Nedra - 1915 was released on:
USA: 12 November 1915
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No, but they were based in part on the Ronettes- Veronica (Ronnie), Nedra, and Estelle. Here in Neptune"s tub to dwell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle! what did you say, estelle- Nedra, where"s Nedra? ( Nedra"s mother called the Police!0 Yeek!
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Nedra Tyre was born in 1921, in Offerman, Pierce County, Georgia, USA.
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Grace Lang has written:
'Love a hostage'
'Springboard to love'
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Yes there is a book that is called Nedra it is very old,published in 1905,and it is very hard to find.
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Nedra Volz was born on June 18, 1908 and died on January 20, 2003. Nedra Volz would have been 94 years old at the time of death or 107 years old today.
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Nedra Deen died on December 25, 1975, in Los Angeles, California, USA of cerebral hemorrhage.
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The Chipettes- they are closer to the prototype- the Ronettes- Veronica Bennett, Estelle Bennett- And Nedra Talley!!! as Mr. Clark had it. Here in Neptune"s tub to dwell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle- Floating with a Tidal swell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle.
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Nedra Tyre has written:
'Death of an intruder'
'Mouse in eternity'
'Twice so fair'
'Everyone suspect'
'Hall of death'
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Nedra is a woman"s name. Specifically it refers to Nedra Talley (note spelling) who is the youngest and one of the two surviving members of the Ronettes singing group the other being Veronica Bennett Spector. Ronnie and Estelle were blood sisters, as is obvious in photographs and both are interracial. On stage with (Day For Night) photography they look like Italian girls, as I thought they were. Nedra always looked different- with the beehive as she was younger and is a cousin, not a blood sister. There has been very little almost ( pun intended) a sound barrier on the funeral aspects of the Late Estelle Bennett, I would hope that Veronica and Nedra would indeed pay sad farewell to their late comrade and in the case of Veronica, sister.
Nedra is a St. Louis original rock band.
Nedra is 333.
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Nedra Sims Fears has written "The Unspoken Truth: A Memoir," which details her personal journey as an African American woman. She is also known for her work as a community leader and advocate for social justice.
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Nedra D. Campbell has written:
'More justice, more peace' -- subject(s): Administration of Justice, Law, Popular works
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The cast of Nedra - 1915 includes: Margaret Greene as Grace Vernon Crauford Kent as Henry Veath Fania Marinoff as Lady Tenny
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No, they are a generally harmless cartoon based somewhat accurately on the Ronettes and their manager, Phil Spector ( who is an evil character) Theodore is Veronica, Simon is Estelle, and Alvin is a take-off on Nedra- Nedra! where
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Ron, the highest ever flown, Nedra holds the fort alone! Estelle goe for stuff that"s deep- figured out that Russian Jeep! More fun yet than Jaguar rods, Here, in Neptune"s tub to dwell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle! Floating with a Tidal swell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle! Nuff said.
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U.S.S. Alvin, the deep-diving old reliable- now being phased out- and under development, wait a few years- the U.S.S. Nedra DSV-VII Deep Submergence Vessel No.7. Nedra may be named in honor of Nedra Talley of the Ronettes= or could be an acronym. The Nedra will be air-and heavy-truck portable and have a crew of four, a Pilot/commander and Three scientific observers- the deep sphere will be 7 feet across, larger than that of the Alvin. I like the name and concept.
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More fun yet than Jaguar rods- here in neptune"s tub to Dwell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estelle! Floating with a tidal swell, Ronnie, Nedra, and... Estelle.
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Strange as it sounds, a possibly Victorian female variant on (Edward) Edward, My Son, you smoke too much! Maybe Victoria did utter those words. Yes, Nedra is a feminine version of Edward. It is not a very common handle- but we do have Nedra Talley of the Ronettes, Five-up ( a jocular reference to Tally marks- which were said to have been invented by the Cossacks. ( base Five).
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Veronica Spector was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame, with her sister Estelle, (no longer living) and cousin Nedra Talley- collectively the Ronettes. the name is derived from Ronnie, Nedra and Estelle plus the French sounding ettes suffix.
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Imitation indeed! You are referring to a banned album cover by the Ronettes which allegedly showed Veronica, Nedra, and Estelle, in a sort of human peace-sign formation in an oversized bathtub- it was supposedly taken at the Neptune Motor Lodge. The girls were au naturel. as Nedra was under-age, the album cover was never released- as one of them told Spector ( Nedra"s mother called the Police!) hey, that rhymes.
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Zekeal, Kayla,Amber,August,Nedra,Mfumbe,Eutopha.
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The cast of The Black Witch Project - 2001 includes: British Abney as Pvt. B Slyman Carter as Pvt. Sly Nedra Green as Pvt. Green Nedra Simone as Private Green
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The Ronettes were Veronica "Ronnie" Bennett, her sister, Estelle, and cousin Nedra Talley.
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Mr.+ Mrs. Kudrow. Specifically Lee, (a physician) and Nedra, (a travel agent).
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Records by the Ronettes, who were their inspiration. the Chipmunks are a male take-off on the Ronettes and Dave Seville is a take-off on Phil Spector. Alvin seems to be patterned after Nedra, the youngest Ronette. Nedra!!
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The cast of The Tragedy of Her - 2009 includes: Isaiah Johnson Nedra McClyde
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Veronica Bennett, Estelle Bennett, and Nedra Talley are the voice actresses who do their singing.
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Nedra Talley rolled off the lines in January of l946, but not Christmas season.
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The mail lady on The Dukes of Hazzard was Miz Emma Tisdale who was played by Nedra Volz.
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Veronica rolled off the lines on August l0. Nedra on January 27 think of the 9l0 Cord automobile and the old l27 camera by Kodak. I:m not sure of Estelle"s birthdate, she is no longer with us. Ronnie and Estelle were blood sisters, Nedra, a cousin.
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Cheryl Ruffin
Nedra Ruffin
Kimberly Ruffin
Davis Ruffin,Jr.
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Zekeal, Kayla,Amber,August,Nedra,Mfumbe,Eutopha.
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Language can't be trusted when used mechanically. They violate the rules of language.
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The cast of Consequences - 2009 includes: Lea Aguirre as Brianna Nedra McClyde as Naimah
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All Ahesd 2/3! Two of the Three girls are still alive- Veronica Bennett Spector, the lead, and harmony cousin, Nedra Talley, I was always intrigued by the name Nedra. Sadly Estelle Bennett died on 2.ll.09 and the event was deliberately toned down by the news media on advice of the family.
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The girls were allegedly photographed in a an oversized Heart-shaped bathtub Au Naturel! Enjoy the following, seasonal parody- Here they bathe their necked Bods, More fun yet than Jaguar Rods, Here in Neptune"s tub to dwell, Ronnie, Nedra, and Estel! Only problem is- or was, Nedra was under age! Glug Glug Mr. Spector. By the way they were arranged like a Peace sign- Veronica at l2 o clock, Estel at Five, and Nedra at 7 angles added together make 24 .
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