You referred to the term ''Warhammer lotr', lotr is not warhammer, it is a separate game in Games-Workshop.
In my opinion lotr is much better, there are more tactics involved and I love the films.
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This has nothing to do with LotR, its a tower in Blackpool, a seaside town in the UK. This has nothing to do with LotR, its a tower in Blackpool, a seaside town in the UK. This has nothing to do with LotR, its a tower in Blackpool, a seaside town in the UK. This has nothing to do with LotR, its a tower in Blackpool, a seaside town in the UK. This has nothing to do with LotR, its a tower in Blackpool, a seaside town in the UK.
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If you're talking about LOTR The Return of the King: Merry, Pippin and Faramir.
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Yes, the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) trading card game is standard legal in competitive play.
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The LOTR online website includes information about the books, films, characters. It also includes frequently asked questions and message boards for users.
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Some popular Lord of the Rings (LOTR) magic cards that players often use in their decks include Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Frodo. These cards have powerful abilities and are key characters from the LOTR series that players enjoy incorporating into their gameplay strategies.
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LOTR stands for "The Lord of the Rings," a high fantasy novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is set in the fictional world of Middle-earth and follows the quest to destroy the One Ring.
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"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movie. The 2nd is titled "LOTR: The Two Towers". The 3rd and last one is - "LOTR: The Return of the King". All 3 are rated PG-13. They were all filmed together as though they were one movie, and then split apart, just as the book(s) were.
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Brisingr if you are reading Eragon or Nar if you are reading LOTR.
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I don't believe so. If there was no mention of it in LOTR, then it can't be so!
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Because LOTR is not actually a childrens movie wheras Disney only adpats films which is suitable for all ages but LOTR is not sutiable fort all ages as it has many violent scences
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Some valuable MTG LOTR ring cards highly sought after by collectors include "The One Ring," "Ring of Thune," and "Ring of Ma'ruf."
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In the Hobbit is is Bilbo Baggins and in LOTR technically it is Frodo Baggins.
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The only way to kill shelob is to change her hp and make her follow range 2, but you would have to go to fate folder then lotr file then monsters. shelob should be there.
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Howard Shore composed music for LOTR triology
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You cannot MAKE an ENT, it's a living being according to The LOTR series.
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LOTR (lord of the rings) has earned ALOT of money in ALL aspects !
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no,but there is some powerful attacks like agamers ghost army(lb,b)
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When your character (warrior, archer,mage or scout) or hero dies, you have option to respawn.
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Forever. They can never be killed.
Actually they perished when the One Ring was destroyed.
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Peter Jackson directed all three LOTR movies .
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No. It is an expansion pack that is only for the PC.
*Taken from LOTR BFME website.
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1 and his name is Sam Perkins. he helped tear down the wall of china
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Your question is poorly worded. But yes, Lego is going to make LOTR sets.
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No you cant become a scout on the ds version you can only be a ranger melee or mage.
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The Nostalgia Critic - 2007 Old vs- New LOTR Animated vs- Lord of the Rings 2-32 was released on:
USA: 22 July 2009
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Some popular Lord of the Rings (LOTR) magic cards that are highly sought after by collectors include "The One Ring," "Gandalf the White," and "Saruman the White." These cards are rare and valuable due to their iconic characters and powerful abilities in the game.
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No, it is 100% free to play. All you need is to have the game LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth 1, 2 or LOTR: Rise of the Witch King. Then you can play together with a friend or against another person from around the world on the EA servers.
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The value of a collection of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) and Lord of the Rings (LOTR) cards can vary greatly depending on the specific cards in the collection, their condition, rarity, and demand in the market. It is recommended to research current prices and consult with collectors or appraisers to determine the accurate value of the collection.
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It's Golum; from LOTR. I hope that helps. ^^
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there have been talks of either peter Jackson (lotr tril) directing or neil blomkamp (district 9)
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No, there's no movie about First Age, only book Silmarillion (and other stories but they are included in Silmarillion).
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No, official line was that he didn't want to by typecast as a wizard after playing Gandalf in the LOTR trilogy.
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Frodo and Sam have an unbreakable bond between "servant" and "master". This is the most obvious friendship in lotr. Faramir and Boromir have a brotherly friendship that is only obviously demonstrated in the extended version of lotr. There is a friendship and a trust between the fellowship before they break and a friendship between Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn.
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The Shawshank Redemption.. According to Blockbuster and Netflix.
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She wears small flats in LotR, except in the Flight of the Ford (FotR) where she wears riding boots. :)
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Runescape, WoW, Eve Online, LOTR Online, the list goes on and on and on............
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Yes the LotR books are copyrighted. However due to a minor legal oversight the original US copyright on LotR was not valid and the books were published for a period of time by Ace taking advantage of this. As the US copyright was not valid Tolkien could take no legal action in court, but Ace was eventually forced by fan pressure to cease publication, the US copyright on the first edition text of LotR is still not valid. I believe this was corrected by properly copyrighting the text of a later edition of LotR in the US.
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