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If you get married in another country, you have to have a ceremony in America. You should get married in the state you live in to meet residency requirements.
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yes they do. In scale of 1-10, 8% of married men do fall in love with the other woman. and include the man I married, big time..
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He has been married twice and might be going on his third mistake !!
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You file for a divorce in the state you have legal residency. It does not matter where you got married.
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Yes, it is possible.
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You file for divorce in the state where you are a resident, which may or may not be the state where you married.
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You will need to see a judge to have your marriage nullified. He will then need to get a divorce and then you will have to get married legally.
There also may be some criminal penalties because it is against the law to be married to two people at the same time. Additionally, you may have some issues with the IRS as you can not file as married if you are not legally allowed to marry.
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If you are married and believe that your husband does not have feelings for you, it might be a good idea to talk to him about how you feel. You could also ask him if he still loves you.
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If you are married, you should stay loyal (unless under certain circumstances).
If you have a girlfriend and are NOT married, you should stay loyal (unless under certain circumstances).
If you have a girlfriend and ARE married, you should decide who you want to be with and stay loyal.
If you are free-spirited sexually with no partner, you should have fun but not unfairly lead anyone on.
If you ARE married and HAVE a girlfriend and DO cheat, you probably need counselling; it sounds a bit like an obsession with what you "can't"(respectively speaking) have.
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If you are under 18 and not emancipated, you cannot get married without your parents consent. Period.
Okay i think whoever wrote that answer was a worried parent. I've been researching because I'm getting married and in sum other countries such as Ukraine Scotland and Paraguay you can get married under 18 without parental consent... tho I'm not entirely sure on the conditions yet, sorry.
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The already married woman has entered the country illegally and her past may catch up with her.
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If a person got married in Las Vegas, NV they can legally get divorced in Arizona. The person will need to meet the requirements of Arizona to file for divorce.
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Once you're married, you're legally considered an emancipated adult and would not be covered by your parents' insurance. You would be covered by your spouse's insurance.
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Yes, married men who cheat can contract STDs.
Married men could catch STD from the woman he was having an affair. But it will be a little hard especially if his using protection. There are some married men do catch STD if they are sleeping with prostitute and not using protection. If this married man is having an affair with another woman, and this other woman is also seeing another man that's how they can catch std.
Overall the only way a married man can catch STD is when his not using protection. And there also some married men that can catch std by sleeping with different women.
I will give you a good example about married man and STD. The man I marry was seeing this woman he met on a dating site. And to make such a story short, he didn't know that the woman he had deep feelings was also have a boyfriend and was medicating herself from STD. Unfortunately he didn't know and she didn't tell him, and the big surprise of his affair was for a while he never thought of using protection.
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If you are considered married at the end of the year, you can never file single. If you don't want to file jointly with your spouse, you can choose "married filing separately." Under rare circumstances where you have not lived with your spouse at all during the last six months of the year, your spouse is not returning, and you meet the other qualifications for head of household, you may file as Head of Household.
Frequently it's better to file as married filing jointly though...especially if one has a high and the other a low income.
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No punishment for looking .
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Guess should not have divorced. Married again anyways. Your common law
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No. You have to be 21 to drink.
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The default tenancy on a deed to married persons in Florida is tenancy by the entirety.
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Al Bundy's men's group in "Married with Children" is called "NO MA'AM," which stands for the "National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood." It is a satirical group formed to protest against powerful women.
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Answer Getting involved with a married woman can cause you a lot of problems. If her husband were to find out you could find yourself looking down the barrel of a gun or worse as some husbands don't take kindly to other men having affairs with their wives. You could really fall in love with this woman only to find out that she's been using you for sexual purposes and will never leave her husband. Be wise, while it may sound exciting to have another man's wife, how would you feel if it were your wife fooling around? Get your own girlfriend, unattached and have a happy life instead of having to look over your shoulder wondering if the married woman's husband has found out, and is out to get you.
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That is a sentence fragment, not a question. Please ask a question!
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how many women work outside the home in 1995
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Al bundy
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Technically bigamy is the word for having two wives at the one time, but most people use it also to refer to having two husbands at the one time. Polygamy is the word for having more than one wife at the one time. Polyandry is the word for having more than one husband at the one time.
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tell him how you feel...... and Divorce him
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Madam Emcee when addressed, otherwise Master of Ceremonies. There is no gender in the English noun.
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Comment for the "other" woman - You have to remember you are the "other woman" and need to get out of this destructive way word affair as soon as possible. He is a married man and when married men cheat they are just using you for their own self needs. He will tell you whatever you want to hear and in no way has any intentions of leaving his wife/family for you if that is what you are waiting around for - it is just not going to happen and the sooner you realize that the sooner you can leave this situation and move forward to someone that is single and does want you. too bad for her
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If you reside in New York state, yes, you may obtain a legal divorce there.
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see link
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Yes, you can file for divorce in any other jurisdiction.
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kelly was set to get married. At the end she didn't because she found out her husband to be had already been married (this wasn't the last episode.)
The last episode AL has to get rid of shoes from the store he works at. Griff and him decide to trade with other stores in the mall to get a vibrating chair they want.
Basically it doesn't end well for them and they have to trade everything back. Forgetting about the monkey they got. Gary (shoe store owner) walks into the back room to find the chimp and runs out screaming. The end.
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