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Because Jack Russell purists don't want the working qualities of the JRT to be diluted in the quest for the perfect show dog. Hence the creation of the Parson Russell, which is the AKC registered show dog version of the JRT. The JRT remains a breed focused more on function than form.

1 answer

Yes. The JRT is generally good with other dogs and cats in his own family, the Rat Terrier does have a high prey drive and quick reflexes and will dispatch squeaky creatures with little effort.

1 answer

Josh Robert Thompson goes by JRT.

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Well i dont know about other jrt's but mine is lovely with them.

1 answer

The Jack Russel terrier is often confused with either the Russel terrier or the Rarson Russel terrier. But my arguments should hold for either of the three.

1) they both span from 2 completely seperate families. The jrt comes from the terrier family.Originally bred for fox hunting. The Japanese Spitz comes from the spitz family. Originally the spitz was bred to look nice for wealthier japanese people.

2)The spitz is usually completely white with a long, smooth, clean, double coat. where as the jrt is usually no less than 51% white with brown spots throughout. the jrt aslo has either short hair or wired hair.

3)The spitz has a much more quiet temperment than the jrt. apart from barking to alert it's family of a new person in the garden, the spitz is usually quiet.It also has a tendancy to dislike dogs of the same sex. The jrt has a very stubborn temperment.

4)The jrt is slightly smaller on average, with it's height going from anywhere between 10-15 inches(at the withers, for males). whereas the spitz is usually 13.5-14.5 inches (again at the withers, for males).

5)The jrt was bred for sport. and as a terrier has nearly unlimited energy (known as wind). The japanese spitz will always be up for a walk, but is clearly no match for the endurance of a jrt when it comes to any kind of physical activity lasting longer than a few minutes.

1 answer

jet pack in haloi reach is an armour ability piick one up or spawn with it.

1 answer

The Regular weight of a jrt is 14 to 18 pounds. However theirs always exeptions.

2 answers

Yes. Jack Russells were bred to hunt foxes, mice, rabbits etc. You can train a JRT to hunt ;)

Mines more of a digger !

1 answer

well it will probaly run out of petrol/deisel and the crew w/ the jrt itself will crash back down

1 answer

JRT's are very active dogs, so (s)he probably repeatably knocked their tail against something, wearing the fur on the tip down.

1 answer


okay take a deep breath in and breathe out... You can not do anything about meeting other people on walks. I have been tring to find the JRT book for 5 years and still no luck. Try putting a lucky collar and put on the clover clock. You need a certain ammount of trainer points to find it.. I think 12500 trainer points or something like that.

1 answer

No. They are registered separately under JRT clubs. The AKC recognizes the Parson Russell, which is a kind of "show dog" variation on the working Jack Russell Terrier.

1 answer

i have a 9 week old wire haired jrt with a very curly tail, almost like a Japanese akita tail haha, i also have a 5 month old smooth haired jrt with a straight tail, so in my opinion i think it just depends on the pups lol and the breeding

2 answers

Miniature Pinschers and Jack Russell Terriers can get along well together if properly socialized and introduced. Both breeds are energetic and intelligent, which can lead to a harmonious relationship if they receive the right training and exercise. However, it's important to monitor their interactions and provide supervision, as their differing temperaments and energy levels may clash at times.

2 answers

Smt. JRT School of Nursing Moolchand Medcity, Lajpat Nagar III, New Delhi 110024, India

T +91 11 4200 0000

F +91 11 4200 0300

E jrt.school@moolchandhealthcare.com

W www.moolchandhealthcare.com

1 answer

While Jack Russell Terriers are short-haired and also extremely high energy dogs, it's the pet dander that makes the person allergic to the dog (or cat.) There are some success' with Bichon Frize, poodles and a few other breeds. Breeders are introducing poodles with many other breeds now for a few reasons ... intelligence and non-shedding. It's best to ask a vet whether it's worth the expense for you to get a dog at all. Good luck Marcy

3 answers

The gastrotrich (a minute aquatic animal) lives the shortest - three days.

[JRT: the question asks about a mammal, which the gastrotrich isn't.]

4 answers

Yes, my JRT had the same thing. Pancreatitis or Gastroenteritis. The culprit in my situations was too much treats and human food. When she vomited the first time I noticed bits of dog food, cat food, dog-jerky treats, pork (from my dinner plate), and grass. Now she is on a stict dog-food only diet. No treats, and no human-food. I keep an eye out that she keeps out of the cat dish as well. She has recovered, but she almost died from it and my vet bill was $1300. I won't be making that mistake again no matter how much she bats those beautiful brown eyelashes at me.

1 answer

Any, and all that are available.

If you were to let a in-heat female loose with 50 intact male dogs, she would mate with every single one of them, if she had the time.

Don't think a female won't breed with a great Dane if she's a JRT, or a chihuahua if she's a Labrador.

Dogs do crazy things when their instincts kick in.

Be careful!

1 answer

Hmm, is he overweight? JRT have not reached sexual maturity by 2 months old so he should not be in "heat" which is normally a term reserved for female dogs. I would take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have any medical problems.

1 answer

No it really only efex the stuff that u unlock like new breeds and interior rooms, so wen your stamina (the bar of yellow stuff wen you go for a walk) gets high, that may effect the rarity of the gifts your dog discovers. (my dog found two JRT books)

1 answer

Most Jack Russell's are mostly 50% to more white, but it is possible that it can have less white. Although the dog you are probably looking at is a fox terrier, which can look like Jack Russell's, but have more black than white.

1 answer

My Jack Russell Terrier mix was given to me for free, he is only 12 weeks old and is already 11 and a half inches tall! He looks like a pure bred broken coat with the brown and black markings and he is more than 51% white, but he has pricked ears and in the last couple of weeks since I got him he is starting to get a lot of brown spots on his coat all over him! What do you guys think he is mixed with?

1 answer

For all dogs, its generally recommended to offer twice a day feedings ... morning & evening. Some dogs and some *breeds* are fine having food available 24/7 and letting them eat when ever they want. JRT as the breed can easily go both ways (getting obese if food is always available, or eating only when truly hungry)

Example: One breed of dog not recommended to generally 'leave food available for' is the Basset Hound ... bassets are notoriously food motivated, so it is especially important to make sure food is only available two or three times a day for their breed, and always take into consideration any snacks you may feed.

One reason to feed twice a day (splitting their total meal in half or slightly larger portion in the morning) is to help establish a routine for your dog. Another option is to feed morning and evening, and leave a timed food / treat dispenser available ... with a JRT, this might be beneficial, as they would get a morning meal... and through out the day they could get a snack which keeps them more active..

JRT's are notoriously active and intelligent dogs, doing something to keep them from being destructive would be the goal of having things like filled/stuffed Kongs and timed treat release holders.

2 answers

There is a very similar breed called a Patterdale Terrier. A well-bred Patterdale is the same size as a small JRT, and solid colored - usually black or chocolate (though sometimes with small white markings). However, this breed is still bred by enthusiasts for hunting, and therefore can be tenacious and willful - not for the faint of heart or a novice dog owner. They absolutely require an alpha human and obedience training from an early age (to an even greater extent that a JRT).

You can find larger dogs being sold as Patterdales, but be aware that these have had a lot of bull terrier bred back into them (pit, staff, amstaff, am bull, etc). The unscrupulous breeder will try to sell them as purebred Patterdale, but they are not. However, they will often be milder mannered than the true Patterdale, so if you're okay with a mixed breed, it's one option.

5 answers

Yes that is, small brown spots will appear on a JRT stomach as they mature, and as they continue to grow they will get small black or brown dots on their back or legs.

5 answers

You really can't stop a dog from shedding, but if you want a Jack Russell that sheds less, than you will want a long-haired over a short-haired.

To prevent frequent shedding in short-haired Jack Russell's, brush daily. They will still shed some, but it won't be as bad.

2 answers

First of all, the official name of the breed has been changed to Parson Russell Terrier. In the official breed standard, which is written by the parent club and upheld by the AKC, it says, "Disqualifications: Prick ears."

No one will stop you from entering a show; they'll be happy to take your money, but the judge will disqualify the dog (ask you to leave the ring).

If you go to the AKC's website and look up Parson Russell Terriers, you can read the official breed standard which tells you exactly what they should look like, from their nose to their feet.

1 answer

Central heating can sometimes cause dogs to shed more frequently due to the dry air it produces, which can lead to dry skin and coat. However, other factors like diet, stress, and allergies can also contribute to excessive shedding in dogs. It's best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of your Jack Russell's frequent shedding.

2 answers

A dogs digestive system is capable of handling much much higher concentrations of salmonella than a humans. The 5 dogs we currently own (JRT's, Fox terriers, and rat terriers) are all fed raw chicken as their main diet. That's right...raw chicken...with the bones in! Thighs, legs, and wings. Necks sometimes too. The bones are especially good for them. The chicken MUST be uncooked though since cooking will remove much of the nutritional values and will cause the bones to become brittle. On occasion my son will feed his dog chicken that's more than a bit past it's time (which I would think is teeming at this point with salmonella). The worst thing about this is his dog then has gas and blows everyone out the house.

1 answer

The best way to find stud service for your dog is through a reputable breeder or through listings on a reputable site. Keep in mind that the popularity of the breed has resulted in a lot of "backyard breeders," breeders who have one dog, no background in breeding, and high hopes of making a fortune with a litter of puppies. This then results in in-breeding and genetic defects that cause a lot of pain and suffering for the dog, and heartache and expense for the owner. Start with this breeder: http://www.mightyjacks.com/ Given that this breeder cares a lot about the breed, he is likely to arrange stud service with you or point you in the right direction. Regardless, make sure you see not only the AKC papers on the stud, but the pedigree as well so that you are certain you are not breeding your dog with a sibling, cousin, parent, etc.

1 answer

We used to live on a farm and have a atv that we drove around hours at a time. My jack russel was always running full pelt beside/in front of the vehicle. He never stopped until afternoon when he couldnt even hold his head up. I always used to think he ran and ran for the fact that he didn't want to miss out on anything but geeze do they loooove running

6 answers

Yes, they're great little dogs. Loyal, fun and feisty, and can be great with children.

but sometimes they can be a little devil they are so energetic tht they will try to run away and you have to at least take them on 3 walks a day other thn that they are really good pets!

7 answers

Consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues causing the behavior. Increase exercise and mental stimulation to help reduce excess energy that may be driving the spinning. Use positive reinforcement techniques to teach the dog an alternative behavior, such as sitting or lying down, to redirect its focus.

2 answers

Cairn terriers have a characteristic terrier personality. They make good watchdogs, as they are very alert and bark easily. They have a cheerful and lively attitude, but can be very territorial and need to be trained to respect the authority of their owners.

6 answers

Natterjacks or Patterjacks?A Jack Russell crossed with a Patterdale Terrier produces a Patterjack

Ah actually the "Patterjack" is not a breed it is a cross bred designer dog just like most dogs found in shelters. It is not a purebred anything, just a marketing ploy used by a great many puppy millers to get big dollars from what I call "mutt puppies" or "ditch dogs" which is where a great many of these wind up.

I'm sorry this is not what you wanted to hear, but it doesn't make your dog any less of a good dog that loves you. I have a three of these "mutt puppies" and love each of them. Just don't plan on breeding it and making tons of money from a breed that doesn't exist. Please get it spay/netuered by 6 months of age to keep from adding any more puppies to the shelter.

While agreeing with all of the above, I just wanted to add that my own Patterjack bitch is the best dog I've ever owned...and I've had dogs for almost 40 years. I am breeding her (with a sweet-tempered, well-pointed JRT), but with the full intention that all the puppies will be staying with me. If you can't face a houseful of dogs, PLEASE get your dog spayed/neutered.

on a final note...mongrels (as I've always called non-pedigrees) make just as good pets as pedigrees, and sometimes don't have the health problems that some breeds of pure-breds can suffer from.

Good luck with your lil Patterjack, and I hope you have many happy years.###I could not dissagree more with the previous statement.Patterdale terriers aka fell terriers aka rough bred lakelands are just a mix/cross of various terriers themselves and they are widley regarded as the best there is for working.Patt x Russels make excellent working dogs and to suggest not breeding of them is doing them a great disservice.Ive had working dogs since the 70s & owned patterdales,borders,rough bred lakelands,JRT & various Xs.Patt x russels are up there with the patterdales.A fine example of the effectivness of cross breed terriers for working is the border/lakeland terrier.This is a VERY POPULAR breed among terrier men in the north of england.

2 answers

They are usually white with black and brown markings. Some have a smooth coat, and some have a fuzzy coat.

5 answers

assuming they are winged they should be fed hard food or if you would like you can mix it with wet. Beware of chicken most JRT are allergic to it, both of mine were and it took me several vet visits and over 5 brands of food to figure it out. Try and stick to a exotic type of meat based dry or wet food. Like venison, rabbit, duck, or salmon! and avoid corn they have nasty allergies to that too!

3 answers

i had this prob. on my math homework and i answered it correctly (i think)

46% 1st you make it a fraction 46 over a 100 then simplify it by 2 and you get 23 over 50 23 is a prime number so you cant go any farther so the answer is.................. 23 over 50!

Peace & Blessings 2 all thx ur welcome and bye bye

Luv the person who told u this;)

9 answers

Yes, of course they do. It is in the nature of all dogs that as seasons change they either lose (shed) or gain fur depending on the weather. In the summer they lose much more fur than if it was winter. Jack Russell Terriers shed all year round, just the same as how people lose hair each day, just not the same amount. But this should not make you not want to get this dog. They are easily trained, loving animals. If you want a dog that does not shed, get a dog that has hair, not fur.

7 answers

Well if you go on walks and have something like a lucky collar and a lucky clock at home,

you might just fin it however I have never found it due to how rare it is. Sometimes you may come over a hidden present which isn't marked on the map. Those are usually rare items however if you don't feed your dog and it is Hungary it may be scraps which make your dog slow and the music will change but if your dog is in top condition and venture round a bit you may come across it. If your friend has it you can get it off them via bark mode. Happy hunting!!^_^

5 answers

=== === Dogs that were bred for hunting, for example terriers, even if they have never been used for hunting, still have a natural instinct, should never be around ferrets. Trying to introduce a grown aggressive dog would be too stressful for a ferret. But a puppy that has been raised around ferrets will most likely be safe with ferrets. Just like ferrets were bred for hunting rabbits and rats, will also have that natural instinct, and should never be left alone with any type of rodent, rabbits, mice or birds. Rat terrier Temperament - Although often mistaken for a Jack Russell Terrier, the Rat Terrier has a different profile and a very different temperament. Rat Terriers are finer of bone and have a more refined head. They always have a short single coat, i.e. they are never wire coated. Rat Terriers tend to be less aggressive than Jack Russells; while they have a definite terrier personality they also have an "off switch" and love lounging on the sofa in a lap as much as tearing about the yard. Rat Terriers are normally cheerful dogs but they tend to be more sensitive and at times calmer than Jack Russells to changes in their environment, owner's moods, or to unexpected noises, people, and activities. The "social sensitivity" of Rat Terriers makes them very trainable and easier to live with for the average pet owner but it also means that extensive socialization from an early age is critical. Proper socialization of a rat terrier puppy includes exposing the animal to a wide variety of people and places, particularly during the first 3 months of life. Like most active and intelligent breeds, Rat Terriers tend to be happier when they receive a great deal of mental stimulation and exercise. The Jack Russell Terrier is a type of small, principally white-bodied, smooth or rough-coated terrier that has its origins in fox hunting. Although it is not uncommon for these dogs to be moody or to get bored easily, they are also intelligent, protective, fearless, stubborn, and have incredibly high energy. Most JRT get along well with children as long as they are introduced carefully, but they are extremely protective of their territory and have no tolerance of abuse, even when it is unintentional. Jack Russell Terriers are usually vicious to other dogs unless they were raised with them from puppy hood or if they are from their own litter.

1 answer

The difference bettween a Jack Russell Terrier and a Parson Russell Terrier is the Parson Russell Terrier has Longer legs and therfore is not as stocky as the Jack Russell terrier, but because the Parson Russell Terrier has longer legs it is also a little faster Than the Jack Russell terrier. The Parson is recognised by the Kennel Club, it is a "pedigree dog" with a breed standard. The Jack Russell comes in many shapes and sizes, it is not recognised by the K.C. and has no breed standard. They both can have rough, broken or smooth coats.

9 answers

No dog is hard to train, provided the training is done with care and without violence (this includes making sudden loud noises). The younger you start, the better, but older dogs poorly trained can be turned around with love and kindness. Baby puppies shouldn't be left to cry alone for long periods (a half hour is a very long time to a baby, and possibly even longer to your neighbours and neighbouring dogs!) as this will make them insecure, and it is more difficult to train a nervous and insecure animal. Do seek expert advice; don't listen to people who are anxious to pass on wisdom they might not possess. Look at your advisors' dogs. Are they happy, playful, secure, obedient, calm and sweet-natured? Then consider the advice of their owners.

5 answers

this is how i removed them i used a plug socket and two 3" extensions i put one extension into the socket placed this over the plug with the other extension on a 3/8 drive ratchet i then was able to place one ext. into the other that was on the plug removing the plug all was done from the top iam 6 ft and at 220 # so my arms are not small altho are fairly long this is for passenger side that sets under alternator to start the plug back into the hole i use a piece of rubber hose about 4" long i stick this over the plug am able to start plug back into hole without droping them the rest are fairly easy

The rear bank of sparks are hard to reach unless you have tiny arms. If you don't then you must remove the plentum. Also, you will need new plentum gaskets when re-installing.


This is how I removed mine: (1) Remove the windshield wiper arms and the cowl cover (black plastic below windshield) Remove the windshield wiper motor and linkage from the firewall. There are many individual steps to this but all are easy. (2) The driver side sparkplug should be removable using a socket with an elbow. This was easy. (3) I loosened the alternator and then could removed the passenger side sparkplug using an a socket with an elbow. This was not easy. (4) I removed the middle sparkplug by using a socket with an elbow, an extension, and another elbow on the socket wrench. This was difficult. (5) I ended up replacing the (middle) sparkplug(s) from the bottom after jacking the van up and putting it on jackstands. If I were to do it again, I would remove the cowl cover (this allows enough room to get on the sparkplugs with a socket) and remove the sparkplugs from the bottom. This would probably save a lot of scratches and time. The plenum does not have to be removed if the cowl cover and windshield wiper motor are removed.

The sparkplus socket with elbow was purchased at Sears. Overall, it took me about 4 hours trying to do most of the work from the top. Most of this time was spent trying to figure out how to make things work when you can't see what you're doing and when there's not much room to work. I felt really stupid when I noticed that all three sparkplugs are visible from the bottom once the cowl is off and there's enough room to work provided you have the elbow socket and extensions. The Chilton's manual wil tell you how to remove the cowl and windshield wiper motor.

Good luck and be happy the sparkplugs only need to be replaced every 100,000 miles.

I heard that removing the air filter will allow you easy access to the back spark plugs.. Will see when I try it this week on my 93 3.0L v6

this one is rigth you will need two short extention for the far left spark plug the others are easy to get too. that is next to the alternater ther are to screws hold on the air filter housing.

1 answer

You go to Final Maze and he is on 23rd floor. It's Hard To Recruit Him Though.

Recruiting Manaphy and unlocking Marine Resort.

I'll improve this answer for you! :) It's not that easy, actually. You need to of defeated Darkrai. Done that? No? You can't get jirachi then. Yes? Good for you. I think you need to recruit Cresselia afterwards..(after defeating Darkrai she will be in Sharpedo Bluff, talk to her, and she will, or should, request to join. Only after defeating Darkrai.) Wait three days! (Do jobs/Sentry Duty) When you wake up after three days, Chatot will come running to you, panting... He will say that Manaphy came back. (He came back! He came back!) You go to the Beach, and Manaphy will be there. He should request to join. Accept. Three days after accepting (Do jobs/Sentry Duty), Manaphy will wake you up and say something about a place with lots of yummi gummies. Marine Resort.

Final Maze

Once you have unlocked Marine Resort, go to Marowak Dojo (Or however you spell it..) There should be a whole there that wasn't there before. (unless you have been there recently.) Enter it and there is a beam of rainbow-ish light. Click 'A' in front of it. It will ask if you want to enter Final Maze. Say Yes. It will then say that you can't bring items in the Final Maze, weather you have items in you bag or not. If you have items in your bag, put them in storage because when you enter this maze, all items in the treasure bag will be lost.

Jirachi and Hints on recruiting?On the 23rd floor, and ONLY on the 23rd floor, is Jirachi. Jirachi won't appear like in a boss battle, no, it won't...so don't be funny and think that. It's not funny. You will have to kinda walk around a bit, but don't go to the next floor, or else you can't find Jirachi until you enter again. Once you find Jirachi, remember these rules:

1. The team leader must be the one to kill jirachi.

2. Jirachi must be beside you or in front of you (the team leader).

Oh yeah, you will probably want the team leader to have the IQ skill Fast Friend, be a high rank and level, and...for your information, Jirachi's recruitment rate is somewhere around -12%. That's right. NEGATIVE. So, more then likely, you won't get jirachi on the first try. I still haven't gotten Jirachi and I have been trying to get it for days!

The other legendaries in Final Maze?You can find Suicune on Floor 29, and Moltres on Floor 40. There are 48 floors in all. You will get a brown bow if you complete the maze. Moltres has a recruitment rate of around 30%, and I got it on my second try. Suicune's recruitment rate is around 6.4%, and I got it on my first try. I didn't have the IQ skill Fast Friend for either Moltres or Suicune, but I was a level 100 Meganium, without a partner at that moment. I also had Diamond Rank, if it helps any. Hope I helped a bunch!:)

4 answers

The primary physical difference between a male dog and a female dog is their reproductive anatomy. Male dogs have external genitalia, including a penis and testicles, while female dogs have a vulva. Additionally, male dogs typically have a higher level of testosterone, which can influence their behavior and physical characteristics, such as size and muscle mass. However, it is important to note that individual dogs may vary in their traits and behaviors regardless of their sex.

10 answers

Ferrets have been known to play well with household cats and some non-aggressive dogs, however, great care must be taken when introducing ferrets to any other household pets. Certain terrier dog breeds even have a heightened instinct to grab and kill ferrets.

Dogs that were bred for hunting, for example terriers, even if they have never been used for hunting, still have a natural instinct, should never be around ferrets. Trying to introduce a grown aggressive dog would be too stressful for a ferret. But a puppy that has been raised around ferrets will most likely be safe with ferrets.

Ferrets get along with cats better than any other animals, especially if introduced as a kitten. An adult cat, it depends on it's temperament or behavior. An adult cat can easily harm a baby ferret and vise-versa, closely supervise grown a ferret when playing with a kitten. Ferrets will readily approach other animals, without fear of their own safety.

Ferrets are fearless to the point of foolishness and should not be allowed to wander. Whenever they are outside, they should be closely supervised and preferably kept on a harness leash designed for ferrets such as an H-shaped harness. Their curious nature also leads them to place themselves in situations where they will confront and try to play with larger animals outdoors that may be dangerous to the ferret.

Advise from other contributors:

* I have 8 dogs and 7 cats...and 9 ferrets.... * My ferrets live in courts in the garden but come in contact with the cats and dogs * As long as your sensible then you can get a ferret with cats and dogs

5 answers