Lisa D'Amato, which to. me is the best winner and contestant to ever be on there!! I LOVE HER!! But, hatas gon hate.
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He is an American (born in Knoxville, Tennessee).
He is an American (born in Knoxville, Tennessee).
Well then he should be with me cuz that's where my grandmas from r.i.p. the whole side of her fam is out there....randy baby email me cricket7281@yahoo.com xo no hatas.
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you yell rain rain go away that's what all the hatas say then you scream hes hidin in windows hes snatchin yo peples up try to rape em so hide yo kids hide you wife then say so mote it be
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Uttrakhand bjp government nai aapna bhot bank kay leya b.ed barojgaro kay sath majak kiya hai or sath hi untrand teacher ko school mai rakh kar sikshya ka eastar giraya hai. Or satha hi sepecial btc kay niyam barbar badal kar barojgaro ko confuse kiya hai jis b.ed barojgar hatas huwa hai. Yea barojgar jo ean niyamo kai chaltai aapni niyukti ki age puri karchuka hai kabhe mafa nahi karagi.
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It's spelt 'popular'. In high school they're are often jerks who are popular because of their appearance or their family's social standing or wealth. However, people who remain popular for good reason usually do so because of charm, charisma and acting positively with regards to others. They're the people you want to be around.
If you want to become popular it's not that hard - be charming and smile, and don't allow yourself to openly hate anyone or talk about others behind their backs. (Seriously, you'd be surprised how quickly this can work).
the cool people are the ones that are friends with everyone including nerds, sports players, and pretty much everyone else EXCEPT THE HATAS IM NOT GONA MENTION ANY NAMES UGH UGH TAYLOR
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Because the Japanese people felt like it The Japaneese have a big history of man lifting kites; There are many stories of kites being used in Japaneese battles. For example to lift archers into the air so they could fire arrows further and over the heads of the enemy. In the early 1700's Kakinoki Kinsuki was a Japaneese guy who tried to steal the gold scales from Nagoya Castle by flying up there on a kite - he was caught and boiled in oil. A warior called Tametomo who was banished to Hachijo island floated his son off the island on a kite. Hachijo kites have his face on. The lifting properties of the kites were also used to help constructing buildings eg lifting bricks to the workers in baskets. Japaneese people fly kites on boys day to celebrate having sons, they usually have carp on. Traditionally kites were associated with many religios festivals and holidays in Japan especially the Tango festival. The Nagasaki Hata is a fighting kite as is the Rokaku. Both are now flown for fun although some sources say they were used to settle disputes. Rokakus are hexagons which traditionally have intricate designs of warriors and/or demons where as Hatas are "kite" shaped and have simple geometric red white and blue designs.
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Rhyming is quite simple. Get a short-ish word, say "sock" then think of a word ending with "ock". Rock, Mock, Clock, Knock But, if you add ANY letters onto the end of that rhyming word it turns like... Lock-et, Rock-et See what I mean? The last letters stay the same in the rhyming word. But if you get a word like... "astronaut" you may not find any rhyming words. So in my advice, stick to 6 letters or less when rhyming.
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the lyrics are
Cassie: Get up in the mornin sun is shinin.Grab my telephone the heat is rising.
All together:time is just beginning the fun has got me grinning.
Cassie: My girls already alled and started the pre-game. My boys already fall like always the same.
All together: We're melting in the summer this day wont be a bummer. Ladies
Mallory: Lets make a pack I know you feel me.
all together: We feel you. Fellas
Mallory: We gotcha back i know you feel me.
All together:one
Cassie: Make sure we all know your name.
All together:two
Cassie: Make sure you got more game
All together: three
Cassie: we're gonna be best of friends
All together: spread the love countdown and begin. Four
Cassie: never give up your secrets
all together:five
Cassie: always independent
All together: six
Cassie:every body fall in
All together: spread the love countdown and begin
Karla: never be egresive its time to play.Never get obsessive that's not ok
All together: you always have to work don't try to be so perfect.
Karla: Get up on your feet and move along.This will garutee the day will go on.
All together:Dont be like all the hatas who act like they are fakas.Ladies
Mallory: Lets make a pack i know you feel me
All together:We feel you. Fellas
Mallory:We gotcha back i know you feel me. OH
All together:one
Karla: Make sure we all know your name
All Together: Two
Karla: Make sure you got more game.
All together: Three
Karla: We're gonna be best of friends.
All Together: Spread the love countdown and begin.Four
Karla: Never give up your secrets.
All Together: Five
Karla: Always independent.
All together: Six
Karla: Everybody fall in.
All together: Spread the love countdown and begin.
Lina: When the moon starts to hide.Rewinding down the night has said godbye.All of the smiles on our faces. WE'll Re-faces when we start the countdown again.
All together:One
Karla: Make sure we all know your name.
All together: Two
Karla:Make sure you got more game.
All together:Three
Karla: We're gonna be best of friends.
All together: Spread the love countdown and begin.Four
Karla: Never give up your secrets.
All together:Five
Karla: Always independent.
All Together: Six
Karla:Everybody fall in.
All together: Spread the love countdown and begin
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The cast of Battle for Haditha - 2007 includes: Hanneen Abbas as Huda Aya Abbas as Safa Manar Abdallateef Mohammed Abdul Qader Sabah Abed as Night Raid Family 1 Falah Abraheem Flayeh as Ahmad Ali Adil Disher as Iraqi Translator Deyana Adill Samir Al Khaldi Adnan Alaker as Marine Zuher Alessa Norhan Ali Marie Ali Nadeer Ali Esra Ali Ahmad Ali as Foreign Fighter Aram Ali as Night Raid Family 2 Noor Ali as Night Raid Family 2 Saidar Ali as Night Raid Family 2 Ahmad Alshamari Huthaifa Altbnna as Person at Party Daweh Amer Tayebeh Amjad Ban Amyad Aws Asaad Rafeq Asfour Fahed Borham as Foreign Fighter Oliver Bytrus as Jafar Joe Chacon as Lance Corporal Lopez Nathan De La Cruz as Cpl. Marcus Sabeena Flefel as Night Raid Family 3 Salah Forzi Yehyea Fuad as Abdul Raman Ibrahim Fuad as Abdullah Hakim Fuad as Son Vernon Gaines as Lance Corporal Sosa Abbas Ghanim as Mr. Yunis Ali Gies Jibril Hambel as Division Commander Major General Richard Kipper Sam Hameed Majid Hameed Sami Hanan as Person at Party Yasmine Hanani as Hiba Yousef Hasim Yasin Hasim Madeeha Hassan Suad Hatas Ali as Night Raid Family 2 Thomas Hennessy as Doc Majd Hijjawi as Woman shot in street Mayas Issa Adeeb Jameel Huda Jaseb as Foreign fighter Muna Jaseb as Foreign fighter Wesal Kamil Majd Kareem Hussam Karim as College Boy Nazar Khalid as Singer Dhiaa Khalil as Bit part Idair Khoshaba Matthew Knoll as Cpl. Matthews Nabil Koni Nabeel Koni Juliet Koshaba as Saba Zamil Lafta as Night Raid Family 3 Falah Mahdi Ali Majid Alhasmy as Night Raid Family 2 Raheem Majid as Abdulhamled Family - Uncle Jehad Mohammed Mana Danny Martinez as Lance Corporal Santos Mokhlic Marzan as Night Raid Family 3 Andrew McLaren as Capt. Sampson Eric Mehalacopoulos as Sgt. Ross Rozan Munther as Night Raid Family 1 Sundrus Munther as Night Raid Family 1 Jabbar Munther as Night Raid Family 1 Revan Munther as Night Raid Family 1 Rania Munther as Night Raid Family 1 Fatima Najm Murtada Namir as Foreign Fighter Ghazwan Nayem Kathem Oday Ali Odebat as Olive Tree Man Salamih Oudih Zamil Ouef Abdulsallam Oulwan Azez Ourieb Salih Raji Rfi Rami Iman Razza as Um Mahmood Forat Reda Elliot Ruiz as Cpl. Ramirez Laith Sabne Fatimah Saeb Hameed Sahi as Uncle Fleyih Jamir Salah Jabbar Saleh Ali Salem as Foreign Fighter Muhnnad Salim Waed Salim Nick Shakoour as Pfc Hanoon Ibitsam Shamarie as Grandmother Yousef Shamshoon Saqar Soudi as Iraqi soldier Tony Spencer as Pfc. Roberts Wijdan Taha Ilham Talib as Ilham Sandi Thaer Ali Thahb Amma Theyab Antonio Tostado as Lance Corporal Jimenez Alysha Westlake as CNN News Anchor Jase Willette as Pfc. Cuthbert Wil Wright as Marine Extra Abdullah Yaser Sam Yehya as College Boy Helen Zamel as Night Raid Family 3 Mazen Zamil as Night Raid Family 3 Maher Zamil as Night Raid Family 3 Mokhlis Zamil as Night Raid Family 3 Laith Zedan as Person at Party Aseel Zedan as Person at Party
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