells in the body, disrupting their normal functioning and leading to cell death. High doses of radiation can cause severe damage to vital organs such as the bone marrow, intestines, and brain, which can result in acute radiation sickness and death. Radiation can also cause long-term health effects such as cancer due to genetic mutations in cells.
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In chemistry, a gamma (γ) is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted during certain nuclear reactions. It has high energy and no mass, allowing it to penetrate deeply into materials. Gamma radiation is commonly used in medical imaging and cancer treatment.
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S. C. Lind has written:
'Ozonisierung des sauerstoffes durch strahlen' -- subject(s): Ozonization, Radiation chemistry, Oxygen
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David Lukens Reasoner has written:
'The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite Program, CRRES' -- subject(s): Extraterrestrial radiation, Remote sensing, Earth sciences, Radiation effects, Atmospheric chemistry, Earth magnetosphere, Earth resources technology satellites, Chemical effects, Artificial satellites, Earth ionosphere
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The five major branches of chemistry are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. Each branch focuses on different aspects of the study of matter and its properties.
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- armors
- ballast
- projectiles
- radiation shields
- fuel (fissile or fertile) in some types of nuclear reactors
- civilian applications in chemistry, ceramics, glassware, etc.
1 answer
A. K. Pikaev has written:
'Radioliz vodnykh rastvorov lantanidov i aktinidov' -- subject(s): Actinide elements, Radiation chemistry, Rare earth metals
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medical scanners. The development of medical scanners and radiation therapy was made possible through the application of knowledge of the inner structure and behavior of atoms.
Other than by surgery or in combination with chemotherapy (drugs), cancerous tissues can also be eliminated using radiation therapy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are based on the fact that certain chemicals and high intensity radiation easily destroy rapidly dividing cells (like cancer cells).
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chemistry is very important. chemistry is different from bio chemistry .
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there are many branches of chemistry.
Organic chemistry is the study of chemistry of life.
Inorganic chemistry is the study of inorganic compounds.
Analytical chemistry is the study of the chemistry of matter.
Physical chemistry is the study of chemistry applying physics.
Clinical chemistry
Forensic chemistry
Macromolecular chemistry
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Gamma particles are high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted during nuclear reactions. They have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency among types of electromagnetic radiation. These gamma rays are commonly used in medical diagnostics and treatments, as well as in industrial applications such as sterilization and food preservation.
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Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, while general chemistry covers all basic principles and concepts of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry. General chemistry is a broader discipline that encompasses various branches of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry.
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Astronauts need to know chemistry to understand how different materials and substances behave in the unique environment of space, such as changes in temperature, pressure, and radiation exposure. This knowledge is essential for the maintenance and operation of spacecraft systems, as well as for performing experiments and research in space. Understanding chemistry also helps astronauts stay safe and healthy while living and working in space for long durations.
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Examples: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, photochemistry, radiochemistry, agrochemistry, cosmochemistry, macromolecular chemistry, analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, colloid chemistry, clinical chemistry, immunochemistry etc.
1 answer
Analytical Chemistry is the study of composition of matter. It is the branch of chemistry that deals with properties of materials and analysis of them with the help of tools.
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Chemistry does more with physics than chemistry does with chemistry.
in English, it just does........................... ;)
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- inorganic chemistry
- organic chemistry
- electrochemistry
- foods chemistry
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