No. She is Dick Irvines Daughter-in law. Kim is the daughter of Leota and Harvey Toombs. Harvey was a Disney Animator, Leota is the WED Designer and Famous Madame Leota of the Haunted Mansion attraction.
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Andrew Irvine only ever went to Mount Everest the one time, that was with the 1924 British expedition. George Mallory chose Irvine as his partner for the summit attempt.
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two people thought they saw his body from a distance but they weren't sure.Irvine's body is a mystery .The story of Mallory and Irvine is they both got to the top together!but on the way down mallory sliped wich caused the rope to snap.so mallory sliped down the moutain.when he sliped mallory banged his head on a rock and broke his leg he put his other leg on top to protect.Mallory was unable to stand so sadly died after just half an hour.Irvine found mallorys body and carried on climbing down but also sadly died.9 years later some body found mallorys body, but the pictur of his wife was not in his pocket which he promised to place at the sumit,but the pictur was not on the sumit!it probly fell off.But Irvines body is still out on everest some were...
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Irvine: of territorial origin, Irving in Dumfriesshire and Irvine in Ayrshire; the Dumfriesshire parish was the chief source of the name; the charter of the Barony of Drum dates from1324; an offshoot of the Aberdeenshire family appears in Shetland in the mid-1500s; in Northern Ireland, the name has become confused with the Irish Erwin. (p. 378)
Irvine: one and the same as Irving; from the place in Ayrshire, meaning green water (from the Brittonic ir afon); widespread in Scotland since the late Medieval period; The Irvines of Drum were the most important landed family of the name; at some point it migrated to Ireland. (p. 156)
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