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Good digital painting apps include Procreate



Krita Desktop


1 answer

The cast of I epistrofi tou skiahtrou - 1987 includes: Nikos Garofallou Eleni Krita Anestis Vlahos Christos Zorbas

1 answer

Use any animation software. (The more you pay the better the result, often.)

4 answers

The cast of Olethrios erotas - 1989 includes: Andreas Andreopoulos Vasilis Andreopoulos Eleni Krita Giorgos Loukakis Tasos Polyhronopoulos Peggy Stathakopoulou Petros Xekoukis

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magnify glass

To know why people of Kali Yuga, the present era, are considered as ignorant, we must know how people of Krita (Satya) Yuga lived.

1. People of Krita Yuga used the Complete Original Human Interface of life (COHIL). Therefore, their knowledge was always reliable and they were masters of their fate.

People of Kali Yuga use Man made Human interfaces, that are meant for specific situations and they use them as though they are equally good for all situations. Therefore, they would always be at the mercy of fate.

2. The COHIL is three dimensional. The three dimensions are Reality, Integrity and Time.

1. The Reality dimension had seven stages.

1. Day dreaming

2. Illusion

3. Creativity

4. Stabilization

5. Determination

6. Status increase

7. Compulsion

Because of this,

1. there was a smooth, controlled and reversible transition from thought to action.

2. Every idea had to be compatible with all the seven stages.

In Kali Yuga, A thought is directly, uncontrollably and irreversibly converted into action.

This results in

1. Incompatibility of the action with some stages

2. Dominance of some stages,

3. Interchange of stages.

All these results poor quality of life, unpredictable life and even in mental disorders.

Time had four stages.

1. Whenever possible

2. Before

3. In between

4. Ever ready.

Integrity had four stages.

1. All activities are interconnected under all conditions.

2. All activities are interconnected in the best and worst conditions only

3. All activities are interconnected in the worst conditions only.

4. All activities disconnected

Because of the stages involved, they could use four different life styles called Varnas, for the four different states of external conditions.

The four states of external conditions are,

1. Ideal

2. Normal

3. Tolerable

4. Chaotic.

In Kali Yuga, there is no relationship between lifestyles and external conditions.

3. In Krita Yuga, by default, an action was executed in the half mature stage.

Rest of the activities of life made it completely mature. Because of this all activities were compatible with each other.

In Kali Yuga actions are executed after they become hyper mature.

Because of this,actions are totally independent of each other and their compatibility with each other can't be known.

4. People of Krita Yuga had Brahmajnana. Thus, if they had data of one situation they could predict how the data would be in any other situation.

In Kali Yuga, actions are disconnected. Therefore, they become helpless in presence of the slightest change.

5. In Krita Yuga the knowledge makes all activities to depend on the status or 'I' of the individual.

In Kali Yuga, data makes all activities independent of the status. This independence of activities from status or 'I' makes life of people of Kali Yuga meaningless.

6. People of Krita Yuga had equal knowledge of real world and mind.

People of Kali Yuga have an exaggerated knowledge of the material world and are totally ignorant of the mind.

7. The knowledge of people of Krita Yuga, maintained status quo and therefore an eternally sustainable life style.

The Data of People of Kali Yuga leads to false progress and an unsustainable life style.

8. The status quo maintaining knowledge of people of Krita Yuga enabled them to be active and take rest with equal ease.

The materialistic knowledge of people of Kali Yuga makes them hyperactive and rest extremely difficult.]

9. The Knowledge of People of Krita Yuga made each activity, by default, just 50% efficient, which they could make 50% during difficult times.

The data of people of Krita Yuga makes them, by default, absolutely efficient. Thus, in a crisis they become helpless.

10. The 50% efficiency of activities gave the people of Krita Yuga the best quality of life a human being can have.

The activities of people of Kali Yuga are, by default, more than 100% efficient. However, the quality of life is very poor.

Thus, people of Kali Yuga are 'Penny wise pound foolish'.

11. The knowledge of people of Krita Yuga enabled them to auto correct their life.

The data of Kali Yuga makes them to correct their life manually, a next to impossible task.

1 answer

Kali Yuga, the worst Yuga has many advantages over Krita Yuga, the best Yuga.

1. In Krita Yuga people live under ideal conditions or under just one set of conditions only. Thus, there is no freedom.

In Kali Yuga freedom is more than one can dream of!

2. In Krita Yuga the status of an individual is determined by his average skill. Therefore, an outsider can't enter a society because it may not be enough even if he willfully transforms his entire life.

In Kali Yuga there is no status at all and thus any one can enter it

3. In Krita Yuga people live under ideal conditions. Thus, in presence of a change they become helpless.

In Kali Yuga people live under constantly changing conditions and therefore, a change of any kind or magnitude is not a problem at all.

4. In Krita Yuga the status of an individual is determined by his average skill, which is the same as that of his entire society. To increase his status it is not enough if he increases his average skill, which it self is an impossible task. He has to increase the average skill of the entire society he lives in, a task he can't even dream of.

In Kali Yuga the status of an individual is determined by his maximum skill in just one activity, a very simple task.

5. In Krita Yuga life is a single giant activity and therefore a part of it can't be changed without affecting the rest.

In Kali Yuga all parts of life are independent of each other and therefore any part of it can be changed without affecting any other.

6. In Krita Yuga knowledge is logic based thus it can be transferred to people of a particular class only

In Kali Yuga knowledge is reason and movement based and thus any one can learn anything.

7. In Krita Yuga progress is mainly internal and therefore there is not much visible progress.

In Kali Yuga progress is mainly external and thus amazing materialistic progress occurs in a short time.

Answer 2 Dt. 25.4.2013

The difference from spiritual POV is that reaching God is easier than it was in krita yuga, as the ideals required to qualify for being disciple were very high and strictly followed.

If you see Gita and Upanishads, in upanishads, a disciple asks a question to a Guru while in Gita, in some places, krishna answers or guides disciples before the question arises. Even the duration of meditation i.e. no of years to achieve moksha are said to be decreased as compared to years or some say 100s of years in Treta Yoga., the atmosphere was all sattvik and even asuras followed a code of conduct during war. Now-a-days, even sanyasins breaks the code of conduct.

Earlier disciple came to God and Guru. Now it is said that when disciple is ready, Guru appears. Sri Ramakrishna said that if you take one step towards God, God takes 9 steps towards you. Very few people devote 100 % towards spirituality. Many things or behaviour which are not tolerated by guru are now forgiven (code of conduct is a bit diluted)

1 answer

The cast of Epikindynos erotas - 1989 includes: Joys Evidi Kostas Evripiotis Anthi Gounari Eleni Krita Aias Manthopoulos Dimos Milonas Tania Tripi Melpo Zarokosta Christos Zorbas

1 answer

Yes, as an alternative to Adobe photoshop CS5, you can try using Gimp shop 2, paint.net, Krita, or PhotoFiltre. These are closely alike to photoshop Adobe CS5 and are also free.

1 answer

The cast of I zoi tou Attik - 1985 includes: Alexandros Antonopoulos as Kimon Yannis Bostantzoglou Mimis Chrisomalis as Attik Eirini Inglesi as Mother Eleni Krita Aspasia Tzitzikaki Ioulia Vatikioti as Sister Kosmas Zaharof as Father

1 answer

The cast of Super babas - 2007 includes: Thomais Androutsou Eleni Krita Kleio Mari Panos Mihalopoulos as Andreas Dimitris Patsis Mary Petroutsa Vana Rambota Tommy Sklavos Kostas Triantafyllopoulos as Kostis Chara Tsioli Fania Valasi

1 answer

The cast of Ekeini i gynaika... - 1988 includes: Tonia Adamopoulou Maria Aliferi Takis Anousis Niki Filopoulou Martha Koubarou Eleni Krita Pepi Metallidou Spiros Misthos Kostas Papahristos Christos Parlas Olga Politou Andreas Tsakonas Yorgos Vasileiou

1 answer

The cast of Vasa Zeleznova - 1988 includes: Basiliou Alexandrini Dinos Doulgerakis Jenny Fotiou Angelos Georgiadis Amalia Giza Giannis Kasdaglis Eleni Krita Stelios Lionakis Antel Mermiga Stella Papadimitriou Giannis Papagiannis Lefteris Plaskovitis Katerina Vanezi

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The cast of Asotoi yioi - 1988 includes: Marianna Aktypi Andreas Andreopoulos Costas Bakalis Sia Faraki Efi Georgiadou Spyros Georgoulas Varvara Kiritsi Eleni Krita Giorgos Loukakis Alekos Mandilas Joy Mihailidou Alekos Petridis Tasos Polyhronopoulos Kimon Simitzis Jenny Stefanakou Gavriela Triandafyllou Petros Xekoukis Nicos Ziagos

1 answer

Oh, isn't that just a happy little question! You can find free drawing programs online by searching for "free drawing software" or checking out websites like Krita, GIMP, or Autodesk SketchBook. Remember, the world is your canvas, and there are always wonderful tools out there waiting for you to create something beautiful.

2 answers

The cast of To teleftaio adio - 1994 includes: Dimitris Banos Mimis Chrisomalis as Saroglou Yannis Degaitis Yula Gavala as Alkmini Meletis Georgiadis Taxiarhis Hanos Efi Hatzifoti Dimitra Kakaounaki Karyofyllia Karabeti as Aspa Akilas Karazisis Kiriakos Katrivanos Giorgos Kimoulis as Stamatis Thomas Kindinis Yannis Kiriakidis Eleni Krita Renia Louizidou Yorgos Papadimitrakis Kostis Papaioannou Mihalis Rizos Tania Savopoulou Dimitris Siakaras Kostas Triantafyllopoulos Stratis Tsopanellis

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The cast of To eteron imisy - 2011 includes: Vangelis Alexandris Maria Antoulinaki Maria Bagana Giannis Bariamis Menelaos Daflos Parthena Horozidou Dimitris Imellos Krateros Katsoulis Vladimiros Kiriakidis Meni Konstantinidou Irini Koumarianou Eirini Koumarianou Eleni Krita Kostas Krommidas Dafni Labroyanni Giorgos Liatis George Mouriadis Maria Mpagana Giannis Mpariamis Stathis Panagiotopoulos Katerina Papoutsaki Yorgos Souxes Dimitris Starovas Maria Syrbopoulou Georgia Tsagaraki Foteini Tsakiri Yannis Zouganelis

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The cast of Angelos kata lathos - 1990 includes: Yiota Agnanti Toni Antoni Vina Asiki Kostas Flokatoulas as Eosforos Joly Garbi Ismini Kalessi Yannis Kapetanios Maro Kodou Giorgos Konstadinou as Lakis Eleni Krita Labis Livieratos as Gavriil Nikos Magdalinos Christos Natsios Kostas Palios as Astaroth Takis Papamattheou as Narrator Evita Papaspyrou as (1990) Jessy Papoutsi Hristina Pappa Vagelis Protopapas as Velzevoul Tasos Prousalis Eleni Randou Nikos Redifis Cleo Scouloudi Thodoros Siriotis Giorgos Tzortzis

1 answer

The cast of Apostolos kai monos - 2006 includes: Evangelia Adreadaki Makis Arvanitakis Fotini Baxevani Menelaos Daflos Thodoros Exarhos Dimosthenis Filippas Kimon Fioretos Sampson Fytros Nikos Karathanos Maria Kavoukidou Eleni Kousta Spyros Kouvardas Eleni Krita Elena Lariou Thanasis Liontos Bessy Malfa Ersi Malikenzou Giorgos Mihalakopoulos as Apostolos Giorgos Moshidis Alexandros Mylonas Katerina Nikopoulou Foivos Rimenas Gerasimos Skiadaressis Yannis Thomas Dimitris Trybas Maria Tsima Eirini Vakaki Maria Zahari Vana Zaka

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The cast of Isovia - 1988 includes: Maro Athanasiou Natasa Bozoni Giorgos Denaxas Theodoros Dimitriou as Lambrou Marilena Foka Hristos Fotidis as Police Inspector Stelios Frastas Giannis Giannakoulis Nikos Hristoulis Giouli Iliopoulou as Victim Loula Kanarelli Nikos Kapios as Psychiatrist Kelly Karaiskou Panagiotis Katoupis Eleni Krita Eva Laiou Laertis Malkotsis Rena Maniataki Dimitris Mavros Nikos Pamasos Nikos Papadopoulos as Giorgos Mayer Giorgos Parmaxizoglou as Policeman Dimitris Petratos Loukia Roussou Hristos Savvas Tania Tripi as Kaiti Elena Tzavalia as Elsa Sotiris Vagias as Tonis Ritsa Vlahou Maria Zafiraki as Olga Mayer

1 answer

I think you should try using pencil, blender, inkscape, or synfig studio. These all are a lot of cool ways you can draw like manga stuffs if you know how to use it properly. Blender is the ultimate opensource alternative to MAYA Pencil is a traditional animation and vectoring software inkscape is a very interesting kind of vectoring software alternative to adobe illustrator. The synfig kinda good one Try theese it might help u cuz if u see synfig's gallery there are anime made with it So google for these options

2 answers

The cast of Paris kai Eleni - 2008 includes: Akis Alexandratos as Athlete Argyris Angelou as Evripidis Lia Antoniou as Liza Lia Antoniou as Secretary Eleni Apostolopoulou as Natasa Pigmalion Dadakaridis as Paris Nikos Dimouleas as Bodyguard Haris Emmanuel Julie Grigoriou as Employee Yorgos Haleplis as Victim Katerina Hiotini as Nurse Nikos Ioannidis as Haris Constantinos Isaias as Pelatis Club Theodoros Kandiliotis Maria Kanellopoulou as Amalia Maria Kantife as Koufodina Dimitris Karaviotis as Alekos Eleni Krita as Katerina Thaleia Matika as Eleni Anastasia Papadaki as Wedding Dress Seller Stelios Parris as Officer Georgiou Dimitris Petropoulos as Usurer Dimitris Piatas as Aristeidis Zournas Giorgos Poulis as Officer Kaliakoudas Giorgos Roustemis as Officer Koutroubas Giorgos Skoufis as Cashier Evanthia Sofronidou as DJ Ioanna Stavropoulou as DJ Giannis Tseberlidis as Driver

1 answer

The cast of Sto para 5 - 2005 includes: Konstadinos Aggelidis as himself Eva Alexandri as Actress Dina Alexopoulou Anna Anapolitanou Georgina Andrianaki Maria Androutsou as Popi Argyris Angelou as Fotis Argyris Angelou as Fotis Voulinos Theodoros Anthopoulos Theodoros Anthopoulos as Timos Grigoris Arnaoutoglou as himself Yannis Botanakis Mania Bousboura Popi Christodoulou Popi Christodoulou as Actress Popi Christodoulou as Martha Popi Christodoulou as Ritsa Petroula Christou as Anna Vasiliki Daliska as Actress Dafni David as Actress Mimi Denisi as Mimi Denisi Maria Diakopanayotou as Actress Vasiliki Dialina Sotiris Diamantis Manos Diego as Baby Gogo Garifallou as Beauty Contest Presenter Sissi Hristidou as herself Iosif Iosifidis Iosif Iosifidis as Abraham Iosif Iosifidis as Avraam Lentzos Iosif Iosifidis as Director Yannis Kalakos as Jack Konstadinos Kalavritinos Konstadinos Kalavritinos as Alexandros Giorgos Kapoutzidis as Spyros Giorgos Kapoutzidis as Spyros Deloglou Antonis Karistinos as Bad Guy Antonis Karistinos as New Bad Guy Smaragda Karydi as Dalia Smaragda Karydi as Dalia Hadjialejandrou Smaragda Karydi as Dalia Hatzialexandrou Krateros Katsoulis as Makis Maria Kavadia as Actress Giorgos Kimoulis as Gerassimos Venetopoulos Teri Kladi Elissavet Konstantinidou as Zoubulia Ampatzidou-Karagiozi Elissavet Konstantinidou as Zoumboulia Patrikios Kostis Patrikios Kostis as Nikolaos Kalathas Irini Koumarianou as Sofia Bajevani Eirini Koumarianou as Sofia Deloglou Eirini Koumarianou as Sophia Eleni Krita as Marilena Eleni Krita as Marilena Dorkofiki Melina Kyriakopoulou as Frinta Papaparaskeya Angeliki Lambri as Aggela Angeliki Lambri as Aggela Ioakimidou Mariana Loukaki Mariana Loukaki as Nurse Zeta Makrypoulia as Amalia Antonopoulou Mihalis Marinos as Alexis Mihalis Marinos as Alexis Stergiou Peni Marmaraki Eleni Mihaelidou as Saleswoman Argyro Mihalakakou as Actress Argyro Mihalakopoulou as Actress Gerasimos Mihelis as Andreas Kalogirou Pavlos Orkopoulos as Thomas Voulinos Alkis Panagiotidis as Evangelos Stavrianidis Maria Panoutsopoulou as Actress Nikos Pantelidis Efi Papatheodorou as Theopoula Efi Papatheodorou as Theopoula Tzini Stamatis Patronis as Jack Stratos Pavlidis Dimitris Petropoulos Dimitris Petropoulos as Aris Pavrinos (bad guy) Mary Petroutsa as Elizabeth Manos Pintzis as Vasilis Manos Pintzis as Vassilis Dimitris Rousis Evgenia Salta as Actress Zoya Sevastianou as Villager Yorgos Souxes as Doctor Isidoros Stamoulis as Lefteris Katerina Theohari as Garoufalia Rania Thraskia as herself Dimitris Tselios Apostolos Tsironis Vicky Vanita Sofia Voyatzaki as Zana Ioannou Valia Yanarou as Elena

1 answer

The cast of Lista gamou - 2003 includes: Makis Akritidis Beata Asimakopoulou Mamili Balakli Giannis Bezos as Yannis Dimitropoulos Jenny Botsi as Nena Mimis Chrisomalis as Mimis Margaritis Nikos Dallas Christos Darakatsis Maria Derebe Aggeliki Fragou Vasilis Hristidis Konstadinos Ioakimidis Eleni Kallia Hrysa Kontogiorgou Yorgos Kotanidis as Yorgos Mitalakis Eva Kotanidou Natasha Kotsovou Eleni Krita Angeliki Lambri Dimitris Mavropoulos as Dimitris Tzekos Thanassis Nakos Despina Nikitidou Magda Pensou Eleni Philippa Tasos Pirgeris Nikos Stravopodis Yannis Troullinos Apostolos Tsironis Amalia Tsountani Sotiris Tzimopoulos Hristos Valavanidis as Christos Liakakos Andreas Varouhas Iliostalahti Vavouli

2 answers

The cast of Made in Greece - 1987 includes: Naki Agathou Haris Alexiou Toni Antoni Thalia Argyriou Costas Bakalis Anastassia Bassa Yorgos Batis Niki Daflou Katia Daskalaki Ismini Delazari as Dancer Dimitris Dimakis as Dancer Fokas Evangelinos as Dancer Yannis Evdaimon Costas Ferris Giannis Fyrios Yula Gavala Giannis Giannakas Nikos Halas Mary Halkia Yannis Kakoulidis Stavros Kalos Nayia Kaloyanni as Dancer Thodoros Kalsikaloudis as Dancer Dimitris Katsimanis Varvara Kiritsi Korina Klynn Harry Klynn as Giannis Giannakis Pavlos Kontoyannidis Argiris Koulopoulos as Dancer Eleni Krita Eleni Kriti Irini Leontari Ilias Logothetis Artemis Matsas Anna Mayers as Dancer Lena Mihail Ursulla Morisson as Dancer Tasos Mpirsim Leonidas Nikolaidis Stavros Pagasaios Stratos Pahis Alkis Panagiotidis Stavros Pantazis Fotini Papadopoulou Spyros Papafrantzis Panos Papakyriakopoulos Nicos Perakis Dimitris Poulikakos Dimitris Rantos as Dancer Michalis Reppas Natasa Roma Antonis Saralis as Dancer Dionysis Savvopoulos Mihalis Sikas as Dancer Olia Stefanidou Magda Tsagaraki Vasilis Tsaglos Vanesa Tzelve Konstantinos Tzoumas Manos Vakousis Hristos Valavanidis Alexis Valsamis Eva Vlahakou Zoi Voudouri Alekos Zartaloudis

1 answer


Hinduism is based on Brahmajnana, the knowledge of the interface that exists between our body (real world) and mind. This interface is a bi directional analyzer, modifier, shock absorber, filter and buffer.

The mechanism of this interface is independent of time, place and person.

Use of the interface enables us to perceive the real world the way we want.

Therefore, early Hinduism considered the real world as an illusion.


Hinduism considers a knowledge as sacred if it is independent of time place and person. Thus, Rig Veda, the first and the most reliable Hindu sacred book, makes no mention of real time, place or person. This makes it impossible to know when it was written.


While other major religions were founded by just one person, Hinduism was founded by infinite people. This made Hindu knowledge more than complete.

Thus, Hinduism considers abstract time also, which goes beyond birth and death.

Scholars who interpret Hindu scriptures don't differentiate between real and abstract time.

Life expectancy in the four Yugas:

1. Krita Yuga - 1,00, 000 years

2. Treta Yuga - 10, 000 years - Yuga in which Rama lived

3. Dwapara Yuga - 1, 000 years - Yuga in which Krishna lived

4. Kali Yuga - 100 years - present Yuga.

Duration of Yugas

1. Krita Yuga - 1, 728, 000 years

2. Treta Yuga - 1, 296, 000 years

3. Dwapara Yuga - 864, 000 years

4. Kali Yuga - 432, 000 years.

It should be mentioned here that the human race is just 2,00, 000 years old.


1. The Yugas evolved from Varnas. The nature of people in the four Yugas is exactly the same as that of the people of the four Varnas. This clearly shows that Yugas evolved to ban Varnas, which gave unlimited freedom.

2. Rama and Krishna are mythological characters. They were believed to have dwelled on earth to make Hindus more materialistic. Materialistic people wish to believe that Rama and Krishna are historical and not mythological figures.

Therefore, it is very difficult to reconstruct Historical chronology of Hinduism because,

1. Early Hindus considered material world as an illusion and real knowledge as one which is independent of time, place and persons.

2. Modern Historians don't try to differentiate between Hindu beliefs and historical facts.

2 answers

To answer this question we must know the difference between a belief and an absolute fact. This is because Yugas are just beliefs. They are not historical events. They just can't exist.

What then is the absolute fact of the Yugas?

The four Yugas are derived form four modes of life. They are,

1. Instinctive Mode

2. Natural Mode

3. Virtual Mode

4. Modern Mode

1. Instinctive Mode:

We live in this mode when the external conditions are ideal. Our behavior would be same as that of people in Krita Yuga of Hindu mythology. Since we use involuntary force in this mode it takes the longest time to discard this Mode.

2. Natural Mode:

We live in this mode when the external conditions keep varying between an upper and a lower limit. Our behavior would be the same as that of people in the Treta Yuga.

Since in this mode we use the semi voluntary force it takes takes slightly shorter time to discard this mode.

3. Virtual Mode:

We live in this mode when we are forced to live outside the limits of good life but the magnitude of our difficulties is constant. Then using a mechanism called god we can lead a natural life but under one set of conditions only. Our behavior would the same as that of people in the Dvapara Yuga. It takes lesser time to discard this Mode than Natural Mode because we would be using the conditional semi voluntary force..

4. Modern Mode:

We live in this mode when we are forced to live outside the limits of good life and the magnitude of our difficulties keeps changing continuously. We can't afford to have a god and we must lead an eternal ad hoc life. Our behavior would be the same as that of people in the Kali Yuga. Since we use voluntary force this mode can be discarded in no time

Modes and Yugas:

Why is that we have never heard of Modes of life? This is because modes were banned and were replaced by Yugas. This was because people used to change modes to take undue advantage and often ended up having chaotic life. It also made the society highly unstable.

Since Modes were banned and replaced by Yugas a Yuga was supposed to last many times more than the lifespan of a human being.

A Mode is a physiological entity. We can change our modes continuously.

In contrast we a Yuga is unchangeable.

Will anyone survive Kali Yuga?

Now let's see the question in the light of knowledge of Yugas.

To say that we live in Kali Yuga is absurd. We feel that we are in Kali Yuga because we are leading a Modern Mode of life. Instead we can use Instinctive Mode and thus have the feeling that we are in Krita Yuga! We don't use the Instinctive Mode because it would stagnate our life and thus would not allow us to progress.

No, we are mixing up beliefs and facts. The absolute fact is that human race is eternal. We are not in Kali Yuga and it is not going to end. We wish that Kali Yuga is coming to an end because we are using the forbidden Yama force for our day to day activities and that force can't be controlled by us. The way out is using the Instinctive Mode.

The above explanation is based on Inner Knowledge and therefore is an absolute fact.

1 answer

Painting software is dedicated to producing digital artwork and illustrations using a computer or other electronic devices. This type of software is designed to mimic traditional painting tools and techniques, allowing artists and designers to create digital paintings, drawings, and other visual art forms.

Some common features and functionalities found in painting software include:

  1. **Brushes and Tools:** Painting software offers a wide range of digital brushes and tools, each mimicking various traditional art materials such as pencils, pens, watercolors, oils, acrylics, and more.

  2. **Color Palettes:** The software provides a color palette with a vast selection of colors to choose from or allows artists to create custom colors.

  3. **Layer Support:** Painting software usually supports multiple layers, enabling artists to work on different elements of the artwork independently and non-destructively.

  4. **Blending and Smudging:** Artists can blend colors and smudge elements to create smooth transitions and realistic textures.

  5. **Selection and Transformation:** Users can select and manipulate specific parts of the artwork, resizing, rotating, and transforming elements.

  6. **Undo and Redo:** Painting software typically includes undo and redo functionalities to correct mistakes or experiment with different ideas.

  7. **Zoom and Pan:** The ability to zoom in and out of the artwork and pan across the canvas allows artists to work on fine details.

  8. **Pressure Sensitivity:** For users with pen tablets or digital drawing devices, painting software often supports pressure sensitivity, allowing for more natural and nuanced brush strokes.

  9. **Export and File Formats:** Artists can save their creations in various file formats, such as JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop), or SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

Painting software is widely used by artists, illustrators, graphic designers, and hobbyists for creating digital art, concept art, character designs, illustrations, and more. It offers a versatile and efficient platform for artists to express their creativity and bring their artistic visions to life without the need for physical art supplies. Some popular painting software options include Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, Krita, Procreate (for iPad), and Autodesk SketchBook, among others.

3 answers

...well... you could draw, do calligraphy, write(doesn't have to be poetry, song or novel, a simple list does the trick just fine), try digital painting on your PC via apps like Krita, FireAlpaca, Gimp2, Paint.Net, even MS Paint (might help to own a "drawing pad"), write your nickname in funny Unicode characters, you could play some of your games or try new ones! In the case of videogames, if you don't want to spend money nor search for cracked games or emulate ROMs, you may try free-to-play games(mmmh... Hedgewars...?) or browse some Abandonware titles (Airfix Dogfighter, Crimson Skies, Zoo Tycoon & Zoo Tycoon 2, to name a few), & the internet has a few websites with free boardgames too(even the "Royal Game of Ur")! You could search for various stuff on the internet, look up heraldry, vexillology, instruments of various areas & eras, various odd aircrafts & vehicles in general, odd houses, obscure locations on earth, limited recognition countries that don't appear on the map, look videos showcasing the visual effects of old computer viruses, videos of Gotcha the (Moluccan) cockatoo or Vinny the Galah, listen to historic national anthems or the anthems of cities/regions/ethnicities/territories/federal states... the website AncientOrigins has some neat archaeological stuff! And, did you know about the "sea of stars" fenomenon that occurs on Vadhoo island,Maldives? Or about Agloe, the made-up town that somehow came to existance? These two are covered on the website AtlasObscura! Did you know about this other website, radio.garden, which allows you to listen radio stations from the whome globe in real time, from Svalbard to the Falklands & from St.Helena to Tahiti? Or perhaps how about browsing a selection of useless websites? Typing of, did you know you can literally design a webpage by using the notepad.exe that's on your computer? Just look up how to make a website or how to code in HTML! You could try making one in the fashion of the old Geocities websites... or you could use one of the online website-builders(but I prefer notepad. Note : after you're done you'd then have to find someone host㏌g it, such as Wordpress, Neocities which was supposed to rievoke the old Geocities, the NEW Geocities.ws, 000Webhost, Infinity Free, AwardSpace, FreeHostia). Maybe you're tired of your country & wish you could run your own? Dwelve into Micronationalism! You'd get to design your own flag/s & coat/s of arms too! Speaki-erm, typing of, you could very well come up with coats of arms of fictious countries & other entities(including your own made-up stuff), fictious characters, real people even!(it's called "attributed heraldry"). You could make a conlang(constructed language) &/or make up an alphabet or syllabary, you could try making your own font (useful tools are Calligraphr, Birdfont, Fontstruct), you could edit sprites via MS Paint (&/or other image editing programs of choice), make your own from scratch, learn to animate your drawings/paintings/spritework & make either videos or just simple looped .GIFs (or .APNGs, those also exist, surprisingly)... oh, writing or reading a textwall on the internet, those are ALSO options ;Þ

2 answers

...well... you could draw, do calligraphy, write(doesn't have to be poetry, song or novel, a simple list does the trick just fine), try digital painting on your PC via apps like Krita, FireAlpaca, Gimp2, Paint.Net, even MS Paint (might help to own a "drawing pad"), write your nickname in funny Unicode characters, you could play some of your games (eventually alongside your siblings) or try new ones! In the case of videogames, if you don't want to spend money nor search for cracked games or emulate ROMs, you may try free-to-play games(mmmh... Hedgewars...?) or browse some Abandonware titles (Airfix Dogfighter, Crimson Skies, Zoo Tycoon & Zoo Tycoon 2, to name a few), & the internet has a few websites with free boardgames too(even the "Royal Game of Ur")! You could search for various stuff on the internet, look up heraldry, vexillology, instruments of various areas & eras, various odd aircrafts & vehicles in general, odd houses, obscure locations on earth, limited recognition countries that don't appear on the map, look videos showcasing the visual effects of old computer viruses, videos of Gotcha the (Moluccan) cockatoo or Vinny the Galah, listen to historic national anthems or the anthems of cities/regions/ethnicities/territories/federal states... the website AncientOrigins has some neat archaeological stuff! And, did you know about the "sea of stars" fenomenon that occurs on Vadhoo island,Maldives? Or about Agloe, the made-up town that somehow came to existance? These two are covered on the website AtlasObscura! Did you know about this other website, radio.garden, which allows you to listen radio stations from the whome globe in real time, from Svalbard to the Falklands & from St.Helena to Tahiti? Or perhaps how about browsing a selection of useless websites? Typing of, did you know you can literally design a webpage by using the notepad.exe that's on your computer? Just look up how to make a website or how to code in HTML! You could try making one in the fashion of the old Geocities websites... or you could use one of the online website-builders(but I prefer notepad. Note : after you're done you'd then have to find someone host㏌g it, such as Wordpress, Neocities which was supposed to rievoke the old Geocities, the NEW Geocities.ws, 000Webhost, Infinity Free, AwardSpace, FreeHostia). Maybe you're tired of your country & wish you could run your own? Dwelve into Micronationalism! You'd get to design your own flag/s & coat/s of arms too! Speaki-erm, typing of, you could very well come up with coats of arms of fictious countries & other entities(including your own made-up stuff), fictious characters, real people even!(it's called "attributed heraldry"). You could make a conlang(constructed language) &/or make up an alphabet or syllabary, you could try making your own font (useful tools are Calligraphr, Birdfont, Fontstruct), you could edit sprites via MS Paint (&/or other image editing programs of choice), make your own from scratch, learn to animate your drawings/paintings/spritework & make either videos or just simple looped .GIFs (or .APNGs, those also exist, surprisingly)... oh, writing or reading a textwall on the internet, those are ALSO options ;Þ

2 answers

You stop waiting for someone else to tell you what to do and you figure out for yourself what to do. Make a list of things you would like to learn to do. Would you like to learn to draw? Jump rope? Shoot baskets? Sing? Learn French? You have access to a computer. You can learn a foreign language. Make a list of what you want to do. You are bored because you have not yet taken control of your own life. You are sitting and waiting for life to come to you.

2 answers

Varna in Sanskrit means color. Like colors, Varnas make Hindu life highly colorful or diverse. Colors help in identification of objects and Varnas enable a Hindu to know the nature of the person he is dealing with.

Varnas are mentioned in the Vedas and in the Bhagavadgita.

The four Hindu Varnas:

In Hinduism there are four Varnas.

They are,

1. Brahmana Varna:

1. In this Varna all the activities are linked together and thus there is just one activity called life. Thus, we would not have any freedom

2. We can use this Varna under ideal conditions only.

3. If used under difficult conditions, we have to hibernate in a dream world. Thus, we must have a huge volume of mythology

4. We can't tell lies, cheat. Any way, under ideal conditions, they are not needed.

2. Kshatriya Varna:

1. In this Varna our fortunes would fluctuate between an upper and a lower limit.

2. This Varna is an epitome of Varnas. From this Varna we can have a glimpse of all the four Varnas. Thus, even though Brahmana Varna is above this, this Varna is more suited for the ruling class

3. Vaishya Varna:

1. We use this Varna under tolerable conditions

2. We have to imitate either Brahmanas and/ or Kshatriyas

4. Shudra Varna:

1. We use it under chaotic conditions.

2. This Varna would give exaggerated freedom

3. In this Varna everything is transient. Thus, we can't have a permanent job or assets.

Varnas and Yugas:

It must be mentioned here that the nature of the people of the four Varnas would correspond precisely with the nature of the people in the four Yugas.

1. Brahmana Varna - Krita Yuga

2. Kshatriya Varna - Treta Yuga

3. Vaishya Varna - Dwapara Yuga

4. Shudra Varna - Kali Yuga.

Origin of Varnas:

1. Varnas evolved from modes. Changing of mode would transform ones entire life in a split second and this could be done many times a day. This would make both individual life and the society highly unstable. Thus, both for the benefit of the individual and the society, the modes were banned and replaced with Varnas. This means one Varna for prolonged periods.

2. Varnas are not unique to Hinduism. All human beings would be using the Varnas.

3. Since Varnas are invisible a Hindu had to select an occupation that best suits his Varna. Thus, Varnas occupations indirectly started determining Varnas.

Changing of Varnas:

It is often mentioned that one can change his Varna

1. Through good Karma.

2. By marrying a woman of a different Varna.

However, what is needed to increase ones Varna is the intention to lose freedom. This is because Shudra Varna has maximum freedom and Brahmana Varna has the least freedom.

Moksha is actually the freedom to change Varna. Since changing of Varnas is banned Karma, Moksha, Brahman, etc look mysterious to us.

Thus, Varnas are lifestyles that enable us to live under varying living conditions. They have nothing to do with occupations.

Varna in Sanskrit means color. Just like colors enable us to identify objects, Varnas enable a Hindu to identify people of four different types.

Contrary to popular belief, Varnas are not based on occupation but on efficiency of people.


According to Rigveda 1. 10. 90. 12, The Brahmana originated from the mouth of Purusha, Kshatriya from his arms, Vaishyas from his thighs and Shudras from his feet.

People who use reasoning, and not logic, to interpret this mantra come to the conclusion that Brahmanas artificially created Varnas to exploit people of lower Varnas.

The Four Varnas:

Shudra Varna: A Hindu uses this Varna under chaotic conditions. Therefore, a Shudra has no rules to follow. He would have a constantly and highly varying status and, therefore, no ability to think. Therefore, he has to depend on Hindus of higher Varnas.

As things become better he must have an upper limit for his activities.

Vaishya Varna: As things become tolerable the Shudra converts his upper limit into a lower limit and thus becomes a Vaishya. Thus, in contrast to a Shudra, a Vaishya must maintain minimum standards in life but can aim at anything higher.

Kshatriya Varna: As living conditions become normal, the Vaishya adds an upper limit to the lower limit he already has. Thus, a Kshatriya would have an upper limit and a lower limit for his activities. Therefore, he would be more disciplined than a Shudra or a Vaishya.

Brahmana Varna: As living conditions become ideal, the Kshatriya raises his lower limit to make it become one with his upper limit. This would convert him into a Brahmana. Thus, a Brahmana would have absolutely no freedom at all.

However, he needs no freedom as he would be living under ideal conditions.

We can use any Varna for any occupation. However,

1. Shudra Varna is best suited for odd jobs.

2. Vaishya Varna is best suited for business

3. Kshatriya Varna is best suited for ruling because it has features of all Varnas.

4. Brahmana Varna is best suited for priests because when life is chaotic they must use other means (rituals and mythology) to appear eternally comfortable.

Change of occupation would leave the Varna unaffected.

Karma is the variation in the facilitating/ retarding force of our life that leads to transformation (Reincarnation) of an activity every time it is re executed. For this reason, Karma is highest in Shudra Varna and least in Brahmana Varna. It is for this reason that we must keep having higher Varnas to attain Moksha.

Brahmana has authority and Shudra has freedom, both of which are equally desirable.

A Brahmana can claim that his living conditions are chaotic and start using freedom, without surrendering his authority. A Shudra can claim that his living conditions have become ideal and thus use authority without surrendering his freedom.

Since frequent changes of Varnas made both individual life and the Hindu society unstable, change of Varnas was banned and it was replaced with the more rigid castes.

Thus, Varnas are four different life styles of four different levels of efficiency.

1 answer

Religion is a way of living and Hinduism is one of the oldest religion which has absorbed different qualities and added to its existing way over long time. Basically Hindusim has reshaped itself with each incarnation of God in the human form e.g. Ram , krishn, Buddha etc. Just like Christianity was established by Jesus and since then has been reinvented into various branches such as Catholic and Protestant etc; Hinduism has enriched itself over and over again with each incarnation of God over very very long period of time. Also, Hinduism believe that god is omnipresent so we should respect all forms of life. Idol worship is practised to established the concentration for formless God. There is really a lot more to this.. i wish i had time.

8 answers

First View:

Hinduism was discovered in India in the early Harappan period by the Vedas. They had migrated to India with the religion and it has since grown to be the worlds third largest religion.

Second View:

Hinduism was started or founded by an institution of Seven Sages called Saptarishis. Just as we have Pope for Christianity today, Hinduism, from the beginning, had an institution of seven sages who were the patriarchs of the Vedic religion. They very strictly guarded the Vedic body of knowledge, and the copy of the Vedas available to them was considered to be the final copy. They were considered as God's manifestation on earth, and their word was the final authority in religious matters.

Any changes to the Vedas were needed to be approved by this elite group of sages. If the reasons were justified, they approved the changes and incorporated them into the Vedas. Otherwise, they rejected it and kept the Vedas intact without any contamination. From what appears, they were extremely strict about changes to the Vedas. Even to this day of Hinduism, a word in Veda is normally considered as the final authority to the literal T. And this faith in Vedas was built upon a tradition where the Vedas were very strictly and jealously guarded from any changes whatsoever, unless the change really justified it. Some super human justification was required to have them changed. Any changes, to the extent possible, were always added as appendages rather than their being incorporated into the Vedas. So we have Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads as appendages to the Vedas. As more and more philosophy developed, all of them got incorporated into this body as appendages.

It is this institution of seven sages that expended large amount of effort over thousands of years in unifying a large number of traditions from across continents and civilizations into one universal religion of Hinduism that we see today. The Hindu trinity, the Hindu divine hierarchy, the Hindu festivals, and everything else that we see today was formulated by them. It is they who declared Ram and Krishna to be the incarnations of Vishnu. It is they who inserted Purusha Sukta, Narayana Sukta, and Sri Sukta into the Vedas.

The names of the SaptaRishis carried over from one generation to the next. For example, if Kasyap dies, his son would take on the name of Kasyap and get inducted into the SaptaRishis. Once in a while, for some reason, like one of the seven rishis dying without having any children, the names of the one or more of the rishis changed, giving us a different set of SaptaRishis.

The religion got so excessively dependent on these sages that they started being considered as the representatives of the creator on earth. This slowly led to their deification and they started being mythicized. They were declared as the mind born sons of Brahma. Subsequently, they were equated with the most evolved light beings in the creation and the guardians of divine laws. Further deification of their attributes lead to the addition of more and more myths and halo around them. This sort of excessive mythicization finally lead to the relegation of this institution from the purview of the real world into the realm of mythology.

This institution got destroyed at the time of the three hundred year severe drought of 2200 BC. At that time, most of the Indians, devastated by the drought, left India for foreign shores, especially to European lands. Because of the severe suffering that people underwent because of the drought, people lost faith in a useless God who did not answer their prayers, leading to the rise of atheistic cults on the subcontinent. The institution of seven sages got destroyed in this religious upheaval, as a result of which, the origins of Hinduism have once and for all become lost in the dungeons of time.

(Excerpts from book "19000 Years of World History")

For more on Hinduism: #1


There is no historical evidence for the origin of Hinduism. Therefore, any one who wants to know about how it started, must look for it in the oldest Hindu scripture, the Rig Veda.


1. Rig Veda was composed between 1700 to 1100 BC in the north western India.

2. It has no mention of idols, temples, rituals, beliefs and code of conduct.

3. Rig Vedic mantras are based on Vedic meditation, which are nothing but isometric exercises.

4. Indra, the Hindu god of dreaming is the most important god of Rig Veda.


Hinduism is based on the fact that life would be ideal if all activities of life are interlinked and any new activity is accepted if and only if it is compatible with the interlinked giant activity.

1. Yajna was this isometric experimentation of compatibility testing.

2. Karma was incompatibility of an activity with rest of the activities of life.

3. Reincarnation was the transformation that occurred in the activity every time it was repeated, to make it compatible with rest of the activities.

4. Moksha was the state at which all activities of life were mutually compatible, and would result in unimaginable freedom


Since all activities of life were interlinked it was not possible to tell lies, cheat, steal, etc. because that would adversely affected all the activities of life.

The interlinking of all activities of life was done through Vedic meditation, which were isometric exercises.

Thus, the Brahmana Varna and Krita Yuga started.

1. It is the golden era of Hinduism.

2. In this stage Hinduism was a way of life rather than a religion, with no god, temple, rituals, beliefs or code of conduct

3. Appeasing god within was through Vedic meditation.

4. It is also known as Sanathana Dharma.

5. This stage of Hinduism can't be understood by a layman.

6. Hinduism, at this stage was suitable for people leading an ideal life only.

To make Hinduism acceptable to all, it was modified in every Yuga, which resulted in deterioration of the quality of life.

6 answers

Eleni Apostolopoulou has: Played Zoi in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Kaiti in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Russian Girl in "Nyfes" in 2004. Performed in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Roi Anastasiadou in "Ta paidia tis Niovis" in 2004. Played Zeta in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Giota in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Hristina in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Tania in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Stella in "10i entoli" in 2004. Played Artemis in "I gynaika einai... skliros anthropos" in 2005. Played Aspa Demertzi in "Oi istories tou astynomou Beka" in 2006. Performed in "Deligianneion Parthenagogeion" in 2007. Played Julia in "Se eida..." in 2008. Played Hristina Roussou in "Mavra mesanyhta" in 2008. Played Natasa in "Paris kai Eleni" in 2008. Played TV reporter in "Lost Toys" in 2010. Played Despina in "The Telemachy" in 2012.

7 answers