Different types of clothes are worn in Paraguay, including skirts, blouses, and the traditional ao po\'i.
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The main protagonist of Ao Oni is named the same as Ao Oni.
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Blood group A phenotype can be as a result of AA or AO. Going by Mendelian rules of inherittance,
Group A father can be AA or AO and,
Group A mother can be AA or AO.
IF parents are AA & AA then all children will be AA = Group A only.
IF one parent is AA & the other AO, then the children can be AA,AO,AA,AO = Group A only phenotypically.
IF both are AO & AO, then the kids can be AA,AO,OA (all = Group A) and OO = Group O.
So depending upon if the parents are AA or AO, the children can only be Group A or Group O (when both parents are AO).
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Ao is a tribe living in the state of Nagaland in India, or their native language.
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The abbreviation AO can stand for:
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Kun Yang has: Played Yang Lijuan in "Cuo wei" in 1986. Played Lin Yifan in "Zhi ming de shen yuan" in 1989. Played Yu Fang in "Xue se mei gui" in 1993. Played Ya Po Po (2001) in "Xiao ao jiang hu" in 2001. Performed in "Da hong mi dian" in 2004. Played Ao Jia Da Nai Nai in "Feng man lou" in 2005.
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No. Type O is genetically OO, in order to produce a AO child one parent must be AO or AA.
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A. Lanunungsang Ao has written:
'Rural development in Nagaland'
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There are a few antagonist of Ao Oni. This is a Japan horror game.
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Some of the characters in Ao Oni are Takeshi, Shun, and Jon.
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There are not solutions on the Ao Oni. This is a puzzle game that is made in Japan.
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The foyer will be the first place you enter in the game Ao Oni.
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If the mother is AO (genotype: AA or AO) and the father is BO (genotype: BO or BB), their baby could inherit alleles AO, BO, AB, or BO. Therefore, the baby could have blood type A, B, AB, or O.
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If the father is type AO, the types of blood that the child can have depend on the mother.
If the mother is AA, the child will be either AA or AO.
If the mother is BB, the child will be either AB or BO.
If the mother is OO, the child will be either AO or OO.
If the mother is AB, the child will be AA, AB, AO or BO.
If the mother is AO, the child will be either AA, AO or OO.
If the mother is BO, the child will be either AB, AO, BO or OO.
So, of all the possible outcomes, the child will be either AA, BB, OO, AB, AO or BO.
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You were the Ao dai because it is traditional and it is worn to special occasions.
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