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Imm Cologne was created in 1949.

1 answer

Where I can send the imm 5604

1 answer

Elliott Imm's birth name is ElliottMilesImm.

1 answer

Alexandrea Imm was born on September 29, 1984, in California, USA.

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

Elliott Imm was born on October 22, 1985, in Los Angeles County, California, USA.

1 answer

IMM Sumangalo has written:

'Ordination and Buddhist chants'

2 answers

The cast of Imm el aroussa - 1964 includes: Taheya Cariocca as Zeinab Imad Hamdi as Hussein

1 answer

The name of some fragrances that IMM produce are Foodstuff, Dancing Moon and Playboy. They also have a Facebook page featuring their products and fans comments.

1 answer

Oxycodone 5mg imm rel tabs is small rounf whit pill with an M imprinted on it and the other side is 05/52 on it

1 answer


1 answer

heelllo imm yuu(:

1 answer

Becker - 1998 Imm-Oral Fixations 2-2 was released on:

USA: 27 September 1999

1 answer

If you are in 2 + 3 module means 2 yrs Student VIS and 3 yrs Work permit after completion of your study you can work full time, after 1 yr of full time working on basis of that you can apply for PR.

Better to work in Saskatchewan ! very easy PR process.......

2 answers

imm so0 co0fused with this wiki answers

1 answer

In 1902 the White Star Line was absorbed into the International Mercantile Marine Co. (IMM), a large American shipping conglomerate. Bruce Ismay ceded control to IMM in the face of intense pressure from shareholders and J. P. Morgan, who threatened a rate war. IMM was dissolved in 1932.

1 answer

IMM-IC = CMM because it is the same as -1+2000--1-100 = 1900

Remember that in maths a minus minus is equal to a plus.

So --1 = 1

1 answer

The airport code for Immokalee Airport is IMM.

1 answer

idonthave the answerr ?! imm askkingg a question !

1 answer

ensure civil rights for former slaves/.... i thinkk imm not positive buht yeah imm pretty sure.. so yeah ..

2 answers

Under today's guidelines governing the Roman numeral system 1999 converted into Roman numerals is officially MCMXCIX which doesn't seem to add up because:-

1000 = M which is M

900 = CM which is a simplification of DCCCC

90 = XC which is a simplification of LXXXX

9 = IX which is a simplification of VIIII


M+CM = CMM which is a simplification of MDCCCC (1900)

CMM+XC = XMM which is a simplification of MDCCCCLXXXX (1990)

XMM+IX = IMM which is a simplification of MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII (1999)





Now consider the following:-

M+CM+XC+IX = IMM (2000-1)




No matter how the above numerals are arranged they will always add up to IMM or MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII in expanded format.

Examples of simplification of Roman numerals can be found in the book entitled 'History of Mathematics' volume 2 by David Eugene Smith first published in 1925 and ISBN 0486 204 308. For instance LXXXVIIIIS (89.5) is simplified to SXC (100-10.5)

Therefore it follows that for 1999 in Roman numerals IMM is more plausible than MCMXCIX.

1 answer

Well imm 13 :D i will turn 14 on 09/09/10

1 answer

The prefix word for pertinent is im-.

5 answers

Um i have no idea im only 7 yrs old! and imm thinking its a verb

1 answer

i dont know so every body imm just askin for some help

1 answer

6 - Un-im-ag-in-a-ble (un-imm-aj-in-ah-bull)

1 answer

According to today's rules we would write out the equivalent of 1066 and 1999 into Roman numerals as MLXVI and MCMXCIX respectively and to add them together is quite difficult.

But the Romans probably simplified MCMXCIX to IMM in the following manner:-

M+CM = CMM (1000+900 = 1900)

CMM+XC = XMM (1900+90 = 1990)

XMM+IX = IMM (1990+9 = 1999)

Therefore: MLXVI+IMM = MMMLXV (1066+1999 = 3065)

1 answer

$.90 More information: http://pe.usps.com/text/Imm/fh_014.htm#ep3576772

1 answer

Here is detailed information about it on USPS' website:


1 answer

depends on the girl silly, the more the merrier lol

imm stetched out baby i use 7

1 answer

They are both the same because in todays modern notation of Roman numerals the equivalent of 1999 is MCMXCIX which means 1000+900+90+9 = 1999

But the ancient Romans would have probably gone for the simpler version of IMM which means 2000-1 = 1999

1 answer

The Roman or Latin numerals for 1776 and 223 are MDCCLXXVI and CCXXIII respectively. Therefore in accordance with today's rules governing the Roman numeral system they add up to MCMXCIX (1999).

But during the Roman era these numerals would have been calculated on an abacus counting device as:-

MDCCLXXVI + CCXXIII = MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and probably have been simplified to IMM (-1+2000 = 1999) in written form.

The reason why MCMXCIX is chosen instead of IMM is presumably to make it easier to convert them into Hindu-Arabic numerals and vice versa.

1 answer

if your over 5 4 no your medeeuimm imm 56 inches im 68 pounds

1 answer

February XIIII MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII or Feb. IXV IMM and it is not Feb. XIV MCMXCIX the way you might have expected it to be.

1 answer

If you do not excercise u will not be haealthy and active and that will stop your heart beating !

Actuallyy imm nott suree.. ask someone who does LOL

1 answer

You can find injection molding on websites online. One such website I found online that has injection molding is http://www.plasticstoday.com/imm.

1 answer

Oxycodone HCL is the immediate-release form of oxycodone, meaning the full dose is released quickly into the body. Oxycodone imm rel stands for oxycodone immediate release formulation, referring to the same type of medication. Both terms commonly refer to the same fast-acting opioid pain medication.

3 answers

In accordance with the rules laid down during the Middle Ages 1999 in Roman numerals works out as MCMXCIX but these rules were introduced centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire.

The Romans themselves would have probably calculated 1999 on a abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and by placing I to both sides of these numerals simplified them to IMM (-1+2000 = 1999)

Or alternatively they could have possibly worked out 1999 as IXCMMCX which gives a final result of IMM when positive and negative numerals are cancelled down. This method is achieved in the following manner:

1000 = M

1000+900 = CMM

1000+900+90 = XCMMC

1000+900+90+9 = IXCMMCX => IMM when cancelled down.

Both methods will give exactly the same result when converting any Hindu-Arabic numerals into Roman numerals.

1 answer

It is done simply as follows:-


Which can be abridged to: IMM (2000-1)

And that: IMM+I = MM => (2000-1)+1 = 2000

If we were to format MCMXCIX into M+CM+XC+IX they too would be abridged to IMM as follows:-

M+CM = CMM => 1000+(1000-100) = (2000-100)

CMM+XC = XMM => (2000-100)+(100-10) = (2000-10)

XMM+IX = IMM => (2000-10)+(10-1) = (2000-1)

And that: IMM+I = MM

Todays rules governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages and probably had nothing to do with the ancient Roman way of counting.

Values: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

Note: 5*I=V, 2*V=X, 5*X=L, 2*L=C, 5*C=D and 2*D=M

QED by David Gambell

1 answer

Nothing. Right now imm in that situation and i lay around trying to sleep and cope with the pain

1 answer

In today's terms 1999 and 99 in Roman numerals are MCMXCIX and XCIX respectively.

MCMXCIX - XCIX = MCM (1000-100+1000 = 1900)

Alternatively in the days of the Roman Empire the Romans themselves would have probably wrote out 1999 and 99 as IMM and IC respectively.

IMM - IC = CMM (-100+2000 = 1900)

1 answer

There could be several reasons why you are unable to open the IMM 5257 E form. It could be due to a technical issue with the file, compatibility issues with your device or software, or the file may be corrupted. Try downloading the form again, ensuring you have the necessary software to open it, and check for any error messages that may provide more information on the issue.

1 answer

Because the Roman numerals MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII add up to 1999 and by placing I to the left and right hand sides of these numerals they can be simplified into IMM (2000-1). The numerals MCMXCIX in fact represent M-C+M-X+C-I+X which when simplified leaves -I+M+M = IMM (2000-1). Numerical values: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1. David Gambell, Merseyside, England. Conventionally accept wisdom tells us that MCMXCIX (1000 + 900 + 90 +9) and MCMXCVIIII (1000 + 900 + 90 + 5 + 4) both mean 1999, although the former is more popular as it is shorter. The alternative mentioned above, IMM is incorrect on two counts. According to the website Algebra.com Roman numerals read from left to right and always start with the highest value numeral, as I (1) is patently less than MM (2000) IMM is clearly wrong. Also while I may preceed V or X it should not be placed in front of any higher value numerals.

1 answer

$1.74 from us

see USPS website


1 answer

It depends on which model 2.6i microbus, certain models takes differents steps to bypass but it can be done naidoodenver@rocketmail.com

1 answer

Under today's rules it is: XV-I-MCMXCIX

But the Romans themselves would have probably preferred XV-I-IMM

1 answer