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The Zhaozhou Bridge, also known as the Great Stone Bridge, the Anji Bridge, and the Safe Crossing Bridge, was built in Hopeh (Hebei) province, China, between 595 and 605 AD, during the Sui Dynasty (589-618 AD).

1 answer

just draw what you see around you

or you could improve on lip syncing for awesome amv's and this is how,

1. you get the song you want to lyp-sync with

2. then you go through the song by pressing start/stop and right down when phrases start/stop

3.you go through the song and put in layer two what you want your charic to sing

4. you start and stop when one word of the phrase start and stops put checks for start and "x"'s for stop

5.draw you rcharic and move their mouth to the words ie)

girl with the broken smile

g sound then open mouth and an open mouth with the tongue showing (get the point?)

ALSO look in the mirror to help! hope this helped!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 answers