King Tut had five names reflecting the divine roles that were attributed to pharaohs. Each of his names defined a sacred function that was overseen by the gods. The five names of King Tut were his birth name, protected name, Horus name, Golden Horus name and throne name are as follows:
His birth name, the Sa Ra ("son of the Sun"), Tutankhaten ("the living image of Aten") later changed to Tutankhamun ("the living image of Amun").
In his role as Horus he is named as Heru: Ka Nakht, Tut Mesut ("Horus: Strong bull, of perfect birth")
His name under the protection of Nekhebet and Wadjet is Nebty: Nefer Hepu Segereh Taui ("He of the Good Laws, Who Pacifies the Two Lands")
His Golden Horus name, that identified his kinship to the gods as their son on earth, was Heru Nebu: Wetches Khau Sehotep Neteru ("He who Wears the Crowns and Satisfies the Gods")
His throne name was Nesu Bity ("king of upper and lower Egypt") and this is Nebkheperura ("all the transformations of Ra")
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Pearls are predominantly found in freshwater bodies like rivers and lakes, as well as in saltwater environments such as oceans and seas. They can also be cultivated in pearl farms where oysters are specifically raised for pearl production.
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