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The tribe known to the Romans as the Iceni.

4 answers

The spelling Iceni is an ancient Celtic tribe.

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The Iceni, who lived in the area known as East Agnlia

4 answers

Boudicca led the iceni tribe in Britain

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After the slaughter of the Iceni in the final battle, the Romans treated them very harshly as punishment and revenge for their atrocities. In time, the punishments wore off, a new governor was appointed and the Iceni were absorbed into the Roman population.

1 answer

Boudicca was married to the Iceni king, Pratsutagus.

2 answers

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

Rome gained territory during Nero's reign. After the defeat of Boudicca all the Iceni lands were added to the empire. Previous to the uprising of Boudicca, the kingdom of the Iceni were an independent allied kingdom.

2 answers

Boadicea was the queen of the British celtic iceni tribe and was married to prastutagus. She fought against the romans when they took over her county.

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the answer to the previous question is america.

1 answer

she was the queen of the Iceni tribe

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Boudica was the Queen of the Iceni tribe.

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The Iceni

A Celtic British tribe.

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King Prasutagus, Boudicca`s husband who died in AD60, on his death the iceni territory was annexed by the Romans. She and her daughters were violated, and caused the revolt against the romans.

1 answer

She was Queen of the Iceni and born in Britain

1 answer

Yes, she was a member of the Celtic tribe the 'Iceni'.

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South from Iceni in Colchester

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No, Boadicea was a queen of the Iceni tribe in Britain.

1 answer

The Iceni were an ancient british tribe and one of the leading tribes of the east anglian area.It is particularly famous for one of its queens,Boudicca.She was the wife of Prasutagus.The Iceni allied themselves with the Trinovantes to mount attacks oagainst the Roman invaders under the leadfership of Boudicca and had three notable victories before being routed by the Romans.

1 answer

the answer to the previous question is america.

2 answers

she was from the iceni tribe in roman Britain

and she was a Celt not a roman

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The queen of the tripe iceni Boudicca. She was also his wife.

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The Iceni, an ancient British tribe, most likely spoke a Celtic language. It was a Brythonic Celtic language, closely related to Welsh and Cornish. Unfortunately, there are no written records, so details about their language are limited.

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The Angles and the Saxons and before them, the Iceni.

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Yes. Her Iceni tribe beat the Romans in battle.

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Boudica was considered a queen in the British Iceni tribe.

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There was no nation in England 2,000 years ago, she was chief of the Iceni tribe.

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Prasutagus's wife was the queen of the tribe iceni, Boudicca. They were the king and queen.

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The Iceni Trinovates first destroy the Roman capital camulodunum (Cholechester)

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boudicca is someone who was brave enough to fight the Romans she was also the leader of the iceni tribe

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She was Queen of the Iceni and lead a revolt against the Romans in Britain

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The Romans demanded for taxes

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She was married to Prasutagus, ruler of the Iceni people of East Anglia

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Neither she, her husband nor the Iceni people thought so.

1 answer

Boudicca was the Queen of the tribe called Iceni, the Iceni people were allies to Rome until the death of their king, in which the Romans tried to completely take over their land, when Boudicca refused, she was whipped and her daughters were raped. This was one of the causes of Boudiccas revolt.

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Boudica was Queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe in England at the time of Claudius's invasion.

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No. Queen Boudicca was leader of the Iceni, a tribe of Britons who fought against the Romans.

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Yes, her husband was King Prasugatus, who ruled over the powerful Iceni tribe- she was thus their Queen.

1 answer

The people who lived in Britain before the Romans belonged to various tribes under local warlords, such as the Iceni, the Belgae, the Dobunni, etc.

3 answers

The Iceni objected to the Roman religion which seemed to insult their own gods. They did not like the fact that retired legionaries had been given some of their land. When king Iceni died, Boudica was whipped. And this caused Boudica's revolt.....

2 answers

Boudicca, a queen of the Iceni tribe in ancient Britain, led the rebellion against Roman occupation in AD 60-61. She rallied other tribes to fight against the Romans, who had mistreated her and her people. The rebellion was sparked by the Romans' mistreatment of the Iceni following the death of Boudicca's husband, King Prasutagus.

1 answer