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No. Paternity is entirely irrelevant as a criteria for Jewishness; Jewishness passes through the mother.

1 answer

Zvi Bekerman has written:

'The social construction of Jewishness'

1 answer

Israel has so many rabbis. Ask your family and friends.

1 answer

Sarah Jessica Parker's father is Jewish and her mother is not Jewish. Sarah has shown some identification with Jewishness.

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King David was the greatest king of the Jews, and Jesus is from Davids line.

2 answers

In "The Color of Water," Ruth's strong belief in education was influenced by her Jewish upbringing, which placed a high value on education as a means of empowerment and success. Ruth's Jewish identity also shaped her determination to overcome obstacles and pursue education as a way to break free from societal limitations and discrimination. Ultimately, Ruth's sense of education and her Jewishness intertwined to drive her resilience and pursuit of a better life for herself and her children.

1 answer

If they're religious Jews they follow Judaism.

But because Jewishness is a cultural as well as religious category, it's also possible to be a secular or atheistic Jew, as well as a Jewish convert to another religion.

1 answer

The main way to become a Jew is to inherit it from a Jewish mother. (You cannot inherit Jewishness from a father.) So this requires that there must have been girl Jews for as long as there have been any Jews, including in ancient times.

1 answer

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 formalized existing criteria. The key points were as follows:

  • 3 or 4 Jewish grandparents - full Jew
  • 2 Jewish grandparent - half Jew
  • 1 Jewish grandparent - quarter Jew

1 answer

This goes back to the beginning of the circumcision rite, which was given in Genesis ch.17. It must be remembered that this was a mitzva (command) from G-d and hence it means that if one is circumcised, he has obeyed the command.

Another reason could be for identity purpose. This identified the people of God as sanctified.

One can add that this clearly shows the Jewishness of the the circumcised.

1 answer

Palestinian Arabs have different opinions on this matter. While 54.8% of Palestinian Arabs living in Judea and Samaria say they support the two- state solution, Arabs in Gaza are fiercely opposed to it.

An acting Chairman of the PA Legislative Council and Hamas member Ahmad Bahar warned that accepting a Jewish state was tantamount to betrayal and a crime. "Someone who accepts the Jewishness of the state [of Israel] betrays Allah, his messenger and believers. The significance of the Jewishness of the state is that the Palestinians don't exist. …it means recognizing Jewish existence in the land of Palestine," he said.

"Even recognition of two states is a crime against the Palestinian cause. The state that the Jews want is a state in which we will be servants, messengers, of the Jews. And one who accepts this is betraying Allah, his messenger, and [Muslim] believers. We will not accept and not recognize a state for the Jews here on Palestinian land! We will not recognize it!

1 answer

the porblem is that as their being homeless, records about them would be hard to come by. They would have been convicted of being anti-social, so statistics about them would be there, it would take someone too long to go through all of the court records to find out how many were homeless.

Of course homeless Jews would not have been classified separately from other Jews as it was only their Jewishness that mattered.

1 answer

The Holocaust was about race, not religion. However, religion was used as an indicator of race, so anyone with a Jewish grandparent was regarded as a Jew. The Nazis established three 'degree' of 'Jewishness':

  • Three of four Jewish grandparents - 'full Jew'
  • Two Jewish grandparents - 'half Jew'
  • One Jewish grandparent - 'quarter Jew'

So, regardless of your religion, if you had three or four Jewish grandparents, you were in big trouble in Nazi Germany.

1 answer

There is no surname that is used only by Jews. There are many surnames that are used both by Jews and non-Jews.

Therefore, any surname that is used by a Jewish family is Jewish, and any surname that is used by a non-Jewish family is not Jewish. So any surname can be both Jewish and non-Jewish at the same time.

2 answers

Yes. His acquisition of Jewishness occurs at the moment of birth, when he would not yet have been circumcised anyway.

Continuing to be uncircumcised is a halakhic (Jewish legal) problem within Judaism, but a person does not forgo their Jewish nature or identity by failing to live up to the halakhah. There are, however, one or two commandments which an uncircumcised Jew may not take part in (such as offering the Passover sacrifice) on account of his failure to get circumcised (assuming it was by choice).

1 answer

That depends on your religion. If you are Jewish, then it is on the 7th day of the week, when God rested after creation, which is Saturday. If you are Christian, it is on the 1st day of the week, the day Jesus rose from the dead, which is Sunday.

2 answers

Because the child would at least get part of the Jewishness.

the child wouldn't be 100% Jewish but they would still be considered somewhat half.


A child born to a Jewish woman and non-Jewish man is 100% Jewish. Jewish law states that religion is through the mother because of a number of statements in the Tanach (Jewish Bible).

Deuteronomy 7:1-5

Leviticus 24:10

Ezra 10:2-3

1 answer

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 established three categories of 'Jewishness':

1. 'Full Jews' - three or four Jewish grandparents; also anyone who belonged to a Jewish congregation.

2. 'Half Jews' - two Jewish grandparents.

3. 'Quarter Jews' - only one Jewish grandparent.

(For membership of the SS one was supposed to show that one had no Jewish ancestors since 1750).

Before the passing of the Nuremberg Laws, the criteria were haphazard.

Anyone with more than two Jewish grandparents and anyone who practised the Jewish religion. Subject to various conditions, people with one or two Jewish grandparents were classified as 'mischlings', that is 'mixed race', and their position was precarious.

4 answers

They had to keep their Jewishness to themselves, and not go into the outside world too often.

The answer to this question entirely depends on the time and place where a Jew lived. A Jew today in the United States or a Jew in 1100 in Toledo, Spain did not have to worry about being killed on account of their Judaism and as such were quite open about it. In Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, this was obviously not the case. In the case of Nazi Germany, Jews had to actively escape the country or find a way to get to the labor camps where they could push off their ultimate death. In the Soviet Union, they had to continually pretend to be atheists.

1 answer

about 0.23%
This is a difficult question to answer, it really depends who you class as a Jew.

according to the halakha a person's Jewishness is determined on the maternal side. although some people who are Jewish on their paternal side might concider themselves Jewish.

according to some statistics there are about 13 million Jews around the world as opposed to the proposed 17-18 million before world war II

which makes the percent of Jews around 0.2-0.18

3 answers

Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, FRS, lived from 21 December 1804

to 19 April 1881. He was British Prime Minister from February to December in 1868, and

again from February 1874 to April 1880.

Although born of Jewish parents, Disraeli was baptised in the Christian faith at

the age of twelve, and remained an observant Anglican for the rest of his life.

He was nonetheless the country's first and thus far only Prime Minister who was

born into a Jewish family.

In Adam Kirsch's biography of Disraeli, the author states that his Jewishness was

"both the greatest obstacle to his ambition and its greatest engine." Much of the

criticism of his policies was couched in anti-Semitic terms. He was depicted in some

antisemitic political cartoons with a big nose and curly black hair, called "Shylock"

and "abominable Jew", and portrayed in the act of ritually murdering the infant

Britannia. In response to an anti-Semitic comment in the British parliament, Disraeli

memorably defended his Jewishness with the statement, "Yes, I am a Jew, and

when the ancestors of the Right Honourable Gentleman were brutal savages in an

unknown island, mine were priests in the Temple of Solomon." One apocryphal

story states that Disraeli reconverted to Judaism on his deathbed.

1 answer

Under Orthodox law, the kids cannot be Jewish unless the mother is Jewish or they get a proper conversion from an Orthodox rabbi. This answer holds also for the Conservative Movement.

In 1983 the Reform Movement in the United States passed a resolution stating that a person with one Jewish parent is under a "presumption of Jewishness" which is confirmed by "public, timely acts" of identification. This has come to be called "patrilineal descent" or "equilineal descent." The Reconstructionist Movement, which is much smaller, also holds this view.

So whether or not the kids are considered Jewish, if their mother is not Jewish and their father is, depends on what Jewish community they are in.

1 answer

The main reason that people still maintain kosher homes is because the Torah commands it and as a demonstration of Jewishness. People have tried for many years to explain the logic behind kashrut (kosher laws), with attempts to show that they were intended to promote hygiene being especially popular - however,there is little evidence to support these claims and thus kashrut remains chukim, a name given to the category of Jewish law for which there is no obvious explanation.

So, in other words, there is no logical reason for keeping kosher other than that G-d asks us to and because that's what we as Jews do.

1 answer

No, Klara was not Jewish.

The only question concerning Hitler's possible Jewishness revolves around his father Alois, who was the illegitimate son of a woman called Maria Anna Schicklgruber. She had once worked as a maid for a Jew called Leopold Frankenberger and it has been suggested that he was the father of Hitler's father Alois. However, most historians disagree with this and say that Johann Heidler, a miller, was Alois' father. This Johann Heidler eventually married Maria and was legally declared the father of Alois.

It was Alois, Hitler's father, who later changed his name from Schicklgruber to Heidler (although this was written as Hitler due to spelling being not unified at that time).

1 answer


Answer:Matthew emphasizes Christ's public discourses to the "multitudes." John emphasizes His private discourses to His disciples (the twelve).

4 answers

Most likely yes. Swayze is a Jewish surname.

He also looks Jewish and many Jewish people become Buddhists either

to hide their Jewishness or because they are disenchanted with their

religion (which is essentially a 'works' based religion eg. scale one's

way to heaven and hope for the best at the judgment). (hopefully

Patrick Swayze accepted Yeshua HaMaschiach/Jesus as his personal

Jewish Divine Messiah and got 'born again' ... afterall, the Jewish Messiah

Jesus came to his own people first)

Yes, Swayze was most likely Jewish.

3 answers

The name "Cohen" (and variants) comes from a Hebrew word meaning "priest". By Jewish tradition, "Jewishness" is passed through the mother, not the father, so a Jewish man named Cohen who married a non-Jewish woman would have non-Jewish kids with the last name "Cohen". This isn't terribly common, as Jewish men have historically tended to marry predominantly Jewish women, but it's certainly possible for someone to have the last name Cohen and neither self-identify as "Jewish" nor be regarded by Jews (especially Orthodox Jews) as Jewish.

It's also certainly possible for someone to be ethnically Jewish, but not adhere to Judaism as a religion.

2 answers

Yes. The story can be read firstly in the first chapters of Luke's gospel. Luke was a doctor and friend of the evangelist Paul, who was given the task of collecting all the evidence together surrounding Jesus and putting it in an ordered fashion so that others would know categorically what had happened. Secondly, the story of the birth was also told by Matthew in his gospel, (again the first few chapters) who concentrated on the jewishness of Jesus and on how the ancient prophets predicted his arrival. In Matthew we also hear of the wise men from the east - an emphasis made by Matthew in order that the Jews should realise that Jesus was born for the gentiles (ie non-Jews eleswhere in the world) as well as the Jewish nation.

In addition the prophet Micah (5:2) prophesised that he would be born there.

1 answer

Judaism suffers a demographic/integration problem.

1) Many Jews marry non-Jewish partners. This wouldn't be a problem if the non-Jewish partners converted, but many do not. That's not the worst of it. Jewishness is passed down maternally (through the mother), so if a male Jew marries a female gentile, his descendants are not Jews. You can imagine how slowly the Jewish population is growing. It barely keeps even with the death rate.

2) Assimilation. Many Jews grow up without a full understanding of their heritage and religion. They lose their religious observance and thus cannot teach their children about Judaism and so on.

Couple the integration problem (marriage, assimilation) with low religious observance and you get a slowly declining population who is unaware of their religion.

1 answer

Most people with the last name "Reed" are Christian or Agnostic/Atheist, but there are some Jews with the last name Reed.

There are very few actually "Jewish" last names where you can be reasonably certain the person having that name is Jewish (one such being Cohen/Cohan, which comes from a Hebrew word meaning "priest"), because "last names" are mostly an invention of relatively recent times and Jews have historically tended to take last names from the culture in which they found themselves living when the whole "last name" thing got started. Most last names that are thought of as "Jewish" in the US are really German names (and wouldn't be thought of as especially "Jewish" in Germany or Austria), because a lot of German Jews immigrated to the US to escape persecution. A lot of Polish Jews did too, but we normally don't think of Polish last names as being terribly Jewish: a lot of non-Jewish Poles also immigrated to the US, which "dilutes" the perceived Jewishness of Polish names. Most non-Jewish Germans who immigrated to the US did it early enough in US history that their names have a) been Anglicized (Schmidt to Smith, Klein to Kline or Cline) or b) have been around so long they're not thought of as being particularly "ethnic" anymore (Lang, Weber, Keller).

One thing that makes it even trickier is that last names are usually passed down from the father's side, but "Jewishness" is, by Jewish custom, passed down through the mother. If your mother was Jewish, you're Jewish. If your father was Jewish and your mother wasn't, as far as Orthodox Jews are concerned you're a Gentile unless you explicitly convert to Judaism. So even some Cohens are not "Jewish".

1 answer


the whole story about his parents being christian was all made up by him.


isaac zangwell (famous Jewish writer)said charlie chaplin attended his class when zangwell taught in a cheder - a Jewish religious classs.

chaplin said that he will not denty he is Jewish

chaplin had Hebrew on sign on wall in dogs life

chaplin had orthodox Jew in pawn shop

of course great dictator stuff.

4 answers

It depends on how the term is meant. "Torah Jews" can mean more than one thing.

If the definition is: Those who live the laws of the Torah (which is the way the phrase "Torah Jews" is usually used), then it is understandably common to reserve that description for observant Jews. It is indeed customary today to call observant Jews "Torah Jews"; so the answer to the question is Yes. The word "Orthodox" is seen by many Torah Jews to be an exonym, i.e. a term applied to them by non-Orthodox, whereas they prefer the term "Torah Jews".

If the definition is: Who is Jewish according to the Torah, then Torah Jews would include non-observant Jews, because they don't cease being Jewish. All Jews, regardless of levels of observance are "Torah Jews" since their Jewishness is derived from the Torah's mandates.

1 answer

Hitler accused the Jews of making Germany lose the first war.

5 answers

Under traditional Jewish law, Jewishness is inherited through the mother so that only children of Jewish mothers are considered to be Jewish. As a result, a Jewish man who wants his children to be accepted in a traditional Jewish community will seek to marry only a Jewish woman.

Some of the more liberal Jewish communities now accept the children of Jewish fathers as Jewish when they are raised in the Jewish faith.

In addition, there have always been processes through which non-Jews an convert to Judaism. This would permit a non-Jewish woman to convert, marry a Jewish man and have their children recognized as Jewish in traditional communities. It also permits the children of a non-Jewish mother to be raised and accepted as Jews even in traditional communities.

In Judaism there's no such thing as "half-Jewish."

1 answer

Well, Christianity roots are an extension of Judaism, which began with Jesus Christ (His name is Yeshua in the original Hebrew). Yeshua (Jesus) was born between 7 B.C. and 2 A.D. He was a controversial Jewish prophet and teacher because people were split over whether he was the Jewish Messiah foretold or not.

Originally, Yeshua taught a continuation or furthering of Judaism rather than a whole new religion. His original followers practiced this way and still considered themselves Jewish. However, most of the Jewishness was taken out of Christianity when it became the official religion of Rome several centuries later.

So Christianity seen today came in several steps: the beginning of Judaism with Father Abraham, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus around 30 A.D., and the ordinance of the Holy Roman Empire.

1 answer

Most people with the last name "Reed" are Christian or Agnostic/Atheist, but there are some Jews with the last name Reed.

There are very few actually "Jewish" last names where you can be reasonably certain the person having that name is Jewish (one such being Cohen/Cohan, which comes from a Hebrew word meaning "priest"), because "last names" are mostly an invention of relatively recent times and Jews have historically tended to take last names from the culture in which they found themselves living when the whole "last name" thing got started. Most last names that are thought of as "Jewish" in the US are really German names (and wouldn't be thought of as especially "Jewish" in Germany or Austria), because a lot of German Jews immigrated to the US to escape persecution. A lot of Polish Jews did too, but we normally don't think of Polish last names as being terribly Jewish: a lot of non-Jewish Poles also immigrated to the US, which "dilutes" the perceived Jewishness of Polish names. Most non-Jewish Germans who immigrated to the US did it early enough in US history that their names have a) been Anglicized (Schmidt to Smith, Klein to Kline or Cline) or b) have been around so long they're not thought of as being particularly "ethnic" anymore (Lang, Weber, Keller).

One thing that makes it even trickier is that last names are usually passed down from the father's side, but "Jewishness" is, by Jewish custom, passed down through the mother. If your mother was Jewish, you're Jewish. If your father was Jewish and your mother wasn't, as far as Orthodox Jews are concerned you're a Gentile unless you explicitly convert to Judaism. So even some Cohens are not "Jewish".

2 answers

A:In his epistles, Paul seems proud of his own Jewishness. He took the Jewish laws on diet and circumcision so seriously that he felt the need to justify that these laws need not be followed by gentile converts, and even sought the approval of the Church in Jerusalem for his decision to exempt gentile converts from circumcision. There is no doubt that Christianity at this stage saw itself as a Jewish sect and that Paul supported that view. A:Many others come to the exact opposite position with the exact same evidence. Paul, although adhering to Jewish traditions, began to convert non-Jews to Christianity without passing them through Jewish rites. This would seem to indicate that he believed that the new generation of Christians were no longer Jewish or at least no longer Jewish in any meaningful traditional sense. These new converts, according to Paul's own Epistles, did not have to observe the Sabbath in the Pharasaic fashion nor restrict their eating practices.

1 answer

Survival. People fight to survive - arguably their top concern.

Answer 2

1) In matters of belief, some religious Jews are worried that theories of evolution or Biblical-criticism might undermine what they have been taught about God, Creation, the truth of the Torah, etc.
2) Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to attack.
3) In the workplace or school, traditional Jews have to find a way to be allowed a leave of absence on Jewish holidays. They also need to make arrangements for a kosher lunch.
4) With today's changing moral attitudes, the Jewish laws of decency cannot be taken for granted. There is more immodest dress and flirting in the workplace (and everywhere else) than ever before. One who minds his own business may be ridiculed as aloof.
5) Every new invention needs to be reviewed for possible halakhic ramifications. Here's just one example: refrigerators used to be simple machines whose only issue was disconnecting the light bulb before the Sabbath. Some new refrigerators, however, with their hyper-sensitive temperature maintenance and built-in computer-chip self-awareness, need to be purchased with a Sabbath-mode.

2 answers

There are no cons, but there are challenges.1) In matters of belief, some religious Jews are worried that theories of evolution or Biblical-criticism might undermine what they have been taught about God, Creation, the truth of the Torah, etc.

2) Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to attack.

3) In the workplace or school, traditional Jews have to find a way to be allowed a leave of absence on Jewish holidays. They also need to make arrangements for a kosher lunch.

4) With today's changing moral attitudes, the Jewish laws of decency cannot be taken for granted. There is more immodest dress and flirting in the workplace (and everywhere else) than ever before. One who minds his own business may be ridiculed as aloof.

5) Every new invention needs to be reviewed for possible halakhic ramifications. Here's just one example: refrigerators used to be simple machines whose only issue was disconnecting the light bulb before the Sabbath. Some new refrigerators, however, with their hyper-sensitive temperature maintenance and built-in computer-chip self-awareness, need to be purchased with a Sabbath-mode.

3 answers

The term "Gentiles" generally refers to non-Jewish people or nations. In biblical context, the Gentiles were considered outsiders to the Israelite community and were not part of the twelve tribes of Israel. They were seen as separate from the chosen people of God.

3 answers

we Jews face a life of people that still look at us different because what hittler did to us no one will ever forget and so people still treat us different because of it

Answer 2

the same issues everyone faces we are all different

Answer 3

Every new invention needs to be reviewed for possible halakhic ramifications. For example, do the benefits of a smartphone outweigh the risks.

Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to attack.

In the workplace or school, traditional Jews have to find a way to be allowed a leave of absence on Jewish holidays. They also need to make arrangements for a kosher lunch.

2 answers

One challenge to being Jewish is the stereotypes and such. People will say that I don't look Jewish, and I ask them what does Jewish look like, and what they say is not usually correct. Also, people will make Jew jokes, which I don't like because they are so stereotypical and rude. I don't find any main challenges with the practices of Judaism as such.
1) In matters of belief, some religious Jews are worried that theories of evolution or Biblical-criticism might undermine what they have been taught about God, Creation, the truth of the Torah, etc.
2) Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to name-calling and worse.

2 answers

1) In matters of belief, some religious Jews are worried that theories of evolution or Biblical-criticism might undermine what they have been taught about God, Creation, the truth of the Torah, etc.

2) Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to attack.

3) In the workplace or school, traditional Jews have to find a way to be allowed a leave of absence on Jewish holidays. They also need to make arrangements for a kosher lunch.

4) With today's changing moral attitudes, the Jewish laws of decency cannot be taken for granted. There is more immodest dress and flirting in the workplace (and everywhere else) than ever before. One who minds his own business may be ridiculed as aloof.

5) Every new invention needs to be reviewed for possible halakhic ramifications. Here's just one example: refrigerators used to be simple machines whose only issue was disconnecting the light bulb before the Sabbath. Some new refrigerators, however, with their hyper-sensitive temperature maintenance and built-in computer-chip self-awareness, need to be purchased with a Sabbath-mode.

4 answers

Edward Alexander has written:

'Irving Howe' -- subject(s): Biography, Intellectual life, Jews, Jewish radicals, Jewish critics

'Isaac Bashevis Singer' -- subject(s): Authors, Yiddish, Criticism and interpretation, Interviews, Jews in literature, Short story, Yiddish Authors

'The Jewish wars' -- subject(s): American Foreign public opinion, Jews, Israel and the diaspora, Influence, Public opinion, Attitudes toward Israel, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Antisemitism

'The Jewish idea and its enemies' -- subject(s): Politics and government, History, Foreign public opinion, Antisemitism, Jews

'Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill' -- subject(s): Humanism, Liberalism, Great Britain

'The resonance of dust' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Judaism and literature, Jewish authors, Jews, Intellectual life, American literature, Israeli literature, Yiddish literature, Jews in literature, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in literature

'Irving Howe and secular Jewishness' -- subject(s): Judaism, Jews

1 answer

In Judaism, the deed is more important than the word. Critical thinking is encouraged. Education is stressed and valued. Proselytizing for Judaism (actively seeking converts) is not practiced. Jewishness is determined by matriarchal lineage. If your mother is Jewish, you are Jewish. Judaism recognizes other religions, whereas Evangelical Christians do not. Judaism does not preach fire and brimstone and automatic "burn in hell" for non-adherents. And divorce is not a sin.

5 answers

You must want to become a Jew. You must ask several times to become one before you can be accepted. You must study Judaism from head to toe and really, truly believe in what it says. Then you can be honored with conversion.

4 answers

Jesus Christ. Although "Christianity" was far more Jewish in A.D. 30. It wasn't called Christianity either, it was called "The Way". Simply put: Yeshua (that's Jesus' name in Hebrew and what you would have heard it called back then) was a Jewish prophet and teacher who was controversial because people were split on if he was the Jewish Messiah or not.

He continued and continues to be controversial today. Josephus Flavius, an ancient Jewish historian who didn't believe in the Messiah-ship of Jesus, wrote of the tension before the fall of Jerusalem (70 A.D.) over believers in Jesus. He wrote briefly on the martyrdom of Jesus' brother in Jerusalem and on Jesus' death.

A letter sent by General Trajan (dated around 100 A.D.) talks about how he hated "Christians" and found out about their worship practices through torturing two deaconesses who were formally slaves. He wrote about how he hated the fact that they worshiped a man who was formally executed by crucifixion and believed he rose from the grave.

Originally, The Way was an extension of Judaism, although when it became the official religion of Rome several centuries later, all the Jewishness was taken out of the faith due to the anti-Semitic stance of the Roman Empire at the time.

2 answers

The meaning is to show that in the Jewish religion, an oil lamp was only holding enough oil for one day but burned for eight. Thus, the eight candle holders on the candelabra.

--not quite true. during chanukah, which is related to the miracle above, the menorah is 9 branches. one candle for each night, and the ninth, the shamash, to light them.

the 7-branch one was a symbol of the temple, possibly relating to moses and the burning bush, when god commanded moses to fashion it, and exactly how to do it. among other things, it exemplifies that the jewish people "be a light unto the world."

2 answers

There is no indication that Charles Dickens ever was anti-semitic. Some have argued that he was, based on the fact that he had made Fagin, the villain of Oliver Twist, a Jew. Dickens had however based Fagin on a real person who had been convicted - in real life - for doing the exact same things (recruiting and training children for pickpocketing and other petty crimes) as Fagin: the - Jewish - criminal Ikey Solomon.

Charles Dickens is on record as stating: "I have no feeling towards the Jews but a friendly one. I always speak well of them, whether in public or private, and bear my testimony (as I ought to do) to their perfect good faith in such transactions as I have ever had with them" and he later removed almost all mentions of Fagin's Jewishness from the text of Oliver Twist when he found that these gave offence to his Jewish friends and acquaintances.

2 answers

1) In matters of belief, some religious Jews are worried that theories of evolution or Biblical-criticism might undermine what they have been taught about God, Creation, the truth of the Torah, etc.(See: Is there evidence against Evolution?

And: Debunking the Bible-critics)

2) Anti-Semitism is still very much alive; and observant Jews, with their kippah and/or hat, and possibly a beard and other signs of Jewishness, may be subject to attack.

(See: Why are Jews hated?)

3) In the workplace or school, traditional Jews have to find a way to be allowed a leave of absence on Jewish holidays. They also need to make arrangements for a kosher lunch.

4) With today's changing moral attitudes, the Jewish laws of decency cannot be taken for granted. There is more immodest dress and flirting in the workplace (and everywhere else) than ever before. One who minds his own business may be ridiculed as aloof.

5) Every new invention needs to be reviewed for possible halakhic ramifications. Here's just one example: refrigerators used to be simple machines whose only issue was disconnecting the light bulb before the Sabbath. Some new refrigerators, however, with their hyper-sensitive temperature maintenance and built-in computer-chip self-awareness, need to be purchased with a Sabbath-mode.

1 answer