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OHP - Official Home Page.

1 answer

just lick the ohp sheet by your tougue.

1 answer

Over Head Project

1 answer

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magnify glass

Both the laptop and the OHP must have a VGA port. You simply connect the two using an appropriate male-to-female VGA cable. Make sure both are turned OFF while you make the connection. Turn the OHP on before turning on the laptop to ensure correct detection.

1 answer

utot sabay amoy titi mo mabaho

1 answer

(O)ver(h)ead (P)rojector

1 answer

over head project sheets.these are transparent sheets which can be used for many purposes.

1 answer

Generally - OverHead Projector, but there are others - Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Occupational health psychology etc.

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1 answer

I'm getting my boyfriend a plush rabbit, chocolate bunny, candy, a card, and a new cell phone. :) ohp and dr. pepper, it's his favorite thing on earth!

1 answer

Gerrit Antonides has written:

'Consumer Behaviour - Ohp Masters T/a'

'Psychology in economics and business' -- subject(s): Economics, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Economics

'The consumer's perceptual product space'

1 answer

"The option" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase la opzione.

Specifically, the feminine definite article la means "the." The feminine noun opzione means "choice, option." The pronunciation is "lah ohp-TSYOH-neh."

1 answer

A ay

B bee

C see

D dee

E ee

F ef

G gee

H haich

I iy

J jay

K kay

L el

M em

N en

O oh

P pee

Q cyou

R arr

S ess

T tee

U you

V vee

W double you

X ecks

Y wiy

Z zed

1 answer

No they dont cover braces because its considered cosmetic.

3 answers

The cast of Przypadki Piotra S. - 1982 includes: Mariusz Benoit as Commandant Zbigniew Buczkowski as Heniek Aleksandra Dmochowska as Housekeeper Agnieszka Jaroslaw Domin as Party Guest Piotr Fronczewski as Orphanage Manager Tomasz Grochoczynski as Officer Miroslaw Guzowski as OHP Member Jan Jurewicz as OHP Member Ewa Kania as Secretary Gabriela Kownacka as Jola Zdzislaw Kozien as Pawelas Emilia Krakowska as Stranger Jerzy Kramarczyk as Party Guest Ewa Kurylo as Krysia Marian Lacz as Worker Dominika Lukaszewska as Little Girl Leopold Matuszczak as Corporal Hanna Mikuc as Girl Marian Opania as Straw Boss Antoni Ostrouch as Party Guest Andrzej Ozga as OHP Member Piotr Probosz as Piotr Szczerba Jan Prochyra as Orphanage Manager Monika Stefanowicz as Aga Jacek Strzemzalski as Man in Train Marcin Tronski as Welder Hooligan Tomasz Zaliwski as Dispatcher

1 answer

Opzione is an Italian equivalent of the English word "option."

Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine noun. It may be preceded by the definite article l',* la ("the") or the indefinite una ("a, one"). The pronunciation is ohp-TSYOH-neh."

*It actually is la. But the vowel has the option of dropping and being replaced by an apostrophe when the following word begins with a vowel.

1 answer

A sigh of relief that it wasn't you that was a victim of this notorious speed trap that is finally been stopped by ODOT and a twinge of anger for the arrogance of the Police there that never move to the shoulder when making a stop like OHP or any other Police dept. , but park sideways in the middle of a state route.

1 answer

Citigroup Mission Statement:

"Citigroup Inc. ("Citi") recognizes that foreclosures affect the individual, the family and the community. We also understand that early intervention and a full understanding of the available options are important for mitigating or minimizing the impact of foreclosures.

Citi's Office of Homeownership Preservation (OHP) is dedicated to finding solutions that preserve homeownership and help mitigate the challenges faced by borrowers. We work directly with borrowers at risk of losing their homes. We also work with any and all stakeholders who advocate on behalf of borrowers, including non-profit organizations, elected officials, government agencies, regulators and others. Our strong partnerships with these stakeholders help us to develop and implement homeownership preservation solutions and enable us to magnify our outreach and assistance to borrowers. For example, OHP's hotline for housing counselors greatly enhances their ability to work with us on behalf of our borrowers. And our borrower and counselor outreach programs, which we conduct in collaboration with partners in numerous locations around the U.S., bring help directly to at-risk communities."

1 answer

Citigroup Mission Statement:

"Citigroup Inc. ("Citi") recognizes that foreclosures affect the individual, the family and the community. We also understand that early intervention and a full understanding of the available options are important for mitigating or minimizing the impact of foreclosures.

Citi's Office of Homeownership Preservation (OHP) is dedicated to finding solutions that preserve homeownership and help mitigate the challenges faced by borrowers. We work directly with borrowers at risk of losing their homes. We also work with any and all stakeholders who advocate on behalf of borrowers, including non-profit organizations, elected officials, government agencies, regulators and others. Our strong partnerships with these stakeholders help us to develop and implement homeownership preservation solutions and enable us to magnify our outreach and assistance to borrowers. For example, OHP's hotline for housing counselors greatly enhances their ability to work with us on behalf of our borrowers. And our borrower and counselor outreach programs, which we conduct in collaboration with partners in numerous locations around the U.S., bring help directly to at-risk communities."

1 answer

Miroslaw Guzowski has: Played OHP Member in "Przypadki Piotra S." in 1982. Played Konstanty in "Nocne ptaki" in 1993. Played Wieslaw Niechaj in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Pharmacist Nehrebecki in "Wrota Europy" in 1999. Played Jakub Zielinski in "Ojciec Mateusz" in 2008. Played Dr. Borecki in "Prawo Agaty" in 2012. Played Young Jerzy Rota in "Krew z krwi" in 2012.

1 answer

A= ah

B= beh (like 'be' in 'bed')

C= ceh

D= deh

E= euh (like 'ear' in 'learn')

F= eff (normal 'f')

G= jay (normal 'j')

H= ash

I= eee (normal 'e')

J= gee (normal 'g')

K= kah

L= ell (normal 'l')

M= emm (normal 'm')

N= enn (normall 'n')

O= oh

P= pey (like 'pay')

Q= koo (like 'coo')

R= air

S= ess (normal 's')

T= tay

U= ooh (like 'oo' in 'cool')

V= vay

W= dooble-vay

X= eeks

Y= ee-grek

Z= zed (not 'zee')

1 answer

Insurance Companies and GCs

Yes, they are required to pay normal cost of doing business for the contractor (Job related or GC) according to the Texas Department of Insurance. They only have to pay the amount that was agreed on at the beginning of the contract, but should include OHP. Yes, there are plenty of laws and regulations that address overhead and profit. Contractors charge it and insurance companies pay it. That's the nature of the beast. Also, insurances charge insureds in their policies to cover it and keeping it is an illegal windfall. The insurance company that doesn't pay it is not only an exception to the rule but runs the risk of breach of contract and bad faith lawsuits as well as sanctions by insurance departments. There has been much litigation against insurance companies that mess around with overhead and profit, including several class action lawsuits against major insurance companies.

1 answer

The French alphabet is pronounced similarly to the English alphabet, with a few differences in terms of pronunciation of certain letters. Some letters in the French alphabet have unique sounds, such as "r," "u," and "e." It is important to listen to native French speakers to properly learn the pronunciation of the French alphabet.

2 answers


There are states such as Florida who require you to be only 19. Of course, I think you should have to be older to have the responsibilities of a police officer.

It varies from one state to another, but I would suggest that you have to be at least able to vote to be considered for that empoyment.

If you are interested in becoming a Police officer.

9 answers

'Otherwise click here to send a free gift to your friends' is an English equivalent of 'Oppure clicca qui per inviare gratuitamente un regalo ai tuoi amici'.

The conjunction 'oppure' means 'otherwise'. The imperative 'clicca' means '[you] click'. The adverb 'qui' means 'here'. The preposition 'per' means 'in order to, to'. The infinitive 'inviare' means 'to send'. The adverb 'gratuitamente' means 'free'. The indefinite article 'un' means 'a, one'. The masculine singular noun 'regalo' means 'gift'. The word 'ai' combines the preposition 'a' and the masculine plural definite article 'i' to mean 'to the'. The masculine plural possessive adjective 'tuoi' means 'your'. The masculine singular noun 'amici' means 'friends'.

All together, they're pronounced 'ohp-POO-reh KLEEK-kah kwee PEH-reen-VYAH-reh grah-TWEE-tah-MEHN-teh oon reh-GAH-loh eye* twoy ah-MEE-tchee'.

*The sound 'eye' is similar to the sound in the English noun 'eye'.

1 answer


Programs under the Department of Human Health Services. Individuals may apply if no or low income eligibility requirements are met. Medi-Cal offers health care insurance for children, their parents, the elderly, and the disabled.

Medi-Cal/Medi-Caid can help pay for "medically necessary" health care, including physician visits, X-ray and laboratory tests, hospital and nursing home care, adult day health services, home health care, certain prescription drugs not covered by Medicare, some dental care, prosthetic and orthopedic devices, eyeglasses, hearing aids, durable medical equipment, ambulance services, and hospice care. Medi-Cal also pays the

Medicare deductibles, co-insurance, and monthly Part B premiums ($96.40 in 2008) for people covered by both programs. Go to the links below by state for more information.

Medi-Caid Program Development & Research


Links to Medi-Cal and Medi-Caid by State

www.medicaid.state.al.us (Alabamba)

http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/Pages/AllServices.aspx (California) Medi-Cal - is the California version of Medi-caid

www.ct.gov/dss/cwp/view.asp?a=2353&q=305218 (Conneticut)

www.fdhc.state.fl.us/Medicaid/index.shtml (Florida)

www.indianamedicaid.com (Indiana)

www.dhr.state.md.us/fia/medicaid.htm -------

www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-132-2943_4860---,00.htm (Michigan)

www.dom.state.ms.us -------

www.hhs.state.ne.us/med/medindex.htm (Nebraska)

www.njmmis.com (New Jersey)

www.health.state.ny.us/health_care/medicaid (New York)

fs.ohio.gov/ohp/index.stm (Ohio)

www.hhsc.state.tx.us/medicaid (Texas)

www.health.utah.gov/medicaid ( Utah)

Other additional states may be added at a later date.

1 answer

The French alphabet consists of 26 letters, the same as the English alphabet. It includes accents on certain letters such as é, à, and ç which can change the pronunciation or meaning of a word. French also uses some additional diacritical marks like the circumflex accent (ê) and the diaeresis (ë) on certain letters.

2 answers

Jan Jurewicz has: Performed in "Jagoda w miescie" in 1971. Played Zenek in "Constans" in 1980. Played Zenek in "Kontrakt" in 1980. Played Adamiec in "Wielki bieg" in 1981. Played Prisoner in "Stacja" in 1981. Performed in "Konopielka" in 1982. Played OHP Member in "Przypadki Piotra S." in 1982. Performed in "Amnestia" in 1982. Played Jan in "Przekleta ziemia" in 1983. Played Militiaman in "Krzyk" in 1983. Played Sgt. Goliszek in "Planeta krawiec" in 1983. Performed in "Lata dwudzieste, lata trzydzieste" in 1984. Performed in "Mrzonka" in 1985. Played Young Doctor in "Zaproszenie" in 1986. Performed in "Na klopoty... Bednarski" in 1986. Played Selpka in "Siekierezada" in 1986. Played Jasio in "Rykowisko" in 1987. Played Kruk in "Wierna rzeka" in 1987. Played Driver in "W zawieszeniu" in 1987. Performed in "Amerykanka" in 1988. Played Taxi Driver in "Pilkarski poker" in 1989. Played Guard in "Przesluchanie" in 1989. Played Pickup Driver in "Pas de deux" in 1990. Played Michal in "Zmowa" in 1990. Played Soldier in "Kuchnia polska" in 1991. Performed in "Panny i wdowy" in 1991. Played Man from the Train Rescuing Kulgawcowa in "Jeszcze tylko ten las" in 1991. Performed in "Wielka wsypa" in 1992. Performed in "Enak" in 1992. Performed in "Kuchnia polska" in 1993. Performed in "Czlowiek z..." in 1993. Performed in "Uprowadzenie Agaty" in 1993. Played Policeman in "Komedia malzenska" in 1994. Played Capt. Jajec in "Pulkownik Kwiatkowski" in 1995. Performed in "Bar Atlantic" in 1996. Performed in "13 posterunek" in 1997. Played Beekeeper in "Spona" in 1998. Played Patient in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Jeweller in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Performed in "Ajlawju" in 1999. Played Stanislaw Boczek in "Na dobre i na zle" in 1999. Played Groomsman in "Ogniem i mieczem" in 1999. Played Edek in "Plebania" in 2000. Played Baczyk in "Kalipso" in 2000. Played Man in the Village in "Pieniadze to nie wszystko" in 2001. Performed in "Taming the Floods" in 2001. Played Boss in "Kariera Nikosia Dyzmy" in 2002. Played Polityk in "Dzien swira" in 2002. Played Man with Porsche in "The Foreigner" in 2003. Played Gravedigger in "Pregi" in 2004. Performed in "Boza podszewka. Czesc druga" in 2005. Played Zawisza in "Pitbull" in 2005. Performed in "Hela w opalach" in 2006. Played Grill in "Rys" in 2007. Played Wiesio in "Barwy szczescia" in 2007. Played Worker in "Pokaz kotku, co masz w srodku" in 2011. Played Commanding Officer in "Chomik" in 2012. Played Grzelak in "Poklosie" in 2012.

1 answer


17-OH progesterone is a blood test that measures the amount of 17-OH progesterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and gonads.

Alternative Names

17-hydroxyprogesterone; Progesterone - 17-OH

How the test is performed

Blood is typically drawn from a vein, usually from the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand. The site is cleaned with germ-killing medicine (antiseptic). The health care provider wraps an elastic band around the upper arm to apply pressure to the area and make the vein swell with blood.

Next, the health care provider gently inserts a needle into the vein. The blood collects into an airtight vial or tube attached to the needle. The elastic band is removed from your arm.

Once the blood has been collected, the needle is removed, and the puncture site is covered to stop any bleeding.

In infants or young children, a sharp tool called a lancet may be used to puncture the skin and make it bleed. The blood collects into a small glass tube called a pipette, or onto a slide or test strip. A bandage may be placed over the area if there is any bleeding.

The blood sample is sent to a laboratory for examination.

How to prepare for the test

Your doctor may tell you to stop taking any drugs that may cause false test results. Such drugs include corticosteroids and birth control pills.

Your doctor may also recommend that the test be done at a specific time of day, since it is sensitive to circadian rhythms, the natural highs and lows that the body experiences during a 24-hour period.

How the test will feel

When the needle is inserted to draw blood, you may feel moderate pain, or only a prick or stinging sensation. Afterward, there may some throbbing.

Why the test is performed

This test is mainly used to check infants for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). It is often performed on infants who are born with outer genitals that do not have the typical appearance of a boy or a girl.

This test is also used to identify persons with nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia. This condition occurs when the body does not product enough of a substance that helps the adrenal gland make cortisol.

Your doctor may recommend this test if you are a woman who has excessive hair growth in places where adult men grow hair, or if you have other signs of virilization.

Normal Values

Normal and abnormal values differ for babies born with low birth weight. In general, normal results are as follows:

  • Cord blood - 1,000 - 3,000 ng/dL
  • >24 hours - less than 100 ng/dL
  • Adults - less than 200 ng/dL

Note: ng/dL = nanograms per deciliter.

Note: Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.

What abnormal results mean

High levels of 17-OH progesterone may be due to:

  • Adrenal tumors
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

In infants with CAH, 17-OHP levels range from 3,000 - 40,000 ng/dL. In adults, a level greater than 200ng/dL may be due to nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia.

What the risks are

Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the body to the other. Obtaining a blood sample from some people may be more difficult than from others.

Other risks may include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fainting or feeling lightheaded
  • Hematoma (blood accumulating under the skin)
  • Infection (a slight risk any time the skin is broken)
Special considerations

Your doctor may suggest an ACTH test if your 17-OH progesterone level is between 200 - 800 ng/dL.


Speroff L, Fritz MA, eds. Normal and Abnormal Sexual Development in Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology & Infertility. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins; 2005.

2 answers

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is important today because it enables efficient communication, access to vast amounts of information, and automation of processes in various sectors such as business, healthcare, education, and government. It also promotes innovation, improves productivity, and enhances global connectivity.

2 answers