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2 answers
yes, it does.
1: Liu C, Zhao Q, Zhen Y, Gao Y, Tian L, Wang L, Ji L, Liu G, Ji Z, Liu K. Prednisone in Uric Acid Lowering in Symptomatic Heart Failure Patients With Hyperuricemia (PUSH-PATH) Study. Can J Cardiol. 2013 Sep;29(9):1048-54. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2012.11.008. Epub 2013 Feb 6. PubMed PMID: 23395281. 2: Zhang H, Liu C, Ji Z, Liu G, Zhao Q, Ao YG, Wang L, Deng B, Zhen Y, Tian L, Ji L, Liu K. Prednisone adding to usual care treatment for refractory decompensated congestive heart failure. Int Heart J. 2008 Sep;49(5):587-95. PubMed PMID: 18971570. 3: Liu C, Liu G, Zhou C, Ji Z, Zhen Y, Liu K. Potent diuretic effects of prednisone in heart failure patients with refractory diuretic resistance. Can J Cardiol. 2007 Sep;23(11):865-8. PubMed PMID: 17876376; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2651362. 4: Liu C, Chen H, Zhou C, Ji Z, Liu G, Gao Y, Tian L, Yao L, Zheng Y, Zhao Q, Liu K. Potent potentiating diuretic effects of prednisone in congestive heart failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2006 Oct;48(4):173-6. PubMed PMID: 17086096.
2 answers
During the 5-8 days of the sertraline discontinuation, the most frequent symptoms reported by more than a quarter of patients were irritability, agitation, dizziness, headache, nervousness, crying, emotional lability, bad dreaming and anger. Approximately one third of the subjects experienced mood worsening to the level generally associated with a major depressive episode. Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Hoog SL, Ascroft RC, Krebs WB (1998). "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: a randomized clinical trial". Biol. Psychiatry 44 (2): 77—87. PMID 9646889
1 answer
An analysis of mammalian bite force relative to the body size shows that the Tasmanian Devil has the strongest bite of any living mammal (over 5,100 psi (35,000 kPa)).[8] [8] Wroe, S, McHenry, C, and Thomason, J. 2005. Bite club: comparative bite force in big biting mammals and the prediction of predatory behaviour in fossil taxa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences272:619-625 PMID 15817436
3 answers
There is limited scientific evidence to suggest that music can affect seed germination. Some studies have shown that exposure to certain types of music, such as classical or ambient music, may have a positive effect on seed germination rates. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon.
2 answers
An article search on PubMed reveals that "physical activity has to be considered as an aggravating factor in the natural history of varicocele" [1] In addition, there are multiple anecdotes on on-line forums of increased swelling and pain after weightlifting. Theoretically this makes sense, because increasing the intraabdominal pressure (this is called the Valsalva maneuver) during exercise will force blood out of the abdomen and into the lower pressure area of the testicles, causing a swelling of the venous system. Theoretically, if tight underwear is worn that increases pressure in the veins of the testicle, the swelling of the varicocele may be reduced.
-Medical student
1. Rigano E, et al. Varicocele and sport in the adolescent age. Preliminary report on the effects of physical training. J Endocrinol Invest. 2004 Feb;27(2):130-2. PMID: 15129807
1 answer
Insulin comes in various concentrations. 40U insulin means that there are 40U (or "units") of insulin in 1ml while 100U insulin means that there are 100 units of insulin in 1ml.
It should also be noted that insulin syringes come calibrated to the type of insulin they are to be used with, so you should never use a 40U syringe with 100U insulin, for example, without consulting your doctor for the correct dose with the mismatched syringe.
2 answers
Yes, actually, they do sting, but it's not particularly serious for most people. See the attached sites for specifics. "South Australia has the highest mortality rate from bee stings of all the Australian States, with a recorded fatality rate of 0.26/1 000 000 population per year. As in other surveys, fatalities occur predominantly in men over 40 years of age, which suggests that there may be other contributory risk factors, for example, coronary atherosclerosis. No deaths were reported in individuals aged from six to 19 years, the age group in which bee-sting anaphylaxis is particularly common." (PMID: 6694624 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE])
2 answers
A mutation can lead to a variety of outcomes, including no change in the organism, a change in a particular characteristic, or the development of a genetic disorder. The impact of a mutation depends on factors such as where the mutation occurs in the DNA and what specific genes are affected.
6 answers
this is an extremely rare blood group leading to habitual abortions.
as these articles suggest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasmapheresis could be a solution to the problem. You should also think of autologous blood donations as you are probably not able to receive blood of other individuals.
I know of one case who got a healthy baby. The mother applied lovenox injections all through her pregnancy and the embryo was checked twice a week with medical ultrasonics. Blood preservatios were prepared for mother and baby for the timed birth. And I guess a lot of luck is also needed!
1 answer
I think he will be allowed to do it. Alternative answerAnyone can do various forms of cancer research. However, if you come up with a cure that works on animals and humans that the Rockefeller family cannot buy from you and control, then you will run into trouble with the law. There are many known cures or controls for many diseases, including cancer. Some are listed on the Internet and on Google Video search results. The problem is not that these do not work, it is that allopathic medical doctors of Western medicine are forbidden to use them or they will lose their license to practice medicine. The politics of the medicine were established in 1910 when the Rockefellers through the Carnegie Foundation for Education sponsored the Flexner report on medical education in the USA and Canada. All medical schools not promoting the use of drugs were suggested to be closed. The drug related medical schools were encouraged to join up with existing universities, and that these schools all be well funded by the rich tycoons and their charitable tax exempt foundations. Certainly the quality of medical education and professionalism greatly increased because these schools could then afford to hire the best teaching professors, lab equipment, and buildings to house them all, but non-drug based medical practice was virtually outlawed--medical insurance usually does not cover anything but allopathic medical treatments. Hemp oil extract is known to cure cancer and that is the hidden and primary reason that cannabis is a banned natural plant. Fake studies by scientists on asphyxiated / carbon monoxide poisoned monkeys said that smoking marijuana caused brain function impairment / damage. Indications from facts / myths of marijuana web pages indicate that marijuana smoking is no more addictive than drinking coffee. See video "The Rick Simpson Story". See video "The Union: The business behind getting high"--this explains the history dating back to the 1800s. See the following scientific medical studies on Pub Med: PMID: 16501583, PMID: 9148653, PMID: 18286801, PMID: 16699878, PMID: 16250836, PMID: 17943729, PMID: 16042581, PMID: 16728591, PMID: 17583570, and many others. In the early part of the 1900s Dr. Max Gerson found that diet, juicing and coffee enemas could be used to cure chronic diseases including cancer. The Budwig diet is supposedly an excellent anti-cancer diet. In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720). Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional. In the 1950s and 60s, Antoine Prioré developed a multi frequency electromagnetic plasma tube device that made test mice immune to subsequent cancer infections--rejecting cancerous tumor grafts done by researchers. In the 1920s-1930s Georges Lakhovsky invented a machine based on earlier health effects reported by inventor Nikola Tesla. Tesla also had a similar such machine. Lakhovsky named his machine the multiple wave oscillator (MWO). He wrote a number of periodical articles and some books. One of his books was "The Waves That Heal" originally written in French. Lakhovsky was said to have had a very high success rate curing cancer in both Paris and New York City hospitals until he died after being hit by a limousine in NYC in 1942. Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school. Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up. My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments. In researching something mentioned by G. Edward Griffin, I found that Eustace Mullins specifically mentioned Dr. Ralph Moss in connection with the Laetrile / Amygdalin studies conducted by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in the 1970s. From approximately page 64 of Eustace Mullins book "Murder by Injection" is roughly the following information: Dr. Kinematsu Suiguira, who had been at Rockefeller family managed Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute (MSKCI) since 1917 produced results proving that laetrile was effective on cancer in experimental animals. On June 13, 1973, the results of cancer tests using laetrile by Dr. Suiguira over a period of nine months stated, "The results clearly show that Amygdalin significantly inhibits the appearance of lung metastasis in mice." Although this definitely had been announced by MSKCI, however on January 10, 1974, a devious individual management front-man, Dr. Robert Good, president of MSKCI, denounced the news of the findings as "a premature leak." Dr. Ralph Moss, who was then PR director at the MSKCI Center, considered Suiguira's work a genuine breakthrough. On November 17, 1977, he held a press conference at the Hilton Hotel in New York saying that the president of MSKCI had mischaracterized the importance of the Laetrile / Amygdalin findings. Instead of receiving praise for publicizing the success at the Center, he was fired the next day by direct orders from the management. He later wrote an excellent book, "The Cancer Syndrome" which exposes many of the strange events at Sloan Kettering. His book is very factual, and is written without resentment against those who had fired him. To this day, it is illegal in the USA to make medical claims about the cancer curative nature of apricot seeds, or Laetrile, or Amygdalin--the reason why Jason Vale was sent to prison for 5 years or so by the FDA. Cansema black salve has both internal and external treatment possibilities. I looked this up and found that a donkey had been cured of a skin cancer on its head. A person who came to our door wanting to sign me up for a charity mentioned that he had cancer two years beforehand and had taken the capsules to overcome the disease and was now clear of it without any conventional treatments. The 'overnight cancer cure' can be found on the Internet. Your question is like "Can I research a free-energy generator machine?" The answer is yes, as long as you do not upset the existing paradigms established by the rich elite of the world who control virtually everything in our current economic and political systems. See the related links below...
1 answer
Schumans disease is the same as Scheuermann's disease Scheuermann's disease is a self-limiting skeletal disorder of childhood. It is also known as Sherman's Disease (since some people have difficulties spelling Scheuermann) and Scheuermann's kyphosis, since it results in kyphosis. It is named for Holger Werfel Scheuermann.[1][2][3] It is more well characterized for the thoracic spine than for the lumbar spine.[4][5] == == The cause is not currently known, and the condition appears to be multifactorial.[6] Several candidate genes (such as COL1A2) have been proposed and excluded.[7] Scheuermann's disease is considered a form of juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine. It is found mostly in teenagers and presents a significantly worse deformity than postural kyphosis. Patients suffering with Scheuermann's kyphosis cannot consciously correct their posture. The apex of their curve, located in the thoracic vertebrae, is quite rigid. The sufferer may feel pain at this apex, which can be aggravated by physical activity and by long periods of standing or sitting; this can have a significantly detrimental effect to their lives as their level of activity is curbed by their condition and they may feel isolated or uneasy amongst their peers if they are children, depending on the level of deformity. Also, the decreased level of height will emphasize body fat around the intestines, making the person with Scheuermann's kyphosis seem more heavy-set than normal. This can make children even more uneasy, with a possibility of being harassed by peers, since they appear to be "fatter" than other children. Whereas in postural kyphosis the vertebrae and disks appear normal, in Scheuermann's kyphosis they are irregular, often herniated, and wedge shaped over at least three adjacent levels. The seventh and tenth thoracic vertebrae are most commonly affected. It causes backache and spinal curvature. In very serious cases it may cause internal problems and spinal cord damage. The curvature of the back decreases height, thus putting pressure on internal organs, wearing them out quicker than the natural aging process. A possibility of organ failure increases with long periods of time. There are many ways to solve Scheuermann's kyphosis. For less extreme cases, manual medicine, physical therapy and/or back braces can help reverse or stop the kyphosis before it does become severe. Severe or extreme cases sometimes must be solved through an extensive surgical procedure. Chiropractic has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of Scheuermann's kyphosis and other scoliotic diseases. [8] As always, surgical intervention should be used as a last resort once conservative treatment fails or the patient's health is in imminent danger as any surgical procedure is not without risk; however, the chances of complication are relatively low. The surgical procedure partially entails entering two titanium rods, each roughly one and a half feet long, into the back on either side of the spine. Eight titanium screws and hardware are drilled through the bone and secures them in place onto either side of the spine. On the internal-facing side of the spine, ligaments (which can be too short, pulling the spine into the general shape of kyphosis) must be surgically cut or released, not only stopping part of the cause of the kyphosis, but also allowing the titanium rods to pull the spine into a more natural position. Normally, the damaged discs between the troubled vertebrae (wedged vertebrae) are removed and replaced with cartilage from the hip or other parts of the vertebrae, which once healed or 'fused' will solidify. The titanium instrumentation holds everything in place during healing and is not necessary once fusion completes. Recovery begins in the hospital and depending on whether the operation is one or two stage the patient can expect to be in hospital for minimum of a week possibly longer depending on recovery. They will then often be required to wear a brace for several months to ensure the spine heals correctly leaving the patient with the correct posture. The titanium instrumentation can stay in the body permanently, or be removed years later. Patients undergoing surgery for Scheuermann's disease often need physical therapy to manage pain and mobility, patients will struggle with mobility particularly when completing repetitive tasks such as lifting, carrying or exercising this will often last for much or all of their lives. # ^ synd/3305 at Who Named It # ^ H. W. Scheuermann. Kyphosis dorsalis juvenilis. Ugeskrift for Læger, Copenhagen, 1920, 82: 385-393. # ^ "Medcyclopaedia - Scheuermann's disease". # ^ Summers BN, Singh JP, Manns RA (May 2008). "The radiological reporting of lumbar Scheuermann's disease: an unnecessary source of confusion amongst clinicians and patients". Br J Radiol 81 (965): 383-5. doi:10.1259/bjr/69495299. PMID 18440942, http://bjr.birjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=18440942. # ^ Blumenthal SL, Roach J, Herring JA (November 1987). "Lumbar Scheuermann's. A clinical series and classification". Spine 12 (9): 929-32. PMID 3441839. # ^ Fotiadis E, Kenanidis E, Samoladas E, Christodoulou A, Akritopoulos P, Akritopoulou K (May 2008). "Scheuermann's disease: focus on weight and height role". Eur Spine J 17 (5): 673-8. doi:10.1007/s00586-008-0641-x. PMID 18301929, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00586-008-0641-x. # ^ McKenzie L, Sillence D (January 1992). "Familial Scheuermann disease: a genetic and linkage study". J. Med. Genet. 29 (1): 41-5. PMID 1552543. # ^ "Scoliosis treatment using spinal manipulation and the Pettibon Weighting System™: a summary of 3 atypical presentations". Chiropractic and Osteopathy 14 (1). 2006. ISSN 17461340. * http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?Thread_ID=247&topcategory=Spine * http://www.back.com/causes-developmental-scheuermann.html http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic129.htm] * Scheuermann's Kyphosis (Scheuermann's Disease): Abnormal Curvature of the Spine * http://www.allaboutbackandneckpain.com/html/spinesub.asp?id=27
1 answer
If you look at the original study done by Lovaas, he shows that out of two groups, one treated for autism and the other not of children with austim, 1/3rd of the children treated fully using Early Behavioral Intervention were indistinguishable from their peers. This means that 1/3rd could lead normal lives and were able to be a normal kid. The other 2/3rds did better than those in the untreated or less treated group. So the answer to your question is that if early intervention isn't done with a child with autism then they could miss out on learning the communication skills that lead to a more normal functioning life. I attatched the original artical for this study to the bottom of this post. If you need help finding resources to look up a local autism group for your area and possibly get help through one of the online parents and friends of a person with autism communities.
Lovaas OI (February 1987). "Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children". J Consult Clin Psychol 55 (1): 3-9. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.55.1.3. PMID 3571656
1 answer
It is extremely unlikely to contract strep throat through inhaling someone's flatulence because the bacteria responsible for strep throat is typically spread through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing. However, it's always important to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with someone who is ill to reduce the risk of any potential transmission of infections.
5 answers
Hey there!
Yes, you can be immunised against the bubonic plague.
Here is the paper title to look for on PubMed: Vaccination against bubonic and pneumonic plague, PMID: 11457543.
If behind a paywall, use Sci-Hub which is pretty good and I have used it a lot for my work at university.
I hope this helped you a lot! 😊
7 answers
Lansium domesticum (langsat) seeds contain compounds such as alkaloids, tannins, saponins, and flavonoids. These seeds are not safe for consumption and can be toxic due to the presence of these compounds. It is important to avoid consuming them.
2 answers
no but i wouldn't eat it
The skin is not poisonous, and in fact contains valuable antioxidants. However, it is considered inedible because it is bitter. The white pith is likewise nontoxic, and many people eat it along with the seeds.
4 answers
Some drugs known to potentially increase mammal lifespan include metformin, rapamycin, and resveratrol. These drugs have been shown to have anti-aging effects in various studies, but their efficacy and safety for human use are still being researched.
2 answers
You choose which study to believe:
Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Università di Firenze. We found that the fern leaf crystallisation of human saliva is a non-specific phenomenon, independent on the action of estrogenic hormones. Salivary ferning can be obtained in practice during the whole menstrual cycle and occurs in the saliva of postclimateric, pregnant and prepuberal women. Even the saliva of male subjects gives invariably the ferning reaction. In conclusion, salivary ferning does not seem a reliable method to establish a woman's fertile period. PMID: 8171923 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
The Icfai Journal of Life Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 7-15, August 2007
The present study aims at determining the scientific reliability of salivary ferning pattern as a method to detect ovulation in normal women. The saliva was collected from unmarried women in the age group of 20-30 years. The saliva, collected at three different phases (i.e., preovulatory (6th-12th day), ovulatory (13th-14th day) and postovulatory (15th-28th day)), was smeared in the glass slide and observed under microscope.
The salivary fern pattern was compared with the different phases of the menstrual cycle. In the ovulation phase, estrogen crystals which formed clearly were observed in saliva, whereas in other phases few crystalline structures were visible. The results suggest that the appearance of fern formation may be due to the appearance of surge of estrogenic activity. This is confirmed by the estimation of electrolytes namely sodium, potassium, and subsequently estrogen. The present study emphasizes, that the salivary fern pattern can be used for ovulation prediction, and the test may, therefore, be clinically useful in the prediction of ovulation after suitable modification.
1 answer
Symbiosis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Symbiology" redirects here. For use of things that represent other things by association, resemblance, or convention, see Symbology.
This article is about the biological phenomenon. For other uses, see Symbiosis (disambiguation). For the Marvel character, see Symbiote (comics).
In a symbiotic mutualism, the clownfishfeeds on small invertebrates that otherwise have potential to harm the sea anemone, and the fecal matter from the clownfish provides nutrients to the sea anemone. The clownfish is additionally protected from predators by the anemone's stinging cells, to which the clownfish is immune.
Symbiosis (from Ancient Greek σύν "together" and βίωσις "living")[1]is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. In 1877, Bennett used the word symbiosis (which previously had been used of people living together in community) to describe the mutualistic relationship in lichens.[2]In 1879, by the GermanmycologistHeinrich Anton de Bary, defined it as "the living together of unlike organisms."[3][4]
The definition of symbiosis is controversial among scientists. Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to any types of persistent biological interactions (i.e. mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic).[5]
Some symbiotic relationships are obligate, meaning that both symbionts entirely depend on each other for survival. For example, many lichensconsist of fungal and photosynthetic symbionts that cannot live on their own.[3][6][7][8]Others are facultative, meaning that they can, but do not have to live with the other organism.
Symbiotic relationships include those associations in which one organism lives on another (ectosymbiosis, such as mistletoe), or where one partner lives inside the other (endosymbiosis, such as lactobacilliand other bacteria in humans or zooxanthellesin corals).[9][10]
Contents[hide]Alder tree root nodule
Endosymbiosisis any symbiotic relationship in which one symbiont lives within the tissues of the other, either in the intracellular space or extracellularly.[10][11]Examples include diverse microbiomes, rhizobia, nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in root noduleson legumeroots; actinomycetenitrogen-fixing bacteria called Frankia, which live in alder tree root nodules; single-celled algae inside reef-building corals; and bacterial endosymbionts that provide essential nutrients to about 10%-15% of insects.
Ectosymbiosis, also referred to as exosymbiosis, is any symbiotic relationship in which the symbiont lives on the body surface of the host, including the inner surface of the digestivetract or the ducts of exocrineglands.[10][12]Examples of this include ectoparasitessuch as lice, commensalectosymbionts such as the barnaclesthat attach themselves to the jaw of baleen whales, and mutualistectosymbionts such as cleaner fish.
[edit]MutualismMain article: Mutualism (biology)Hermit crab, Calcinus laevimanus, with sea anemone.
Mutualism is any relationship between individuals of different species where both individuals derive a benefit.[13]In general, only lifelong interactions involving close physical and biochemicalcontact can properly be considered symbiotic. Mutualistic relationships may be either obligate for both species, obligate for one but facultative for the other, or facultative for both. Many biologistsrestrict the definition of symbiosis to close mutualist relationships.
A large percentage of herbivoreshave mutualistic gut faunathat help them digest plant matter, which is more difficult to digest than animal prey.[9]Coral reefs are the result of mutualisms between coral organisms and various types of algae that live inside them.[14]Most land plants and land ecosystems rely on mutualisms between the plants, which fix carbon from the air, and mycorrhyzalfungi, which help in extracting minerals from the ground.[15]
An example of mutual symbiosis is the relationship between the ocellaris clownfish that dwell among the tentacles of Ritteri sea anemones. The territorial fish protects the anemone from anemone-eating fish, and in turn the stingingtentacles of the anemone protect the clownfish from its predators. A special mucuson the clownfish protects it from the stinging tentacles.[16]
Another example is the goby fish, which sometimes lives together with a shrimp. The shrimp digs and cleans up a burrow in the sand in which both the shrimp and the goby fish live. The shrimp is almost blind, leaving it vulnerable to predators when above ground. In case of danger the goby fish touches the shrimp with its tail to warn it. When that happens both the shrimp and goby fish quickly retreat into the burrow.[17]
One of the most spectacular examples of obligate mutualism is between the siboglinidtube wormsand symbiotic bacteria that live at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. The worm has no digestive tract and is wholly reliant on its internal symbionts for nutrition. The bacteria oxidize either hydrogen sulfide or methane, which the host supplies to them. These worms were discovered in the late 1980s at the hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos Islands and have since been found at deep-seahydrothermal vents and cold seeps in all of the world's oceans.[18]
There are also many types of tropical and sub-tropical ants that have evolved very complex relationships with certain tree species.[19]
[edit]Mutualism and endosymbiosisDuring mutualistic symbioses, the host cell lacks some of the nutrients, which are provided by the endosymbiont. As a result, the host favors endosymbiont's growth processes within itself by producing some specialized cells. These cells affect the genetic composition of the host in order to regulate the increasing population of the endosymbionts and ensuring that these genetic changes are passed onto the offspring via vertical transmission (heredity).[20]
Adaptation of the endosymbiont to the host's lifestyle leads to many changes in the endosymbiont - the foremost being drastic reduction in its genome size. This is due to many genes being lost during the process of metabolism, and DNA repair and recombination. While important genes participating in the DNA to RNA transcription, proteintranslationand DNA/RNA replication are retained. That is, a decrease in genome size is due to loss of protein coding genes and not due to lessening of inter-genic regions or open reading frame (ORF) size. Thus, species that are naturally evolving and contain reduced sizes of genes can be accounted for an increased number of noticeable differences between them, thereby leading to changes in their evolutionary rates. As the endosymbiotic bacteria related with these insects are passed on to the offspring strictly via vertical genetic transmission, intracellular bacteria goes through many hurdles during the process, resulting in the decrease in effective population sizes when compared to the free living bacteria. This incapability of the endosymbiotic bacteria to reinstate its wild type phenotype via a recombination process is called as Muller's ratchet phenomenon. Muller's ratchet phenomenon together with less effective population sizes has led to an accretion of deleterious mutations in the non-essential genes of the intracellular bacteria.[21]This could have been due to lack of selectionmechanisms prevailing in the rich environment of the host.[22][23]
[edit]CommensalismPhoreticmites on a fly (Pseudolynchia canariensis).
Main article: Commensalism
Commensalism describes a relationship between two living organisms where one benefits and the other is not significantly harmed or helped. It is derived from the English word commensalused of human social interaction. The word derives from the medieval Latin word, formed from com- and mensa, meaning "sharing a table".[13][24]
Commensal relationships may involve one organism using another for transportation (phoresy) or for housing (inquilinism), or it may also involve one organism using something another created, after its death (metabiosis). Examples of metabiosis are hermit crabs using gastropodshells to protect their bodies and spiders building their webs on plants.
[edit]ParasitismFlea bites on a human is an example of parasitism.
Main article: Parasitism
A parasiticrelationship is one in which one member of the association benefits while the other is harmed.[25]Parasitic symbioses take many forms, from endoparasitesthat live within the host's body to ectoparasitesthat live on its surface. In addition, parasites may be necrotrophic, which is to say they kill their host, or biotrophic, meaning they rely on their host's surviving. Biotrophic parasitism is an extremely successful mode of life. Depending on the definition used, as many as half of all animals have at least one parasitic phase in their life cycles, and it is also frequent in plants and fungi. Moreover, almost all free-living animals are host to one or more parasite taxa. An example of a biotrophic relationship would be a tick feeding on the blood of its host.
[edit]AmensalismAmensalism is the type of relationship that exists where one species is inhibited or completely obliterated and one is unaffected. This type of symbiosis is relatively uncommon in rudimentary reference texts, but is omnipresent in the natural world. An example is a sapling growing under the shadow of a mature tree. The mature tree can begin to rob the sapling of necessary sunlight and, if the mature tree is very large, it can take up rainwater and deplete soil nutrients. Throughout the process the mature tree is unaffected. Indeed, if the sapling dies, the mature tree gains nutrients from the decaying sapling. Note that these nutrients become available because of the sapling's decomposition, rather than from the living sapling, which would be a case of parasitism.
[edit]Symbiosis and evolutionLeafhoppersprotected by an army of meat ants
While historically, symbiosis has received less attention than other interactions such as predation or competition,[26]it is increasingly recognized as an important selective force behind evolution,[9][27]with many species having a long history of interdependent co-evolution.[28]In fact, the evolution of alleukaryotes(plants, animals, fungi, and protists) is believed under the endosymbiotic theory to have resulted from a symbiosis between various sorts of bacteria.[9][29][30]
[edit]Vascular plantsAbout 80% of vascular plants worldwide form symbiotic relationships with fungi, for example, in arbuscular mycorrhizas.[31]
[edit]SymbiogenesisThe biologist Lynn Margulis, famous for her work on endosymbiosis, contends that symbiosis is a major driving force behind evolution. She considers Darwin'snotion of evolution, driven by competition, to be incomplete and claims that evolution is strongly based on co-operation, interaction, and mutual dependenceamong organisms. According to Margulis and Dorion Sagan, "Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking."[32]
[edit]Co-evolutionSymbiosis played a major role in the co-evolutionof floweringplants and the animals that pollinatethem. Many plants that are pollinated by insects, bats, orbirds have highly specialized flowers modified to promote pollination by a specific pollinator that is also correspondingly adapted. The first flowering plants in the fossil record had relatively simple flowers. Adaptive speciationquickly gave rise to many diverse groups of plants, and, at the same time, corresponding speciation occurred in certain insect groups. Some groups of plants developed nectar and large sticky pollen, while insects evolved more specialized morphologies to access and collect these rich food sources. In some taxa of plants and insects the relationship has become dependent,[33]where the plant species can only be pollinated by one species of insect.[34]
[edit]NotesInter-species biological interactions in ecology
1 answer
Dupuytren's contracture is a painless thickening and contracture of tissue beneath the skin on the palm of the hand and fingers.
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsThe cause is unknown, but minor injury and your genes may make you more likely to develop this condition.
One or both hands may be affected. The ring finger is affected most often, followed by the little, middle, and index fingers.
A small, painless nodule develops in the connective tissue on the palm side of the hand and eventually develops into a cord-like band. In severe cases, it's difficult or even impossible to extend the fingers.
The condition becomes more common after the age of 40. Men are affected more often than women. Risk factors are alcoholism, epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, and liver disease.
SymptomsA physical examination of the palm by touch (palpation) confirms the presence of thickened scar tissue (fibrosis) and contracture. Restriction of motion is common.
TreatmentExercises, warm water baths, or splints may be helpful.
Surgery may be performed to release the contracture, depending on the severity of the condition. Normal movement of the fingers is usually restored by surgery followed by physical therapy exercises for the hand.
Expectations (prognosis)The disorder progresses at an unpredictable rate. Surgical treatment can usually restore normal movement to the fingers. The disease can recur following surgery in some cases.
ComplicationsWorsening of the contracture may result in deformity and loss of function of the hand.
There is a risk of injury to blood vessels and nerves during surgery.
Calling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you have symptoms of this disorder.
PreventionAwareness of risk factors may allow early detection and treatment.
ReferencesCalandruccio JH. Dupuytren contracture. In: Canale ST, Beatty JH, eds. Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. 11th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2007:chap 72.
Mercier LR. The forearm, wrist, and hand. In: Mercier LR, ed. Practical Orthopedics. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2008:chap 7.
2 answers
Aerosil, also known as colloidal silica, is generally considered safe for use in products like toothpaste, paints, and cosmetics. However, inhaling significant amounts of aerosil powder can cause respiratory irritation and lung damage. It is important to use proper safety precautions when working with aerosil to avoid potential health risks.
2 answers
No. Not yet. But there are many ways to prevent it:
>HIV AIDS prevention overview facts messages "Ways to Prevent AIDS" report Toronto<
Possibly yes, if you consider alternative medicine like Nick Nolte and Magic Johnson and others.
Alternative / mainstream offshore HIV AIDS Treatments
Search >Nick Nolte Ozone Magic Johnson<
Search >extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation blood<
Search >The Beck Protocol<
Search >Suppressed medical discovery AIDS cancer<
Search >curing hiv cancer "Ventura College" lecture<
Search >MMS Chlorine-dioxide<
Search >"PMID: 15858720" "Lyman WD" "Kaali SG" "Albert Einstein College"<
FDA AMA Suppression of alternate therapies not involving drugs:
Search >1953 "Fitzgerald Report" AMA FDA quackery record<
Search >"Eustace Mullins" "Murder by injection"<
Search >Fishbein AMA "Patricia Ward" congress discourse<
Origin of HIV virus theories
Search >tetrahedron Horowitz Origin of AIDS<
Search >AMA FDA AZT 1964 Burroughs Wellcome Rockefeller<
Search >Dr. Robert Strecker AIDS<
Search >"Robert Gallo" "Litton Bionetics" visna leukemia SV40<
Anti-retro-viral drug AZT failure study
Search >AZT 3-year study<
NO! AIDS is not curable! I don't care what anyone says! There is no cure. There is only medicine to enhance your life while you are living with AIDS. The only way to make sure you dont catch HIV is to not have sexual encounters in ANY way.
AIDS currently has no cure.
no. there is no cure. once you are HIV positive, it is only a matter of time before aids develops. anti retroviral drugs can slow the onset of aids but does not stop it.
11 answers
Cancer does NOT spread during an operation, it spreads afterwards because major operations lower the oxygen in your body. Cancer can only thrive in environments that lack oxygen. The reason for this was discovered in the 1940s by Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Otto Warburg who found that the cellular metabolism of cancer cells matches closely those of yeast or mold or fungus- -that is, the cells ferment sugar / glucose / dextrose rather than oxidize it via the cellular mitochondria. The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet. Any surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes. Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all. Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where the repair cells do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer). They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired. Other scientists have used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the human body's reaction to a fungal infection. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus"). By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time. Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. These kinds of UV blood treatment have been experimentally studied. (See Pub Med for extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation). Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public- -libelously calling these treatments quackery. In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720). Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional. Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. The commonality between the full Beck Protocol and the Royal Rife machine treatment is that they both attempt to kill the pathogenic causes of disease / malignancy. However, Rife identified rightly that toxins in the body were the direct cause of the illness. The Beck protocol addresses this only slightly with the use of drinking freshly ozonated water to assist the kidneys in detoxifying the body, however, diets like "Gerson Therapy" and the cottage cheese, flaxseed oil Budzig and other diets attempt primarily to detoxify the body to treat disease. For example, Gerson therapy involves coffee enemas, consuming copious amounts of freshly juiced vegetable and fruits, and meals of cooked vegetables. Coffee is a diuretic and as such forces the kidneys to express more urine than they might otherwise do, causing further detoxification than is normally possible. The copious amounts of freshly juiced drinking involves juicing about 40 lbs of organically grown food per day per patient so that an enormous amount of fluid and nutrients are flowing through the patient, also contributing to detoxification as well as rebuilding damaged parts of the body. Gerson believers claim that old scars heal, and tissues rebuild. Without giving it a try (the scientific method), organized Rockefeller-based AMA medically trained practitioners usually claim that every last bit of all these kinds of treatment are all just quackery. There are few reasons if any why some of these treatments could not be combined for even better effects on the disease.
1 answer
Not to be confused with "mensuration", a forestry term meaning measurement.
Menstrual cycle
Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium). It occurs on a regular basis in reproductive-age females of certain mammal species. Overt menstruation (where there is bleeding from the uterus through the vagina) is found primarily in humans and close evolutionary relatives such as chimpanzees.[1] The females of other placental mammal species have estrous cycles, in which the endometrium is reabsorbed by the animal (covert menstruation) at the end of its reproductive cycle. Many zoologists regard this as different from a "true" menstrual cycle.
Contents">Contents[hide]During pregnancy and for some time after childbirth, menstruation is normally suspended; this state is known as amenorrhoea, i.e. absence of the menstrual cycle. If menstruation has not resumed, fertility is low during lactation. The average length of postpartum amenorrhoea is longer when certain breastfeeding practices are followed; this may be done intentionally as birth control (lactational amenorrhea method).
EvolutionAll female placental mammals have a uterine lining that builds up when the animal is fertile, but is dismantled (menstruated) when the animal is infertile. Some anthropologists have questioned the energy cost of rebuilding the endometrium every fertility cycle. However, anthropologist Beverly Strassmann has proposed that the energy savings of not having tocontinuously maintain the uterine lining more than offsets energy cost of having to rebuild the lining in the next fertility cycle, even in species such as humans where much of the lining is lost through bleeding (overt menstruation) rather than reabsorbed (covert menstruation).[1][4] However, even in humans, much of it is re-absorbed.Many have questioned the evolution of overt menstruation in humans and related species, speculating on what advantage there could be to losing blood associated with dismantling the endometrium rather than absorbing it, as most mammals do.
Beginning in 1971, some research suggested that menstrual cycles of co-habiting human females became synchronized. A few anthropologists hypothesized that in hunter-gatherer societies, males would go on hunting journeys whilst the females of the tribe were menstruating, speculating that the females would not have been as receptive to sexual relations while menstruating.[5][6] However, there is currently significant dispute as to whether menstrual synchrony exists.[7]
Humans do, in fact, reabsorb about two-thirds of the endometrium each cycle. Strassmann asserts that overt menstruation occurs not because it is beneficial in itself. Rather, the fetal development of these species requires a more developed endometrium, one which is too thick to completely reabsorb. Strassman correlates species that have overt menstruation to those that have a large uterus relative to the adult female body size.[1]
Culture and menstruationMain article: Culture and menstruationCommon usage refers to menstruation and menses as a period, a contraction of "menstrual period". A woman might say that her "period is late," or simply "I'm late," when an expected menstrual period has not started. Delay or cessation of menstruation is commonly expected to be the first indication to a woman that she may be pregnant. However, this cannot be taken as certainty. Irregular cycles are common in the first few years of menstruation. Regularity of the menstrual cycle may be also be affected by physical or emotional stress. Moreover, continued menstruation in early pregnancy is not uncommon.[8]
Many religions have menstruation-related traditions. These may be bans on certain actions during menstruation (such as intercourse in orthodox Judaism, Hinduism and Islam), or rituals to be performed at the end of each menses (such as the mikvah in Judaism and the ghusl in Islam). Some traditional societies sequester females in residences, "menstrual huts", that are reserved for that exclusive purpose until the end of their menstrual period.
Since the late 1960s, some women have chosen to control the frequency of menstruation with long-acting hormonal birth control. This allows women to plan months in advance when she will menstruate as combined hormone pills are taken in 28 day cycles, 21 hormonal pills with either a 7 day break from pills, or 7 placebo pills during which the woman menstruates. Injections such as depo-provera became available in the 1960s, progestogen implants such as Norplant in the 1980s and extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pills in the early 2000s.
CharacteristicsPhysical_experience">Physical experienceSee also: Premenstrual SyndromeIn many women, various intense sensations brought about by the involved hormones and by cramping of the uterus can precede or accompany menstruation. Stronger sensations may include significant menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea), abdominal pain, migraine headaches, depression, emotional sensitivity, feeling bloated, changes in sex drive and nausea. Breastswelling and discomfort caused by premenstrual water retention or hormone fluctuation is very common. Binge eating occurs in a minority of menstruating women.[9] This may be due to fluctuation in beta-endorphin levels. More severe symptoms may be classified as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). The sensations experienced vary from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle.
Emotional_reactions">Emotional reactionsWomen may experience emotional disturbances associated with menstruation. These range from the irritability popularly associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), to tiredness, or "weepiness" (i.e. tears of emotional closeness). A similar range of emotional effects and mood swings is associated with pregnancy.[10] Rarely, in individuals susceptible to psychotic episodes, menstruation may be a trigger (menstrual psychosis). Flow">FlowThe normal menstrual flow follows a "crescendo-decrescendo" pattern; that is, it starts at a moderate level, increases somewhat, and then slowly tapers. Sudden heavy flows or amounts in excess of 80 mL (hypermenorrhea or menorrhagia) may stem from hormonal disturbance, uterine abnormalities, including uterine leiomyoma or cancer, and other causes. Doctors call the opposite phenomenon, of bleeding very little, hypomenorrhea. Duration">DurationThe typical woman bleeds for two to seven days at the beginning of each menstrual cycle.[2][11] Prolonged bleeding (metrorrhagia, also meno-metrorrhagia) no longer shows a clear interval pattern. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is hormonally caused bleeding abnormalities. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding typically occurs in premenopausal women who do not ovulate normally (i.e. are anovulatory). All these bleeding abnormalities need medical attention; they may indicate hormone imbalances, uterine fibroids, or other problems. As pregnant patients may bleed, a pregnancy test forms part of the evaluation of abnormal bleeding. Menstrual productsMain article: Menstrual productMost women use something to absorb or catch their menses. There are a number of different methods available.
Disposable items:
Reusable items:
In addition to products to contain the menstrual flow, pharmaceutical companies likewise provide products - commonly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - to relieve menstrual cramps. Some herbs, such as dong quai, raspberry leaf and crampbark, are also claimed to relieve menstrual pain;[12] however there is no documented scientific evidence to prove this.[citation needed]
Further readingHuman physiology and Endocrinology of Sexual reproduction[show] v • d • e
Menstrual cycle
your welcom
:) ah.......................
1 answer
If a doctor suspects breast cancer, there are a number of imaging tests that he or she can perform, including diagnostic and digital (image stored to a computer) mammograms, MRI, ultrasound and ductogram. Additional tests include a nipple discharge exam and a biopsy of the breast.
According to the American Cancer Society, there are also several newer tests "such as scintimammography (technetium sestamibi scans) and tomosynthesis." There are not yet widely used and are still under evaluation for effectiveness.
Medical diagnostic imaging equipment can be used to view the breast tissues for irregularities. This is termed a mammogram.
A biopsy can then be taken of the suspicious tissue mass via needle or surgical procedure to determine if the suspicious tissue is a malignant or benign tumor mass.
If malignant, the cancer is deemed to be a dangerous disease.
Alternative and conventional cancer therapies exist.
Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells.
Chemotherapy is, in effect, giving the person a form of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Should a secondary infection invade or preexist in the body, then the patient will have no defenses to fight off the disease, and will likely die as a result of this other infection.
Numerous alternative therapies often involve electro-medicine such as the Beck Protocol, or Royal Rife radio frequency machine treatments, and numerous diets that can be combined together such as the Budwig diet, and Gerson therapy.
A farmer in Nova Scotia, Canada re-discovered that THC Hemp Oil could be used to treat cancer. (Video search >The Rick Simpson Story<) Medical studies being carried out in Europe, outside the influence of the Rockefellers / drug / medical monopoly have been able to conduct more scientific medical studies of THC from cannabis / marijuana that have been forbidden in the USA and Canada due to the baseless ban on the substance that initially started in 1937 immediately after the 1936 propaganda film about 'Reefer Madness.' The aggression that was supposedly brought about by cannabis was falsified supposedly by people within the US government (JP. Morgan - Rockefeller CFR). Critical information available on the internet have indicated that medical studies were falsified to indicate brain damage would result from smoking marijuana--search >Heath brain marijuana smoke asphyxiation "rhesus monkey" "carbon monoxide poisoning"< A facts / fictions / myths web document about cannabis indicates as the DEA web site says that marijuana is addictive, but as the DEA web site fails to indicate, the addiction is less powerful than that of coffee addiction.
There are so many suppressed cancer cures that work that it is not funny. Some of these can be safely combined, but you must know what you are doing and know who can help you.
Alternative medicine is about treating the cause of the disease and not the symptoms.
The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil and cottage cheese diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, and recently re-examined by Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (Oncologist and former cardiologist) in 1990. Dr. Roehm claims: "this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world."
Six time Nobel award nominated doctor says this essential nutrient combination actually prevents and cures cancer...
Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., came to America in the early 1900s. He believed in a holistic approach to health and invented for his own condition of migraine headaches the "Gerson therapy." Lots of Google videos exist for this therapy. The patient is analyzed for toxins and other things. The diet is customized somewhat for each patient, but usually consists of meals of cooked vegetables, coffee enemas, and drinking a large freshly juiced glass of fruit and vegetable juice about every 15 minutes or so all during the day. About 40 pounds of organically grown fresh food are juiced per day per patient. The amount of nutrients and fluids going through the patient's body is enormous. Coffee is a diuretic. When it is used as an enema fluid, it forces the kidneys to express more urine than they might normally, thereby supposedly greatly increasing the detoxification effects of the diet. The diet is said to dissolve scare tissue from old injuries, as well as eliminating many types of chronic illness.
Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease.
Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens.
Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute.
No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face.
An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school.
Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up.
My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments.
Lately a published medical study of 163 Swiss late stage cancer patients was performed using radio frequency radiation. Frequency dependent settings were found to affect the tumors, and the associated pain from them. Search >Alexandre Barbault Lausanne Switzerland< Or see Pub Med PMID: 19366446.
7 answers
Dogs typically have four toes on their front paws and four or five toes on their back paws due to evolution and natural selection. This toe arrangement is optimal for balance, speed, agility, and gripping various terrains. Overall, it is a functional design that has been advantageous for their movement and survival.
9 answers
Cancer has numerous causes. Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries. Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes. Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control). The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called as quacks. Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When they talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.
What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and an anti-cancer effect? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)
Yet some hidden political hand has US Federally prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the cancer industry, and the drug industry specifically.
Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation<
Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study.
Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells.
Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil, how can we humans? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us? Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp. Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit an vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight. Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they lack digestive enzymes that properly break down their food so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies. Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells. The trophoblastic theory of cancer is one that says that the body's own repair system has gone into an uncontrolled situation where undifferentiated (stem cells) sent in to repair a damaged area fail to obey natural chemical and electrical signals to stop reproducing. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. A new theory posited by one Italian oncology doctor is that cancer is caused by a fungal infection, and that the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection is to encapsulate it in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. This Italian oncology doctor kills the underlying fungal infection using substances known to kill fungus such as sodium bicarbonate and external cancers by tincture of iodine. This doctor has numerous videos posted to You Tube and Google videos linked from his web site for his book "Cancer as a Fungus."
1 answer
Allergy injections; Allergen immunotherapy
What Are Allergy Shots?An allergy shot is a when a very small amount of an allergen (such as mold spore, dust mite, animal dander, pollen, or venom from an insect) is injected into your body. A doctor or nurse will give you shots during several visits over the course of 3 - 5 years. A series of allergy shots may help to reduce your allergy symptoms.
First, you will need to work with your doctor to identify which allergens are causing your symptoms. This may be done through allergy skin testing or blood tests. Your doctor will include only the allergens you are allergic to in your allergy shots.
Allergy shots are just one part of an allergy treatment plan. You may also take allergy medications while having allergy shots. Your doctor may recommend that you reduce your exposure to allergens as well.
How Do They Work?Allergy symptoms occur when your immune system tries to attack the allergen in the body. When this happens, your body creates mucus. This can cause bothersome symptoms in the nose, eyes, and lungs.
Allergy shots are also called "immunotherapy" since they work with the immune system. When a small amount of the allergen is injected into the body, the immune system makes an "antibody" that blocks the allergen from causing symptoms.
After several months of injections of a specific allergen(s) known to cause some of your symptoms, you may feel relief of some or all of your symptoms. The relief of symptoms can last several years. For some patients, allergy shots can prevent new allergies and help asthma symptoms.
Who Can Benefit from Allergy Shots?People with well-controlled allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and insect bite sensitivity can benefit from targeted allergy shots. Patients with eczema (a skin condition) caused by dust mite allergy may also benefit from allergy shots.
Allergy shots are effective for these common allergens:
Adults, including the elderly, as well as children may receive allergy shots.
People with severe asthma or heart conditions are generally not good candidates for allergy shots. If you take medications, such as ACE inhibitors or beta blockers, you should discuss the risks of allergy shots with your doctor. Pregnant women should not begin allergy shots, but they may be able to continue allergy shot treatment that has already started.
Food allergies are not treated with allergy shots.
Getting Your Allergy ShotsAllergy shots are typically given in your doctor's office about 1 - 3 times per week for 3 - 6 months. This is called the "build up" phase. Additional doses are given for 3 - 5 years every 4 - 6 weeks. This is called the "maintenance" phase. The shot is usually given in the upper arm area.
Keep in mind that many visits are needed to feel the full effects of this treatment. Your doctor will assess your symptoms on occasion to help decide when you can stop your allergy shot treatment.
Side Effects of Allergy ShotsAn allergy shot may cause a reaction on the skin (such as redness, swelling, and itching) or a mild nasal stuffiness or runny nose.
Though rare, it can also cause a severe life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. As a result:
Reactions to allergy shots can be treated in your doctor's office right away.
When to Call the DoctorSur DK, Scandale S. Treatment of allergic rhinitis. Am Fam Physician. 2010 Jun 15;81(12):1440-6.
Cox L, Nelson H, Lockey R, Calabria C, Chacko T, Finegold I, Nelson M, Weber R, Bernstein DI, Blessing-Moore J, Khan DA, Lang DM, Nicklas RA, Oppenheimer J, Portnoy JM, Randolph C, Schuller DE, Spector SL, Tilles S, Wallace D. Allergen immunotherapy: a practice parameter third update. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jan;127(1 Suppl):S1-55.
Frew AJ. Allergen immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Feb;125(2 Suppl 2):S306-13. Review. PubMed PMID: 20176266.
Reviewed ByReview Date: 10/27/2011
Stuart I. Henochowicz, MD, FACP, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, Georgetown University Medical School. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
1 answer
The shoulder joint enables free movement of the arms in multiple directions. It is a ball-and-socket joint that allows for a wide range of motion, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation of the arms.
3 answers
It is believed that the HIV virus can remain dormant for several years in the body in various tissues other than the blood, especially the lymphatic system. Any bodily organs that have an ample blood supply are likely infected. One person, Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, examined a US patent for a blood treatment scheme posited by Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in The Bronx, New York who had published a scientific medical study entitled "Biocompatible electric current attenuates HIV infectivity." (See Pub Med for PMID: 15858720 -- a medical study linked in the related links of the related question "Can HIV be cured" below). (Also search "Bob Beck" in most search engines.) Dr. Beck determined that such a biocompatible (low flow of) electric current could be made to pass through the resistance of the skin, into the major arteries of the arm (the ulnar and radial arteries), up the forearm and back out the other fork of the other major artery without invasively removing all a patient's blood into an external machine, or similarly having a device surgically implanted to treat blood. This treatment method is known as micro-current treatment or blood electrification. The effective level of current through the blood was only micro-Amperes -- millionths of an Ampere, as long as the entire infected blood supply circulated quite a few times past the electrode site. Patients using his method he theorized could suffer a relapse of HIV infection if they did not somehow treat other bodily tissues such as the lymphatic system, so Beck posited that such tissues should be subjected to a abrupt time variant magnetic pulse that would induce such micro-currents to flow even in these tissues. He fashioned a magnetic pulsing device using a battery operated photo flash that would release the stored energy of a charged capacitor through an air core coil inductor of size 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys to produce a sudden magnetic pulse of about 500 to 20,000 Gauss (a magnetic field strength measure). The larger the field strength, the greater the tissue penetration from the device positioned outside a patient's torso. Several additional treatment schemes were set in place by 1998 and the treatment method came to be known as "The Beck Protocol." Beck gave presentations at alternative health conferences and conspiracy forum lectures. The treatments included blood electrification (purification), magnetic pulsing of the lymph and other similar tissues, drinking of colloidal silver water (made from de-ionized, demineralized / distilled water to avoid a condition known as argyria), and the separate drinking of ozonated (mineral?) water. For whatever reasons known only to themselves, the mainstream press did not cover any of Bob Beck's revelations, and claims about the treatment. Beck claimed that the Dr. Steven Kaali and Dr. William Lyman discovery was being suppressed by organized medicine / "the medical monopoly" / "big pharma" / "the drug cartels" because it was too effective and extremely cheap--and should the word get out, these invested interests would lose untold billions of dollars should such a possible cure become well known to members of the public. Beck sponsored his own series of treatment trials in several Southern California Hospitals by furnishing the equipment and batteries to operate it to suffering HIV AIDS patients with the proviso that they furnish Dr. Bob Beck with the before, during, and after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to show that the treatments were effective. After just a couple of years, Beck claimed to have collected over 2,000 successful treatment cases, and carried a handful of samples from these results with him to his health expo and other lectures. Beck, born in 1925, was the inventor of the low voltage xenon photo flash used in all cameras today. US Pat. #2,498,640 - Filed Aug 7, 1948 Xenon low-voltage electronic strobe flash for cameras that replaced the flash bulb - Sold to Ed Wilcox (Wilcox Photo Sales). Beck used his own treatment on himself since the early 1990s until his untimely death in the summer of 2002 from a bad fall that resulted in a head injury and later cardiac arrest in hospital. Recorded for posterity are a number of Bob Beck's lectures on Google Videos. After a couple of years of lecturing about this treatment method, unbenounced to Bob Beck, some of his audience members who were suffering from cancer also gave the treatment protocol a try, and reported back to Bob Beck that their cancers had spontaneously gone into remission (that they were supposedly cured of cancer). The flow of electric current is known to stop / prevent rigor mortis from setting in, is used in slaughter houses for just such a purpose, and it causes live cells to have an increase in ATP, a component measure of cell energy involved in a normal cell's mitochondrial metabolism / energy production activity. See the long list of related links in the related question, "Can HIV be cured?" below...
2 answers
No it does not.
It can be in your genes whether you have a higher chance to get it. Other main causes of breast cancer are being a woman and getting older. It can run in the family too.
Being hit in the breast doesn't mean you will get cancer there. It is the same likelihood that being hit anywhere else on your body will cause cancer. Very minimal.
9 answers
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= Pancreas =
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{| ! style="BACKGROUND: dimgray; COLOR: #ffffff" colspan="2" | Pancreas |
1: Head of pancreas
2: Uncinate process of pancreas
3: Pancreatic notch
4: Body of pancreas
5: Anterior surface of pancreas
6: Inferior surface of pancreas
7: Superior margin of pancreas
8: Anterior margin of pancreas
9: Inferior margin of pancreas
10: Omental tuber
11: Tail of pancreas
12: Duodenum ! Gray's | subject #251 1199 ! Artery | inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, splenic artery ! Vein | pancreaticoduodenal veins, pancreatic veins ! Nerve | pancreatic plexus, celiac ganglia, vagus[1] ! Precursor | pancreatic buds ! MeSH | Pancreas ! Dorlands/Elsevier | Pancreas The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help in the further breakdown of the carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the chyme. [hide]
* 1 Histology * 2 Function ** 2.1 Endocrine ** 2.2 Exocrine ** 2.3 Regulation * 3 Diseases of the pancreas * 4 History * 5 Embryological development * 6 Additional images * 7 References Under a microscope, stained sections of the pancreas reveal two different types of parenchymal tissue.[2] Lightly staining clusters of cells are called islets of Langerhans, which produce hormones that underlie the endocrine functions of the pancreas. Darker staining cells form acini connected to ducts. Acinar cells belong to the exocrine pancreas and secrete digestive enzymes into the gut via a system of ducts. Structure AppearanceFunction Islets of Langerhans Lightly staining, large, spherical clusters Hormone production and secretion (endocrine pancreas) Pancreatic acini Darker staining, small, berry-like clusters Digestive enzyme production and secretion (exocrine pancreas) The pancreas is a dual-function gland, having features of both endocrine and exocrine glands. Main article: Endocrine pancreas The part of the pancreas with endocrine function is made up of approximately million[3] cell clusters called islets of Langerhans. There are four main cell types in the islets. They are relatively difficult to distinguish using standard staining techniques, but they can be classified by their secretion: α cells secrete glucagon, β cells secrete insulin, δ cells secrete somatostatin, and PP cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide.[4] The islets are a compact collection of endocrine cells arranged in clusters and cords and are crisscrossed by a dense network of capillaries. The capillaries of the islets are lined by layers of endocrine cells in direct contact with vessels, and most endocrine cells are in direct contact with blood vessels, by either cytoplasmic processes or by direct apposition. According to the volume The Body, by Alan E. Nourse,[5] the islets are "busily manufacturing their hormone and generally disregarding the pancreatic cells all around them, as though they were located in some completely different part of the body." Main article: Exocrine pancreas In contrast to the endocrine pancreas, which secretes hormones into the blood, the exocrine pancreas produces digestive enzymes and an alkaline fluid, and secretes them into the small intestine through a system of exocrine ducts in response to the small intestine hormones secretin and cholecystokinin. Digestive enzymes include trypsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatic lipase, and pancreatic amylase, and are produced and secreted by acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas. Specific cells that line the pancreatic ducts, called centroacinar cells, secrete a bicarbonate- and salt-rich solution into the small intestine.[6] The pancreas receives regulatory innervation via hormones in the blood and through the autonomic nervous system. These two inputs regulate the secretory activity of the pancreas. Sympathetic (adrenergic) Parasympathetic (muscarinic) α2: decreases secretion from beta cells, increases secretion from alpha cells M3[7] increases stimulation from alpha cells and beta cell Main article: Pancreatic disease Because the pancreas is a storage depot for digestive enzymes, injury to the pancreas is potentially very dangerous. A puncture of the pancreas generally requires prompt and experienced medical intervention. An incision into the pancreas is known as a pancreatotomy. The pancreas was first identified by Herophilus (335-280 BC), a Greek anatomist and surgeon. Only a few hundred years later, Ruphos, another Greek anatomist, gave the pancreas its name. The term "pancreas" is derived from the Greek pan, "all", and kreas, "flesh", probably referring to the organ's homogeneous appearance.[8] Schematic illustrating the development of the pancreas from a dorsal and a ventral bud. During maturation the ventral bud flips to the other side of the gut tube (arrow) where it typically fuses with the dorsal lobe. An additional ventral lobe which usually regress during development is omitted.
The pancreas forms from the embryonic foregut and is therefore of endodermal origin. Pancreatic development begins the formation of a ventral and dorsal anlage (or buds). Each structure communicates with the foregut through a duct. The ventral pancreatic bud becomes the head and unciate process, and comes from the hepatic diverticulum. Differential rotation and fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds results in the formation of the definitive pancreas.[9] As the duodenum rotates to the right, it carries with it the ventral pancreatic bud and common bile duct. Upon reaching its final destination, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the much larger dorsal pancreatic bud. At this point of fusion, the main ducts of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse, forming the duct of Wirsung, the main pancreatic duct. Differentiation of cells of the pancreas proceeds through two different pathways, corresponding to the dual endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas. In progenitor cells of the exocrine pancreas, important molecules that induce differentiation include follistatin, fibroblast growth factors, and activation of the Notch receptor system.[9] Development of the exocrine acini progresses through three successive stages. These include the predifferentiated, protodifferentiated, and differentiated stages, which correspond to undetectable, low, and high levels of digestive enzyme activity, respectively. Progenitor cells of the endocrine pancreas arise from cells of the protodifferentiated stage of the exocrine pancreas.[9] Under the influence of neurogenin-3 and Isl-1, but in the absence of Notch receptor signaling, these cells differentiate to form two lines of committed endocrine precursor cells. The first line, under the direction of Pax-0, forms α- and γ- cells, which produce the peptides glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively. The second line, influenced by Pax-6, produces β- and δ-cells, which secrete insulin and somatostatin, respectively. Insulin and glucagon can be detected in the fetal circulation by the fourth or fifth month of fetal development.[9]
Accessory digestive system.
Digestive organs.
The celiac artery and its branches; the stomach has been raised and the peritoneum removed.
Lymphatics of stomach, etc. The stomach has been turned upward.
Transverse section through the middle of the first lumbar vertebra, showing the relations of the pancreas.
The duodenum and pancreas.
The pancreatic duct.
Pancreas of a human embryo of five weeks.
Pancreas of a human embryo at end of sixth week.
Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for duodenum, pancreas, and kidneys.
# ^ Physiology at MCG 6/6ch2/s6ch2_30 # ^Histology at BU 10404loa # ^ Hellman B, Gylfe E, Grapengiesser E, Dansk H, Salehi A (2007). "[Insulin oscillations--clinically important rhythm. Anti-diabetics should increase the pulsative component of the insulin release]" (in Swedish). Lakartidningen 104 (32-33): 2236-9. PMID 17822201. # ^ BRS physiology 4th edition ,page 255-256, Linda S. Constanzo, Lippincott publishing # ^ The Body, by Alan E. Nourse, in the Time-Life Science Library Series (op. cit., p. 171.) # ^ Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-981176-1. OCLC 32308337. # ^ Verspohl EJ, Tacke R, Mutschler E, Lambrecht G (1990). "Muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat pancreatic islets: binding and functional studies". Eur. J. Pharmacol. 178 (3): 303-11. doi:10.1016/0014-2999(90)90109-J. PMID 2187704. # ^ Harper, Douglas. "Pancreas". Online Etymology Dictionary. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=pancreas. Retrieved on 2007-04-04. # ^ a b cd Carlson, Bruce M. (2004). Human embryology and developmental biology. St. Louis: Mosby. pp. 372-4. ISBN 0-323-01487-9. ! style="BACKGROUND: #ffd700" colspan="2" | [show]v • d • e
Anatomy of torso, digestive system: accessory digestive glands | Liverby region: Left lobe (Caudate lobe, Quadrate lobe) • Right lobe • Transverse fissure of liver • Bare area of the liver
by function: Fibrous capsule of Glisson • Hepatocyte • Space of Disse • Space of Mall • Kupffer cell • Liver sinusoid • Ito cell • Hepatic lobule
Biliary tract
Bile ducts
intrahepatic: Bile canaliculus • Canals of Hering • Interlobular bile ducts • Intrahepatic bile ducts • Left and Right hepatic ducts
extrahepatic: Common hepatic duct • Cystic duct • Common bile duct
by region: Body • Fundus • Neck
Pancreasby region: Tail • Body • Neck • Head • Uncinate process by function: Islets of Langerhans • Exocrine pancreas ducts: Pancreatic duct • Accessory pancreatic duct
Common Hepatopancreatic ampulla • Sphincter of Oddi
! style="BACKGROUND: #ffd700" colspan="2" | [show]v • d • e
Endocrine system > Pancreas - Islets of Langerhans | A/B alpha cell (glucagon) • beta cell (insulin)
Other delta cell (somatostatin) • PP cell (pancreatic polypeptide) • epsilon cell (ghrelin)
* Pancreas entry in Britannica Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreas" |}
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= Pancreas =
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{| ! style="BACKGROUND: dimgray; COLOR: #ffffff" colspan="2" | Pancreas |
1: Head of pancreas
2: Uncinate process of pancreas
3: Pancreatic notch
4: Body of pancreas
5: Anterior surface of pancreas
6: Inferior surface of pancreas
7: Superior margin of pancreas
8: Anterior margin of pancreas
9: Inferior margin of pancreas
10: Omental tuber
11: Tail of pancreas
12: Duodenum ! Gray's | subject #251 1199 ! Artery | inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, splenic artery ! Vein | pancreaticoduodenal veins, pancreatic veins ! Nerve | pancreatic plexus, celiac ganglia, vagus[1] ! Precursor | pancreatic buds ! MeSH | Pancreas ! Dorlands/Elsevier | Pancreas The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help in the further breakdown of the carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the chyme. [hide]
** 1 Histology ** 2 Function *** 2.1 Endocrine *** 2.2 Exocrine *** 2.3 Regulation ** 3 Diseases of the pancreas ** 4 History ** 5 Embryological development ** 6 Additional images ** 7 References Under a microscope, stained sections of the pancreas reveal two different types of parenchymal tissue.[2] Lightly staining clusters of cells are called islets of Langerhans, which produce hormones that underlie the endocrine functions of the pancreas. Darker staining cells form acini connected to ducts. Acinar cells belong to the exocrine pancreas and secrete digestive enzymes into the gut via a system of ducts. Structure AppearanceFunction Islets of Langerhans Lightly staining, large, spherical clusters Hormone production and secretion (endocrine pancreas) Pancreatic acini Darker staining, small, berry-like clusters Digestive enzyme production and secretion (exocrine pancreas) The pancreas is a dual-function gland, having features of both endocrine and exocrine glands. Main article: Endocrine pancreas The part of the pancreas with endocrine function is made up of approximately million[3] cell clusters called islets of Langerhans. There are four main cell types in the islets. They are relatively difficult to distinguish using standard staining techniques, but they can be classified by their secretion: α cells secrete glucagon, β cells secrete insulin, δ cells secrete somatostatin, and PP cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide.[4] The islets are a compact collection of endocrine cells arranged in clusters and cords and are crisscrossed by a dense network of capillaries. The capillaries of the islets are lined by layers of endocrine cells in direct contact with vessels, and most endocrine cells are in direct contact with blood vessels, by either cytoplasmic processes or by direct apposition. According to the volume The Body, by Alan E. Nourse,[5] the islets are "busily manufacturing their hormone and generally disregarding the pancreatic cells all around them, as though they were located in some completely different part of the body." Main article: Exocrine pancreas In contrast to the endocrine pancreas, which secretes hormones into the blood, the exocrine pancreas produces digestive enzymes and an alkaline fluid, and secretes them into the small intestine through a system of exocrine ducts in response to the small intestine hormones secretin and cholecystokinin. Digestive enzymes include trypsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatic lipase, and pancreatic amylase, and are produced and secreted by acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas. Specific cells that line the pancreatic ducts, called centroacinar cells, secrete a bicarbonate- and salt-rich solution into the small intestine.[6] The pancreas receives regulatory innervation via hormones in the blood and through the autonomic nervous system. These two inputs regulate the secretory activity of the pancreas. Sympathetic (adrenergic) Parasympathetic (muscarinic) α2: decreases secretion from beta cells, increases secretion from alpha cells M3[7] increases stimulation from alpha cells and beta cell Main article: Pancreatic disease Because the pancreas is a storage depot for digestive enzymes, injury to the pancreas is potentially very dangerous. A puncture of the pancreas generally requires prompt and experienced medical intervention. An incision into the pancreas is known as a pancreatotomy. The pancreas was first identified by Herophilus (335-280 BC), a Greek anatomist and surgeon. Only a few hundred years later, Ruphos, another Greek anatomist, gave the pancreas its name. The term "pancreas" is derived from the Greek pan, "all", and kreas, "flesh", probably referring to the organ's homogeneous appearance.[8] Schematic illustrating the development of the pancreas from a dorsal and a ventral bud. During maturation the ventral bud flips to the other side of the gut tube (arrow) where it typically fuses with the dorsal lobe. An additional ventral lobe which usually regress during development is omitted.
The pancreas forms from the embryonic foregut and is therefore of endodermal origin. Pancreatic development begins the formation of a ventral and dorsal anlage (or buds). Each structure communicates with the foregut through a duct. The ventral pancreatic bud becomes the head and unciate process, and comes from the hepatic diverticulum. Differential rotation and fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds results in the formation of the definitive pancreas.[9] As the duodenum rotates to the right, it carries with it the ventral pancreatic bud and common bile duct. Upon reaching its final destination, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the much larger dorsal pancreatic bud. At this point of fusion, the main ducts of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse, forming the duct of Wirsung, the main pancreatic duct. Differentiation of cells of the pancreas proceeds through two different pathways, corresponding to the dual endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas. In progenitor cells of the exocrine pancreas, important molecules that induce differentiation include follistatin, fibroblast growth factors, and activation of the Notch receptor system.[9] Development of the exocrine acini progresses through three successive stages. These include the predifferentiated, protodifferentiated, and differentiated stages, which correspond to undetectable, low, and high levels of digestive enzyme activity, respectively. Progenitor cells of the endocrine pancreas arise from cells of the protodifferentiated stage of the exocrine pancreas.[9] Under the influence of neurogenin-3 and Isl-1, but in the absence of Notch receptor signaling, these cells differentiate to form two lines of committed endocrine precursor cells. The first line, under the direction of Pax-0, forms α- and γ- cells, which produce the peptides glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively. The second line, influenced by Pax-6, produces β- and δ-cells, which secrete insulin and somatostatin, respectively. Insulin and glucagon can be detected in the fetal circulation by the fourth or fifth month of fetal development.[9]
Accessory digestive system.
Digestive organs.
The celiac artery and its branches; the stomach has been raised and the peritoneum removed.
Lymphatics of stomach, etc. The stomach has been turned upward.
Transverse section through the middle of the first lumbar vertebra, showing the relations of the pancreas.
The duodenum and pancreas.
The pancreatic duct.
Pancreas of a human embryo of five weeks.
Pancreas of a human embryo at end of sixth week.
Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for duodenum, pancreas, and kidneys.
*# ^ Physiology at MCG 6/6ch2/s6ch2_30 *# ^Histology at BU 10404loa *# ^ Hellman B, Gylfe E, Grapengiesser E, Dansk H, Salehi A (2007). "[Insulin oscillations--clinically important rhythm. Anti-diabetics should increase the pulsative component of the insulin release]" (in Swedish). Lakartidningen 104 (32-33): 2236-9. PMID 17822201. *# ^ BRS physiology 4th edition ,page 255-256, Linda S. Constanzo, Lippincott publishing *# ^ The Body, by Alan E. Nourse, in the Time-Life Science Library Series (op. cit., p. 171.) *# ^ Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-981176-1. OCLC 32308337. *# ^ Verspohl EJ, Tacke R, Mutschler E, Lambrecht G (1990). "Muscarinic receptor subtypes in rat pancreatic islets: binding and functional studies". Eur. J. Pharmacol. 178 (3): 303-11. doi:10.1016/0014-2999(90)90109-J. PMID 2187704. *# ^ Harper, Douglas. "Pancreas". Online Etymology Dictionary. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=pancreas. Retrieved on 2007-04-04. *# ^ a b cd Carlson, Bruce M. (2004). Human embryology and developmental biology. St. Louis: Mosby. pp. 372-4. ISBN 0-323-01487-9. ! style="BACKGROUND: #ffd700" colspan="2" | [show]v • d • e
Anatomy of torso, digestive system: accessory digestive glands | Liverby region: Left lobe (Caudate lobe, Quadrate lobe) • Right lobe • Transverse fissure of liver • Bare area of the liver
by function: Fibrous capsule of Glisson • Hepatocyte • Space of Disse • Space of Mall • Kupffer cell • Liver sinusoid • Ito cell • Hepatic lobule
Biliary tract
Bile ducts
intrahepatic: Bile canaliculus • Canals of Hering • Interlobular bile ducts • Intrahepatic bile ducts • Left and Right hepatic ducts
extrahepatic: Common hepatic duct • Cystic duct • Common bile duct
by region: Body • Fundus • Neck
Pancreasby region: Tail • Body • Neck • Head • Uncinate process by function: Islets of Langerhans • Exocrine pancreas ducts: Pancreatic duct • Accessory pancreatic duct
Common Hepatopancreatic ampulla • Sphincter of Oddi
! style="BACKGROUND: #ffd700" colspan="2" | [show]v • d • e
Endocrine system > Pancreas - Islets of Langerhans | A/B alpha cell (glucagon) • beta cell (insulin)
Other delta cell (somatostatin) • PP cell (pancreatic polypeptide) • epsilon cell (ghrelin)
** Pancreas entry in BritannicaRetrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreas" |}
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1 answer
Instinctively, to share and spread their genes. Mental/ or emotionally, by humans standards, to raise children and have someone in their image that they have personally nourished. But now and days, children seem to be having children. Humans are complicated things, there is no definitive answer to this question.
5 answers
There are at least two schools of thought on the issue of metastases.
1. Some cancer cells from elsewhere in the body have migrated to the site.
2. The underlying cause of cancer has migrated after biopsy or surgery or injury has unleashed it to spread elsewhere.
The underlying cause of malignancy may have triggered the original formation of tumors.
There are many causes of cancer. These causes typically will not be eliminated by surgical intervention and are not normally checked during biopsy.
These causes include radiation poisoning, heavy metal poisoning, microbes, parasites, and various chemical toxins.
Under normal circumstances the body automatically identifies diseased cells, and either attacks and destroys them, or instructs them to die or shutdown their reproduction. When these natural processes break down, the formation of tumors results-the growth or potential spread of disease is very high.
Surgical removal of vital organs is usually a bad plan unless it is an emergency intervention to prevent the imminent loss of life of the patient.
Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries.
Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes.
Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control).
The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects.
Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks.
Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When they talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.
What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and an anti-cancer effect? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)
Yet some hidden political hand has US federally- prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the cancer industry, and the drug industry specifically.
I came across a Google video about the suppression of Cannabis. The name of the video was "The Union: the business behind getting high" This video had claims that there was no scientific evidence (after all) that cannabis smoking caused brain damage, and that the old study that was cited so many times was fraudulent. The video reviews the history involved since the 1800s.
Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation<
Upon trying to trace down / confirm if this was true, I came across a comment posted that mentioned "the Rick Simpson Story." I searched for that and found that it was listed on Google video. I watched the video and it said that first the Hemp Oil extract was tried on animals suffering with cancer, and they were cured. Next they tried it on humans, and they were cured of various forms of cancer. A middle aged son of one of the cured cancer patients was suffering from some form of chronic back pain or something. He tried it and it relieved his pain so that he could return back to working his farm (or whatever it happened to be) for a full day's work rather than cutting it way short and having to rest in bed.
When I finally searched for the "no brain damage" cannabis claim, I found that a researcher named Dr. Robert Heath did conduct cannabis research on rhesus monkeys to find brain function impairment, etc. And that articles critical of his experiments were on the Internet claiming that he had asphyxiated animals during the studies.
Search >asphyxiation study "Dr. Robert Heath"<
Search >site:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov "Heath RG" cannabis OR THC OR marijuana smoke<
See the Facts / Myths of Cannabis / hemp / marijuana / THC in the related links. Searching for these same phrases brought me to the DEA web site where they neglect to mention that the level of addiction to THC is less than that of coffee.
I have noticed lately in pop culture TV shows that people portrayed as long-haired stoner hippies with banners in protests have their banners say "Marijuana is a medicine" are accompanied by other badly portrayed groups wanting other unrelated goofy things. Perhaps this portrayal is on purpose--placement negative programming subliminal propaganda to downplay this message specifically. This downplaying would not happen if they interviewed the medical scientists who have gathered all of their supporting evidence in careful lab testing over the decades.
The Budwig diet, Gerson therapy, Royal Rife frequency machine, the Beck Protocol, the overnight cancer cure, tincture of iodine or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and the patented HIV AIDS cure may be appropriately and variously combined for best effects.
Video search >patented aids cure 5,676,977< This may super-boost the immune system so that diseased cells are attacked and properly destroyed. A Google search of the same keyword search reveals that Microsoft's ex-chairman's new foundation has been made fully aware of this cure so that he can provide the cure to the suffering in Africa, however, Rockefeller family motivated depopulation efforts may have their allopathic medical minions pooh-poohing the effort, causing untold deaths world wide.
Otto Warburg was a cancer research doctor in the 1930s. He won the Nobel prize in medicine or physiology for his discovery that cancer cells metabolically act like a fungus or yeast in that they ferment sugar for energy and produce toxic byproducts, rather than naturally oxidizing sugars via the cellular mitochondria as normal cells do.
Several cancer treatments use this discovery to attack the underlying cause of cancer. The Budwig diet combines flaxseed oil with cottage cheese. Biochemically, this combination permits the good oil to be water soluble and replace or displace proteins found in most cells that inhibit proper oxidization metabolic processes, super charging all cells with better oxygen handling capabilities, possibly converting diseased cancer cells back into normal cells. Most people are aware that hydrogenated oils are trans fats or saturated fats that are used in processed foods to prevent spoilage. If microbes are unable to eat and use these kinds of oils (that would otherwise cause food spoilage), what makes anyone think that it is good for humans to consume and absorb into their cells? Bioaccumulation of trans fats shall also lead to weight gain, coronary disease, diabetes, and obesity according to studies.
Gerson therapy was invented in the early 1900s by a German doctor who came to America. Initially he invented the diet to treat his own migraine headaches, but soon found that it could treat many chronic illnesses. "Doctor Albert Schweitzer, I presume?" Gerson's diet and treatment methods were used by a famous doctor's daughter, and she was cured. Soon afterwards, Dr. Albert Schweitzer used the therapy on himself and was also cured of his own different illness. Gerson was persecuted by the Rockefeller-AMA-FDA league for having claimed to have cured cancer. Charlotte Gerson moved her cancer clinic to Mexico, along with many other different cancer treatment practitioners.
Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp.
Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight.
Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies.
Harry Hoxsey treated cancer with a tonic from a special mix of herbs, and skin cancers with a caustic ointment paste. He had many thousands of patients and successful treatments. He was driven out of the USA by the FDA, and AMA into Mexico. Investigations and law suits concluded that Hoxsey did indeed cure most cancers. Headlines read Hoxsey "the quack who cured cancer." Hoxsey won a suit against the AMA, but was rewarded $1. But won a libel suit for $100,000 against Morris Fishbein who was the head of the AMA and the Hearst newspaper chain (known for yellow journalism). Fishbein was almost immediately ousted from his position as AMA head, and replaced. Ironically, Harry Hoxsey died of cancer when his disease would not respond to his own treatment methods. If I am not mistaken, the ingredients for the various Hoxsey treatments have been published on the Internet and can be carefully prepared for one's self.
Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease.
Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens.
Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute.
No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face.
An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school.
Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up.
My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments.
Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells.
An Italian oncology doctor / medical scientist has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the human body's reaction to a fungal infection. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus"). By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) for internal cancers, and tincture of iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time.
If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body.
The trophoblastic theory of cancer is one that says that the body's own repair system has gone into an uncontrolled situation where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area fail to obey natural chemical and electrical signals to stop reproducing. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery.
They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired.
This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand.
Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study.
Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me.
The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public--libelously calling these treatments quackery.
In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720).
Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional.
The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source.
Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark.
The overnight cancer cure is of recent development by alternative medicine proponents. Most people know how chlorine is used to kill germs, mold, mildew and fungus in swimming pools and drinking water. However, a similar chemical compound used as a cleanser has been determined to rid pond water of microorganisms known to cause malaria. This chemical is chlorine-dioxide: Cl O2 This chemical was marketed as "stabilized oxygen" for killing germs in water so that the water could be consumed by people like hikers in the jungles of Africa or South America to prevent getting such diseases. An old mining prospector / engineering technician was helping to develop a mine in South America, when a couple of his crew drank germ infested water and became sick hours later. In distress and willing to try anything, they took some of the old prospector's "stabilized oxygen" to see if it would help. After a few hours, the several diseased men were up and about, joking about how sick they had felt only a short time before. The old prospector determined that this chemical might be the answer to the malaria problems in Africa. He worked with a biochemist to research the mechanism of action and see if this might be improved at all. Their testing determined that instead of mixing a small drop or so of the chemical into germ infested water, that for a couple of minutes they mix the same small quantity with a mild, non-toxic acid such as vinegar, or lemon juice, or other citric acid and then drank it, the effectiveness improved. The overnight cancer cure involves mixing in other chemicals including DMSO to improve the specific fight against cancer. (See >overnight cancer cure chlorine<)
The web sites that discusses alternative medicine with the OCC are likely to list some of the other popular cancer treatments known by the blog contributors to have saved either themselves or a loved one.
Cansema black salve was a treatment for cancer mentioned to me that I had never heard of until a door to door salesman trying to get me to sign up for something got me into a tangent discussion where he said that several years beforehand he had gotten cancer, did some research and found some stuff that he took orally.
I found that both topical and orally taken capsules were available for sale on the Internet. I also found that there was an article by the American Cancer Society and Quackwatch about the substance trying to claim that it was quackery and poisonous or whatever. The guy at the door was trying to sign me up for a children's charity or something completely unrelated to medicine, and had no reason to convince me about any cancer cures--seeing as I never had cancer anyway.
I also saw a series of photos of animals treated that supposedly had the tumors eliminated by salve treatments. So, after 70 years of cancer research, is the American Cancer Society looking for a cure or are they looking to make Rockefeller and AMA members a tidy sum of money from the same old same old crackpot treatments that they have been dealing out for 50+ years--killing most of their patients?
Search >"Ty Bolinger" cancer<
1 answer
My own immediate family members have reported that wearing a (static) magnetic necklace has reduced pain in shoulders. Organized medical practitioners (and their minions) would argue that this is a placebo effect and that the billions of such accounts are anecdotal only, and not scientific proof of efficacy. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMF) were investigated in the 1960s-1970s and found scientifically to be able to elicit healing in bone fracture non-unions (broken bones that normally would not heal) during experiments conducted on US Vietnam war veterans in VA hospitals in the USA. The key investigator was Charles Andrew Lockerman Bassett of Columbia University. Race and show jumping horses have been treated for decades using FDA-approved PEMF medical devices. In 1982 the FDA approved a PEMF medical treatment device known as the Diapulse machine manufactured by the Diapulse Corporation of America, listed on various stock exchanges. Sometime in the early 2000s, medical insurance from US Medicare was approved for certain treatments with the Diapulse type machines. Few if any medical doctor physicians have ever heard of Diapulse, and much better prefer the use of allopathic medical treatments to treat symptoms of disease rather than their underlying causes. This ignorance is due to their endoctrination into the Rockefeller-CFR sphere of beliefs. Allopathic medicine was set into monopoly control of our Western medical practice by wealthy tycoons and their tax exempt charitable foundations in the early 1900s when the AMA, the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family funded the (Abraham) Flexner Report of 1910 that recommend that all other forms of medicine be banned, closing many non-allopathic medical schools, having existing allopathic medical schools merge with existing universities, and that these be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt charitable foundations. The quality of medical education certainly went way up, but the choices for treatment methods went way down, impacting health freedoms world wide. Much medical study literature is still not indexed by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) on their Pub-Med Medline index accessible via the web. Selectively the NIH seems not to index successful, non-allopathic medical treatments, excepting when limitations in its application are identified. To access the missing information, medical libraries must be visited physically and books from the 1800s to present must be examined. Some of this literature is eluded to in the web indexed scientific studies in Pub-Med. The How mechanism of action is not fully characterized by any conclusive, published medical science studies. The application of engineering or physics sciences to the medical treatment field is taboo in nature due to the monopoly allopathic nature of well funded, well organized Western medicine. There are gaps in scientific knowledge due in part to the pattern of funding or publishing experimental science by corporations and the governments run by the corporations. (For example, chemical Coldfusion was crushed by Rockefeller-based agents in the US Federal Department of Energy and Rockefeller-funded universities--possibly to maintain the oil-based energy monopoly). Some commentators posit that the How mechanism of action is that mitochondrial energy is directly aided, stimulating measured amounts of ATP to elicit cell growth, and replication / proliferation of adult stem cells (for example). The bodies' own immune system response is sometimes too great, and PEMF have a known effect to reduce swelling, and nasal congestion triggered by the presence of viral infections (and possibly allergies) at least for a few minutes after treatment. The laws of physics indicate that a static magnetic field in the presence of moving charge carriers (such as ions traveling in the blood stream) shall cause electric current to flow. Current flow is caused by electrical charge potential (Voltage differences between different physical positions). This "biocompatible current" flow could be viewed as a form of weak electroporation that has been documented as having non-thermal killing / lethal effects on pathogenic causes of disease (bacteria, fungus, virus, mycoplasma). The non-thermal lethal / killing effect was in the medical literature, but specifically mentioned by various medical scientists including J. C. Weaver, and separately Julie Gehl, et al. The degree of electroporation depended upon the duration of the electric current application and / or the size of the applied voltage. This method was used by Drs. S. Kaali and W. Lyman in their study of "biocompatible electric current attenuates HIV infectivity" study published in 1990 (PMID: 15858720). The patents for medical devices filed by Kaali, et al. were examined by Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc., Physics. Beck determined that this electric current did not require that blood be extracted, electrified, and then placed back into the body (an invasive surgical procedure), but rather electric current could be passed through the skin into arteries in the arm or legs to create the size of current specified in the Kaali documentation. Later, Beck determined that tissues other than blood could host pathogenic diseases and so added PEMF treatment to his protocol. Other shortcomings were found and remedied by the addition of drinking freshly ozonated water, and (hours later) the drinking of demineralized colloidal silver water. He publicised his treatment method as "The Beck Protocol" and conducted studies on hospitalized AIDS patients by having them agree to submit to Beck the results of PCR HIV tests, before, during, and after the treatment period. Beck claimed 100% cure rate for HIV AIDS as thousands of Southern California AIDS patients went from having virail loads of hundreds of thousands down to levels that were undetectable to the measurement equipment used by the private medical labs used to conduct the tests. Soon cancer patients were giving the treatment protocol (with a herbal treatment recommended by H. R. Clark) a try and were later reporting complete spontaneous remission from the disease.
3 answers
Glial cells are nerve helper cells.
Glial cells are readily capable of mitosis (replication) whereas neurons cells supposedly less so.
There is a pleomorphic theory about pathogenic causes of disease that says that each pathogen could mutate to a form of disease that is best suited to the medium of the disease site. If this is so, then a pathogen that attacks uniquely the glial cells may exist that triggers various diseases including cancer. However, further research for any proof or investigation of this may be reported elsewhere.
When cancer happens, normal cells are turned from a oxygen sugar oxidative (aerobic) metabolism controlled by the mitochondria to a sugar fermentation (anaerobic) metabolism that is not under mitochondrial control. The mitochondria control what is called programmed cell death of which wikipedia states there are two types:
Professor John Beard surmised that cancer was partly caused by a deficiency of the pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin. People on diets rich in animal meat were losing the preventative effects of these enzymes because the latter were being constantly employed to break down these animal proteins. These pancreatic enzymes were shown by Beard to strip down and digest the protein coating of cancer cells. It was this life-saving action that was described by the Edinburgh embryologist in his Unitarian or Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer.
Even if the brain cancer is stopped, many say that the remaining dead tumor tissue that persists can still kill the patient by just statically obstructing normal biological functions, and that protein digestive enzymes are key to their elimination and subsequent patient recovery.
Jim Sheridan / cancell / cantron, Gerson Therapy, the Budwig diet, Royal Rife frequency machine treatments, the Beck Protocol, Laetrile / amygdalin treatments, cansema black salve capsules, herbal remedies recommended by H. R. Clark, and numerous other naturalistic, holistic dietary approaches can often be combined to help.
The underlying cause or trigger of cancer is likely one or more toxins, or exposure to certain fields of electromagnetic energy of frequencies known to cause damage, or microbial pathogenic causes of disease.
Heavy metals are known toxins. They can be chelated out of the blood and other tissues.
The pancreas could be overtaxed by eating meat so that no more digestive enzymes are available to eat the abnormal protein coating from cancerous cells, exposing them to the body's immune system.
Peroxisomes, and glutathione function may be poor.
Certain serum levels of vitamins could be very poor causing disease. Many doctors have noted recent research by UCSD into vitamin D that indicate that many diseases including cancer can be avoided if the serum levels of vitamin D are within a healthy range.
The theory goes that sometimes the body's own repair system can go out of control, where adult stem cells, fibroblasts, and similar undifferentiated cells meant to go to a damaged area and repair or replace damaged tissues, keep replicating out of control because they no longer respond to the body's natural chemical and electrical signals to stop the replication / repair process.
Other theories of the illness are that cancer can be caused by pathogenic infections of microbes or fungus. Both of these types of infections can feed off of injured tissues that are unable to defend themselves against these foreign infections. As these damaged tissues are being consumed by these infections, the body's other systems kick in to isolate the infection by the growth of tumors to stop their spread. As the bodies immune system weakens, the underlying cause of the disease may spread to other parts of the body.
Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is an important mechanism in cancer treatment.
When cancer is malignant, the cells no longer follow their directed, programmed death, and continue to replicated out of control.
The following is an abstract from a medical study indexed by Medline / Pub Med:
1 answer
The pancreas is a vital organ that produces the hormone insulin and also produces digestive enzymes.
Insulin is used in the metabolic system of the body regulating the level of blood sugar to those required for overall health--otherwise you would have diabetes. Insulin acts so that when blood sugar levels are high, it stores excess sugars as fat, and when blood sugar levels are low, it converts fat cells to sugar, making a person either gain or lose weight in the form of fat. The liver also acts in this process, and when too much sugar must be converted all at once, the triglyceride levels become elevated-this is not good.
The body's circulatory system as we age clogs up with various plaque type materials, and in doing so, the insulin receptors that react to the hormone's signals may not respond properly any more. This disease is known as type 2 or adult diabetes. Treatments for this type of disease involve attempting to unclog the insulin receptors so that they again begin to regulate blood sugar levels properly. Type 1 diabetes, however, is a disease where the pancreas itself is damaged by disease (possibly prior to birth or as a child) and fails to produce proper levels of insulin, resulting in a lack of control of blood sugar levels that could lead to coma. People who suffer from severe diabetes must give themselves insulin shots and frequently monitor their own blood sugar levels using a measurement device that examines a sample of blood, and then act accordingly--too little sugar, they must eat something--too much sugar and they will need a shot of insulin. Some rich people get their doctors to prescribe insulin so that they can lose weight / fat without having to go on a careful low fat / low carbohydrate / low sugar diet. This is supposedly what happened with Claus von Bülow and his wife Sunny von Bülow-where she was given an overdose of insulin by her husband, and died as a result. He was charged with her murder.
There are about 7 digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. For cancer, Trypsin, a proteolytic enzyme, is key.
Trypsin helps a person to digest meat protein in their diet, and also fight cancer itself by helping to absorb tumors after the underlying cancer growth has been halted by the body's own immune system. The protein coat of a cancer cell is negatively charged and this permits these cells to avoid the negatively charged T-blood cells that attack and destroy viruses and abnormal / diseased cells. Trypsin specifically eats away the protein coat of cancer cells, exposing them to the destructive action of the T-blood cells to destroy cancer. Supplements of various enzymes can be purchased at a health food store or some pharmacies. Digestive enzymes will reduce the requirement for the body's own proteolytic enzymes, permitting them to attack cancer cells instead of digesting meat protein in the GI tract. If the enzymes are sufficiently bioavailable, then they may also act to digest the diseased cells' abnormal protein coat to help fight cancer.
When cancer attacks the pancreas, the cancer is usually very aggressive, and as it progresses, the pancreas becomes more diseased, permitting cancer to grow further and likely spread elsewhere.
The pancreas has a couple of ducts that lead and interconnect with other organs and the GI tract. Should the pancreatic cancer swell to cut off these ducts, the liver and the GI tract would be negatively affected. If the pancreatic duct to the liver is cut off, a jaundiced condition will quickly arise. This is an early sign of pancreatic cancer that will manifest itself first in the white parts of the eyes. The cancer will produce abdominal sensations of dull pain, and back pain of varying levels of intensity. Damage to the liver starts immediately when its pancreatic duct is blocked.
During Friday, Oct. 30 - "Ask Dr. Oz Special Event! Celebrity Edition," one of the latter segments included "Assistant of the Day, Alejandra (Jackson Heights, NY), helps Dr. Oz break down the silent but deadly signs of pancreatic cancer, that took the life of actor Patrick Swayze, and how to protect yourself." In this segment, Dr. Oz presented some excellent graphics and actual surgically removed diseased and non-diseased pancreas organs to illustrate the progression of the disease and its implications for other organs like the liver.
The over consumption of alcohol has been identified as one of the risk factors in pancreatic cancer.
Once cancer has been diagnosed, a strict vegetarian, low protein diet is usually recommended due to the obvious lack of proteolytic enzymes being unable to keep the cancerous tumors at bay. Often alternative health practitioners would advise such a patient to supplement their level of proteolytic enzymes by taking such capsules.
Cancer has numerous causes.
The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet.
A surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes.
Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all.
Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries.
Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes.
Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control).
The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations.
Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks.
Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.
What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and is an anti-cancer agent? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)
Yet some hidden political hand has US federally-prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the Rockefeller run cancer industry, and the Rockefeller run drug industry specifically.
Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation< Video search >"the Rick Simpson Story"<
Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study.
Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignacy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens).
The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells.
Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us?
Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp.
Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight.
Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies.
Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells.
Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer).
They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired.
This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand.
Another world famous scientist, one Italian oncology doctor, has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection--the body encapsulates the infection in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus").
By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time.
If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body.
Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me.
The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public- -libelously calling these treatments quackery.
In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720).
Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional.
The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source.
Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark.
An old truck driver stumbled upon a cancer treatment that has had a high success rate. The old guy's name is Jim Kelmun who's nickname is Dr. Jim. He has supposedly treated over 200 cases of late stage terminal cancer. See >"maple syrup" "baking soda" OR "sodium bicarbonate" cancer cure OR protocol "Jim Kelmun"<. The story of Dr. Jim, however, was covered by a tabloid newspaper that covers news stories not normally accepted and published in other mainstream papers so the verification of the anecdotes of Dr. Jim were not heavily investigated for integrity.
3 answers
There are at least two schools of thought on the issue of metastases.
1. Some cancer cells from elsewhere in the body have migrated to the site.
2. The underlying cause of cancer has migrated after biopsy or surgery or injury has unleashed it to spread elsewhere.
The underlying cause of malignancy may have triggered the original formation of tumors.
There are many causes of cancer. These causes typically will not be eliminated by surgical intervention and are not normally checked during biopsy.
Cancer has numerous causes.
The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet.
Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes.
Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all.
Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries.
Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes.
Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control).
The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations.
Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks.
Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.
Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignacy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens).
The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells.
Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us?
Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp.
Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight.
Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies.
Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells.
Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer).
They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired.
This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand.
Another world famous scientist, one Italian oncology doctor, has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection--the body encapsulates the infection in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus").
By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time.
If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body.
Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- so this remains in the speculative column for me.
The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public--libelously calling these treatments quackery.
In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720).
Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional.
The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source.
Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark.
What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and an anti-cancer effect? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)
Yet some hidden political hand has US federally- prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the cancer industry, and the drug industry specifically.
I came across a Google video about the suppression of Cannabis. The name of the video was "The Union: the business behind getting high" This video had claims that there was no scientific evidence (after all) that cannabis smoking caused brain damage, and that the old study that was cited so many times was fraudulent. The video reviews the history involved since the 1800s.
Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation<
Upon trying to trace down / confirm if this was true, I came across a comment posted that mentioned "the Rick Simpson Story." I searched for that and found that it was listed on Google video. I watched the video and it said that first the Hemp Oil extract was tried on animals suffering with cancer, and they were cured. Next they tried it on humans, and they were cured of various forms of cancer. A middle aged son of one of the cured cancer patients was suffering from some form of chronic back pain or something. He tried it and it relieved his pain so that he could return back to working his farm (or whatever it happened to be) for a full day's work rather than cutting it way short and having to rest in bed.
When I finally searched for the "no brain damage" cannabis claim, I found that a researcher named Dr. Robert Heath did conduct cannabis research on rhesus monkeys to find brain function impairment, etc. And that articles critical of his experiments were on the Internet claiming that he had asphyxiated animals during the studies.
Search >asphyxiation study "Dr. Robert Heath"<
Search >site:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov "Heath RG" cannabis OR THC OR marijuana smoke<
See the Facts / Myths of Cannabis / hemp / marijuana / THC in the related links. Searching for these same phrases brought me to the DEA web site where they neglect to mention that the level of addiction to THC is less than that of coffee.
I have noticed lately in pop culture TV shows that people portrayed as long-haired stoner hippies with banners in protests have their banners say "Marijuana is a medicine" are accompanied by other badly portrayed groups wanting other unrelated goofy things. Perhaps this portrayal is on purpose--placement negative programming subliminal propaganda to downplay this message specifically. This downplaying would not happen if they interviewed the medical scientists who have gathered all of their supporting evidence in careful lab testing over the decades.
The overnight cancer cure is of recent development by alternative medicine proponents. Most people know how chlorine is used to kill germs, mold, mildew and fungus in swimming pools and drinking water. However, a similar chemical compound used as a cleanser has been determined to rid pond water of microorganisms known to cause malaria. This chemical is chlorine-dioxide: Cl O2 This chemical was marketed as "stabilized oxygen" for killing germs in water so that the water could be consumed by people like hikers in the jungles of Africa or South America to prevent getting such diseases. An old mining prospector / engineering technician was helping to develop a mine in South America, when a couple of his crew drank germ infested water and became sick hours later. In distress and willing to try anything, they took some of the old prospector's "stabilized oxygen" to see if it would help. After a few hours, the several diseased men were up and about, joking about how sick they had felt only a short time before. The old prospector determined that this chemical might be the answer to the malaria problems in Africa. He worked with a biochemist to research the mechanism of action and see if this might be improved at all. Their testing determined that instead of mixing a small drop or so of the chemical into germ infested water, that for a couple of minutes they mix the same small quantity with a mild, non-toxic acid such as vinegar, or lemon juice, or other citric acid and then drank it, the effectiveness improved. The overnight cancer cure involves mixing in other chemicals including DMSO to improve the specific fight against cancer. (See >overnight cancer cure chlorine<)
The web sites that discusses alternative medicine with the OCC are likely to list some of the other popular cancer treatments known by the blog contributors to have saved either themselves or a loved one.
Cansema black salve was a treatment for cancer mentioned to me that I had never heard of until a door to door salesman trying to get me to sign up for something got me into a tangent discussion where he said that several years beforehand he had gotten cancer, did some research and found some stuff that he took orally.
I found that both topical and orally taken capsules were available for sale on the Internet. I also found that there was an article by the American Cancer Society and Quackwatch about the substance trying to claim that it was quackery and poisonous or whatever. The guy at the door was trying to sign me up for a children's charity or something completely unrelated to medicine, and had no reason to convince me about any cancer cures--seeing as I never had cancer anyway.
I also saw a series of photos of animals treated that supposedly had the tumors eliminated by salve treatments. So, after 70 years of cancer research, is the American Cancer Society looking for a cure or are they looking to make Rockefeller and AMA members a tidy sum of money from the same old same old crackpot treatments that they have been dealing out for 50+ years--killing most of their patients?
Search >"Ty Bollinger" cancer<
1 answer
For information on the disappearing domesticated honey bee colonies in North America and Europe, see Colony Collapse Disorder.
For other uses, see European honey bee and Bee (disambiguation).
Honeybee (Apis mellifera) collecting pollen
Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Suborder: Apocrita
Superfamily: Apoidea
(unranked): Anthophila
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, presently classified by the unranked taxon name Anthophila. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in nine recognized families,[1] though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.
Contents[hide]Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used as food for larvae.
Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the superfamily. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless.
Morphology of a female honey beeThe smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64") long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies.
The best-known bee species is the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee. Human management of this species is known as beekeeping or apiculture.
Bees are the favorite meal of Merops apiaster, the bee-eater bird. Other common predators are kingbirds, mockingbirds, bee wolves and dragonflies.
PollinationSee also: List of crop plants pollinated by beesBees play an important role in pollinating flowering plants, and are the major type of pollinator in ecosystems that contain flowering plants. Bees either focus on gathering nectar or on gathering pollen depending on demand, especially in social species. Bees gathering nectar may accomplish pollination, but bees that are deliberately gathering pollen are more efficient pollinators. It is estimated that one third of the human food supply depends on insect pollination, most of which is accomplished by bees, especially the domesticated European honey bee. Contract pollination has overtaken the role of honey production for beekeepers in many countries. Monoculture and the massive decline of many bee species (both wild and domesticated) have increasingly caused honey bee keepers to become migratory so that bees can be concentrated in seasonally-varying high-demand areas of pollination.
Osmia ribiflorisMost bees are fuzzy and carry an electrostatic charge, which aids in the adherence of pollen. Female bees periodically stop foraging and groom themselves to pack the pollen into the scopa, which is on the legs in most bees, and on the ventral abdomen on others, and modified into specialized pollen baskets on the legs of honey bees and their relatives. Many bees are opportunistic foragers, and will gather pollen from a variety of plants, while others are oligolectic, gathering pollen from only one or a few types of plant. A small number of plants produce nutritious floral oils rather than pollen, which are gathered and used by oligolectic bees. One small subgroup of stingless bees, called "vulture bees," is specialized to feed on carrion, and these are the only bees that do not use plant products as food. Pollen and nectar are usually combined together to form a "provision mass", which is often soupy, but can be firm. It is formed into various shapes (typically spheroid), and stored in a small chamber (a "cell"), with the egg deposited on the mass. The cell is typically sealed after the egg is laid, and the adult and larva never interact directly (a system called "mass provisioning").
In New Zealand scientists discovered that three genera of native bees have evolved to open flower buds of the native mistletoe Peraxilla tetrapetala. The buds cannot open themselves but are visited by birds such as the tui and bellbird which twist the top of the ripe bud. That action releases a mechanism which causes the petals to suddenly spring open, giving access to the nectar and pollen. However, when observing the native bees in the Canterbury province in the South Island, the scientists were astonished to see the bees biting the top off the buds, then pushing with their legs, occasionally popping open the buds to allow the bees to harvest the nectar and pollen, and therefore aid in the pollination of the mistletoe which is in decline in New Zealand. Nowhere else in the world have bees demonstrated ability to open explosive bird-adapted flowers. [2]
Visiting flowers can be a dangerous occupation. Many assassin bugs and crab spiders hide in flowers to capture unwary bees. Other bees are lost to birds in flight. Insecticides used on blooming plants kill many bees, both by direct poisoning and by contamination of their food supply. A honey bee queen may lay 2000 eggs per day during spring buildup, but she also must lay 1000 to 1500 eggs per day during the foraging season, mostly to replace daily casualties, most of which are workers dying of old age. Among solitary and primitively social bees, however, lifetime reproduction is among the lowest of all insects, as it is common for females of such species to produce fewer than 25 offspring.
Two honey bees are collecting pollen from Nightblooming cereusThe population value of bees depends partly on the individual efficiency of the bees, but also on the population itself. Thus while bumblebees have been found to be about ten times more efficient pollinators on cucurbits, the total efficiency of a colony of honey bees is much greater due to greater numbers. Likewise during early spring orchard blossoms, bumblebee populations are limited to only a few queens, and thus are not significant pollinators of early fruit.
DepopulationIn 2007, managed populations of European honey bees experienced substantial declines. This has prompted investigations into the phenomenon amidst great concern over the nature and extent of the losses.[3] One aspect of the problem is believed to be "Colony Collapse Disorder" but many of the losses outside the US are attributed to other causes. Pesticides used to treat seeds, such as Clothianidin and Imidacloprid, may also negatively impact honey bee populations.[4] Other species of bees such as mason bees are increasingly cultured and used to meet the agricultural pollination need.[5]
Native pollinators include bumblebees and solitary bees, which often survive in refuges in wild areas away from agricultural spraying, but may still be poisoned in massive spray programs for mosquitoes, gypsy moths, or other insect pests. Although pesticide use remains a concern, the major problem for wild pollinator populations is the loss of the flower-rich habitat on which they depend for food. Throughout the northern hemisphere, the last 70 or so years has seen an intensification of agricultural systems which has decreased the abundance and diversity of wild flowers.
EvolutionBees vary tremendously in size. Here a tiny halictid bee is gathering pollen, while a bumblebee behind her gathers nectar from a lily.Bees, like ants, are a specialized form of wasp. The ancestors of bees were wasps in the family Crabronidae, and therefore predators of other insects. The switch from insect prey to pollen may have resulted from the consumption of prey insects that were flower visitors and were partially covered with pollen when they were fed to the wasp larvae. This same evolutionary scenario has also occurred within the vespoid wasps, where the group known as "pollen wasps" also evolved from predatory ancestors. Up until recently the oldest non-compression bee fossil had been Cretotrigona prisca in New Jersey amber and of Cretaceous age, a meliponine. A recently reported bee fossil, of the genus Melittosphex, is considered "an extinct lineage of pollen-collecting Apoidea sister to the modern bees", and dates from the early Cretaceous (~100 mya).[6] Derived features of its morphology ("apomorphies") place it clearly within the bees, but it retains two unmodified ancestral traits ("plesiomorphies") of the legs (two mid-tibial spurs, and a slender hind basitarsus), indicative of its transitional status.
The earliest animal-pollinated flowers were pollinated by insects such as beetles, so the syndrome of insect pollination was well established before bees first appeared. The novelty is that bees are specialized as pollination agents, with behavioral and physical modifications that specifically enhance pollination, and are generally more efficient at the task than any other pollinating insect such as beetles, flies, butterflies and pollen wasps. The appearance of such floral specialists is believed to have driven the adaptive radiation of the angiosperms, and, in turn, the bees themselves.
Among living bee groups, the Dasypodaidae are now considered to be the most "primitive", and sister taxon to the remainder of the bees, contrary to earlier hypotheses that the "short-tongued" bee family Colletidae was the basal group of bees; the short, wasp-like mouthparts of colletids are the result of convergent evolution, rather than indicative of a plesiomorphic condition.[1]
Eusocial and semisocial beesA honey bee swarmBees may be solitary or may live in various types of communities. The most advanced of these are eusocial colonies found among the honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees. Sociality, of several different types, is believed to have evolved separately many times within the bees.
In some species, groups of cohabiting females may be sisters, and if there is a division of labor within the group, then they are considered semisocial.
If, in addition to a division of labor, the group consists of a mother and her daughters, then the group is called eusocial. The mother is considered the "queen" and the daughters are "workers". These castes may be purely behavioral alternatives, in which case the system is considered "primitively eusocial" (similar to many paper wasps), and if the castes are morphologically discrete, then the system is "highly eusocial".
There are many more species of primitively eusocial bees than highly eusocial bees, but they have rarely been studied. The biology of most such species is almost completely unknown. The vast majority are in the family Halictidae, or "sweat bees". Colonies are typically small, with a dozen or fewer workers, on average. The only physical difference between queens and workers is average size, if they differ at all. Most species have a single season colony cycle, even in the tropics, and only mated females (future queens, or "gynes") hibernate (called diapause). A few species have long active seasons and attain colony sizes in the hundreds. The orchid bees include a number of primitively eusocial species with similar biology. Certain species of allodapine bees (relatives of carpenter bees) also have primitively eusocial colonies, with unusual levels of interaction between the adult bees and the developing brood. This is "progressive provisioning"; a larva's food is supplied gradually as it develops. This system is also seen in honey bees and some bumblebees.
Highly eusocial bees live in colonies. Each colony has a single queen, many workers and, at certain stages in the colony cycle, drones. When humans provide the nest, it is called a hive. A honey bee hive can contain up to 40,000 bees at their annual peak, which occurs in the spring, but usually have fewer.
Bumblebee BumblebeesMain article: BumblebeeBumblebees (Bombus terrestris, B. pratorum, et al.) are eusocial in a manner quite similar to the eusocial Vespidae such as hornets. The queen initiates a nest on her own (unlike queens of honey bees and stingless bees which start nests via swarms in the company of a large worker force). Bumblebee colonies typically have from 50 to 200 bees at peak population, which occurs in mid to late summer. Nest architecture is simple, limited by the size of the nest cavity (pre-existing), and colonies are rarely perennial. Bumblebee queens sometimes seek winter safety in honey bee hives, where they are sometimes found dead in the spring by beekeepers, presumably stung to death by the honey bees. It is unknown whether any survive winter in such an environment.
Bumblebees are one of the more important wild pollinators, but have declined significantly in recent decades. In the UK, 2 species have become nationally extinct during the last 75 years while others have been placed on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan as priority species in recognition of the need for conservation action. In 2006 a new charity, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, was established in order to coordinate efforts to conserve remaining populations through conservation and education.
Stingless beesMain article: Stingless beeStingless bees are very diverse in behavior, but all are highly eusocial. They practice mass provisioning, complex nest architecture, and perennial colonies.
A north-American Honey bee extracting nectar Honey beesMain article: Honey beeThe true honey bees (genus Apis) have arguably the most complex social behavior among the bees. The European (or Western) honey bee, Apis mellifera, is the best known bee species and one of the best known of all insects.
Africanized honey beeMain article: Africanized beeAfricanized bees, also called killer bees, are a hybrid strain of Apis mellifera derived from experiments to cross European and African honey bees by Warwick Estevam Kerr. Several queen bees escaped his laboratory in South America and have spread throughout the Americas. Africanized honey bees are more defensive than European honey bees.
Solitary and communal beesMost other bees, including familiar species of bee such as the Eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa virginica), alfalfa leafcutter bee (Megachile rotundata), orchard mason bee (Osmia lignaria) and the hornfaced bee (Osmia cornifrons) are solitary in the sense that every female is fertile, and typically inhabits a nest she constructs herself. There are no worker bees for these species. Solitary bees typically produce neither honey nor beeswax. They are immune from acarine and Varroa mites (see diseases of the honey bee), but have their own unique parasites, pests and diseases.
A solitary bee, Anthidium florentinum (family Megachilidae), visiting LantanaSolitary bees are important pollinators, and pollen is gathered for provisioning the nest with food for their brood. Often it is mixed with nectar to form a paste-like consistency. Some solitary bees have very advanced types of pollen carrying structures on their bodies. A very few species of solitary bees are being increasingly cultured for commercial pollination.
Solitary bees are often oligoleges, in that they only gather pollen from one or a few species/genera of plants (unlike honey bees and bumblebees which are generalists). No known bees are nectar specialists; many oligolectic bees will visit multiple plants for nectar, but there are no bees which visit only one plant for nectar while also gathering pollen from many different sources. Specialist pollinators also include bee species that gather floral oils instead of pollen, and male orchid bees, which gather aromatic compounds from orchids (one of the only cases where male bees are effective pollinators). In a very few cases only one species of bee can effectively pollinate a plant species, and some plants are endangered at least in part because their pollinator is dying off. There is, however, a pronounced tendency for oligolectic bees to be associated with common, widespread plants which are visited by multiple pollinators (e.g., there are some 40 oligoleges associated with creosote bush in the US desert southwest,[7] and a similar pattern is seen in sunflowers, asters, mesquite, etc.)
Solitary bees create nests in hollow reeds or twigs, holes in wood, or, most commonly, in tunnels in the ground. The female typically creates a compartment (a "cell") with an egg and some provisions for the resulting larva, then seals it off. A nest may consist of numerous cells. When the nest is in wood, usually the last (those closer to the entrance) contain eggs that will become males. The adult does not provide care for the brood once the egg is laid, and usually dies after making one or more nests. The males typically emerge first and are ready for mating when the females emerge. Providing nest boxes for solitary bees is increasingly popular for gardeners. Solitary bees are either stingless or very unlikely to sting (only in self defense, if ever).
A bee on a cornelWhile solitary females each make individual nests, some species are gregarious, preferring to make nests near others of the same species, giving the appearance to the casual observer that they are social. Large groups of solitary bee nests are called aggregations, to distinguish them from colonies.
In some species, multiple females share a common nest, but each makes and provisions her own cells independently. This type of group is called "communal" and is not uncommon. The primary advantage appears to be that a nest entrance is easier to defend from predators and parasites when there are multiple females using that same entrance on a regular basis.
Cleptoparasitic beesCleptoparasitic bees, commonly called "cuckoo bees" because their behavior is similar to cuckoo birds, occur in several bee families, though the name is technically best applied to the apid subfamily Nomadinae. Females of these bees lack pollen collecting structures (the scopa) and do not construct their own nests. They typically enter the nests of pollen collecting species, and lay their eggs in cells provisioned by the host bee. When the cuckoo bee larva hatches it consumes the host larva's pollen ball, and if the female cleptoparasite has not already done so, kills and eats the host larva. In a few cases where the hosts are social species, the cleptoparasite remains in the host nest and lays many eggs, sometimes even killing the host queen and replacing her.
Many cleptoparasitic bees are closely related to, and resemble, their hosts in looks and size, (i.e., the Bombus subgenus Psithyrus, which are parasitic bumblebees that infiltrate nests of species in other subgenera of Bombus). This common pattern gave rise to the ecological principle known as "Emery's Rule". Others parasitize bees in different families, like Townsendiella, a nomadine apid, one species of which is a cleptoparasite of the dasypodaid genus Hesperapis, while the other species in the same genus attack halictid bees.
Nocturnal beesFour bee families (Andrenidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, and Apidae) contain some species that are crepuscular (these may be either the vespertine or matinal type). These bees have greatly enlarged ocelli, which are extremely sensitive to light and dark, though incapable of forming images. Many are pollinators of flowers that themselves are crepuscular, such as evening primroses, and some live in desert habitats where daytime temperatures are extremely high.
Bee flightBee in mid air flight carrying pollen in pollen basketIn his 1934 French book Le vol des insectes, M. Magnan wrote that he and a Mr. Saint-Lague had applied the equations of air resistance to bumblebees and found that their flight could not be explained by fixed-wing calculations, but that "One shouldn't be surprised that the results of the calculations don't square with reality".[8] This has led to a common misconception that bees "violate aerodynamic theory", but in fact it merely confirms that bees do not engage in fixed-wing flight, and that their flight is explained by other mechanics, such as those used by helicopters.[9]
In 1996 Charlie Ellington at Cambridge University showed that vortices created by many insects' wings and non-linear effects were a vital source of lift;[10] vortices and non-linear phenomena are notoriously difficult areas of hydrodynamics, which has made for slow progress in theoretical understanding of insect flight.
In 2005 Michael Dickinson and his Caltech colleagues studied honey bee flight with the assistance of high-speed cinematography[11] and a giant robotic mock-up of a bee wing.[12] Their analysis revealed sufficient lift was generated by "the unconventional combination of short, choppy wing strokes, a rapid rotation of the wing as it flops over and reverses direction, and a very fast wing-beat frequency". Wing beat frequency normally increases as size decreases, but as the bee's wing beat covers such a small arc, it flaps approximately 230 times per second, faster than a fruitfly (200 times per second) which is 80 times smaller.[13]
In 2008 Barbara Shipman discovered a mathematical connection between the dance of bees and the Flag manifold.[14]
Bees and humansBees figure prominently in mythology (See Bee (mythology)) and have been used by political theorists as a model for human society. Journalist Bee Wilson states that the image of a community of honey bees "occurs from ancient to modern times, in Aristotle and Plato; in Virgil and Seneca; in Erasmus and Shakespeare; Tolstoy, as well as by social theorists Bernard Mandeville and Karl Marx."[15]
Despite the honey bee's painful sting and the stereotype of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high regard. This is most likely due to their usefulness as pollinators and as producers of honey, their social nature, and their reputation for diligence. Bees are one of the few insects regularly used on advertisements, being used to illustrate honey and foods made with honey (such as Honey Nut Cheerios).
Bee larvae as food in Java.In North America, yellowjackets and hornets, especially when encountered as flying pests, are often misidentified as bees, despite numerous differences between them - see Characteristics of common wasps and bees. Although a bee sting can be deadly to those with allergies, virtually all bee species are non-aggressive if undisturbed and many cannot sting at all. Humans are often a greater danger to bees, as bees can be affected or even harmed by encounters with toxic chemicals in the environment - see Bees and toxic chemicals.
In Indonesia bee larvae are eaten as accompanion to rice, after mixed with shredded coconut "meat", wrapped in banana leaves, and steamed.
GalleryBumble bee and honey bee
European honey bee, Poland
European honey bee on a Sphaeralcea flower. Mesa, Az
European honey bee in a Sphaeralcea flower. Mesa, Az
Sweat bee, Agapostemon virescens (female) on a Coreopsis flower. Madison, Wi
Bumblebee, Bombus sp. startles Agapostemon virescens. Madison, Wi
European honey bee
European honey bee, Kaunakakai, HI
European honey bees, Lebanon.
European honey bee, Lebanon.
European honey bee collecting pollen from a rose.
European honey bee collecting nectar from small flowers. McKinney, Texas.
Hovering bumblebee at lupine
European honey bee on Apple blossom
Bumblebee, Montreal
Euglossine bees on orchid Mormodes buccinator(Suriname)
Bumble bee targeting apple blossom in Calgary, Alberta
European honey bee
European honey bee on tufted vetch (Vicia cracca) (Quebec, Canada)
Honey bee approaching a milk thistle flower
See alsoWikimedia Commons has media related to: Apoidea1 answer
Yes they are.
The Brussels (or brussels) sprout (Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group) of the Brassicaceaefamily, is a Cultivar group of wild cabbage cultivated for its small (typically 2.5-4 cm (0.98-1.6 in) diameter) leafy green buds, which resemble miniature cabbages.
Contents[hide]Forerunners to modern Brussels sprouts were likely cultivated in ancient Rome. Brussels sprouts as we now know them were grown possibly as early as the 1200s in what is now Belgium.[1] The first written reference dates to 1587.[1] During the 16th century they enjoyed a popularity in the southern Netherlands that eventually spread throughout the cooler parts of Northern Europe.[2]
Brussels sprouts grow in temperature ranges of 7 to 24°C (45 to 75°F), with highest yields at 15 to 18°C (59 to 64°F).[2] Plants grow from seeds in seedbeds or greenhouses, and are transplanted to growing fields.[2]. Fields are ready for harvest 90-180 days after planting.[1] The edible sprouts grow like buds in a spiral array on the side of long thick stalks of approximately 60 to 120 cm (24 to 47 in) in height, maturing over several weeks from the lower to the upper part of the stalk. Sprouts may be picked by hand into baskets, in which case several harvests are made of 5-15 sprouts at a time, by cutting the entire stalk at once for processing, or by mechanical harvester, depending on variety.[1] Each stalk can produce 1.1 to 1.4 kg (2.4 to 3.1 lb), although the commercial yield is approximately 900 g (2.0 lb) per stalk.[2] In the home garden, "sprouts are sweetest after a good, stiff frost."[3]
Brussels sprouts belong to the same family that includes cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi: they are cruciferous. They contain good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acidand dietary fibre. Moreover, they are believed to protect against colon cancer, due to their containing sinigrin[citation needed]. Although they contain compounds such as goitrin that can act as goitrogens and interfere with thyroid hormone production, realistic amounts in the diet do not seem to have any effect on the function of the thyroid gland in humans.[4]
[edit]North AmericaProduction of Brussels sprouts in the United States began around 1800, when French settlers brought them to Louisiana.[2] The first plantings in California's Central Coast began in the 1920s, with significant production beginning in the 1940s. Currently there are several thousand acres planted in coastal areas of San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties of California, which offer an ideal combination of coastal fog and cool temperatures year-round. The harvest season lasts from June through January.[1][5] They are also grown in Baja California, Mexico, where the harvest season is from December through June.[5]
Much of the United States production is in California, with a smaller percentage of the crop grown in Skagit Valley, Washington, where coolsprings, mild summers and rich soil abounds and to a lesser degree on Long Island, New York.[6] Total United States production is approximately 32,000 tons, with a value of $27 million.[2] Ontario, Canada produces approximately 1,000 tons per year.[7]
80% to 85% of US production is for the frozen food market, with the remainder for fresh consumption.[6] Once harvested, sprouts last 3-5 weeks under ideal near-freezing conditions before wilting and discoloring, and about half as long at refrigerator temperature.[2] American varieties are generally 2.5-5 cm (0.98-2.0 in) in diameter.[2]
[edit]EuropeEuropeans prefer smaller varieties with bulbs approximately 1.3 cm (0.51 in) in diameter.[2] In Continental Europe the largest producers are theNetherlands, at 82,000 metric tons, and Germany, at 10,000 tons. The United Kingdom has production comparable to that of the Netherlands, but it is not generally exported. [8]
Brussel sprouts, raw (edible parts), 100g Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 179 kcal (750 kJ) Carbohydrates 8.95 g Sugars 2.2 g Dietary fiber 3.8 g Fat 0.30 g Protein 3.38 g Vitamin A equiv. 38 μg (4%) Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.139 mg (11%) Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.090 mg (6%) Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.745 mg (5%) Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.309 mg (6%) Folate (Vit. B9) 61 μg (15%) Vitamin C 85 mg (142%) Vitamin E 0.88 mg (6%) Calcium 42 mg (4%) Iron 1.4 mg (11%) Magnesium 23 mg (6% Phosphorus 69 mg (10%) Potassium 389 mg (8%) Sodium 25 mg (1%) Zinc 0.42 mg (4%) Percentages are relative to US recommendationsfor adults.The most common method of preparing Brussel sprouts for cooking begins with removal of the buds from the stalk. Any surplus stem is cut away, and the surface leaves that are loosened by this cutting are peeled and discarded. Cooking methods include boiling, steaming and roasting. To ensure even cooking throughout, buds of a similar size are usually chosen. Some cooks will cut a cross in center of the stem to aid the penetration.
Whatever cooking method is employed, overcooking is avoided. Overcooking releases theglucosinolate sinigrin, which has a sulfurous odor. The odor is the reason many people[who?]profess to dislike Brussel sprouts, if they've only tried them overcooked with the accompanying sulfuric taste and smell. Generally 6-7 minutes boiled or steamed is enough to cook them thoroughly, without overcooking and releasing the sinigrin.
[edit]GalleryA field of Brussel sprouts after harvest
Brussel sprouts on the stalk
Brussel sprouts on stalks
5 answers
Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells. Another fast growing set of human cells is the bone marrow that is the source of the manufacture of adult stem cells, and red blood cells--this bone marrow is also killed off by chemotherapy. You do the math... According to cancer book author, chartered accountant, Ty Bollinger, a survey conducted in Montreal Canada hospitals of cancer doctors found that about 75% of these oncologists would not undergo chemotherapy, and opt for some alternative treatment. Everyone in my family who underwent chemotherapy and radiation to treat their various forms of cancer died quickly of the treatment and not the disease. Some people that I have met went the alternative treatment route with supposedly known "unproven / unapproved" cancer treatments and are still alive years later--go figure? Weight loss, loss of appetite, and a general ill-health often results from such ingestion of poisons into the system. Alternative means of cancer treatments are always decried as quackery by mainstream medical practitioners (not medical research scientists) because they see these successful treatments as competition. If these alternative treatments were so bad as to kill the patients faster than the cancer, then they would be no better than conventional medical treatments since the majority of serious cases die as a result of the treatment rather than the cancer itself. There are so many suppressed cancer cures that it is not funny. Many of these cures are only attempted by most cancer patients after their conventional therapies have not worked and their doctors have pronounced them incurable. G. Edward Griffin explains that even with these hopeless cases, there is a 15% survival rate--which is a hugely better than 0% upon hopeless cases. Griffin explains that for his preferred treatment that there is an 85% cure rate if it is started in place of conventional cutting, burning, and poisoning. Cancer has numerous causes. The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet. A surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes. Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all. Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries. Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes. Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control). The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations. Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks. Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles. Since WW2 until the early 1970s Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was a biological warfare research lab. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS: The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has also accounts of the development of the HIV virus by the special cancer virus program funded in the early 1970s as proposed by US National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Frederick, Maryland is was Fort Detrick run by the US military, and is now run by the NIH. US President Richard M. Nixon invented the private health insurance care system in the USA (as can be seen in the Michael Moore film SiCKO in the "Richard Nixon - Oval Office Recordings" part), converted the army Fort over to the NCI. Scientific medical personnel and on going projects remained intact. Nixon, Kissinger, Bush Sr., and Haig were all involved in the White House activities surrounding Watergate, Vietnam, and CIA operations of Air America that had arms, drugs, and money laundering. Each of these men were members in the Rockefeller think tank group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and according to many historians all of them took "marching orders" from that rich and powerful family. The Rockefeller family has been interested in depopulation (population control) for many years, and so directed Dr. Henry Kissinger and others to increase efforts to curb population (particularly of some racial / genome types) through biological, drug, and chemical research, development, and application. The HIV AIDS drug AZT (supposedly exhibited anti-retro-viral properties in only one early study) initially developed as a chemotherapeutic / toxic agent in 1964 against cancer cells is made by Burrows Welcome, controlled by the Rockefeller family. Directors of the NIH have frequently changed jobs to Rockefeller foundation-funded universities and medical centers. Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his film "In Lies We Trust" and his book "Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola" goes further than just the development of the HIV virus and details a long lists of other disease plagues that were cultured and developed by the US warfare lab including kuru (mad cow / Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), wasting diseases, and various leukemia and sarcoma cancer viruses. Horowitz and others cite a growing body of evidence that various Rockefeller family members have been involved in many nefarious schemes to make money through monopoly practices, destabilize economies, prolong war conflicts while funding both sides, and depopulate regions of the world wealthy in natural resources, and promote an undemocratic one world Anglo-American government. The Rockefeller family have owned or controlled many different drug companies and medical research facilities. According to G. Edward Griffin (and others), Rockefeller family members sat on the board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) and suppressed all of several successful double blind studies conducted on Laetrile, a control for cancer that is mostly a concentrated form of a natural substance that is derived from nitrilicides found in about 1,400 types of fruits, grasses, and seeds, and in the meat of free-range animals that eat those things. While suppressing the several successful MSK internal studies, MSK publicized at a large press conference the one external (tainted) study that found 40% spontaneous remission rates in both Laetrile and saline solution / control groups of experimental animals. G. Edward Griffin states that obviously saline solution does not cure cancer, so the scientists must have deliberately mixed the control group with the Laetrile group of animals, thereby lowering Laetrile's effectiveness at the same time as increasing the cure rate of the saline solution / control. The AMA, and the Carnegie Foundation for Education funded the (Abraham) "Flexner Report" of 1910 that closed many medical schools, shunned all other types of medicine and medical science other than allopathic medicine. Immediately after the report the Rockefeller Foundation hired Abraham, his brother Simon, and Fredrick T. Gates. The report suggested that funding for various medical schools and universities be put up by the rich tycoons of the day and their tax-exempt charitable foundations. This had the effect of greatly improving the quality of medical education and standards, but also suppressed all forms of medicine that were not based on cutting, burning, and prescribing patented poisons (pharmaceutical drugs). Eventually, the AMA was appointed to oversee the practice of medicine in America, and laws were enacted that prevented any doctors practicing medicine without a license from one of the AMA state medical boards. Drug companies hired AMA doctors for drug development. Drug and food safety testing was put in the hands of AMA doctors working for the US FDA. The Rockefeller family and their foundations fund most of the US medical schools, and Rockefeller employees (Simon, Abraham, and Fred, etc) sat on the boards of universities to direct the type of curricula covered. This sequence of events monopolized the medical field so that only Rockefeller family-approved medical treatments would be allowed. Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller family and others also funded the drug industry, the AMA, and medical schools. Once Radium was found to irradiate / burn tissues, medical demand for it pushed the price up thousands of percent. The J.P. Morgan interests, the Rockefeller family, and other tycoons formed a group of industrialists who wanted the USA to enter WWI. American banks they controlled would loan monies to both sides for war expenses, while others intended to profit from manufacturing munitions and supplies. To do this they wanted to influence public opinion through the news media. In 1917 congressman Oscar Callaway entered into the public record that this group of tycoons did exactly that in March 1915. (See also >congressional record 25 newspapers Morgan 1917 February 9 March 1915<) The USA was lured into the first war by the sinking of a passenger ship that was deliberately sent into the conflict zone. (See >Passenger ship weapons WWI USA war sunk Lucitania CFR OR "J.P. Morgan" OR Rothschild<). After the war had ended, several US-soil army bases were the source of the out break of the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 40 to 50 million people world wide when all of the soldiers at all the US bases were ordered to be inoculated with various vaccines that were likely infected with the disease according to NYC author Charles M. Higgins in a 1920 published petition to the US President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy (available on-line as a PDF via Scribd). The lead legal council for J.P. Morgan and other members of this group later formed the Council on Foreign Relations. In successive years this group of powerful military industrial complex movers and shakers bought up more than 90% of all news media outlets, and virtually control all TV, radio, and newspapers. Many of the senior news anchors are members of the Rockefeller CFR. The John Birch Society has produced articles and video presentations warning of the undue influence this group has over world events, and its wealth. The group has been accused of operating the CIA as its own enforcement agency, carrying out political assassinations, running drugs, laundering money through Wall Street-listed large corporations, and destabilizing economies of poorer nations to gain control over their natural resources. The US laws involving money laundering permit the movement of only a modest amount of cash for normal citizens, however, the laws expressly permit corporations listed on the major stock exchange the unfettered ability to conduct whatever physical movement of cash that they want. In the 1990s so much money laundering was happening that Janet Reno called in corporate executives to a meeting to reduce the otherwise criminal activities. (See also >"Janet Reno" General Motors Electric Sony money laundering<) Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school. Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up. My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments. Dr. Morris Fishbein and the Hearst newspapers were later successfully sued for $100,000 in the Harry M. Hoxey vs. Fishbein-Hearst libel trial 1949. Fishbein disgraced was ousted on June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City supposedly for "years of advertising fraud and fund stealing." Eustace Mullins writes in his 1988 book Murder by Injection, A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emmanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate. … The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described AMA Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." Fishbein inherited Simmon's assistant Dr. Olin West former Tennessee state director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Dr. Josephson termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering." Fishbein's Hearst newspaper article called Hoxsey a Cancer Charlatan. Fishbein gave his favorite phrase: Of all the ghouls who feed on the bodies of the dead and the dying, the cancer quacks are most vicious and most heartless. And "Hoxsey's best friend was the local undertaker." Patricia Ward in her report to Congress quotes this sort of attitude as setting the "low level of discourse and the emotional rather than analytical tone that have characterized the American medical profession's response to unorthodox remedies." Nicknamed "Medicine's Mussolini," Fishbein conducted battles against the alternative treatments. Products were seldom tested for their real effects on health, only advertising revenues were considered. For years the AMA abused its position of power by selling its "approval" seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy. Competing products that contained virtually the same ingredients would be found on both the AMA's "approved" and "disapproved" lists at the same time, the only difference between them being whether the given brand placed paid ads in the Journal of the AMA. Cigarette tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris was the AMA Journal's biggest advertiser in the 1940's, making it impossible for any doctor who preached that "smoking was bad for you" to stay in good standing with Dr Morris Fishbein. Fishbein conflicted with anyone who wouldn't bow to his wishes. And when alternative therapies were successfully used instead of drugs, Fishbein wanted in on it, or war would result. His motto was "If I can't have it, no one will." Having failed anatomy in medical school, Fishbein did everything to understate the value of nutrition. From Dr Royal Raymond Rife, Max Gerson, to Harry Hoxsey, they were all put on trial and politically slaughtered for curing cancer without Fishbein's permission. Quoted from a web page entitled The American Medical Association that quotes from Chapter 3 of Barry Lynes book The Healing of Cancer: The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! : Charles Tobey began a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. Attorney Ben Fitzgerald of the U.S. Justice Department was hired as special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to lead the investigation. Fitzgerald's final report concluded that the AMA, in collaboration with the NCI and FDA, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. The August 28, 1953 Congressional Record contained the following summary of special counsel Fitzgerald: "There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest . . .
"If radium, X-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither X-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to this dreaded disease, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons and cancerologists who are not only divided but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should this Committee make a full-scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports and X-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly (have) solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this? That report of the United States Congress was issued over 35 years ago. The conspiracy has continued, grown stronger, and in many ways is more ruthless today. Senator Tobey soon conveniently died of a heart attack. (This has happened to others who were in a position to threaten the cancer industry.) That web page outlines the history of whole groups of doctors who were murdered / died suddenly / jailed after continuing to cure patients with unauthorized treatments. Ruth Mulvey Harmer, Ph.D. in her 1975 book American Medical Avaricecharacterized Fishbein as having the "ruthlessness of a shark" and concluded that he "managed to hold back the twentieth century for 50 years for the benefit of organized medicine." To this day Morris Fishbein is seen as a medical hero by some web sites for his so called quackbusting. In this case, quacks are merely otherwise successful competitors to organized medicine. Recently there was an edutainment TV program. It was about sacred geometries. One of the featured items was the pyramid. A household couple showed for the TV audience a bunch of fruit bowls hanging below a copper plumbing tube outline of a four sided pyramid. They claimed that the pyramid kept their food from going rotten. One at a time the couple would grab a fruit and tell the investigators how many weeks old it was and then gave the investigators a taste of it. Some people claim that pyramids can keep razor blades sharp. Some pyramids made of various kinds of crystals are claimed to have healing capabilities. Researchers who have built pyramids of 2 or so stories in height have claimed that electrical energy flowing through the air in the middle of the structure had given them a terrible shock, sending them flying across the room. Gain electrons = Reduction, Loose electrons = Oxidation. In one experiment this pyramid / crystal person claimed to have done, they took a piece of zinc and placed it hanging on a string into the center of the pyramid. After several days the metal found was calcium. After further time, supposedly the metal had turned into aluminum. If these geometries do in fact gather and focus energy, then maybe protons within the metal pieces was being kicked out, bit by bit with time, and the metal transformed into lighter and lighter atomic weight metal elements. Because mass equals energy times the speed of light of free space squared, it is possible that the energy was being grabbed from the metal material slowly over time. It is too bad that this experimenter did not have proper funding and measurement instrumentation to log as many readings happening from one moment to the next to further quantify what might be occurring in his experiments? Some researchers in England claimed to have been able to start to measure subtle energy using mono-molecular gold colloids and light. Supposedly, the same mechanisms of action used in documented medical scientific experiments where biological cellular chemistry is studied and incident laser light used to monitor the gold colloid particle concentrations increasing or decreasing depending on nearby chemical ions and what not. The color in both cases changes from red towards purple in the color frequency spectrum. The subtle energy is related to homeopathy and so called "memory of structured water" that has been ridiculed many times by mainstream scientists. Too bad these subtle energy experimenter guys so far have not produced any videos to illustrate any concrete findings in these experiments? If their experiments are repeatable in a systematic step by step manner, this would be a nice development in science. Perhaps this method if it is further developed could measure "Orgone energy" that was investigated by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s and then would explain the operation of the Joe Cell energy device? Orgone is claimed to have both negative and positive vortex polarities and have both positive and negative health benefits. If proven to exist, promoters would probably see a large increase in interest. While on the topic of subtle energy fields and energy medicine, I began to remember something that I researched last year some time using the following search: >"Aura therapy" Lee OR Leavander Crock machine OR Mexistim< The electronic principles of this kind of machine are quite simple, but whether or not the machine does anything other than placebo effect is up to the user, further experimental inquiry, and maybe the proper implementation of the field antennae / metal sheets or screens. The belief posited by this group of people who support this aura therapy device is that the human body is damaged and repairs itself, replacing practically your entire body mass over a particular span of time. For certain body parts the replacement time is short, and for others it is very long. If living things have any form of energy field around them, then it likely interacts somewhat with its surroundings, and visa versa. The knowledge or intelligence of one's entire being is supposedly contained within your cellular DNA and RNA. If some of these molecular structures are damaged (as is probably the case for cancer), it will impact the correctness of your health- - and the way your body's repair system may or may not repair itself correctly. Whether these fields stem from or interact with these building blocks of DNA / RNA or not to signal damage, repair, or the opposite, no scientists can be certain without being able to measure subtle energy or Orgone energy or bio-electrical auras or whatever hidden, esoteric, arcane mysteries. According to Muriel Agnes in her energy medicine dissertation, "Toward an Integral Energy Medicine Model For Understanding The Vascular Autonomic Signal," she describes in the abstract that "the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the neurovascular system of the body to information being brought into its energy field." She goes on to state that French medical scientist "Dr. Paul Nogier in 1966" had investigated and discovered this system. In related mainstream medical research Nogier described that he found pulse frequencies that affected the health of various biological systems within the human body. These frequencies have been used by the latest medical appliances that use LED light to do tissue regeneration, wound healing, and pain relief now being studied by NATO and NASA. LED light therapy has been experimentally studied to be able to recover eye damage done to fighter pilots whose eyes were damaged by laser emissions of enemy missile tracking guidance systems. Prior to this, studies were done on rats where one of their eyes' retinas were purposefully damaged using lasers, and the other eye left undamaged as a control. After IR and near IR application of LED light into the damaged eyes of the sets of rats for a few minutes duration per day, a period of weeks or so, the damaged retinas were found to have been completely repaired and indistinguishable from the state of the control. Also, researchers in England have been using a high power LED helmet to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease. Since its announcement in 2007 or so, at least one patient has been put forward as having been successfully treated with the experimental device during the summer / fall of 2008. The Lee Crock aura therapy device sets up a static, low voltage electric field around the patient undergoing the therapy. The field makes use of the electro-chemical properties of low impedance D-cell alkaline batteries in a bank of between 4.5 to 9 volts DC. The static field is established in a sandwich geometry with one antenna screen / conductive blanket above the bed mattress of the patient and the other one under the patient, but neither making contact with the patient or the opposite polarity blanket / screen / antenna (preventing the battery causing a short circuit). Electrically, the patient is inside an electrical capacitor between the plates of opposite electrical polarity. The Lee Crock aura therapy device then uses an electrical timer set to trip every 12 to 18 or so minutes to switch the polarity of the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. This is usually implemented using a double pole - double throw relay that toggles the battery leads running to the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. The plan of this scheme is supposedly to reset the "patient's aura" via the influence of the low alternating frequency electric field switching. Crock and his followers think that this is the best thing since sliced bread, claiming that it is like the fountain of youth. At some point, Crock describes, he found that only one screen needed to be used, and that it worked better somehow that way. I do not know if his device just grounds the other polarity of the toggled battery leads or what - - I assumed that it did when I constructed my own replica of his machine. In my duplication, however, I did not use a proper screen meshing to distribute the batteries' electrical field near my bed, nor did I properly orient the antenna screen to run the length of my body during night time sleep as was recommended, so my reproduction was likely to fail to produce positive results. I have since found a better source of aluminum bug screen sheets at a local, big box, hardware store that could be better used to make a larger, lighter weight antenna screen than the very heavy gauge, stiff, chicken cage wire mesh that I am now using. I have used a 555 timer running at 15 Hz or so, and put the output into a CMOS 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. The 555 runs in a more stable frequency using moderate sized timing resistors and capacitors, rather than running with larger electrolytic capacitors, and higher timing resistors, and not using the 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. After minor adjustments, I got the polarity switch signal for the relay to run at about a 15 minute interval as is approximately the one recommended in Crock's literature detailed on-line in a Nexus magazine article or similar such thing. The timer's output is fed into a small signal discrete NPN or PNP transistor with a suitable sized input resistor. The relay coil is bypassed for inductive kick-back using a standard silicon signal diode such as a 1N4148. The entire IC set is powered from a 9 Volt AC to DC adapter that feeds into a three pin TO-220 package 7805C voltage regulator IC with only a super small aluminum fin heat sink. The 5 volts output from that voltage regulator IC then feeds the other logic IC chips (555 timer, and the 16 stage binary counter IC). The batteries drain virtually no current, and the ICs are all so low power that the system draws less current than an LED alarm clock radio, so I let the thing run 24/7 for months at a time What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and is an anti-cancer agent? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...) Yet some hidden political hand has US federally-prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the Rockefeller run cancer industry, and the Rockefeller run drug industry specifically. Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation< Video search >"the Rick Simpson Story"< Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study. Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignancy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens). The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells. Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us? Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp. Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight. Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies. Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer). They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired. This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand. Another world famous scientist, one Italian oncology doctor, has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection--the body encapsulates the infection in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus").
By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time. If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body. Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me. In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720). Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional. The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source. Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark. See related links below.
1 answer
Of course it will come back because it is very likely that the underlying trigger that caused the cancer to start in the first place remains in the body. Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells. Weight loss, loss of appetite, and a general ill-health often results from such ingestion of poisons into the system. Alternative means of cancer treatments are always decried as quackery by mainstream medical practitioners (not medical research scientists) because they see these successful treatments as competition. If these alternative treatments were so bad as to kill the patients faster than the cancer, then they would be no better than conventional medical treatments since the majority of serious cases die as a result of the treatment rather than the cancer itself. There are so many suppressed cancer cures that it is not funny. Many of these cures are only attempted by most cancer patients after their conventional therapies have not worked and their doctors have pronounced them incurable. G. Edward Griffin explains that even with these hopeless cases, there is a 15% survival rate--which is a hugely better than 0% upon hopeless cases. Griffin explains that for his preferred treatment that there is an 85% cure rate if it is started in place of conventional cutting, burning, and poisoning. Cancer has numerous causes. The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet. A surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes. Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all. Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries. Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes. Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control). The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations. Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks. Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles. Since WW2 until the early 1970s Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was a biological warfare research lab. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS: The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has also accounts of the development of the HIV virus by the special cancer virus program funded in the early 1970s as proposed by US National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Frederick, Maryland is was Fort Detrick run by the US military, and is now run by the NIH. US President Richard M. Nixon invented the private health insurance care system in the USA (as can be seen in the Michael Moore film SiCKO in the "Richard Nixon - Oval Office Recordings" part), converted the army Fort over to the NCI. Scientific medical personnel and on going projects remained intact. Nixon, Kissinger, Bush Sr., and Haig were all involved in the White House activities surrounding Watergate, Vietnam, and CIA operations of Air America that had arms, drugs, and money laundering. Each of these men were members in the Rockefeller think tank group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and according to many historians all of them took "marching orders" from that rich and powerful family. The Rockefeller family has been interested in depopulation (population control) for many years, and so directed Dr. Henry Kissinger and others to increase efforts to curb population (particularly of some racial / genome types) through biological, drug, and chemical research, development, and application. The HIV AIDS drug AZT (supposedly exhibited anti-retro-viral properties in only one early study) initially developed as a chemotherapeutic / toxic agent in 1964 against cancer cells is made by Burrows Wellcome, controlled by the Rockefeller family. Burrows Wellcome became Glaxo Wellcome, and Glaxo Wellcome became Glaxo Smith-Kline. State procecutors are confincing judges to issue felony charges against parents who refuse to treat their HIV positive children with AZT, a drug proven in 1993 not to work. Directors of the NIH have frequently changed jobs to Rockefeller foundation-funded universities and medical centers. Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his film "In Lies We Trust" and his book "Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola" goes further than just the development of the HIV virus and details a long lists of other disease plagues that were cultured and developed by the US warfare lab including kuru (mad cow / Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), wasting diseases, and various leukemia and sarcoma cancer viruses. Horowitz and others cite a growing body of evidence that various Rockefeller family members have been involved in many nefarious schemes to make money through monopoly practices, destabilize economies, prolong war conflicts while funding both sides, and depopulate regions of the world wealthy in natural resources, and promote an undemocratic one world Anglo-American government. The Rockefeller family have owned or controlled many different drug companies and medical research facilities. According to G. Edward Griffin (and others), Rockefeller family members sat on the board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) and suppressed all of several successful double blind studies conducted on Laetrile, a control for cancer that is mostly a concentrated form of a natural substance that is derived from nitrilicides found in about 1,400 types of fruits, grasses, and seeds, and in the meat of free-range animals that eat those things. While suppressing the several successful MSK internal studies, MSK publicized at a large press conference the one external (tainted) study that found 40% spontaneous remission rates in both Laetrile and saline solution / control groups of experimental animals. G. Edward Griffin states that obviously saline solution does not cure cancer, so the scientists must have deliberately mixed the control group with the Laetrile group of animals, thereby lowering Laetrile's effectiveness at the same time as increasing the cure rate of the saline solution / control. The AMA, and the Carnegie Foundation for Education funded the (Abraham) "Flexner Report" of 1910 that closed many medical schools, shunned all other types of medicine and medical science other than allopathic medicine. Immediately after the report the Rockefeller Foundation hired Abraham, his brother Simon, and Fredrick T. Gates. The report suggested that funding for various medical schools and universities be put up by the rich tycoons of the day and their tax-exempt charitable foundations. This had the effect of greatly improving the quality of medical education and standards, but also suppressed all forms of medicine that were not based on cutting, burning, and prescribing patented poisons (pharmaceutical drugs). Eventually, the AMA was appointed to oversee the practice of medicine in America, and laws were enacted that prevented any doctors practicing medicine without a license from one of the AMA state medical boards. Drug companies hired AMA doctors for drug development. Drug and food safety testing was put in the hands of AMA doctors working for the US FDA. The Rockefeller family and their foundations fund most of the US medical schools, and Rockefeller employees (Simon, Abraham, and Fred, etc) sat on the boards of universities to direct the type of curricula covered. This sequence of events monopolized the medical field so that only Rockefeller family-approved medical treatments would be allowed. Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller family and others also funded the drug industry, the AMA, and medical schools. Once Radium was found to irradiate / burn tissues, medical demand for it pushed the price up thousands of percent. The J.P. Morgan interests, the Rockefeller family, and other tycoons formed a group of industrialists who wanted the USA to enter WWI. American banks they controlled would loan monies to both sides for war expenses, while others intended to profit from manufacturing munitions and supplies. To do this they wanted to influence public opinion through the news media. In 1917 congressman Oscar Callaway entered into the public record that this group of tycoons did exactly that in March 1915. (See also >congressional record 25 newspapers Morgan 1917 February 9 March 1915<) The USA was lured into the first war by the sinking of a passenger ship that was deliberately sent into the conflict zone. (See >Passenger ship weapons WWI USA war sunk Lucitania CFR OR "J.P. Morgan" OR Rothschild<). After the war had ended, several US-soil army bases were the source of the out break of the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 40 to 50 million people world wide when all of the soldiers at all the US bases were ordered to be inoculated with various vaccines that were likely infected with the disease according to NYC author Charles M. Higgins in a 1920 published petition to the US President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy (available on-line as a PDF via Scribd). The lead legal council for J.P. Morgan and other members of this group later formed the Council on Foreign Relations. In successive years this group of powerful military industrial complex movers and shakers bought up more than 90% of all news media outlets, and virtually control all TV, radio, and newspapers. Many of the senior news anchors are members of the Rockefeller CFR. The John Birch Society has produced articles and video presentations warning of the undue influence this group has over world events, and its wealth. The group has been accused of operating the CIA as its own enforcement agency, carrying out political assassinations, running drugs, laundering money through Wall Street-listed large corporations, and destabilizing economies of poorer nations to gain control over their natural resources. The US laws involving money laundering permit the movement of only a modest amount of cash for normal citizens, however, the laws expressly permit corporations listed on the major stock exchange the unfettered ability to conduct whatever physical movement of cash that they want. In the 1990s so much money laundering was happening that Janet Reno called in corporate executives to a meeting to reduce the otherwise criminal activities. (See also >"Janet Reno" General Motors Electric Sony money laundering<) Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school. Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up. My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments. Dr. Morris Fishbein and the Hearst newspapers were later successfully sued for $100,000 in the Harry M. Hoxey vs. Fishbein-Hearst libel trial 1949. Fishbein disgraced was ousted on June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City supposedly for "years of advertising fraud and fund stealing." Eustace Mullins writes in his 1988 book Murder by Injection, A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emmanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate. … The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described AMA Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." Fishbein inherited Simmon's assistant Dr. Olin West former Tennessee state director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Dr. Josephson termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering." Fishbein's Hearst newspaper article called Hoxsey a Cancer Charlatan. Fishbein gave his favorite phrase: Of all the ghouls who feed on the bodies of the dead and the dying, the cancer quacks are most vicious and most heartless. And "Hoxsey's best friend was the local undertaker." Patricia Ward in her report to Congress quotes this sort of attitude as setting the "low level of discourse and the emotional rather than analytical tone that have characterized the American medical profession's response to unorthodox remedies." Nicknamed "Medicine's Mussolini," Fishbein conducted battles against the alternative treatments. Products were seldom tested for their real effects on health, only advertising revenues were considered. For years the AMA abused its position of power by selling its "approval" seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy. Competing products that contained virtually the same ingredients would be found on both the AMA's "approved" and "disapproved" lists at the same time, the only difference between them being whether the given brand placed paid ads in the Journal of the AMA. Cigarette tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris was the AMA Journal's biggest advertiser in the 1940's, making it impossible for any doctor who preached that "smoking was bad for you" to stay in good standing with Dr Morris Fishbein. Fishbein conflicted with anyone who wouldn't bow to his wishes. And when alternative therapies were successfully used instead of drugs, Fishbein wanted in on it, or war would result. His motto was "If I can't have it, no one will." Having failed anatomy in medical school, Fishbein did everything to understate the value of nutrition. From Dr Royal Raymond Rife, Max Gerson, to Harry Hoxsey, they were all put on trial and politically slaughtered for curing cancer without Fishbein's permission. Quoted from a web page entitled The American Medical Association that quotes from Chapter 3 of Barry Lynes book The Healing of Cancer: The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! : Charles Tobey began a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. Attorney Ben Fitzgerald of the U.S. Justice Department was hired as special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to lead the investigation. Fitzgerald's final report concluded that the AMA, in collaboration with the NCI and FDA, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. The August 28, 1953 Congressional Record contained the following summary of special counsel Fitzgerald: "There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest . . .
"If radium, X-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither X-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to this dreaded disease, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons and cancerologists who are not only divided but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should this Committee make a full-scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports and X-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly (have) solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this? That report of the United States Congress was issued over 35 years ago. The conspiracy has continued, grown stronger, and in many ways is more ruthless today. Senator Tobey soon conveniently died of a heart attack. (This has happened to others who were in a position to threaten the cancer industry.) That web page outlines the history of whole groups of doctors who were murdered / died suddenly / jailed after continuing to cure patients with unauthorized treatments. Ruth Mulvey Harmer, Ph.D. in her 1975 book American Medical Avaricecharacterized Fishbein as having the "ruthlessness of a shark" and concluded that he "managed to hold back the twentieth century for 50 years for the benefit of organized medicine." To this day Morris Fishbein is seen as a medical hero by some web sites for his so called quackbusting. In this case, quacks are merely otherwise successful competitors to organized medicine. Recently there was an edutainment TV program. It was about sacred geometries. One of the featured items was the pyramid. A household couple showed for the TV audience a bunch of fruit bowls hanging below a copper plumbing tube outline of a four sided pyramid. They claimed that the pyramid kept their food from going rotten. One at a time the couple would grab a fruit and tell the investigators how many weeks old it was and then gave the investigators a taste of it. Some people claim that pyramids can keep razor blades sharp. Some pyramids made of various kinds of crystals are claimed to have healing capabilities. Researchers who have built pyramids of 2 or so stories in height have claimed that electrical energy flowing through the air in the middle of the structure had given them a terrible shock, sending them flying across the room. Gain electrons = Reduction, Loose electrons = Oxidation. In one experiment this pyramid / crystal person claimed to have done, they took a piece of zinc and placed it hanging on a string into the center of the pyramid. After several days the metal found was calcium. After further time, supposedly the metal had turned into aluminum. If these geometries do in fact gather and focus energy, then maybe protons within the metal pieces was being kicked out, bit by bit with time, and the metal transformed into lighter and lighter atomic weight metal elements. Because mass equals energy times the speed of light of free space squared, it is possible that the energy was being grabbed from the metal material slowly over time. It is too bad that this experimenter did not have proper funding and measurement instrumentation to log as many readings happening from one moment to the next to further quantify what might be occurring in his experiments? Some researchers in England claimed to have been able to start to measure subtle energy using mono-molecular gold colloids and light. Supposedly, the same mechanisms of action used in documented medical scientific experiments where biological cellular chemistry is studied and incident laser light used to monitor the gold colloid particle concentrations increasing or decreasing depending on nearby chemical ions and what not. The color in both cases changes from red towards purple in the color frequency spectrum. The subtle energy is related to homeopathy and so called "memory of structured water" that has been ridiculed many times by mainstream scientists. Too bad these subtle energy experimenter guys so far have not produced any videos to illustrate any concrete findings in these experiments? If their experiments are repeatable in a systematic step by step manner, this would be a nice development in science. Perhaps this method if it is further developed could measure "Orgone energy" that was investigated by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s and then would explain the operation of the Joe Cell energy device? Orgone is claimed to have both negative and positive vortex polarities and have both positive and negative health benefits. If proven to exist, promoters would probably see a large increase in interest. While on the topic of subtle energy fields and energy medicine, I began to remember something that I researched last year some time using the following search: >"Aura therapy" Lee OR Leavander Crock machine OR Mexistim< The electronic principles of this kind of machine are quite simple, but whether or not the machine does anything other than placebo effect is up to the user, further experimental inquiry, and maybe the proper implementation of the field antennae / metal sheets or screens. The belief posited by this group of people who support this aura therapy device is that the human body is damaged and repairs itself, replacing practically your entire body mass over a particular span of time. For certain body parts the replacement time is short, and for others it is very long. If living things have any form of energy field around them, then it likely interacts somewhat with its surroundings, and visa versa. The knowledge or intelligence of one's entire being is supposedly contained within your cellular DNA and RNA. If some of these molecular structures are damaged (as is probably the case for cancer), it will impact the correctness of your health- - and the way your body's repair system may or may not repair itself correctly. Whether these fields stem from or interact with these building blocks of DNA / RNA or not to signal damage, repair, or the opposite, no scientists can be certain without being able to measure subtle energy or Orgone energy or bio-electrical auras or whatever hidden, esoteric, arcane mysteries. According to Muriel Agnes in her energy medicine dissertation, "Toward an Integral Energy Medicine Model For Understanding The Vascular Autonomic Signal," she describes in the abstract that "the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the neurovascular system of the body to information being brought into its energy field." She goes on to state that French medical scientist "Dr. Paul Nogier in 1966" had investigated and discovered this system. In related mainstream medical research Nogier described that he found pulse frequencies that affected the health of various biological systems within the human body. These frequencies have been used by the latest medical appliances that use LED light to do tissue regeneration, wound healing, and pain relief now being studied by NATO and NASA. LED light therapy has been experimentally studied to be able to recover eye damage done to fighter pilots whose eyes were damaged by laser emissions of enemy missile tracking guidance systems. Prior to this, studies were done on rats where one of their eyes' retinas were purposefully damaged using lasers, and the other eye left undamaged as a control. After IR and near IR application of LED light into the damaged eyes of the sets of rats for a few minutes duration per day, a period of weeks or so, the damaged retinas were found to have been completely repaired and indistinguishable from the state of the control. Also, researchers in England have been using a high power LED helmet to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease. Since its announcement in 2007 or so, at least one patient has been put forward as having been successfully treated with the experimental device during the summer / fall of 2008. The Lee Crock aura therapy device sets up a static, low voltage electric field around the patient undergoing the therapy. The field makes use of the electro-chemical properties of low impedance D-cell alkaline batteries in a bank of between 4.5 to 9 volts DC. The static field is established in a sandwich geometry with one antenna screen / conductive blanket above the bed mattress of the patient and the other one under the patient, but neither making contact with the patient or the opposite polarity blanket / screen / antenna (preventing the battery causing a short circuit). Electrically, the patient is inside an electrical capacitor between the plates of opposite electrical polarity. The Lee Crock aura therapy device then uses an electrical timer set to trip every 12 to 18 or so minutes to switch the polarity of the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. This is usually implemented using a double pole - double throw relay that toggles the battery leads running to the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. The plan of this scheme is supposedly to reset the "patient's aura" via the influence of the low alternating frequency electric field switching. Crock and his followers think that this is the best thing since sliced bread, claiming that it is like the fountain of youth. At some point, Crock describes, he found that only one screen needed to be used, and that it worked better somehow that way. I do not know if his device just grounds the other polarity of the toggled battery leads or what - - I assumed that it did when I constructed my own replica of his machine. In my duplication, however, I did not use a proper screen meshing to distribute the batteries' electrical field near my bed, nor did I properly orient the antenna screen to run the length of my body during night time sleep as was recommended, so my reproduction was likely to fail to produce positive results. I have since found a better source of aluminum bug screen sheets at a local, big box, hardware store that could be better used to make a larger, lighter weight antenna screen than the very heavy gauge, stiff, chicken cage wire mesh that I am now using. I have used a 555 timer running at 15 Hz or so, and put the output into a CMOS 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. The 555 runs in a more stable frequency using moderate sized timing resistors and capacitors, rather than running with larger electrolytic capacitors, and higher timing resistors, and not using the 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. After minor adjustments, I got the polarity switch signal for the relay to run at about a 15 minute interval as is approximately the one recommended in Crock's literature detailed on-line in a Nexus magazine article or similar such thing. The timer's output is fed into a small signal discrete NPN or PNP transistor with a suitable sized input resistor. The relay coil is bypassed for inductive kick-back using a standard silicon signal diode such as a 1N4148. The entire IC set is powered from a 9 Volt AC to DC adapter that feeds into a three pin TO-220 package 7805C voltage regulator IC with only a super small aluminum fin heat sink. The 5 volts output from that voltage regulator IC then feeds the other logic IC chips (555 timer, and the 16 stage binary counter IC). The batteries drain virtually no current, and the ICs are all so low power that the system draws less current than an LED alarm clock radio, so I let the thing run 24/7 for months at a time What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and is an anti-cancer agent? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...) Yet some hidden political hand has US federally-prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the Rockefeller run cancer industry, and the Rockefeller run drug industry specifically. Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation< Video search >"the Rick Simpson Story"< Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study. Recently alternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignancy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens). The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells. Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us? Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp. Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight. Some people are unable to digest their food properly because they either lack digestive enzymes or HCl stomach acid or pepsin that properly break down their food (vitamins and minerals) so that it can be nicely absorbed into the blood stream. There are all sorts of dietary enzyme, HCl, and pepsin supplements that can be found in health food stores and some pharmacies. Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer). They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired. This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand. Another world famous scientist, one Italian oncology doctor, has used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the body's reaction to a rapidly growing fungal infection--the body encapsulates the infection in tumor tissue to prevent its spread. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus").
By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time. If this scientist is correct, then the rapid tumor cells that are preventing the spread of the fugal infection will be killed by chemotherapy, and permit the spread of the fugal infection, kill the immune system, and kill your hair follicles-helping "the fungal cause of cancer" to spread to more places in the body. Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me. In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720). Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional. The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source. Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark. See related links below.
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Did you mis-spell metal as metai? Chelation is mainstream medical treatment procedure for heavy metal poisoning. A chelating agent is a chemical that grabs / sequesters the free metal atoms in the blood stream into an inert molecular compound which can be removed from the blood stream by the kidneys into urine as waste. Certain chelating agents can also remove other toxins from the blood stream such as arsenic. Chelation has been suggested and used by alternative and mainstream medical practitioners as an off-book treatment to treat blood vessel calcification known as hardening of the arteries / arterial sclerosis / atherosclerosis. Hardening of the arteries directly causes heart disease, stroke, and various types of blockages of the blood stream by causing different kinds of trouble: 1. blood pressure resistance requiring the heart to pump harder causing higher blood pressure, 2. unequal coating of the vessel walls that makes the inner lining inflexible in critical places, 3. where the coating is thinnest or non-existent the blood vessel can balloon and pop (blood vessel aneurysm) at that spot, 4. a complete blockage / clog of a critical blood vessel could happen where the vessel narrows and a clump of sticky blood platelets comes along and gets jammed at the narrowing (stroke or heart attack or other vital organ failure). Various large medical associations and medical doctors' unions have been accused of greed because they oppose the off-book treatment of hardening of the arteries using chelation because it directly economically competes with other expensive mainstream medical treatments such as heart bypass surgery, and drug stents, and indirectly with other drug treatment methods such as statin drug prescriptions. The situation would be worse for these doctors if chelation treatment was covered by medical insurance. Some of these medical associations argue that no scientific studies support the efficacy of the off book / alternative treatment claims because some highly criticized studies found certain chelating agents no more effective against reversing temporary angina than placebo. Critics point out that the selection of patient participants in the study were wrong, doses were wrong, the wrong chelating agent was used, and measurement methods were so crude that no differences would be detected anyway. Blame for these shortcomings was set squarely upon the special interest groups that structured the study. Within the past few years, a new study was started, but the results have not been published or made public. This new study has been criticized as being too dangerous because the chelating agent is so strong that it can kill the patient if careful attention is not paid setting the dosage and during administration. This agent can draw almost all of the serum calcium out of the blood, and by doing so trigger death. Calcium is needed by the nervous system. Without calcium, the nerves can trigger muscles to contract and not release. When this muscle contraction happens to the heart (which itself is just a muscular structure), the heart stops beating, and the patient dies as a result. During administration of the chelating agent, once the serum calcium levels start to head towards dangerously low levels, even drastic IV infusion of calcium in solution may not prevent death of the unfortunate patient. So on the one hand you have a faked study that claims that there is no measurable effect of chelation on the calcification of blood vessels, and on the other hand where medical scientists are warning that the studied treatment could be so dangerous because it risks removing all serum calcium of the patients in the study. The medical scientist who are critical of the conducting of the new study are likely afraid that if the treatments are conducted safely, the results will be positive in concluding that chelation can be used to treat all manner of diseases. This is because various hormone receptors that keep process running properly in the human body can be clogged so that they do not respond properly, but when they are unclogged by this treatment, the patient may no longer need to be treated for the other chronic medical diseases. The new study is being conducted by NIH, a US government department. Another question has arisen in relation to chelation and genetic predisposition to the harboring of heavy metals in tissues other than the blood stream. Some scientists experimenting with the treatment of neurological diseases have found that chelation treatments that should treat some mental disorders does not work sufficiently within only a few treatment because the patients body tends to store the toxic metals in hard to get at places-fat cells, the brain, the liver, muscles, the lymphatic system, other vital organs, etc. Other methods are employed to attempt to release the metals from these other places back into the blood stream where chelation therapy can then have the metals removed from the system.
Since WW2 until the early 1970s Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was a biological warfare research lab. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS: The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has also accounts of the development of the HIV virus by the special cancer virus program funded in the early 1970s as proposed by US National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Frederick, Maryland is was Fort Detrick run by the US military, and is now run by the NIH. US President Richard M. Nixon invented the private health insurance care system in the USA (as can be seen in the Michael Moore film SiCKO in the "Richard Nixon - Oval Office Recordings" part), converted the army Fort over to the NCI. Scientific medical personnel and on going projects remained intact. Nixon, Kissinger, Bush Sr., and Haig were all involved in the White House activities surrounding Watergate, Vietnam, and CIA operations of Air America that had arms, drugs, and money laundering. Each of these men were members in the Rockefeller think tank group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and according to many historians all of them took "marching orders" from that rich and powerful family. The Rockefeller family has been interested in depopulation (population control) for many years, and so directed Dr. Henry Kissinger and others to increase efforts to curb population (particularly of some racial / genome types) through biological, drug, and chemical research, development, and application. The HIV AIDS drug AZT (supposedly exhibited anti-retro-viral properties in only one early study) initially developed as a chemotherapeutic / toxic agent in 1964 against cancer cells is made by Burrows Welcome, controlled by the Rockefeller family. Directors of the NIH have frequently changed jobs to Rockefeller foundation-funded universities and medical centers. Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his film "In Lies We Trust" and his book "Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola" goes further than just the development of the HIV virus and details a long lists of other disease plagues that were cultured and developed by the US warfare lab including kuru (mad cow / Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), wasting diseases, and various leukemia and sarcoma cancer viruses. Horowitz and others cite a growing body of evidence that various Rockefeller family members have been involved in many nefarious schemes to make money through monopoly practices, destabilize economies, prolong war conflicts while funding both sides, and depopulate regions of the world wealthy in natural resources, and promote an undemocratic one world Anglo-American government. The Rockefeller family have owned or controlled many different drug companies and medical research facilities. According to G. Edward Griffin, Rockefeller family members sat on the board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) and suppressed all 6 successful double blind studies conducted on Laetrile, a control for cancer that is mostly a concentrated form of a natural substance that is derived from nitrilicides found in about 1,400 types of fruits, grasses, and seeds, and in the meat of free-range animals that eat those things. While suppressing the successful 6 MSK internal studies, MSK publicized at a large press conference the one external (tainted) study that found 40% spontaneous remission rates in both Laetrile and saline solution / control groups of experimental animals. G. Edward Griffin states that obviously saline solution does not cure cancer, so the scientists must have deliberately mixed the control group with the Laetrile group of animals, thereby lowering Laetrile's effectiveness at the same time as increasing the cure rate of the saline solution / control. The AMA, and the Carnegie Foundation for Education funded the (Abraham) "Flexner Report" of 1910 that closed many medical schools, shunned all other types of medicine and medical science other than allopathic medicine. Immediately after the report the Rockefeller Foundation hired Abraham, his brother Simon, and Fredrick T. Gates. The report suggested that funding for various medical schools and universities be put up by the rich tycoons of the day and their tax-exempt charitable foundations. This had the effect of greatly improving the quality of medical education and standards, but also suppressed all forms of medicine that were not based on cutting, burning, and prescribing patented poisons (pharmaceutical drugs). Eventually, the AMA was appointed to oversee the practice of medicine in America, and laws were enacted that prevented any doctors practicing medicine without a license from one of the AMA state medical boards. Drug companies hired AMA doctors for drug development. Drug and food safety testing was put in the hands of AMA doctors working for the US FDA. The Rockefeller family and their foundations fund most of the US medical schools, and Rockefeller employees (Simon, Abraham, and Fred, etc) sat on the boards of universities to direct the type of curricula covered. This sequence of events monopolized the medical field so that only Rockefeller family-approved medical treatments would be allowed. Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller family and others also funded the drug industry, the AMA, and medical schools. Once Radium was found to irradiate / burn tissues, medical demand for it pushed the price up thousands of percent. Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. The an agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school. Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up. Dr. Morris Fishbein and the Hearst newspapers were later successfully sued for $100,000 in the Harry M. Hoxey vs. Fishbein-Hearst libel trial 1949. Fishbein disgraced was ousted on June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City supposedly for "years of advertising fraud and fund stealing." Eustace Mullins writes in his 1988 book Murder by Injection, A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emmanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate. … The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described AMA Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." Fishbein inherited Simmon's assistant Dr. Olin West former Tennessee state director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Dr. Josephson termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering." Fishbein's Hearst newspaper article called Hoxsey a Cancer Charlatan. Fishbein gave his favorite phrase: Of all the ghouls who feed on the bodies of the dead and the dying, the cancer quacks are most vicious and most heartless. And "Hoxsey's best friend was the local undertaker." Patricia Ward in her report to Congress quotes this sort of attitude as setting the "low level of discourse and the emotional rather than analytical tone that have characterized the American medical profession's response to unorthodox remedies." Nicknamed "Medicine's Mussolini," Fishbein conducted battles against the alternative treatments. Products were seldom tested for their real effects on health, only advertising revenues were considered. For years the AMA abused its position of power by selling its "approval" seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy. Competing products that contained virtually the same ingredients would be found on both the AMA's "approved" and "disapproved" lists at the same time, the only difference between them being whether the given brand placed paid ads in the Journal of the AMA. Cigarette tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris was the AMA Journal's biggest advertiser in the 1940's, making it impossible for any doctor who preached that "smoking was bad for you" to stay in good standing with Dr Morris Fishbein. Fishbein conflicted with anyone who wouldn't bow to his wishes. And when alternative therapies were successfully used instead of drugs, Fishbein wanted in on it, or war would result. His motto was "If I can't have it, no one will." Having failed anatomy in medical school, Fishbein did everything to understate the value of nutrition. From Dr Royal Raymond Rife, Max Gerson, to Harry Hoxsey, they were all put on trial and politically slaughtered for curing cancer without Fishbein's permission. Quoted from a web page entitled The American Medical Association that quotes from Chapter 3 of Barry Lynes book The Healing of Cancer: The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! : Charles Tobey began a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. Attorney Ben Fitzgerald of the U.S. Justice Department was hired as special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to lead the investigation. Fitzgerald's final report concluded that the AMA, in collaboration with the NCI and FDA, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. The August 28, 1953 Congressional Record contained the following summary of special counsel Fitzgerald: "There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest . . .
"If radium, X-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither X-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to this dreaded disease, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons and cancerologists who are not only divided but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should this Committee make a full-scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports and X-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly (have) solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this? That report of the United States Congress was issued over 35 years ago. The conspiracy has continued, grown stronger, and in many ways is more ruthless today. Senator Tobey soon conveniently died of a heart attack. (This has happened to others who were in a position to threaten the cancer industry.) That web page outlines the history of whole groups of doctors who were murdered / died suddenly / jailed after continuing to cure patients with unauthorized treatments. Ruth Mulvey Harmer, Ph.D. in her 1975 book American Medical Avaricecharacterized Fishbein as having the "ruthlessness of a shark" and concluded that he "managed to hold back the twentieth century for 50 years for the benefit of organized medicine." To this day Morris Fishbein is seen as a medical hero by some web sites for his so called quackbusting. In this case, quacks are merely otherwise successful competitors to organized medicine. If people are suffering with disease and sickness, there are money men and huge government-backed organizations who want to make a monopoly profit from useless treatments, and costly health insurance. Depopulation for some in this group is one of their many goals. The likelihood the NIH will find in favor of this off-book chelation treatment of vascular disease is therefore very low indeed.
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End-stage kidney disease is the complete, or almost complete failure of the kidneys to function. The kidneys can no longer remove wastes, concentrate urine, and regulate many other important body functions.
Alternative NamesRenal failure - end stage; Kidney failure - end stage; ESRD
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsEnd-stage kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to function at a level needed for day-to-day life. It usually occurs when chronic kidney disease has worsened to the point at which kidney function is less than 10% of normal.
ESRD almost always follows chronic kidney disease. A person may have gradual worsening of kidney function for 10 - 20 years or more before progressing to ESRD.
Patients who have reached this stage need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
The most common causes of ESRD in the U.S. are diabetes and high blood pressure. See Chronic kidney disease for a complete list of causes.
SymptomsSymptoms may include:
Other symptoms may develop, including:
The urine volume may decrease or urine production may stop. The patient will usually have signs of the many complications of chronic kidney disease.
End-stage kidney disease changes the results of many tests. Patients receiving dialysis will need these and other tests done often:
This disease may also change the results of the following tests:
TreatmentDialysis or kidney transplantation is the only treatment for ESRD. Your physical condition and other factors determine which treatment is used.
When you start dialysis depends on different factors, including your lab test results, severity of symptoms, and readiness. You should begin to prepare for dialysis before it is absolutely necessary. The preparation includes learning about dialysis and the types of dialysis therapies, and placement of a dialysis access.
See also: Dialysis
Treatment usually includes an ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker, or other medications for high blood pressure.
You may need to make changes in your diet.
See Diet and chronic kidney disease for more detail.
Other treatments may include:
Different treatments are available for problems with sleep or restless leg syndrome.
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be up-to-date on important vaccinations, including:
For additional resources, see kidney disease support group.
Expectations (prognosis)Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, death will occur from the buildup of fluids and waste products in the body. Both of these treatments can have serious risks and consequences. The outcome is different for each person.
ComplicationsTreatment of chronic kidney disease may delay or prevent progression to ESRD. Some cases may not be preventable.
ReferencesTolkoff-Rubin N. Treatment of irreversible renal failure. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Goldman: Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: chap 133.
Mitch WE. Chronic kidney disease. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Goldman: Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: chap 131.
KDOQI. KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline and Clinical Practice Recommendations for anemia in chronic kidney disease: 2007 update of hemoglobin target. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007;50:471-530.
KDOQI: National Kidney Foundation. II. Clinical practice guidelines and clinical practice recommendations for anemia in chronic kidney disease in adults. Am J Kidney Dis. 2006;47(5 Suppl 3):S16-S85.
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI). K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines on hypertension and antihypertensive agents in chronic kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004;43(5 Suppl 1):S1-S290.
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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most fatal types of cancers because the pancreas produces some of the enzymes needed to battle the disease such as trypsin and other proteolytic enzymes that digest meat proteins in the GI tract, and erode the unique protein coat that surrounds cancer cells. This cancer cell protein coat presents a negative electrical charge around the cell that hides / protects the diseased cell against the body's own (also negatively charged) T-blood cells that normally destroy foreign infectious agents and diseased cells--instead the cancer and T-blood cells repel one another due to "like charges repelling." The pancreas is a vital organ that creates and maintains levels of the vital hormone insulin that controls the metabolic system of the body--maintaining blood sugar levels otherwise you would have diabetes.
It is possible to take proteolytic enzymes, HCl stomach acid, and pepsin supplements from a health food store or pharmacy that will assist you in properly digesting your food (vitamins, minerals, and nutrients) to maintain your strength while your pancreas is under attack from disease. In all anti-cancer diets, low (no) meat protein intake is done to prevent the overburdening of what few proteolytic enzymes are produced by the pancreas so that its natural actions can be fully directed at fighting cancer instead of digesting meat in your GI tract.
See >chemotherapy cytotoxic OR (cell toxic) kills rapid< Chemotherapy involves taking a known cellular toxic substance and injecting it into the bloodstream of the patient. These toxins kill everything at varying rates. The goal is to kill fast growing cells like cancer tumor cells. Unfortunately hair cells are also fast growing and get killed off by chemotherapy. The human immune system is also fast growing so that it can change and adapt to newly introduced germs-it too is killed off by chemotherapy. By killing the immune system, and poisoning many other types of cells, chemotherapy risks doing too much damage to the entire body by making it defenseless to all sorts of other secondary infectious diseases, and also risks that the cancer spread unchecked by the immune system that would normally attempt to destroy diseased cells. Another fast growing set of human cells is the bone marrow that is the source of the manufacture of adult stem cells, and red blood cells--this bone marrow is also killed off by chemotherapy. You do the math... Weight loss, loss of appetite, and a general ill-health often results from such ingestion of poisons into the system
According to cancer book author, chartered accountant, Ty Bollinger, a survey conducted in Montreal Canada hospitals of cancer doctors found that about 75% of these oncologists would not undergo chemotherapy, and opt for some alternative treatment. Bollinger states that many of these chemotherapeutic agents are not clinically proven or approved the way other drugs are by the FDA because no peer reviewed medical journal-published double blind clinical trials are ever undertaken to prove their usefulness compared to other treatments-not even an untreated control group of patients. See >"Ty Bollinger" cancer< He has several long videos where he explains the trickery of allopathic cancer doctors and the pharmaceutical industry with statistical efficacy estimates for various types of cancers.
Everyone in my family who underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to treat their various forms of cancer died quickly of the treatment and not the disease. Some people that I have met went the alternative treatment route with supposedly known "unproven / unapproved" cancer treatments and are still alive years later--go figure?
Some people have been cured (undergone spontaneous remission) of advanced stage pancreatic cancer by using various different unconventional and unproven cancer therapies, whereas I know personally of people who jumped whole heartedly into conventional chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery and died very quickly of the treatments and not the disease. Accounts of people using Cancell / Jim Juice / Cantron are available on You-Tube. Laetrile and Amygdalin are also powerful anti-cancer agents. The Beck Protocol can also be used to help. There are numerous anti-cancer diets like the Budwig diet (where cottage cheese is combined with flaxseed oil) and Gerson Therapy. Royal Rife plasma radio frequency machine treatments can help. Many of these cancer therapies can be safely combined, but you must do your research of what has helped other people's conditions.
A doctor in the 1930s named Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells have a different metabolism-they produce their energy from sugar by fermentation rather than oxygenation-he won the 1931 Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology. Fermentation is a less efficient method of energy production from sugar that does not consume oxygen. Many different cancers are caused by or prolonged by microbial infections of fungus, viruses, bacteria or mycoplasmas-each of which produce their own toxic byproducts / wastes that prolong the cancer / malignancy / disease. This is why a full body detoxification is required to purge the underlying cause of disease.
One risk factor link for pancreatic cancer is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. These are often derived from yeast fermentation action on various sugars.
One treatment for cancer is sodium bicarbonate (baking soda-an inexpensive, powerful anti-fungal, anti-yeast agent) for internal cancers and tincture (painting) of iodine for external (skin) cancers by a Rome, Italy oncologist / cancer doctor (See either on the web or videos >"cancer as a fungus" Rome Italy oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini< This doctor shows before and after documentation of actual cases that have undergone remission in about 1.5 weeks time). This doctor's theories indicate that fungal colonies are difficult for the body to fight, so the body's immune system just tries to isolate the colonies by encapsulating them in tumor tissues. By killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the tumor encapsulation goes away, and the tumors are absorbed back into the system.
One route to enlightenment is to watch as many Google and You-Tube videos concerning cancer and cancer therapies.
Many of these videos and web pages will explain why unconventional cancer therapies are pooh-poohed not necessarily because they are believed not to work by conventional medicine, but because they are not under the control of the money powers behind conventional Western medicine, the descendants of the rich tycoons of the early 1900s that established allopathic medicine to promote the use of money making patented poisons-pharmaceutical drugs. (See >cutting burning poisoning Germany "allopathic medicine" Rockefeller Flexner Carnegie pharmaceutical OR drug<). Without merit these allopathic practitioners decry any methods that they do not employ as quackery (since these methods represent their successful competition that permanently drives away their customers-sick patients that get and stay well) . If any particular unconventional therapy was so deadly, every such surviving family member would be telling other potential patients of the dangers, and suing for wrongful death so that no one would be willing to try the particular 'dangerous' treatment method. Instead, one sees many testimonials that are made by the surviving patients themselves where some are saying that 60 years ago, I had cancer and am still alive today when doctors told me I had 2 weeks to live-and similar such stories.
The allopathic tradition comes from Germany where bad or 'evil' humors were replaced using toxic potions (drugs), where at one point in history the use of mercury and leaches were used to treat all sorts of diseases, and "quacksalber" or "quackenslaver" or "quecksilber" ("nimble silver") was the old German word for mercury-a treatment, ironically, that allopaths used themselves to treat diseases. The words quack and quackery come from this German word for mercury. Said to be the most potent toxins of all, next to radioactive plutonium, mercury compounds of various sorts are very potent neurotoxic agents that spontaneously disassemble nerves in the brain, creating tangles that are virtually identical to Alzheimer's disease pathology / symptoms. The cause of many neurological diseases comes about because of the pushing of profits of vaccine companies who produce vials of their mixtures containing a mercury preservative named thimerosal. Various tainted (specially structured to hide the truth) studies of thimerosal are being promoted as demonstrating that thimerosal is not connected with causing autism or autism-like symptoms, however, non-tainted studies and the government's own statistical evidence shows that it is directly connected and that a sizable list of experts know and are covering it up since a secret meeting in June 2000. See >thimerosal June 2000 Simpsonwood secret meeting dogs monkeys OR chimpanzees<.
There are so many suppressed cancer cures that it is not funny. Many of these cures are only attempted by most cancer patients after their conventional therapies have not worked and their doctors have pronounced them incurable. G. Edward Griffin explains that even with these hopeless cases, there is a 15% survival rate--which is a hugely better than 0% upon hopeless cases. Griffin explains that for his preferred treatment that there is an 85% cure rate if it is started in place of conventional cutting, burning, and poisoning.
Cancer has numerous causes.
The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet.
A surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes.
Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all.
Alternative medicine attempts to address the underlying causes of illness. Usually this is addressed by age old remedies empirically known to have worked for centuries.
Allopathic medicine that uses cutting, burning, and poisons became dominant in Western civilizations because of large money interests in the early 1900s setting up the medical system to promote the use of money-making drugs (patentable poisons) in the treatment of disease symptoms rather than the underlying causes.
Key players in this history were the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family initially found wealth by monopolizing the oil and gas energy sector in the 1800s and early 1900s. According to historians they were able to do this by buying out their competitors, arranging sweet deals to transport their goods, and having the lowest prices. But how could they manage this kind of operation from the start? Some non-mainstream historians believe that like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller Sr. got huge unsecured loans from the Rothschild banking family of Europe, permitting Rockefeller to buy out his competition, and grease the wheels of anyone needing to be influenced, all while undercutting on prices. The Rockefeller interests spread to include "influencing government," media, banking, pharmaceutical drugs, higher education, the human genome project, and depopulation (population control).
The tycoons of the day found that their money went farther if it went untaxed, and so formed charitable tax-exempt foundations whose funding could go towards investments that would promote their existing monopolies. By providing investment money for certain projects, and de-funding that of others, they could virtually control the direction taken for various fields of endeavor including science and medicine. To further amplify this charitable influence, a consultant from the Pillsbury Corporation, Fred T. Gates, suggested that matching community funds be combined with foundation money, effectively doubling the monies invested, actively involving community public participation, while retaining the prestige of the name of the tycoon on the buildings and tycoon control of the resulting projects. The Flexner report of 1910 is credited with elevating the quality of medical education in America. It was sponsored by the AMA Inc., the Carnegie Foundation for Education, and the Rockefeller family. It recommended that non-allopathic medical schools be closed, the remaining medical schools merge with existing universities, and that they all be well funded by the tycoons and their tax exempt foundations.
Curricula in places of higher education were directed by board members specifically placed there by tycoons and their foundations. No one in these schools would learn anything not pre-approved by the tycoons to bolster their businesses. Any dissenting voices were crushed by critical peers who were in the sphere of influence of the tycoons. This specifically happened if the scientific researcher found a legitimate discovery such as a disease cause, or a successful means of treatment not involving patentable poisons or burning or cutting. The discoveries would be decried as quackery and nostrums. Doors of opportunity would be slammed shut to non-compliant researchers. The force of government was behind the monopolists permitting police to confiscate equipment politically and unscientifically declared 'unsafe,' practitioners threatened with de-licensing, and the researchers imprisoned if they persisted in making medical claims not sanctioned by the Rockefeller establishment. Non compliant M.D.s would become unlicensed, and publicly called quacks.
Accounts of researchers discovering cancer cures are widespread on the Internet. When these discoverers talk to cancer societies, government officials, and medical practitioners about their findings, they are persecuted for their claims, and begin to encounter legal troubles.
Since WW2 until the early 1970s Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was a biological warfare research lab. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS: The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has also accounts of the development of the HIV virus by the special cancer virus program funded in the early 1970s as proposed by US National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Frederick, Maryland is was Fort Detrick run by the US military, and is now run by the NIH. US President Richard M. Nixon invented the private health insurance care system in the USA (as can be seen in the Michael Moore film SiCKO in the "Richard Nixon - Oval Office Recordings" part), converted the army Fort over to the NCI. Scientific medical personnel and on going projects remained intact.
Nixon, Kissinger, Bush Sr., and Haig were all involved in the White House activities surrounding Watergate, Vietnam, and CIA operations of Air America that had arms, drugs, and money laundering. Each of these men were members in the Rockefeller think tank group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and according to many historians all of them took "marching orders" from that rich and powerful family. The Rockefeller family has been interested in depopulation (population control) for many years, and so directed Dr. Henry Kissinger and others to increase efforts to curb population (particularly of some racial / genome types) through biological, drug, and chemical research, development, and application.
The HIV AIDS drug AZT (supposedly exhibited anti-retro-viral properties in only one early study) initially developed as a chemotherapeutic / toxic agent in 1964 against cancer cells is made by Burrows Wellcome, controlled by the Rockefeller family. Burrows Wellcome became Glaxo Wellcome, and Glaxo Wellcome became Glaxo Smith-Kline. State procecutors are confincing judges to issue felony charges against parents who refuse to treat their HIV positive children with AZT, a drug proven in 1993 not to work. Directors of the NIH have frequently changed jobs to Rockefeller foundation-funded universities and medical centers. Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his film "In Lies We Trust" and his book "Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola" goes further than just the development of the HIV virus and details a long lists of other disease plagues that were cultured and developed by the US warfare lab including kuru (mad cow / Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), wasting diseases, and various leukemia and sarcoma cancer viruses. Horowitz and others cite a growing body of evidence that various Rockefeller family members have been involved in many nefarious schemes to make money through monopoly practices, destabilize economies, prolong war conflicts while funding both sides, and depopulate regions of the world wealthy in natural resources, and promote an undemocratic one world Anglo-American government. The Rockefeller family have owned or controlled many different drug companies and medical research facilities.
According to G. Edward Griffin (and others), Rockefeller family members sat on the board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK or MSKCC) and suppressed all of several successful double blind studies conducted on Laetrile, a control for cancer that is mostly a concentrated form of a natural substance that is derived from nitrilicides found in about 1,400 types of fruits, grasses, and seeds, and in the meat of free-range animals that eat those things. While suppressing the several successful MSK internal studies, MSK publicized at a large press conference the one external (tainted) study that found 40% spontaneous remission rates in both Laetrile and saline solution / control groups of experimental animals. G. Edward Griffin states that obviously saline solution does not cure cancer, so the scientists must have deliberately mixed the control group with the Laetrile group of animals, thereby lowering Laetrile's effectiveness at the same time as increasing the cure rate of the saline solution / control. See >Dr Ralph Moss Laetrile Rockefeller "Memorial Sloan Kettering" "Kanematsu Sugiura"<
The with monies provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, the AMA, and the Carnegie Foundation for Education organized the (Abraham) "Flexner Report" of 1910 that closed many medical schools, shunned all other types of medicine and medical science other than allopathic medicine. Immediately after the report the Rockefeller Foundation hired Abraham, his brother Simon, and Fredrick T. Gates. The report suggested that funding for various medical schools and universities be put up by the rich tycoons of the day and their tax-exempt charitable foundations. This had the effect of greatly improving the quality of medical education and standards, but also suppressed all forms of medicine that were not based on cutting, burning, and prescribing patented poisons (pharmaceutical drugs). Eventually, the AMA was appointed to oversee the practice of medicine in America, and laws were enacted that prevented any doctors practicing medicine without a license from one of the AMA state medical boards. Drug companies hired AMA doctors for drug development. Drug and food safety testing was put in the hands of AMA doctors working for the US FDA. The Rockefeller family and their foundations fund most of the US medical schools, and Rockefeller employees (Simon, Abraham, and Fred, etc) sat on the boards of universities to direct the type of curricula covered. This sequence of events monopolized the medical field so that only Rockefeller family-approved medical treatments would be allowed. Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller family and others also funded the drug industry, the AMA, and medical schools. Once Radium was found to irradiate / burn tissues, medical demand for it pushed the price up thousands of percent.
The J.P. Morgan interests, the Rockefeller family, and other tycoons formed a group of industrialists who wanted the USA to enter WWI. American banks they controlled would loan monies to both sides for war expenses, while others intended to profit from manufacturing munitions and supplies. To do this they wanted to influence public opinion through the news media. In 1917 congressman Oscar Callaway entered into the public record that this group of tycoons did exactly that in March 1915. (See also >congressional record 25 newspapers Morgan 1917 February 9 March 1915<) The USA was lured into the first war by the sinking of a passenger ship that was deliberately sent into the conflict zone. (See >Passenger ship weapons WWI USA war sunk Lucitania CFR OR "J.P. Morgan" OR Rothschild<). After the war had ended, several US-soil army bases were the source of the out break of the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 40 to 50 million people world wide when all of the soldiers at all the US bases were ordered to be inoculated with various vaccines that were likely infected with the disease according to NYC author Charles M. Higgins in a 1920 published petition to the US President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy (available on-line as a PDF via Scribd). The lead legal council for J.P. Morgan and other members of this group later formed the Council on Foreign Relations. In successive years this group of powerful military industrial complex movers and shakers bought up more than 90% of all news media outlets, and virtually control all TV, radio, and newspapers. Many of the senior news anchors are members of the Rockefeller CFR. The John Birch Society has produced articles and video presentations warning of the undue influence this group has over world events, and its wealth. The group has been accused of operating the CIA as its own enforcement agency, carrying out political assassinations, running drugs, laundering money through Wall Street-listed large corporations, and destabilizing economies of poorer nations to gain control over their natural resources. The US laws involving money laundering permit the movement of only a modest amount of cash for normal citizens, however, the laws expressly permit corporations listed on the major stock exchange the unfettered ability to conduct whatever physical movement of cash that they want. In the 1990s so much money laundering was happening that Janet Reno called in corporate executives to a meeting to reduce the otherwise criminal activities. (See also >"Janet Reno" General Motors Electric Sony money laundering<)
Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease.
Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens.
Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute.
No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face.
An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school.
Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up.
My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments.
Dr. Morris Fishbein and the Hearst newspapers were later successfully sued for $100,000 in the Harry M. Hoxey vs. Fishbein-Hearst libel trial 1949. Fishbein disgraced was ousted on June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City supposedly for "years of advertising fraud and fund stealing."
Eustace Mullins writes in his 1988 book Murder by Injection,
A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emmanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate. … The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described AMA Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." Fishbein inherited Simmon's assistant Dr. Olin West former Tennessee state director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Dr. Josephson termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering."Fishbein's Hearst newspaper article called Hoxsey a Cancer Charlatan. Fishbein gave his favorite phrase: Of all the ghouls who feed on the bodies of the dead and the dying, the cancer quacks are most vicious and most heartless. And "Hoxsey's best friend was the local undertaker." Patricia Ward in her report to Congress quotes this sort of attitude as setting the "low level of discourse and the emotional rather than analytical tone that have characterized the American medical profession's response to unorthodox remedies."
Nicknamed "Medicine's Mussolini," Fishbein conducted battles against the alternative treatments. Products were seldom tested for their real effects on health, only advertising revenues were considered. For years the AMA abused its position of power by selling its "approval" seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy. Competing products that contained virtually the same ingredients would be found on both the AMA's "approved" and "disapproved" lists at the same time, the only difference between them being whether the given brand placed paid ads in the Journal of the AMA. Cigarette tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris was the AMA Journal's biggest advertiser in the 1940's, making it impossible for any doctor who preached that "smoking was bad for you" to stay in good standing with Dr Morris Fishbein.
Fishbein conflicted with anyone who wouldn't bow to his wishes. And when alternative therapies were successfully used instead of drugs, Fishbein wanted in on it, or war would result. His motto was "If I can't have it, no one will." Having failed anatomy in medical school, Fishbein did everything to understate the value of nutrition. From Dr Royal Raymond Rife, Max Gerson, to Harry Hoxsey, they were all put on trial and politically slaughtered for curing cancer without Fishbein's permission.
Quoted from a web page entitled The American Medical Association that quotes from Chapter 3 of Barry Lynes book The Healing of Cancer: The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! :
Charles Tobey began a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. Attorney Ben Fitzgerald of the U.S. Justice Department was hired as special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to lead the investigation. Fitzgerald's final report concluded that the AMA, in collaboration with the NCI and FDA, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. The August 28, 1953 Congressional Record contained the following summary of special counsel Fitzgerald:"There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest . . .
"If radium, X-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither X-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to this dreaded disease, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons and cancerologists who are not only divided but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should this Committee make a full-scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports and X-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly (have) solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this?
That report of the United States Congress was issued over 35 years ago. The conspiracy has continued, grown stronger, and in many ways is more ruthless today. Senator Tobey soon conveniently died of a heart attack. (This has happened to others who were in a position to threaten the cancer industry.)
That web page outlines the history of whole groups of doctors who were murdered / died suddenly / jailed after continuing to cure patients with unauthorized treatments.
Ruth Mulvey Harmer, Ph.D. in her 1975 book American Medical Avarice characterized Fishbein as having the "ruthlessness of a shark" and concluded that he "managed to hold back the twentieth century for 50 years for the benefit of organized medicine."
To this day Morris Fishbein is seen as a medical hero by some web sites for his so called quackbusting. In this case, quacks are merely otherwise successful competitors to organized medicine.
Recently there was an edutainment TV program. It was about sacred geometries. One of the featured items was the pyramid. A household couple showed for the TV audience a bunch of fruit bowls hanging below a copper plumbing tube outline of a four sided pyramid. They claimed that the pyramid kept their food from going rotten. One at a time the couple would grab a fruit and tell the investigators how many weeks old it was and then gave the investigators a taste of it. Some people claim that pyramids can keep razor blades sharp. Some pyramids made of various kinds of crystals are claimed to have healing capabilities.
Researchers who have built pyramids of 2 or so stories in height have claimed that electrical energy flowing through the air in the middle of the structure had given them a terrible shock, sending them flying across the room. Gain electrons = Reduction, Lose electrons = Oxidation. In one experiment this pyramid / crystal person claimed to have done, they took a piece of zinc and placed it hanging on a string into the center of the pyramid. After several days the metal found was calcium. After further time, supposedly the metal had turned into aluminum. If these geometries do in fact gather and focus energy, then maybe protons within the metal pieces was being kicked out, bit by bit with time, and the metal transformed into lighter and lighter atomic weight metal elements. Because mass equals energy times the speed of light of free space squared, it is possible that the energy was being grabbed from the metal material slowly over time. It is too bad that this experimenter did not have proper funding and measurement instrumentation to log as many readings happening from one moment to the next to further quantify what might be occurring in his experiments?
Some researchers in England claimed to have been able to start to measure subtle energy using mono-molecular gold colloids and light. Supposedly, the same mechanisms of action used in documented medical scientific experiments where biological cellular chemistry is studied and incident laser light used to monitor the gold colloid particle concentrations increasing or decreasing depending on nearby chemical ions and what not. The color in both cases changes from red towards purple in the color frequency spectrum. The subtle energy is related to homeopathy and so called "memory of structured water" that has been ridiculed many times by mainstream scientists. Too bad these subtle energy experimenter guys so far have not produced any videos to illustrate any concrete findings in these experiments? If their experiments are repeatable in a systematic step by step manner, this would be a nice development in science. Perhaps this method if it is further developed could measure "Orgone energy" that was investigated by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s and then would explain the operation of the Joe Cell energy device? Orgone is claimed to have both negative and positive vortex polarities and have both positive and negative health benefits. If proven to exist, promoters would probably see a large increase in interest.
While on the topic of subtle energy fields and energy medicine, I began to remember something that I researched last year some time using the following search: >"Aura therapy" Lee OR Leavander Crock machine OR Mexistim< The electronic principles of this kind of machine are quite simple, but whether or not the machine does anything other than placebo effect is up to the user, further experimental inquiry, and maybe the proper implementation of the field antennae / metal sheets or screens.
The belief posited by this group of people who support this aura therapy device is that the human body is damaged and repairs itself, replacing practically your entire body mass over a particular span of time. For certain body parts the replacement time is short, and for others it is very long. If living things have any form of energy field around them, then it likely interacts somewhat with its surroundings, and visa versa. The knowledge or intelligence of one's entire being is supposedly contained within your cellular DNA and RNA. If some of these molecular structures are damaged (as is probably the case for cancer), it will impact the correctness of your health- - and the way your body's repair system may or may not repair itself correctly. Whether these fields stem from or interact with these building blocks of DNA / RNA or not to signal damage, repair, or the opposite, no scientists can be certain without being able to measure subtle energy or Orgone energy or bio-electrical auras or whatever hidden, esoteric, arcane mysteries.
According to Muriel Agnes in her energy medicine dissertation, "Toward an Integral Energy Medicine Model For Understanding The Vascular Autonomic Signal," she describes in the abstract that "the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the neurovascular system of the body to information being brought into its energy field." She goes on to state that French medical scientist "Dr. Paul Nogier in 1966" had investigated and discovered this system.
In related mainstream medical research Nogier described that he found pulse frequencies that affected the health of various biological systems within the human body. These frequencies have been used by the latest medical appliances that use LED light to do tissue regeneration, wound healing, and pain relief now being studied by NATO and NASA. LED light therapy has been experimentally studied to be able to recover eye damage done to fighter pilots whose eyes were damaged by laser emissions of enemy missile tracking guidance systems. Prior to this, studies were done on rats where one of their eyes' retinas were purposefully damaged using lasers, and the other eye left undamaged as a control. After IR and near IR application of LED light into the damaged eyes of the sets of rats for a few minutes duration per day, a period of weeks or so, the damaged retinas were found to have been completely repaired and indistinguishable from the state of the control. Also, researchers in England have been using a high power LED helmet to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease. Since its announcement in 2007 or so, at least one patient has been put forward as having been successfully treated with the experimental device during the summer / fall of 2008.
The Lee Crock aura therapy device sets up a static, low voltage electric field around the patient undergoing the therapy. The field makes use of the electro-chemical properties of low impedance D-cell alkaline batteries in a bank of between 4.5 to 9 volts DC. The static field is established in a sandwich geometry with one antenna screen / conductive blanket above the bed mattress of the patient and the other one under the patient, but neither making contact with the patient or the opposite polarity blanket / screen / antenna (preventing the battery causing a short circuit). Electrically, the patient is inside an electrical capacitor between the plates of opposite electrical polarity.
The Lee Crock aura therapy device then uses an electrical timer set to trip every 12 to 18 or so minutes to switch the polarity of the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. This is usually implemented using a double pole - double throw relay that toggles the battery leads running to the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates.
The plan of this scheme is supposedly to reset the "patient's aura" via the influence of the low alternating frequency electric field switching. Crock and his followers think that this is the best thing since sliced bread, claiming that it is like the fountain of youth.
At some point, Crock describes, he found that only one screen needed to be used, and that it worked better somehow that way. I do not know if his device just grounds the other polarity of the toggled battery leads or what - - I assumed that it did when I constructed my own replica of his machine. In my duplication, however, I did not use a proper screen meshing to distribute the batteries' electrical field near my bed, nor did I properly orient the antenna screen to run the length of my body during night time sleep as was recommended, so my reproduction was likely to fail to produce positive results. I have since found a better source of aluminum bug screen sheets at a local, big box, hardware store that could be better used to make a larger, lighter weight antenna screen than the very heavy gauge, stiff, chicken cage wire mesh that I am now using.
I have used a 555 timer running at 15 Hz or so, and put the output into a CMOS 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. The 555 runs in a more stable frequency using moderate sized timing resistors and capacitors, rather than running with larger electrolytic capacitors, and higher timing resistors, and not using the 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. After minor adjustments, I got the polarity switch signal for the relay to run at about a 15 minute interval as is approximately the one recommended in Crock's literature detailed on-line in a Nexus magazine article or similar such thing. The timer's output is fed into a small signal discrete NPN or PNP transistor with a suitable sized input resistor. The relay coil is bypassed for inductive kick-back using a standard silicon signal diode such as a 1N4148. The entire IC set is powered from a 9 Volt AC to DC adapter that feeds into a three pin TO-220 package 7805C voltage regulator IC with only a super small aluminum fin heat sink. The 5 volts output from that voltage regulator IC then feeds the other logic IC chips (555 timer, and the 16 stage binary counter IC). The batteries drain virtually no current, and the ICs are all so low power that the system draws less current than an LED alarm clock radio, so I let the thing run 24/7 for months at a time
What substance is addictive, but less so than coffee, has a calming / sedative effect, makes you hungry, effectively treats glaucoma, epilepsy, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and neuro-protective effects, and is an anti-cancer agent? (Hint: see PMID: 18833429, among others...)
Yet some hidden political hand has US federally-prohibited the natural substance starting in 1937 after the 1936 movie about "Reefer Madness!" The people behind the prohibition have enough political power and influence to have the same ban applied in Canada, the UK, and most EU countries. The ban is virtually baseless and acts only to protect the Rockefeller run cancer industry, and the Rockefeller run drug industry specifically.
Did that same substance have fake studies done that showed that brain damage resulted from its use? (see PMID: 4631500) Search >"rhesus monkeys" smoke cannabis OR marijuana OR THC OR Tetrahydrocannabinol asphyxiation< Video search >"the Rick Simpson Story"<
Lead is a known neurotoxin. Its stated purpose when it was added to gasoline long ago was that it was an antiknock agent, yet at the time many other safer antiknock agents were known to industry and government. Who could have enough influence to sway government to allow this lingering poison to be circulated commercially, and then released into air, water, and so on? Lead is also a carcinogen. Gasoline additives such as lead were also known to clog up high efficiency, high mileage carburetors invented by Charles N. Pogue in 1935 that were meant to make the chemical properties of the gas more uniform in terms of combustion properties like ignition temperature so that more of the power of the gas would be released more uniformly rather than have some of it still burning in the exhaust system, wasting its power. A study in the 1950s or 60s involving lead chelation (removal of heavy metal poisons from the blood and body) indicated that the incidence of cancer dropped significantly in the treated subjects as compared with the untreated citizenry of the same Swiss highway town of the study.
Aternative medicine remedies have been in the form of diet change, and the addition of certain vitamins, minerals, and supplements, combined with treatments with ozone, or peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, radio frequency plasma machine treatments, blood electrification, drinking of properly prepared colloidal silver water, pulsed electro-magnetic field treatments, tincture of iodine, or treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Detoxification is also key since a large proportion of malignancy is believed to be directly caused by toxins (possibly in the presence of pathogens).
Bad oil is hydrogenated oil used in processing foods so that they do not spoil. If microorganisms cannot live on this oil (to cause spoilage), how can we humans live on it? Perhaps this stuff is so bad that it is a major part of what is killing us?
The Budwig diet is one where flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are mixed and eaten. The biochemical effect is that this good type oil is made water soluble so that it can be absorbed into the cells of the body themselves to eliminate or displace other proteins that have poor cell oxygenation properties, and by doing so, oxygen energize existing cells, reverse the fermentation processes happening in cancer cells, possibly reverting these cells back to normal cells.
Gerson therapy is applied on a per patient basis by first evaluating the needs of the patient and customizing the diet for them. This diet involves juicing of a huge quantity of vegetables and fruits on an hourly basis and drinking it all, eating cooked vegetables, and taking coffee enemas. Coffee is a diuretic. As such the coffee when introduced into the colon will force the kidneys to express more urine than normal, ridding the body of more toxins than normal. The juicing machine endorsed by the followers of this diet is a grind then press unit that does not centrifugally spin the vegetable or fruit pulp. Supposedly this spinning action oxidizes a lot of the nutrients of the juice meant to go into the patient to improve their health. This grind and press juicing method can be crudely done by buying a meat grinder to slowly grind the vegetable or fruit, then using a multi-ton hydraulic jack to press / crush the ground vegetable and fruit pulp to release the juice. Typically the ground pulp is placed within a small fabric bag that when pressed by several tons force has the juices come out through the weaving of the fabric like a filtering effect to remove the liquid juice from the pulp.
Toxic chemicals from our environment find their way into our bodies. Some people genetically store the toxins in fat tissue, while other people do not. There are many toxins and various specific supplements (or chelation agents) to take to rid the body of many of them. The usual method to detoxify from these is to do various organ cleanses. Sometimes this involves doing a juice fast where all the body's needs must be met by drinking various fruit and vegetable juices for 1.5 to 2 weeks straight.
Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where undifferentiated (stem) cells sent in to repair a damaged area do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. The theory goes that if the cancer cells are destroyed by laetrile / amygdalin, the tissues of the tumor can be reabsorbed into the system by proteolytic enzymes produced by the pancreas. This is very bad news if you have your pancreas removed by surgery. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer).
They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired.
This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand.
Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me.
In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720).
Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional.
The Beck Protocol involves killing various pathogenic causes of diseases including HIV AIDS, fugal infections, other blood borne viruses, mycoplasmas, and bacteria. In doing so, alternative health practitioners believe that this permits the immune system to concentrate on fighting the cancer. The protocol consists of blood electrification (a weak [low power / current] form of electroporation) that inactivates the infectivity of blood borne pathogens, treatment using a brief duration pulsed electro magnetic field (PEMF) to kill pathogens within the lymphatic system and similar tissues, the drinking of distilled / demineralized water that has been electrolyzed by a low DC constant current set of 0.9999 pure silver electrodes producing argyria-safe 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver, and the separate consumption of ozonated water. Ozone is O3 , a form of energized oxygen that is formed either from high voltage (7 to 10 kilovolts) corona plasma discharge energy, or from exposure of oxygen to an intense quartz encapsulated mercury vapor germicidal ultraviolet light source.
Alternative health care providers also combine this Beck Protocol with further herbs, and dietary supplements such as those suggested by Hulda Regehr Clark.
See the related links and questions below.
1 answer
You need an alkaline body, full of oxygen, and nutrients, which is also low in toxins. Combine the Budwig Diet with hydrogen peroxide, and work to get the body's PH to 8.5 (It really is possible). Do these things and there will be no trace of cancer.
Now it is time to begin your research. Expect to spend a couple of weeks reading. Be sure to include the term 'holistic' in your searches. Think of this as a test. If you are not willing to do the reading, then you will not be willing to follow the cure protocol (notice that I did not say 'treatment').
If you do the research and cannot find what your are looking for, then ask for my assistance. Lots of information to get you started can be found at Sarah's blog mentioned in the related link on this page. == The answer that I'm reading above is absolutely correct, but additional things can also be done. There are so many suppressed cancer cures that work that it is not funny. Some of these can be safely combined, but you must know what you are doing and know who can help you. Alternative medicine is about treating the cause of the disease and not the symptoms. I've learned a whole bunch of my information in my formal education, but have combined that with what I've filtered out of Google Videos on the topic of suppressed medical and scientific information. What I've done below is grab some of my other prior answers to combine into this one to give a wide prospective of information to consider / research further if you are comfortable with it at all... There are likely Google videos about various aspects of these things. Most of the videos present the information in a very understandable way. According to the first Google hit, "Cancer, Arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, …' are supposedly treated using the Budwig diet. The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil and cottage cheese diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, and recently re-examined by Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (Oncologist and former cardiologist) in 1990. Dr. Roehm claims: "this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world".
Six time Nobel award nominated doctor says this essential nutrient combination actually prevents and cures cancer Dr. Max Gerson, M.D., came to America in the early 1900s. He believed in a holistic approach to health and invented for his own condition of migraine headaches the "Gerson therapy." Lots of Google videos exist for this therapy. The patient is analyzed for toxins and other things. The diet is customized somewhat for each patient, but usually consists of meals of cooked vegetables, coffee enemas, and drinking a large freshly juiced glass of fruit and vegetable juice about every 15 minutes or so all during the day. About 40 pounds of organically grown fresh food are juiced per day per patient. The amount of nutrients and fluids going through the patient's body is enormous. Coffee is a diuretic. When it is used as an enema fluid, it forces the kidneys to express more urine than they might normally, thereby supposedly greatly increasing the detoxification effects of the diet. The diet is said to dissolve scare tissue from old injuries, as well as eliminating many types of chronic illness. One false claim is made in one video about juicing is that the inventor of the Norwalk Juicer, Dr. Norman Walker, lived to about 117 years of age, when I recall that he might have only lived to his late nineties. So the Gerson therapy avoids all meats in part because meats consume digestive, proteolytic enzymes that help dissolve cancerous tumors. This same theme runs in many of the health diets that I've seen. Detoxification can also be made to include heavy metal removal via chelation. A chelating agent is an artificial amino acid that grabs / sequesters metal atoms from the blood, creating an inert substance that can be filtered and eliminated by the kidneys into the urine. Lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and a number of other neurotoxic metals can be removed gradually by repeated treatment applications of either an IV chelation treatment or some of the newer chelating agents on sale on the Internet--but choose your product carefully. Oxygen therapies--Ozone, peroxide, and oxygen: The reason to try Oxygen therapy was discovered in the 1940s by Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Otto Warburg who found that the cellular metabolism of cancer cells matches closely those of yeast or mold or fungus- -that is, the cells ferment sugar / glucose / dextrose rather than oxidize it via the cellular mitochondria. The underlying causes of cancer may include mutations, viral alterations to cellular DNA, toxic chemical alterations to cellular DNA, radiation poisoning that continuously causes cellular mutations, weakened immune system, weakened pancreatic / proteolytic enzyme production, fugal infection that promotes an adverse immune system response, and poor diet. A surgical procedure will not remove the underlying cause of the disease. Allopathic medicine typically treats symptoms of disease (by cutting-surgery, burning-radiation, and poisons-patented pharmaceutical drugs) and not the underlying causes. Most medical scientists believe that healthy people get cancerous cells occurring all of the time, but because the people are healthy, their systems quickly get rid of the trouble without developing any tumors at all. Some medical scientists believe that the body's own repair system intended to heal wounds, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and so on can sometimes go out of control where the repair cells do not stop reproducing because the electrical and chemical signals that regulate such processes have failed to halt this process. (See trophoblastic theory of cancer). They account for the different types of cancer by the original type of tissue damage that was being repaired. This theory is supported by people like G. Edward Griffin (and his many medical doctor colleagues) whose videos can be viewed on Google Videos. In his videos, he does not explain everything that is involved with the treatment method that he prefers (as he claims to do in his book on the topic), but most of the ideas seem to be nicely expressed and easy to understand. Other scientists have used the observations of Otto Warburg to treat certain forms of cancer as the human body's reaction to a fungal infection. (See Dr. Tullio Simoncini "Cancer as a fungus"). By using simplistic anti-fungal substances such as sodium bicarbonate for internal cancers, and tincture of Iodine for external cancers, Dr. Simoncini has successfully treated many patients without adverse side effects. Simoncini reasons that a rapidly growing fugal colony is difficult for the body to combat, and so as a result, the body just encapsulates the infections within tumorous cell growths. By attacking and killing the underlying fungal infections, the need for the encapsulating tumor cells is gone, so the body just re-absorbs the tissues leaving just healthy tissue untouched. Videos on Google videos have Dr. Simoncini applying his treatment and showing before and after results. Often the treatments succeed in about one and a half weeks time. Still other scientists in India, Russia, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, etc, have treated both the blood and the tumor areas with medical ozone, and performed blood irradiation with ultraviolet light to damage microbial blood-borne pathogens so that the body's auto immune system quickly develops resistance to these pathogens, thereby removing the cause of certain varieties of malignancy. Theoretically, this will work with some but perhaps not all cancers. Although there are Google videos about this ozone injection into tumors, there are no after follow-ups taken of the results days, weeks, or even months after the surgery- -so this remains in the speculative column for me. The 1953 Fitzgerald congressional investigation into the practices of the AMA and FDA found that numerous legitimate cancer cures and treatments had been suppressed since shortly after the founding of the AMA, finding all the government and authority groups involved having performed conspiratorial and dishonest actions to suppress such treatments from the general public- -libelously calling these treatments quackery. In 1990 Drs. Steven Kaali and William Lyman discovered that biocompatible electric current (a few millionths of an Ampere) could be used on blood, (and other bodily or synthetic fluids) to inactivate the HIV AIDS virus infectivity in-vitro (PMID: 15858720). Using this information and examining the patents filed by Kaali, et al., Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc. Physics, determined that such a biocompatible (small) electrical current could be induced to flow through the skin, into the blood, down one of the major arterial blood vessels in the forearm and back out through the skin without exsanguination (invasively removing quantities of blood from the body into a treatment machine, then putting it back into the body). Numerous AIDS patients who listened to Bob Beck spontaneously recovered within about one month. Testing that Beck had sponsored showed before and after Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests that saw the HIV viral loads go to such low levels that they were indistinguishable from zero on the measurement equipment used in the lab testing procedures. Beck publicized his treatment application, and some cancer patients began experimentally using it along with some herbal remedies recommended by Hulda Regehr Clark. After about a month's time these cancer patients reported back to Beck that they had undergone spontaneous remissions from the disease. Beck then incorporated this information in many of his lectures. Beck also found that there were shortcomings in his treatment when the AIDS virus could lay dormant within other body tissues and re-emerge later on. For this he developed a PEMF (pulsed electro magnetic field) device. The device would emit a very strong magnetic pulse from the sudden release of current from the stored electrical charge of a capacitor into an air core inductor of about 1 to 2.5 milli-Henrys. He also used low concentration colloidal silver in / using demineralized water to boost the immune system and rid the gastrointestinal tract of parasites and pathogenic microbes. (The use of demineralized water prevents the formation of silver salts that can cause a skin discoloration disease that turns a person's skin gray--argyria). Lastly, he found that patients were usually taking about a month to recover, and determined that by using ozonated drinking water that the inactivated pathogens could be more easily filtered out of the body via the kidneys, thereby cutting in half the recovery time using his treatment methods. He began to call his treatment method "The Beck Protocol." Medical doctors who saw this as economic competition to their business began to pooh-pooh the entire scheme without even experimentally giving it a try (the scientific method), and down played any scientific basis for the theory of its modality, calling it "quackery and nostrums." Beck knew that the FDA and AMA would likely try to entrap him and charge him with practicing medicine without a license, but Beck was careful to label this as medical experimentation and made no recommendations that any one particular sick person do any of these treatments without first consulting with their own medical professional. Since WW2 until the early 1970s Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was a biological warfare research lab. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS: The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Leonard Horowitz has also accounts of the development of the HIV virus by the special cancer virus program funded in the early 1970s as proposed by US National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Frederick, Maryland is was Fort Detrick run by the US military, and is now run by the NIH. US President Richard M. Nixon invented the private health insurance care system in the USA (as can be seen in the Michael Moore film SiCKO in the "Richard Nixon - Oval Office Recordings" part), converted the army Fort over to the NCI. Scientific medical personnel and on going projects remained intact. Nixon, Kissinger, Bush Sr., and Haig were all involved in the White House activities surrounding Watergate, Vietnam, and CIA operations of Air America that had arms, drugs, and money laundering. Each of these men were members in the Rockefeller think tank group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and according to many historians all of them took "marching orders" from that rich and powerful family. The Rockefeller family has been interested in depopulation (population control) for many years, and so directed Dr. Henry Kissinger and others to increase efforts to curb population (particularly of some racial / genome types) through biological, drug, and chemical research, development, and application. The HIV AIDS drug AZT (supposedly exhibited anti-retro-viral properties in only one early study) initially developed as a chemotherapeutic / toxic agent in 1964 against cancer cells is made by Burrows Welcome, controlled by the Rockefeller family. Directors of the NIH have frequently changed jobs to Rockefeller foundation-funded universities and medical centers. Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his film "In Lies We Trust" and his book "Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola" goes further than just the development of the HIV virus and details a long lists of other disease plagues that were cultured and developed by the US warfare lab including kuru (mad cow / Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), wasting diseases, and various leukemia and sarcoma cancer viruses. Horowitz and others cite a growing body of evidence that various Rockefeller family members have been involved in many nefarious schemes to make money through monopoly practices, destabilize economies, prolong war conflicts while funding both sides, and depopulate regions of the world wealthy in natural resources, and promote an undemocratic one world Anglo-American government. The Rockefeller family have owned or controlled many different drug companies and medical research facilities. According to G. Edward Griffin (and others), Rockefeller family members sat on the board of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) and suppressed all of several successful double blind studies conducted on Laetrile, a control for cancer that is mostly a concentrated form of a natural substance that is derived from nitrilicides found in about 1,400 types of fruits, grasses, and seeds, and in the meat of free-range animals that eat those things. While suppressing the several successful MSK internal studies, MSK publicized at a large press conference the one external (tainted) study that found 40% spontaneous remission rates in both Laetrile and saline solution / control groups of experimental animals. G. Edward Griffin states that obviously saline solution does not cure cancer, so the scientists must have deliberately mixed the control group with the Laetrile group of animals, thereby lowering Laetrile's effectiveness at the same time as increasing the cure rate of the saline solution / control. The AMA, and the Carnegie Foundation for Education funded the (Abraham) "Flexner Report" of 1910 that closed many medical schools, shunned all other types of medicine and medical science other than allopathic medicine. Immediately after the report the Rockefeller Foundation hired Abraham, his brother Simon, and Fredrick T. Gates. The report suggested that funding for various medical schools and universities be put up by the rich tycoons of the day and their tax-exempt charitable foundations. This had the effect of greatly improving the quality of medical education and standards, but also suppressed all forms of medicine that were not based on cutting, burning, and prescribing patented poisons (pharmaceutical drugs). Eventually, the AMA was appointed to oversee the practice of medicine in America, and laws were enacted that prevented any doctors practicing medicine without a license from one of the AMA state medical boards. Drug companies hired AMA doctors for drug development. Drug and food safety testing was put in the hands of AMA doctors working for the US FDA. The Rockefeller family and their foundations fund most of the US medical schools, and Rockefeller employees (Simon, Abraham, and Fred, etc) sat on the boards of universities to direct the type of curricula covered. This sequence of events monopolized the medical field so that only Rockefeller family-approved medical treatments would be allowed. Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller family and others also funded the drug industry, the AMA, and medical schools. Once Radium was found to irradiate / burn tissues, medical demand for it pushed the price up thousands of percent. The J.P. Morgan interests, the Rockefeller family, and other tycoons formed a group of industrialists who wanted the USA to enter WWI. American banks they controlled would loan monies to both sides for war expenses, while others intended to profit from manufacturing munitions and supplies. To do this they wanted to influence public opinion through the news media. In 1917 congressman Oscar Callaway entered into the public record that this group of tycoons did exactly that in March 1915. (See also >congressional record 25 newspapers Morgan 1917 February 9 March 1915<) The USA was lured into the first war by the sinking of a passenger ship that was deliberately sent into the conflict zone. (See >Passenger ship weapons WWI USA war sunk Lucitania CFR OR "J.P. Morgan" OR Rothschild<). After the war had ended, several US-soil army bases were the source of the out break of the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 40 to 50 million people world wide when all of the soldiers at all the US bases were ordered to be inoculated with various vaccines that were likely infected with the disease according to NYC author Charles M. Higgins in a 1920 published petition to the US President to abolish compulsory vaccination in army and navy (available on-line as a PDF via Google books). The lead legal council for J.P. Morgan and other members of this group later formed the Council on Foreign Relations. In successive years this group of powerful military industrial complex movers and shakers bought up more than 90% of all news media outlets, and virtually control all TV, radio, and newspapers. Many of the senior news anchors are members of the Rockefeller CFR. The John Birch Society has produced articles and video presentations warning of the undue influence this group has over world events, and its wealth. The group has been accused of operating the CIA as its own enforcement agency, carrying out political assassinations, running drugs, laundering money through Wall Street-listed large corporations, and destabilizing economies of poorer nations to gain control over their natural resources. The US laws involving money laundering permit the movement of only a modest amount of cash for normal citizens, however, the laws expressly permit corporations listed on the major stock exchange the unfettered ability to conduct whatever physical movement of cash that they want. In the 1990s so much money laundering was happening that Janet Reno called in corporate executives to a meeting to reduce the otherwise criminal activities. (See also >"Janet Reno" General Motors Electric Sony money laundering<) Royal Raymond Rife was a clever optician and electrical tinkerer who developed a powerful microscope supposedly capable of seeing live viruses, and discovered two different cancer viruses in the early 1930s. Rife got funding from a rich magnate named Timken who manufactured roller bearings where Rife had developed an automated X-ray method of detecting flaws in the bearings, and rejecting the bad ones. So during the 1930s depression, with this money Rife ran a medical experimentation lab to identify microbial causes of disease. Using some of the operating principles of his microscopes that stained his samples with various monochromatic filtered colors of light, Rife supposedly developed a medium frequency radio wave method of killing microbial pathogens. Rife's first system used an amplifier that had about 500 watts input power into the output radio vacuum tube. Rife started the Beam Ray Corporation for radio frequency medical machine manufacturing. The AMA and their sponsors wanted to control Rife's treatment. They sent in agents (supposedly some brothers last name starts with H) who made Rife various offers. Rife refused probably thinking that his inventions would be suppressed. There afterwards Rife found himself in trouble doing his R & D and manufacturing of this medical equipment because his doctor clients were being threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not stop successfully using the devices to treat cancer and a wide variety of other diseases that were at least in part caused or assisted by microbial infections of one sort or another. Rife had probably sold and trained 30 medical doctors in the use of his machine in California and nearby states, and maybe several doctors out side of the USA, including a doctor from Montreal, Canada. Whether Rife knew that some of these tiny organisms were exactly mycoplasmas, or viruses, or bacteria, he could only determine that some of these were able to pass through extremely fine medical grade porcelain filters. Much of the time Rife referred to these as filter-passing organisms / forms of disease. Rife supposedly documented and proved many times over that he could isolate a disease organism known to be bacterial, grow it in glass containers, at some stage in its life cycle be able to have the microbe in filter passing form (what Rife at the time said was likely a virus), then inject it in otherwise healthy animals to give them the disease as well. Without any basis in scientific observational fact, doctors in the employ of the Rockefeller family pooh-poohed the entire idea that the microbial forms of certain diseases had more than one life cycle form (pleomorphic forms). These were Dr. Thomas M. Rivers and pathologist Hans Zinsser of the Rockefeller Institute. No other microscopes of the time could (and very few microscopes can even now) be used to view live "virus sized" particles other that Rife's own custom-made devices, so based on nothing, Rivers, looking through his own optical lab microscopes that were incapable of viewing virus size particles and then lied that he could not replicate the viral forms described in the published experimental results of Dr. Author I. Kendall of Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, and Rife (PMID: 18741967, PMID: 17782489) , calling them both liars to their face. An agent of AMA head Dr. Morris Fishbein (with the go ahead from his sponsors) supposedly provided $10,000 to Rife's business partner, radio engineering technician Phillip Hoyland, to file a lawsuit against Beam Ray Corp / Rife to have the AMA agent(s) placed on the board of directors of the company. Rife won the lawsuit, but the stress of the trial drove Rife to abuse alcohol. Fishbein testified under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine in his life, and did not complete his requisite internship at medical school. Later, one State of California AMA medical board doctor had the Rife devices banned when he took the stand and testified that they were unsafe, even though declared safe by several engineering and medical labs. Once this happened, the police authorities confiscated and destroyed the Rife Beam Ray devices from Rife's lab and the medical doctors who had previously refused to give them up. My understanding of Rife's and others' written notes indicates that the microorganisms that fostered malignancy seemed to either make or eat or coalesce around deposits of toxins. When the microorganisms are killed off, they release the toxins that they have harbored, thereby killing the cancerous tumor cells- -acting like a highly targeted magic bullet to kill the cancer. However, the toxins still remain in the body, (Rife himself said that the toxins by themselves could be injected into a second healthy lab animal to cause the same cancer,) and can migrate elsewhere and cause cancer to form elsewhere. Therefore, the Rife treatment machine is acting like a painless surgery to stop cancer in one place, while likely letting the toxic cause to "spread" elsewhere. A combined treatment would be to detoxify as much as possible before, during, and after such Rife treatments. One Australian alternative practitioner said that he combined Rife, the Beck protocol, and H. R. Clark's herbal treatments. Dr. Morris Fishbein and the Hearst newspapers were later successfully sued for $100,000 in the Harry M. Hoxey vs. Fishbein-Hearst libel trial 1949. Fishbein disgraced was ousted on June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City supposedly for "years of advertising fraud and fund stealing." Eustace Mullins writes in his 1988 book Murder by Injection, A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emmanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate. … The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described AMA Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." Fishbein inherited Simmon's assistant Dr. Olin West former Tennessee state director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Dr. Josephson termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering." Fishbein's Hearst newspaper article called Hoxsey a Cancer Charlatan. Fishbein gave his favorite phrase: Of all the ghouls who feed on the bodies of the dead and the dying, the cancer quacks are most vicious and most heartless. And "Hoxsey's best friend was the local undertaker." Patricia Ward in her report to Congress quotes this sort of attitude as setting the "low level of discourse and the emotional rather than analytical tone that have characterized the American medical profession's response to unorthodox remedies." Nicknamed "Medicine's Mussolini," Fishbein conducted battles against the alternative treatments. Products were seldom tested for their real effects on health, only advertising revenues were considered. For years the AMA abused its position of power by selling its "approval" seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy. Competing products that contained virtually the same ingredients would be found on both the AMA's "approved" and "disapproved" lists at the same time, the only difference between them being whether the given brand placed paid ads in the Journal of the AMA. Cigarette tobacco manufacturer Phillip Morris was the AMA Journal's biggest advertiser in the 1940's, making it impossible for any doctor who preached that "smoking was bad for you" to stay in good standing with Dr Morris Fishbein. Fishbein conflicted with anyone who wouldn't bow to his wishes. And when alternative therapies were successfully used instead of drugs, Fishbein wanted in on it, or war would result. His motto was "If I can't have it, no one will." Having failed anatomy in medical school, Fishbein did everything to understate the value of nutrition. From Dr Royal Raymond Rife, Max Gerson, to Harry Hoxsey, they were all put on trial and politically slaughtered for curing cancer without Fishbein's permission. Quoted from a web page entitled The American Medical Association that quotes from Chapter 3 of Barry Lynes book The Healing of Cancer: The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! : Charles Tobey began a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. Attorney Ben Fitzgerald of the U.S. Justice Department was hired as special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee to lead the investigation. Fitzgerald's final report concluded that the AMA, in collaboration with the NCI and FDA, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. The August 28, 1953 Congressional Record contained the following summary of special counsel Fitzgerald: "There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest . . .
"If radium, X-ray or surgery or either of them is the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. If neither X-ray, radium or surgery is the complete answer to this dreaded disease, and I submit that it is not, then what is the plain duty of society? Should we stand still? Should we sit idly by and count the number of physicians, surgeons and cancerologists who are not only divided but who, because of fear or favor, are forced to line up with the so-called accepted view of the American Medical Association, or should this Committee make a full-scale investigation of the organized effort to hinder, suppress and restrict the free flow of drugs which allegedly have proven successful in cases where clinical records, case history, pathological reports and X-ray photographic proof, together with the alleged cured patients, are available?
"Accordingly, we should determine whether existing agencies, both public and private, are engaged in and have pursued a policy of harassment, ridicule, slander and libelous attacks on others sincerely engaged in stamping out this curse of mankind. Have medical associations, through their officers, agents, servants and employees engaged in this practice? My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly (have) solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. How long will the American people take this? That report of the United States Congress was issued over 35 years ago. The conspiracy has continued, grown stronger, and in many ways is more ruthless today. Senator Tobey soon conveniently died of a heart attack. (This has happened to others who were in a position to threaten the cancer industry.) That web page outlines the history of whole groups of doctors who were murdered / died suddenly / jailed after continuing to cure patients with unauthorized treatments. Ruth Mulvey Harmer, Ph.D. in her 1975 book American Medical Avaricecharacterized Fishbein as having the "ruthlessness of a shark" and concluded that he "managed to hold back the twentieth century for 50 years for the benefit of organized medicine." To this day Morris Fishbein is seen as a medical hero by some web sites for his so called quackbusting. In this case, quacks are merely otherwise successful competitors to organized medicine. Recently there was an edutainment TV program. It was about sacred geometries. One of the featured items was the pyramid. A household couple showed for the TV audience a bunch of fruit bowls hanging below a copper plumbing tube outline of a four sided pyramid. They claimed that the pyramid kept their food from going rotten. One at a time the couple would grab a fruit and tell the investigators how many weeks old it was and then gave the investigators a taste of it. Some people claim that pyramids can keep razor blades sharp. Some pyramids made of various kinds of crystals are claimed to have healing capabilities. Researchers who have built pyramids of 2 or so stories in height have claimed that electrical energy flowing through the air in the middle of the structure had given them a terrible shock, sending them flying across the room. Gain electrons = Reduction, Loose electrons = Oxidation. In one experiment this pyramid / crystal person claimed to have done, they took a piece of zinc and placed it hanging on a string into the center of the pyramid. After several days the metal found was calcium. After further time, supposedly the metal had turned into aluminum. If these geometries do in fact gather and focus energy, then maybe protons within the metal pieces was being kicked out, bit by bit with time, and the metal transformed into lighter and lighter atomic weight metal elements. Because mass equals energy times the speed of light of free space squared, it is possible that the energy was being grabbed from the metal material slowly over time. It is too bad that this experimenter did not have proper funding and measurement instrumentation to log as many readings happening from one moment to the next to further quantify what might be occurring in his experiments? Some researchers in England claimed to have been able to start to measure subtle energy using mono-molecular gold colloids and light. Supposedly, the same mechanisms of action used in documented medical scientific experiments where biological cellular chemistry is studied and incident laser light used to monitor the gold colloid particle concentrations increasing or decreasing depending on nearby chemical ions and what not. The color in both cases changes from red towards purple in the color frequency spectrum. The subtle energy is related to homeopathy and so called "memory of structured water" that has been ridiculed many times by mainstream scientists. Too bad these subtle energy experimenter guys so far have not produced any videos to illustrate any concrete findings in these experiments? If their experiments are repeatable in a systematic step by step manner, this would be a nice development in science. Perhaps this method if it is further developed could measure "Orgone energy" that was investigated by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s and then would explain the operation of the Joe Cell energy device? Orgone is claimed to have both negative and positive vortex polarities and have both positive and negative health benefits. If proven to exist, promoters would probably see a large increase in interest. While on the topic of subtle energy fields and energy medicine, I began to remember something that I researched last year some time using the following search: >"Aura therapy" Lee OR Leavander Crock machine OR Mexistim< The electronic principles of this kind of machine are quite simple, but whether or not the machine does anything other than placebo effect is up to the user, further experimental inquiry, and maybe the proper implementation of the field antennae / metal sheets or screens. The belief posited by this group of people who support this aura therapy device is that the human body is damaged and repairs itself, replacing practically your entire body mass over a particular span of time. For certain body parts the replacement time is short, and for others it is very long. If living things have any form of energy field around them, then it likely interacts somewhat with its surroundings, and visa versa. The knowledge or intelligence of one's entire being is supposedly contained within your cellular DNA and RNA. If some of these molecular structures are damaged (as is probably the case for cancer), it will impact the correctness of your health- - and the way your body's repair system may or may not repair itself correctly. Whether these fields stem from or interact with these building blocks of DNA / RNA or not to signal damage, repair, or the opposite, no scientists can be certain without being able to measure subtle energy or Orgone energy or bio-electrical auras or whatever hidden, esoteric, arcane mysteries. According to Muriel Agnes in her energy medicine dissertation, "Toward an Integral Energy Medicine Model For Understanding The Vascular Autonomic Signal," she describes in the abstract that "the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) is a physiological response of the neurovascular system of the body to information being brought into its energy field." She goes on to state that French medical scientist "Dr. Paul Nogier in 1966" had investigated and discovered this system. In related mainstream medical research Nogier described that he found pulse frequencies that affected the health of various biological systems within the human body. These frequencies have been used by the latest medical appliances that use LED light to do tissue regeneration, wound healing, and pain relief now being studied by NATO and NASA. LED light therapy has been experimentally studied to be able to recover eye damage done to fighter pilots whose eyes were damaged by laser emissions of enemy missile tracking guidance systems. Prior to this, studies were done on rats where one of their eyes' retinas were purposefully damaged using lasers, and the other eye left undamaged as a control. After IR and near IR application of LED light into the damaged eyes of the sets of rats for a few minutes duration per day, a period of weeks or so, the damaged retinas were found to have been completely repaired and indistinguishable from the state of the control. Also, researchers in England have been using a high power LED helmet to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease. Since its announcement in 2007 or so, at least one patient has been put forward as having been successfully treated with the experimental device during the summer / fall of 2008. The Lee Crock aura therapy device sets up a static, low voltage electric field around the patient undergoing the therapy. The field makes use of the electro-chemical properties of low impedance D-cell alkaline batteries in a bank of between 4.5 to 9 volts DC. The static field is established in a sandwich geometry with one antenna screen / conductive blanket above the bed mattress of the patient and the other one under the patient, but neither making contact with the patient or the opposite polarity blanket / screen / antenna (preventing the battery causing a short circuit). Electrically, the patient is inside an electrical capacitor between the plates of opposite electrical polarity. The Lee Crock aura therapy device then uses an electrical timer set to trip every 12 to 18 or so minutes to switch the polarity of the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. This is usually implemented using a double pole - double throw relay that toggles the battery leads running to the antenna screens / conductive blankets / electrical plates. The plan of this scheme is supposedly to reset the "patient's aura" via the influence of the low alternating frequency electric field switching. Crock and his followers think that this is the best thing since sliced bread, claiming that it is like the fountain of youth. At some point, Crock describes, he found that only one screen needed to be used, and that it worked better somehow that way. I do not know if his device just grounds the other polarity of the toggled battery leads or what - - I assumed that it did when I constructed my own replica of his machine. In my duplication, however, I did not use a proper screen meshing to distribute the batteries' electrical field near my bed, nor did I properly orient the antenna screen to run the length of my body during night time sleep as was recommended, so my reproduction was likely to fail to produce positive results. I have since found a better source of aluminum bug screen sheets at a local, big box, hardware store that could be better used to make a larger, lighter weight antenna screen than the very heavy gauge, stiff, chicken cage wire mesh that I am now using. I have used a 555 timer running at 15 Hz or so, and put the output into a CMOS 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. The 555 runs in a more stable frequency using moderate sized timing resistors and capacitors, rather than running with larger electrolytic capacitors, and higher timing resistors, and not using the 16 stage ripple binary counter IC. After minor adjustments, I got the polarity switch signal for the relay to run at about a 15 minute interval as is approximately the one recommended in Crock's literature detailed on-line in a Nexus magazine article or similar such thing. The timer's output is fed into a small signal discrete NPN or PNP transistor with a suitable sized input resistor. The relay coil is bypassed for inductive kick-back using a standard silicon signal diode such as a 1N4148. The entire IC set is powered from a 9 Volt AC to DC adapter that feeds into a three pin TO-220 package 7805C voltage regulator IC with only a super small aluminum fin heat sink. The 5 volts output from that voltage regulator IC then feeds the other logic IC chips (555 timer, and the 16 stage binary counter IC). The batteries drain virtually no current, and the ICs are all so low power that the system draws less current than an LED alarm clock radio, so I let the thing run 24/7 for months at a time.
1 answer
Rudolph Virchow came up with the third part of cell theory: all cells come from other cells, whereas Schwann and Schleiden came up with the other two parts.
8 answers
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic (lifelong) disease marked by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes.
See also:
Alternative NamesNoninsulin-dependent diabetes; Diabetes - type 2; Adult-onset diabetes
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsDiabetes is caused by a problem in the way your body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar (glucose) into cells, where it is stored and later used for energy.
When you have type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond correctly to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means that fat, liver, and muscle cells do not respond normally to insulin. As a result blood sugar does not get into cells to be stored for energy.
When sugar cannot enter cells, abnormally high levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called hyperglycemia. High levels of blood sugar often trigger the pancreas to produce more and more insulin, but it is not enough to keep up with the body's demand.
People who are overweight are more likely to have insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.
Type 2 diabetes usually occurs gradually. Most people with the disease are overweight at the time of diagnosis. However, type 2 diabetes can also develop in those who are thin, especially the elderly.
Family history and genetics play a large role in type 2 diabetes. Low activity level, poor diet, and excess body weight (especially around the waist) significantly increase your risk for type 2 diabetes.
Other risk factors include:
Often, people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms at all. If you do have symptoms, they may include:
Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed with the following blood tests:
You should see your health care provider every 3 months. At these visits, you can expect your health care provider to:
The following tests will help you and your doctor monitor your diabetes and prevent complications:
The immediate goal of treatment is to lower high blood glucose levels. The long-term goals of treatment are to prevent diabetes-related complications.
The primary treatment for type 2 diabetes is exercise and diet.
You should learn basic diabetes management skills. They will help prevent complications and the need for medical care. These skills include:
It may take several months to learn the basic skills. Always continue to educate yourself about the disease and its complications. Learn how to control and live with diabetes. Over time, stay current on new research and treatments.
Self testing refers to being able to check your blood sugar at home yourself. It is also called self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). Regular self-testing of your blood sugar tells you and your health care provider how well your diet, exercise, and diabetes medications are working.
A device called a glucometer can provide an exact blood sugar reading. There are different types of devices. Usually, you prick your finger with a small needle called a lancet. This gives you a tiny drop of blood. You place the blood on a test strip and put the strip into the device. Results are available in 30 - 45 seconds.
A health care provider or diabetes educator will help set up an at-home testing schedule for you. Your doctor will help you set your blood sugar goals.
The results of the test can be used to adjust meals, activity, or medications to keep your blood sugar levels in an appropriate range. Testing can identify high and low blood sugar levels before serious problems develop.
Keeping a record for yourself and your health care provider. This will be a big help if you are having trouble managing your diabetes.
People with type 2 diabetes should eat at about the same times each day and try to be consistent with the types of food they choose. This helps to prevent blood sugar from becoming extremely high or low. Meal planning includes choosing healthy foods, eating the right amount of food, and eating meals at the right time. You should work closely with your doctor, nurse, and registered dietitian to learn how much fat, protein, and carbohydrates you need in your diet. Your meal plans should fit your daily lifestyle and habits, and should try to include foods that you like.
Managing your weight and eating a well-balanced diet are important. Some people with type 2 diabetes can stop taking medications after losing weight (although they still have diabetes).
See: Diabetes diet
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery may be considered for very overweight patients who are not well managed with diet and medications.
Regular exercise is important for everyone, but especially if you have diabetes. Regular aerobic exercise lowers your blood sugar level without medication and helps burn excess calories and fat so you can manage your weight.
Exercise can help your overall health by improving blood flow and blood pressure. It decreases insulin resistance even without weight loss. Exercise also increases the body's energy level, lowers tension, and improves your ability to handle stress.
Consider the following when starting an exercise routine:
If diet and exercise do not help maintain normal or near-normal blood glucose levels, your doctor may prescribe medication. Since these drugs help lower your blood sugar levels in different ways, your doctor may have you take more than one. These drugs may also be given along with insulin, if needed.
Some of the most common types of medication are listed below. They are taken by mouth or injection.
If you continue to have poor blood glucose control despite lifestyle changes and taking medicines by mouth, your doctor will prescribe insulin. Insulin may also be prescribed if you have had a bad reaction to other medicines. Insulin must be injected under the skin using a syringe or insulin pen device. It cannot be taken by mouth.
Insulin preparations differ in how fast they start to work and how long they work. Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate type of insulin to use and will tell you what time of day to use it.
More than one type may be mixed together in an injection to achieve the best blood glucose control. Usually injections are needed one to four times a day. Your doctor or diabetes educator will show you how to give yourself an injection.
Some people with type 2 diabetes find they no longer need medication if they lose weight and increase activity. When they reach their ideal weight, their own insulin and a careful diet can control their blood glucose levels.
It is not known whether hypoglycemia medications taken by mouth are safe for use in pregnancy. Women who have type 2 diabetes and take these medications may be switched to insulin during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Since those with diabetes have a much higher chance of developing heart disease, kidney disease, and other medical problems, they may need to take certain medicines to treat these problems or prevent them from happening.
An ACE inhibitor (or ARB) is often recommended:
ACE inhibitors include captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), quinapril (Accupril), benazepril (Lotensin), ramipril (Altace), perindopril (Aceon), and lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril).
Statin drugs are usually the first choice to treat an abnormal cholesterol level. Aim for LDL cholesterol level less than 100 mg/dL (less than 70 mg/dL in high-risk patients).
Aspirin to prevent heart disease is most often recommended for persons with diabetes who:
People with diabetes are more likely to have foot problems. Diabetes can damage nerves, which means you may not feel an injury to the foot until a large sore or infection develops. Diabetes can also damage blood vessels.
In addition, diabetes affects the body's immune system. This decreases the body's ability to fight infection. Small infections can quickly get worse and cause the death of skin and other tissues. Amputation may be needed.
To prevent injury to the feet, check and care for your feet every day.
See also: Diabetes foot care
Support GroupsFor additional information, see diabetes resources.
Expectations (prognosis)The risk of long-term complications from diabetes can be reduced. If you control your blood glucose and blood pressure, you can reduce your risk of death, stroke, heart failure, and other complications. Reduction of HbA1c by even 1% can decrease your risk for complications by 25%.
ComplicationsAfter many years, diabetes can lead to serious problems with your eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, blood vessels, and other areas in your body.
If you have diabetes, your risk of a heart attack is the same as someone who has already had a heart attack. Both women and men with diabetes are at risk. You may not even have the typical signs of a heart attack.
In general, complications include:
Other complications include:
Call 911 immediately if you have:
These symptoms can quickly get worse and become emergency conditions (such as convulsions or hypoglycemic coma).
Call your doctor also if you have:
Diabetes screening is recommended for:
You can help prevent type 2 diabetes by keeping a healthy body weight and an active lifestyle.
To prevent complications of diabetes, visit your health care provider or diabetes educator at least four times a year. Talk about any problems you are having.
Stay up-to-date with all your vaccinations and get a flu shot every year.
To prevent diabetes-related foot problems, you should:
American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2010;33 Suppl 1:S62-S69.
American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes--2010. Diabetes Care. 2010;33 Suppl 1:S11-S61.
Eisenbarth GS, Polonsky KS, Buse JB. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. In: Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR. Kronenberg: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2008:chap 31.
U.S.Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Jun 3;148(11):846-54.
In the clinic. Type 2 diabetes. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146:ITC-1-15.
Buchwald H, Estok R, Fahrbach K, Banel D, Jensen MD, Pories WJ, Bantle JP, Sledge I. Weight and type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Med. 2009 Mar;122(3):248-256.e5. Review. PubMed PMID: 19272486.
4 answers