Khem Lata Wakhlu has written:
'Kashmir, behind the white curtain, 1972-1991' -- subject(s): Politics and government
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mighty male warrior = loh-KHEM ah-DEER (לוחם אדיר)mighty female warrior = loh-KHEM-et ah-dee-RA (לוחמת אדירה)
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Khem B. Bista has written:
'Bibliography on rural development in Nepal' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Rural development
'Garment industry in Nepal' -- subject(s): Clothing trade
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low-KHEM. the kh is a guttural sound and the accent is on the second syllable.
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aleichem (עליכ×) is pronounounced ah-LAY-khem. kh is a guteral sound.
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Approximately 5,100 people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Ban Nam Khem, Thailand.
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Its a reputed Business School in India n Dubai.... Institute of Management Technology....
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mazal tov lishneichem (מזל טוב ×œ×©× ×™×›×)
pronounced: mah-ZAHL tohv lee SHNAY-khem
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mah-ZAHL tohv ahl hah nee-soo-EEN sheh-lah-khem (the kh is a guttural sound.)
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Africa( akebulan),land of punt,land of Canaan,Ham,Khem, all these ancient names before the arrival of the Roman empire who first traded with the ancients
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The cast of OMG khun phi chuay - 2013 includes: Kohtee Aramboy as Yan Sudarat Butrprom as Kitty Kom Chauncheun as Khem Sirin Horwang as Bee Sakuntala Thianphairot as Wan
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To a male: sheh-ah-hah-vaht-kha tahtsli'ahkh (ש×הבתך תצליח)
To a female: sheh-ah-hah-vah-tekh tahtsli'ahkh (ש×הבתך תצליח)
To a opposite-sex couple: sheh-ah-hah-vaht-khem tahtsli'ahkh (ש××”×‘×ª×›× ×ª×¦×œ×™×—)
To a same-sex male couple: sheh-ah-hah-vaht-khem tahtsli'ahkh (ש××”×‘×ª×›× ×ª×¦×œ×™×—)
To a same-sex female couple: sheh-ah-hah-vaht-khen tahtsli'ahkh (ש×הבתכן תצליח)
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HorseIsle Answer --> A soothsayer
I believe it was Thoth of Khem, the messenger god sent it. The Egyptians originally came up with that verse in their inscriptions. I could be wrong though. It means Horus, the god of the full moon and water under Pisces will escape into the sea because of his counterpart Set the god of the desert.
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You could say "slee-KHAH ah-doe-NEE. KOL ha-kah-VODE lah-KHEM."
3 answers
Than Thanakorn has: Performed in "Taloompuk" in 2002. Played Tan in "Phii seua samut" in 2006. Played Yai Thaareu in "Thai Theep" in 2006. Played Khem in "FB: Fighting Beat" in 2007. Played Pray in "Siyama" in 2008. Played Lampoon in "Edge of the Empire" in 2010.
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The most common way to say have a good trip or bon voyage is:
Nesiyá tová (נסיעה טובה)
You don't usually insert the name of the destination, but if you wanted to, you could say:
Nesiyá tová le-Yisrael (נסיעה טובה לישראל)
4 answers
The best response is still "ah-lay-KHEM shah-LOME" .
(Compare with the Arabic greeting and response.)
Although, if you're really pressed for time, or you don't have any patience
for small talk, you can simply mumble "GAHM lah-KHEM" ... "to you too".
5 answers
"sha-LOME ah-lay-KHEM"
(For a treat, compare it to the Arabic.)
4 answers
The sentiment is most often expressed with the phrase "tsayt-KHEM l'shah-LOME",
literally "Go to peace".
7 answers
Students studying biochemistry typically learn about the chemical processes and principles underlying biological systems, such as metabolism, genetics, and molecular biology. They may also explore advanced topics like protein structure, enzyme kinetics, and bioinformatics. Biochemistry students often conduct laboratory research to gain hands-on experience in these areas.
3 answers
The cast of Ti sam khuen sam 3D - 2014 includes: Hataichat Eurkittiroj as Lenin Patty Hokari as Koy Supanart Jittaleela as Khem Intach Leorakwong as Bozo Ray MacDonald as Rang Apapattra Meesang as Mai Sinjai Plengpanit as Boss Juju Thawat Pornrattanaprasert as Tar Pongsatorn Sripinta as Mod Pichasini Tanwiboon as Sister Jirawat Wachirasarunpat as Boss Kow
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The cast of Prisoners of the Sun - 2013 includes: Joss Ackland as Prof. Mendella Mohamed Akhzam as Prof. Hayden Masterton Right hand Edy Arellano as Sahid Ahmed Boulane as Pharao consort David Charvet as Doug Adler Gulshan Grover as Rohit Katherine Heath as Jemila Emily Holmes as Claire Becket Nick Moran as Adam Prime Isabella Orlowska as Heather Cedric Proust as Al Khem Ayut Mummy Shane Richie as Kalfhani
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The word bethlehem is from the Hebrew beth lechemwhich means either house of bread or house of [the god] Lahm. from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980
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This is seen in levidicus chapter 20 verse 8.
There have been many translators but recent studies have lead to ground breaking translations.
Hebrew: meqad-dish-khem
Greece: ho ha-gi-a'zon hy-mas'
Latin : Qui sanc-ti'fi-ca vos
The translation of these words, when observed together and used in conjuction of the sentace in the verse, would say
"I am Jehovah, who is sanctifying you."
[possibly] "... who is holding you sacred"
[possibly] "... who is treating you as holy"
Ultimatly, this verse is saying that Jehovah will sanctify, or save and make pure, his chosen race, the humans.
1 answer
This is seen in levidicus chapter 20 verse 8.
There have been many translators but recent studies have lead to ground breaking translations.
Hebrew: meqad-dish-khem
Greece: ho ha-gi-a'zon hy-mas'
Latin : Qui sanc-ti'fi-ca vos
The translation of these words, when observed together and used in conjuction of the sentace in the verse, would say
"I am Jehovah, who is sanctifying you."
[possibly] "... who is holding you sacred"
[possibly] "... who is treating you as holy"
Ultimatly, this verse is saying that Jehovah will sanctify, or save and make pure, his chosen race, the humans.
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An ancient name of Egypt was Kemt (Khemia in Greek), of which one interpretation is "the land of Khem" (Ham). However, Ham had four sons, and Egypt was settled by just one of the four (Genesis ch.10). The entirety of lands settled by Ham's descendants include (among others) all of ancient Africa (before the Arabs' arrival in north Africa), Philistia, Lebanon (Phoenicia), Chalcis, Cappadochia, a part of Turkey (Bogazkoi), part of the population of Canaan (before the Israelites) and of Sumeria, and many other far-flung (Genesis 10:18) lands.
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"Bethlehem" is one of the many words that King James' council of translators
decided to leave in the original Hebrew, or close to it, for their English translation
of the Old Testament.
It's two words in the Hebrew, pronounced "BEYT LEH-khem" and meaning literally
"house of bread".
Here are a few more Hebrew words that were imported into the King James translation
with little or no change from Hebrew:
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob,
Joseph, Simon, Asher, Dinah, Judah, Benjamin, Joshua, David, Michael, Gabriel,
Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethesda, behemoth, leviathan.
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The Hebrew word beth means house.
The English name Beth is a nickname for Elizabeth, which means "my god is an oath".
9 answers
It actually means 'Land of the Black Faces."
KMT -- It actually means 'Black Land" meaning fertile. KMTians were a Name for what we now call Ancient Egyptians (Greekword Aegyptos). KMT denotes the color of the land not the skin.
Some opine that KMT meant "Land of Ham." This debate falls on the information that Ham, who was one of the three sons of Noah and the direct ancestor of the Egyptians, was black. This debate would say KMT is a derivative of the word "Khem" (Cham or Ham).
3 answers
It depends on how you read the question.
Part 1
If "lost his family" is a euphemism for "his family died", then the following two answers are words to say to such a mourner.
Answer 1
you would say "barúch dayán ha emét" (ברוך דיין האמת)
Answer 2
While baruch dayan ha'emet is appropriate, it is usually the mourners themselves who say it. Those speaking to the mourners say Hamakom yenachem etchem betokh shar aveilei tsion virushalayim (המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים) (the "ch" is a soft rasping sound, while the "kh" is a harder rasp.)
Part 2
If "lost his family" literally means that he and his family are in different locations and he does not know how to find them, you may wish to say: Bo na'azor lekha lekhapés et ha-mishpakha shelkha (בוא נעזור לך לחפש את המשפחה שלך) - It means "Let's help you search for your family."
2 answers
The word "chemistry" comes from the ancient Greek word "khemia," which referred to the study of the transmutation of base metals into gold, often associated with alchemy. Over time, the term evolved to encompass the scientific study of the composition, structure, properties, and changes of matter.
9 answers
Literally, 'good day' would be "YOME TOVE" ('day good'), but that's only used to refer to holidays.
Greetings are:
When meeting:
Good morning: "BO-kehr TOVE"
Good afternoon: "tsah-hah-RAH-yim TOVE"
Good evening or night: "LIE-lah TOVE"
Any time of day: "shah-LOME", or "shah-LOME ah-lay-KHEM"
When parting:
Bye bye: "shah-LOME", or "L'HEET-rah-OAT" (to see [you] again)
7 answers
to a male: ×’× ×©×™×”×™×” ×©×œ×•× ×¢×œ×™×š, חבר (gam sheyihyeh shalom alekha, khaver)
to a female: ×’× ×©×™×”×™×” ×©×œ×•× ×¢×œ×™×š, חברה (gam sheyihyeh shalom alayikh, khavera)
9 answers
One of the most sacred, holy place in Hindu mythology. Located at the junction of Krishna Gandaki and Sapta Gandaki in Central Nepal. Its 7 km from Narayngarh, 8 km from Bharatpur, 20 km from Sauraha (another tourist city) and around 200 km southwest from Kathmandu City in Nepal. It has superior natural attraction, excellent climate all around the year. Its the place for BANAPRASTHA in Hindu culture. Habilitates many retirement homes. It contains several natural caves, goddess Sita cave, Radha Krishna, Laxmi Narayan, Shankar, Sita Ram temples, Bageswari Temple, Laxmi Narayan Divya Dham, Maula Kalika Temple etc. Its the place of Hindu sadhus and santa. It has three high schools, one post-graduate college, one ayurvedic health post. Health check up at Allopathic clinic is regularly conducted on weekly basis by different health institutions. Its also a proposed site for Sapta Gandaki Hydropower Project of Government of Nepal. Few renowned personalities of this places are Swami Aatmananda Giri, Swami Gyananda Saraswati, Khem Raj Keshav Sharan Maharaj, Gopal Sharan Devacharya, Laxmi Sharan Paudel, Ruk Mini Sharan, Dilli Rama Baba, Dr Krishna Prasad Khanal, Dr Guru Prasad Subedi etc. This city is surrounded by tropical forest rich in many flora of ayurbedic importance, fauna and is the habitat for rare one horned rhinocerous, royal Bengal tigers.
1 answer
The practice of alchemy was at its peak during the medieval and Renaissance periods, particularly between the 13th and 17th centuries. Alchemists during this time made significant strides in the development of chemical processes and equipment, laying the foundation for modern chemistry.
2 answers
Alchemy was a quasi-science that centered on the inherent powers of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. The idea was that varying combinations of these 4 basic common materials would provide one the makings of any element in existence. Alchemy was first utilized in Khem, the ancient name for Egypt (Al-Kimiya), and although they are far removed in time and sophistication, and at the time didn't know it, practitioners provided the foundation for modern chemistry. Finally, chemistry replaced it completely, over a relatively brief time span, thanks to the intellectual tsunami that was the Renaissance.
Of the more legendary aspects of Alchemy, the most common belief is that by mixing the proper materials in the right proportions and performing certain secret rituals, lead or any other metal could be turned into gold. Another prominent belief was that, in like manner the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical rock thought to possess the capacity to prolong the owner's lifespan, could be produced.
At their developmental peak, alchemists were practicing a primitive form of chemistry. Like modern chemists, they were isolating and identifying elements and compounds, and learning and documenting how they interacted with each other. As scientific understanding grew it was realized that there was nothing magical or supernatural about the processes, but rather that they were natural chemical reactions which followed predictable natural laws. Hence, few people in modern times believe that lead can be turned into gold or that there is a mystical Philosophers Stone which can grant the holder great knowledge and power.
One of the famous sayings of Alchemy is, Aurum Nostrum Non Vulgi (Our gold is not that of the common man); this refers to the idea that, at least for many Alchemists, it was more a spiritual search than a scientific one (although alchemists did make significant contributions to chemical knowledge). Alchemy reached its peak in Europe at a time when any religious dissent could get you into trouble with religious authorities. Particularly vulnerable, were those who felt that their spiritual development was their own personal business. Carl Jung, using alchemy as an analogy, identified it with his process of Individuation, and there are certainly similarities.
Alchemy is a tradition whose practitioners believe that is is the precursor to very profound powers.
4 answers
As I'm sure you're aware preventing a tsunami occurring will never be practically possible, so efforts have been focused on disaster management and early warning systems.
The Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 devastated coastal communities, predominately in the south-east (the state of Tamil Nadu was particularly affected) and India for a while was the third-worst affected country: Over 10,000 people died in India alone and a large proposition of the 985,000 people may experience symptoms such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
With this in mind, in the immediate aftermath, The Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation Coordination was established in January 2005 to organize state level discussions on state-civil society partnership, observing human rights and the situation for tsunami-affected children.
The Indian Prime Minister's National Relief Fund was established by Manmohan Singh to help fund the relief effort.
As well as dealing with the considerable internal problems, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, in partnership with the Indian defence forces and the Home Ministry, coordinated relief operations to other badly affected countries such as Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia.
Further down the line, India played an important role in the meetings and conferences of UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) as its Incident Command System (ICS) (an all-hazards system used to swiftly launch clear and operative expertise and coordination power in emergencies) has been used successfully for years in India as well as the US. Improvements have been made to this system since.
NGOs (Non-Government organisations) have been allowed to work on identifying practical steps to guarantee that civic concerns are better incorporated into public strategies.
Booklets on Tsunami awareness, using an old Japanese story "Inamura-no-hi" about tsunamis have been distributed.
India has worked with UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) to develop community-based approaches and start initiatives to evaluate community-based mechanisms for disaster preparation and to fortify propagation mechanisms of early warnings to populations as well as record and circulate lessons learned and good practices for 2004. This goes hand in hand with All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) and UNISDR work on spreading micro-finance initiatives as they help in tsunami risk mitigation and speed recovery in affected areas.
5 answers
This notion of nubia juxtoposing egypt is a fallacy.
The descriptive term Nubian is a post dynastic Greco-Roman concept derivation from mdw- ntr word 'nub' which essentially means 'gold'
Nubia has always been in Egypt; one can hardly divorce them from each other.
'Nubians' were not one group of people but consisted of various groups, some looked like southern Sudanese while others looked like ancient Egyptians as well as other Africans.
The ancient Egyptians specified the various groups with names like Kush, Setjau, Wawat, Medjay, Irem, Kaau, etc.
Achievements of The Nubian civilization
Black people were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the technological age. Mathematics, physics, astronomy, building in stone and bricks, metallurgy and all the root subjects that were necessary to push the world into today's modern age, were begun by Blacks in Egypt, Nubia-Kush, Mesopotamia, Sabea and Black Naga India. Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans and Chinese. For example, the Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries) came from the scientific discoveries of Blacks in Egypt and Nubia-Kush.
Most Western European scientific discoveries or rather copies of the original discoveries of Africans and Chinese were put to use during the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. It was during this crucial period that some of the great scientific and technological discoveries and inventions were made. Yet, these discoveries and inventions were and are merely improvements on ancient discoveries made by Africans, Chinese and Black Kushite Arabs. For example, gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives. Steel was invented by Africans in ancient Tanzania, where ancient cone-like blast furnaces with bellows still exist to this very day and are still used. The hydraulic pump for lifting water and irrigation was invented by Africans in Egypt
1 answer
It depends on who you're talking to. If you are talking to someone who you would speak properly with (or with more than one person), you say Ո՞նց եք (Vonts ek?). If you are speaking with one person, and they are familiar, you say Ո՞նց ես (Vonts es?). Hope this helps...I'm not Armenian but I lived there for two years and have been speaking for over three...
The aforementioned is correct! Although another way of saying "how are you" in Armenian is: 1. "Inchpes ek" used in a formal and/or plural context. 2. "Inchpes es" used in an informal and/or singular context.
9 answers
The phrase "God bless you" will change depending on to whom you are speaking.
If speaking to a non-traditional Jew, you would say:
(to a male): "Sheh-Elohim Yivarech Otcha"
(to a female): "Sheh-Elohim Yivarech Otach"
to an Orthodox (or non-Orthodox traditional) Jew, you would say:
(to a male): "Sheh-Hashem Yivarech Otcha"
(to a female): "Sheh-Hashem Yivarech Otach"
For the phrase "God be with you", substitute the verb "Yihyeh" for "Yivarech".
Remember that the ch is the harsh gutteral sound as in German, not the sh sound as the French read it.
11 answers
Udom Chouncheun has: Played Ta Meun in "Ong-bak" in 2003. Performed in "Duk dum dui" in 2003. Performed in "Lob phee phee mai lob" in 2003. Played Phuuyai Thep in "Monrak roi lan" in 2004. Performed in "8E88 Fan Lanla" in 2010.
3 answers
Michael Bates has: Played Bardolph in "For the Children" in 1946. Played Starveling in "BBC Sunday-Night Theatre" in 1950. Played Sgt. Blair in "The Teckman Biography" in 1953. Played Servant in "Clementina" in 1954. Played himself in "The Stratford Adventure" in 1954. Played Major Broke-Smith in "Carrington V.C." in 1955. Played Captain Alan Gerard in "ITV Television Playhouse" in 1955. Played Jimmy in "Dixon of Dock Green" in 1955. Performed in "Armchair Theatre" in 1956. Played Joe Watson in "Emergency-Ward 10" in 1957. Played Froome in "Dunkirk" in 1958. Played Will The Simple in "Ivanhoe" in 1958. Played Alec Peters in "No Hiding Place" in 1959. Played Old Colonel in "Mother Courage and Her Children" in 1959. Played Corporal Bates in "The Four Just Men" in 1959. Played Percy in "Comedy Playhouse" in 1961. Played Blamire in "Comedy Playhouse" in 1961. Played Joe in "The Saint" in 1962. Played Khem Singh in "The Indian Tales of Rudyard Kipling" in 1963. Performed in "The Dick Emery Show" in 1963. Played The Admi in "The Indian Tales of Rudyard Kipling" in 1963. Played Tommy in "Thursday Theatre" in 1964. Played Shpichelsky in "Theatre 625" in 1964. Played Insp. Mole in "Cluff" in 1964. Played Mike MacFarland in "The Wednesday Play" in 1964. Played Joe in "The Wednesday Play" in 1964. Played Professor Godbole in "BBC Play of the Month" in 1965. Performed in "Thirty-Minute Theatre" in 1965. Played George in "Public Eye" in 1965. Played Duke of Donkeyton in "Mr. John Jorrocks" in 1966. Played Macauley in "Intrigue" in 1966. Played Inspector Clarke in "Bedazzled" in 1967. Played Delacroix in "Man in a Suitcase" in 1967. Played Mr. Ambekar in "ITV Playhouse" in 1967. Played Eustace Cartwright in "NBC Experiment in Television" in 1967. Played Harold Radcliff in "ITV Playhouse" in 1967. Played Inspector Crabbe in "Salt and Pepper" in 1968. Played Antrobus in "Stiff Upper Lip" in 1968. Played Mr. McGregor in "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" in 1968. Played himself in "This Is Your Life" in 1969. Played Fred in "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" in 1969. Played Reginald Todd in "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" in 1969. Played George in "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" in 1969. Played Ras Lal Punjabi in "The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder" in 1969. Played Norman Stanhope in "Mr. Digby Darling" in 1969. Played Warrant Officer Warwick in "Battle of Britain" in 1969. Played Magistrate in "Every Home Should Have One" in 1970. Played Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery in "Patton" in 1970. Played himself in "Oh in Colour" in 1970. Played Arthur in "Play for Today" in 1970. Performed in "Ryan International" in 1970. Played Sgt. Wilfreds in "The Misfit" in 1970. Performed in "All My Own Army" in 1970. Played Mr. Spimm in "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer" in 1970. Played Tom Binsey in "Man at the Top" in 1970. Played Chief Superintendent Shepherd in "Menace" in 1970. Played Colonel Sandstream in "The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes" in 1971. Played Chief Guard in "A Clockwork Orange" in 1971. Played Edward in "Jason King" in 1971. Played The Gasman in "Six Dates with Barker" in 1971. Played Minces Nutty in "Budgie" in 1971. Played Mr. Christmas in "Lollipop Loves Mr Mole" in 1971. Played Eddie Holmes in "The Stone Tape" in 1972. Played Sergeant Spearman in "Frenzy" in 1972. Played Griffen in "The Man Outside" in 1972. Performed in "Kamikaze in a Coffee Bath" in 1973. Played Blamire in "Last of the Summer Wine" in 1973. Played Von Ludendorff in "Fall of Eagles" in 1974. Performed in "Lulu" in 1975. Played Reg Forrester in "Comedy Premiere" in 1975. Played Madman in "The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones" in 1976. Played Reg Forrester in "Honey" in 1977. Played Narrator in "Hokusai: An Animated Sketchbook" in 1978. Performed in "Heroes of Comedy" in 1995. Played Rangi Ram in "Comedy Connections" in 2003.
1 answer