Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging its a personality type discovered by Myer-Briggs.
2 answers
Isabel Briggs Myers was an INFP, as she was described as quiet, reflective, and idealistic, with a strong emphasis on personal values and creativity.
2 answers
I am an INFP, too, and I find that walking works very well for me. Also, tai-chi seems to to relax me and also fulfills my need for doing something that flows from one position to another and keeps me limber. I would say the best thing for INFP is to be able have other exercises to do when when we get bored with one type. I've done hand weights and bicycle riding as well. As far as type, whatever feels right for you personally is the best thing. One caveat: aerobics such as running and fast workouts. They wear me out and did, even in my 20s(I'm 53). Fast walking is our version of running---just change up your exercises once in awhile. Hope this helps. Love and Light
1 answer
Dame Anita Roddick was known for her strong and charismatic personality. She was described as passionate, bold, and determined, with a strong sense of social justice and environmental responsibility. She was also known for being a visionary leader and a tireless advocate for ethical business practices.
2 answers
1 answer
Well, Shakepeare had a reputation for being quiet and a bit mysterious. His writing, they showed that he was keenly observant and was curious. Shakespeare thought deeply about life and its sufferings. Though, he had a sense of humor and found much to laugh at in life! He had a strong affection for his dad
Out of other 16 Jungian Personality Types, Shakespeare was found to be an INFP, estimated to be the third rarest personality type. Such persons are creative, artistic and spiritual. They are also deep, intelligent and full of empathy. Because they're daydreamers and introverts, they are indeed reserved. But I think they're mostly optimistic and love humour.
1 answer
Hey travel world i work for a travel agencey that book travel deals for medical needs and for leisure. What all the things taking place with obama care more people are leaving the States and going to places like Mexico India Cotas Rica just to name a few places. There are great deals for 5 star resorts from 299.00 and up. They only ask you to take a short tour of the resort. if would like more infp please email me tyrese@clinicnazarethcancun.com.
4 answers
I have a lawyer and I'm going to sue borusara this will become Canon I have bad luck on my life I was made fun of have Asperger's irritable bowels high blood sugar five of my dogs are dead this ship me happy
11 answers
Well, Shakepeare had a reputation for being quiet and a bit mysterious. His writing, they showed that he was keenly observant and was curious. Shakespeare thought deeply about life and its sufferings. Though, he had a sense of humor and found much to laugh at in life! He had a strong affection for his dad
Out of other 16 Jungian Personality Types, Shakespeare was found to be an INFP, estimated to be the third rarest personality type. Such persons are creative, artistic and spiritual. They are also deep, intelligent and full of empathy. Because they're daydreamers and introverts, they are indeed reserved. But I think they're mostly optimistic and love humour.
5 answers
A teacher instructs students in subjects such as science, mathematics, language arts, social studies, art, and music, and then helps them apply those concepts. Teachers work in public or private elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Those working in middle and high schools usually specialize in teaching one subject. Special education teachers, who work with students who have special needs, are not included in this profile.
Quick FactsTo see what a teacher does in a typical day, we looked at job announcements on Indeed.com: We learned that teachers:
While most teachers are only required to be in school during the hours it is open (usually 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.), many supervise before or after-school clubs. They also stay late or arrive early to meet with parents or other school professionals. And the work doesn't end when they leave the building. Teachers often bring papers home to grade and spend their evenings and weekends tending to this task.
Educational and Licensing RequirementsTo become a teacher, you will have to go to college to get a bachelor's degree. Generally speaking, you will have to complete an approved teacher training program that includes earning a specified number of subject and education credits and completing practical training, commonly called student teaching.
Many school districts around the United States also accept bachelor's degrees in other majors. Some states also require teachers to earn a master's degree within a certain amount of time after becoming licensed.
All states and the District of Columbia require public school teachers to be licensed. State boards or departments of education usually issue licenses. To get this credential, you will have to pass an exam that demonstrates competency in basic skills and proficiency in your subject area.
What Soft Skills Do You Need to Succeed in This Field?To be successful as a teacher, you must have particular soft skills or personal qualities. The following ones are essential to your success in this occupation.
What qualities do school administrators and school boards want the teachers they hire to have? We found these requirements in job announcements on Indeed.com:
Take the Should You Become a Teacher Quiz
Other Jobs in SchoolsDescription Median Annual Wage (2016) Minimum Required Education/Training Principal Manages a school and everyone who works in the building.$92,510
Master's or Doctoral Degree in Education Administration or Educational Leadership School LibrarianTeaches students how to read1 answer