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Lumos Networks was created on 2011-08-08.

1 answer

The cast of Lumos - 2012 includes: August Lah

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The symbol for Lumos Networks Corp. in NASDAQ is: LMOS.

1 answer

Creates light, that shines from the tip of the wand.

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magnify glass

Use Lumos or Lumos Solem to get past the thorns, they burn the thorns down.

1 answer

As of July 2014, the market cap for Lumos Networks Corp. (LMOS) is $342,016,258.76.

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Wingardium Leviosa, Lumos, Lumos Solem, Immobulus, Expelliarmus, Riddikulus, Expecto Patronum, Reducto, Diffindo, Aguamenti, and Focus

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The spell nox is the opposite of lumos. Lumos causes light to appear at the end of the caster's wand, so nox extinguishes the light emitting from the wand.

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Yes, but feel free to donate.

1 answer

Trap them in a corner with Lumos Duo and keep Lumos Duo going then it shouldn't be transparent any more then you shoot it with Flipendo a couple times and POOF! They're gone :D

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To beat a hinkypunk you have to go up to it as Ron and cast lumos duo at it then when it goes solid then you cast flipendo at it. You will need to repeat it about 3 times for each one to kill them and you have to make sure you are very close to them. hope this helps :D

3 answers

expeliarmus, alohamora, wingardium leviosa, lumos,

1 answer

Build the cart in the corner and ride it towards the plant

Then use Lumos Solem to kill the devil''s snare

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On demand or lumos or even netflix!

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they'll say on the package if it lights up or not

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Remember at the end of the 1st Harry Potter movie when Ron didn't relax from the devil's snare? Hermione remembered that the devil's snare hates light... so use your lumos spell on the devil's snare (green vine looking things) and it will go away. If you didn't learn lumos yet go to where Flitwick's rooms are and go into the one where you learn the lumos spell.

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Because they use 'Lumos' to brighten the room with their hair, thus making them the center of attention, and then, attraction.

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Flipendo, Incendieo, Whengardium Leviosa, Lumos, Avada Kerdava

1 answer

you wear tanning lotion and then look in the mirror and say 'lumos'

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Two spells. Lumos and Lumos Maxima

The former lights up the tip of the wand giving it a torch-like use. The latter sends a larger span of light ahead and lights up the distance - for instance, you see this in the Half-Blood Prince when Dumbledore lights up the cave.

However in the Prisoner of Azkaban, we see Harry say this spell without its effect happening. It gives a short Lumos effect (as opposed to Lumos Maxima's effect, as it was meant to). In the short time that he produces light under his sheets, we see a spell book. We can assume that as the light did not go far as it was intended to, and did not stay on for long, Harry was practicing the spell and had not yet mastered it.

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'Lumos' was the first spell he used willingly outside Hogwarts before his 3rd year!

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'Nox', in Latin, means 'night'. It used in the Harry Potter series; lumos produces light, nox shuts it off.

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You defeat them the same way as ghosts, by using charging up Lumos and directing it onto them.

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It's currently online. If you are having difficultly loading the page they might be experiencing sever issues, try again later.

1 answer

you creep up to the spell book learn lumos and them go to the tunnel in the back near the fire

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Put on your invisibility cloak and grab your wand. Use the spell "Lumos" and pick you book.

1 answer

-Lumos (light)

-Alohomora (unlock)

-Avada Kedavra (killing curse)

-Expelliarmus (disarming charm)

-Expecto Patronum (to ward off Dementors)

1 answer

There are many used in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

During Lockhart's lesson he casted Peskiksi Pesternomi (this is a made up spell that didn't do anything!), Hermone casted immoblia to freeze the frantic pixies.

During the dueling club, some spells casted were: expelliarmus, rictusempra, tarantallegra, serpensortia, and finite incantatem.

2 answers

What you do is go into your trunk, and then click on the food/drink you want to eat/drink. Then you will be given options such as put into your store, donate or eat/drink. Hopefully you then know what to do.

1 answer

What I hear the most in the books are these spells:

-Lumos (light)

-Alohomora (unlock)

-Avada Kedavra (killing curse)

-Expelliarmus (disarming charm)

-Expecto Patronum (to ward off Dementors)

1 answer

"Harry". The first sentence is "Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways."

3 answers

accendo : to kindle, illuminate, inflame

5 answers

You treat them like you would a ghost. Cast Lumos and aim the spell at them until their life force runs out. Remember to build up the spell, and run when it's over.

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In the book, she makes a fire with her wand as Devil's Snare does not like heat and light. In the movie she stops struggling because the Devil's Snare holds you more tightly if you fight against it. she relaxes to fall through it then performs a light spell "luminos" to create light to kill it

8 answers

Lumos Solem. This produced light bright enough to replicate sunlight which caused the Devil's Sarre to retract and release Ron Weasley. The spell was not named in the book.

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You have to find him in one of Flitwick's classrooms. An underground chamber in one of the rooms. I don't remember if it is the Leviosa or the Lumos room. Flitwick is in one of the underground chambers and Mad Eye Moody is in another.

1 answer

You have to find him in one of Flitwick's classrooms. An underground chamber in one of the rooms. I don't remember if it is the Leviosa or the Lumos room. Flitwick is in one of the underground chambers and Mad Eye Moody is in another.

1 answer

Severus Snape killed him with the Avada Kedavra spell.

4 answers

luces is the nominative plural. It is a 3rd declension noun, with the nominative singular being lux.

Here's a fun little chart for your amusement:


Nominative ----- lux --------- luces

Genitive --------- lucis ------- lucum

Dative ----------- luci --------- lucibus

Accusative ------ lucem ----- luces

Ablative --------- luce ------- lucibus

2 answers

Complete List of Harry Potter Spells

Our site is dedicated to the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and we list all of the Harry Potter spells that are included in the books! Please note: this list is only for the spells that appear in the books-it does not include all of the spells that appear in the Harry Potter movies. For that list, please check our other articles. If you find a spell that is missing, please contact us and we will add it!

As for how our Harry Potter spells are listed, we have broken them down according to several different methods. We have a list of the most frequently used spells, and then we have other lists that break them down according to their function. For instance, we have a list of defensive spells that you might use if you are being attacked, and we have spells that are simply useful, such as creating light so that you can see, or making things float so that they can be moved. Our list of the most commonly used Harry Potter spells A-Z follows:AccioBrings an object to youAguamentiCreates a gush of water from the tip of the spell caster's wandAlohomoraOpens locksApareciumMakes invisible ink become visibleAvada KedavraThe Unforgivable Curse; Kills your opponent; taken from "Abra Cadabra"AviforsTurns things into birdsAvisMakes birds fly out of the end of your wandBombardaCauses a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use "bombarda maxima"ColloportusCloses a door and binds it so that it can't be opened.ConfringoAKA the Blasting Curse; Causes the item targeted to explodeConfundusConfounds your target, or makes them temporarily confusedConjunctivitisDamages the eyesight of your opponent, making them seem to have pink eyeCrucioThe Second Unforgivable Curse, the Cruciatus Curse; Tortures your opponent mercilesslyDeletriusErases the last spell cast by a wand so that it can't be discoveredDensaugeoMakes teeth grow out of controlDiffindoMakes seams split open, severs an object into two piecesDissendiumOpens a specific passageway into a cellar, may be useful in other instances; may be only a passwordDuroTurns an item to stone.EnervateMistaken spell. Changed to Rennervate. Used to wake up a stunned personEngorgioMakes an item larger, as in swollenEpiskeyHeals relatively minor wounds.EvanescoCauses an item to immediately dissolve away, as if it had never existedExpecto PatronumCreates PatronusExpelliarmusDisarms the target of the spell, such as knocking their wand out of their handFera VertoTransforms animals into water goblets!FerulaBinds a broken limb with a splint and bandages, tightly wrappedFideliusAllows a secret to be hidden within the secret keeper's soul; very powerful spellFinite IncantatemStops any spellFlagrateAllows the user to write or draw in the air with fireFlipendoAlso knows as the Knockback Jinx, pushes or flips something backwardsFurnunculusCauses a person to break out in boilsGeminioCreates a duplicate of an item (a twin, as in the zodiacal sign Gemini).HomorphusMan-Shape; makes a werewolf or person disguised as an animal resume their human shapeImmobulusImmobilizes the targetImpedimentaPuts up an impediment that slows down something or someone that is coming toward youImperioThe third unforgivable curse. Allows the user to assume complete control of another personImperviusRepels water from a surfaceIncarcerousConjures up ropes, which then bind an opponentIncendioLights a fireLegilimensAllows the user to gain access to another's mind and memoriesLevicorpusTurns your opponent upside down and dangles them in thin airLiberacorpus"Liberates", or frees a body that has been caught up by the levicorpus spellLocomotor MortisThe Leg-Locker Curse; locks an opponent's legs togetherLumosCreates light, usually by making the tip of the wand glow. More light can be created using "lumos maxima"MobiliarbusUsed to move a tree from one place to anotherMobilicorpusUsed to move a body from one place to anotherMorsmordre or MorsmordeUsed to summon the Dark MarkMuffliatoCauses a buzzing noise to surround a limited area so that those in the area can carry on a private conversationNoxExtinguishes light, used to douse the light created by "Lumos"ObliviateMakes a person "oblivious", erasing their memories of an eventOrchideousConjures a bunch of flowers from the user's wandPetrificus TotalusTotal petrification; petrifies an opponent totallyPoint MeThe Four Point Spell; makes the user's wand act like a compassPortusTurns any item into a Portkey, which can then be used to transport a person or persons to another location.Prior IncantatoReveals to you the last spell that a wand was used to castProtegoProtects the user, and sends a spell back on an opponentQuietusMakes things quiet, used to muffle "Sonorus"ReducioShrinks an itemReductoBlasts solid objects into piecesRelashioReleases something from being constrained or heldRennervateWas originally "ennervate", but corrected by author; means to energize or wake upReparoRepairs broken itemsRepelloRepels somethingRepello MuggletumMakes an area invisible to MugglesRevelioCauses something that is hidden to be revealedRictusempraCauses a person to curl up in laughter, as if being tickledRiddikulusMakes a boggart assume a "ridiculous" form, thereby making it funny instead of terrifyingSalvio HexiaUnclear; seems to strengthen other protective spells, or to deflect any hexes cast toward a specific locationScourgifyUsed to clean dirt or other material off of a surfaceSectumsempraCauses lacerations to appear all over an opponent's body, as if they had been cut by an invisible swordSerpensortiaConjures a snakeSilencioMakes the target of the spell unable to make any sound.SonorusAmplifies the user's voiceStupefyStupefies an opponent, or knocks them insensible temporarilyTarantallegraForces an opponent's legs to dance uncontrollablyTergeoScours something cleanWaddiwasiRemoves a stuck object, as in a wad of gum that is stuck in a keyholeWingardium LeviosaAllows the user to make an object levitate

9 answers

There's a large room near the start, which you exit by jumping on patches of light leading to a balcony. Before you jump on the balcony, cast Alohomora on the circular stained glass window in front of you. It will open, revealing a secret room containing the wizard card.

1 answer

"Lumon" is not a recognized term or concept in English or any other language. If you meant to reference "lumos," it is a charm from the Harry Potter series used to create light from the tip of a wand. If you have a different question or term in mind, please provide additional context for assistance.

2 answers

J.K. Rowling is the author of the hugely successful Harry Potter series. She is the first female billionaire author, the best-selling living author in the UK and at one point was richer than the Queen. She lost her billionaire status after donating so much money to charity. She is the founder of the charity Lumos.

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