A Legend Beyblade is a HWS version of the Pre HWS Metal Beyblades. They're Fusion Wheels are modeled after the Wheels of the Pre HWS Beys. There is no difference after that.
1 answer
Possibly HWS? $50-$75.
1 answer
This question if probably from the same person who asked "What type of metal are hws beyblades made of?", but the answer is still "zinc alloy".
1 answer
"Owen" means "well-born" or "noble" in Welsh. "Hues" does not have a direct meaning in Welsh, but it could be a variant spelling of "hws," meaning "mansion" or "dwelling." Together, "Owen hues" could suggest a name that signifies nobility or a connection to a grand residence.
2 answers
Molecules move against their concentration gradient, from an area of low concentration to high concentration, in active transport. This process requires energy input to pump the molecules across a membrane using specific proteins like pumps or carriers.
9 answers
Hello! friends. I'm Neeraj Sehwag
In my point of view I guess it is as I know Indian GDP is growing approx 10% rate annually also we are assuming that one day INDIA will be far far ahead of china but just with this data can we think or predict that... entrepreneur-ship is only enjoying position in country no not at al.
look a wander vegetable wala they are entrepreneurs in them-self we know reliance-fresh have given us comfort for buying fresh vegetable at cheaper price and easily but can we think what they did these wander wala hws their life is ruined. by reliance fresh now they can't do any thing because they don't have much money to give a tough competion to reliance fresh but I think they have just one option --- to sit desolate by puting their both hand togather and nothing more and hoping - one day they will have their own house to cover their head in rain
thousand of companies open daily but also thousand of them shutter-down forever.
look at Nandi-gram protest
even we have a recent example for tata One Lakh car singur case for land acquisition controversy tata industry is a power-ful hunk in Indian history so they aquire the land its not stop here
think for those people who are supresed even before their start their business.
well friend I hope I'm quite clear about my view.
but but hoping for more input from you please do share them with me thanks $$
2 answers
The best bey is Burn Phoenix or Fire blaze , then Flame Libra, and last Earth Eagle. Burn Phoenix is 1st, Flame Libra is 2nd, and Earth Eagle is 3rd
WRONG the best beyblade is pre-hws libra then prehws Virgo then meteo l drago
best customs
libra gb145 cs
Virgo 125 es/s/cs
meteo l drago 85/90/100 cs/wf/rf/lf/lrf/r2f
burn fireblaze is pretty good but my lightning ldrago beat it once
6 answers
By gathering statistics, I would say that the RX-93 Nu Gundam would out-perform the Wing Gundam. The Nu Gundam is superior due to it's Funnels. If we're assuming that the pilots of the Nu Gundam and Wing Gundam Zero are Amuro Ray, and Heero Yuy, then we can easily make a conclusion. At the time of piloting the Nu Gundam, Amuro is about 29 years old, meaning that he has been piloting mobile suits for almost 15 years. Heero Yuy, on the other hand, has had training in combat from a very early age, but only starts piloting mobile suits at the age of 15. This means that Amuro has been piloting mobile suits for about the same time that Heero has been alive. Let's take a look at the simplified specs of each respective Mobile Suit.
The Nu Gundam (non HWS) is armed with:
The Wing Gundam Zero is armed with:
Amuro Ray is a Newtype, giving him a great advantage over common pilots, although some would argue that the ZERO System negates this trait. The Wing Zero's most powerful weapon is the Twin Buster Rifle, which is capable of destroying entire colonies. However, due to Amuro's Newtype abilities, this slow attack would be easily dodged or countered. The psychoframe further utilizes the abilities of a Newtype pilot, which means that the Wing Zero would run out of ammo before it landed a hit on the Nu. Heero prefers to fight from a distance, relying on heavy attacks from afar, whereas Amuro has perfected mobile suit combat from both long and close range. He was the pilot of the first Gundam, the RX-78-2, which was a close-range MS. This gives yet another advantage over the Wing Zero. The deal-breaker in this battle definitely comes down to the Funnel system. Funnels are aerial beam-firing weapons that are controlled by Newtype brain-waves. Heero has never seen a weapon such as this in combat, and therefore would most likely either underestimate them or fail to combat them effectively.
Taking all of this into consideration, we must also look at another other interesting fact: The Funnel system, on-top of being arguably the most effective mobile suit weapon, can also be used as a defensive tool. The Funnels can create a "Pyramid of Light," that can even defend against battleship-class mega-particle cannons.
I would say that the NU Gundam would win, hands down.
1 answer
The only good place to buy a hedgehog is from a reputable breeder. In the related links, there are two lists put up. The hedgehog breeders alliance, and the HHC breeders list. The second has not been updated, but does have some quality breeders that are USDA certified.
Please keep in mind that just because a breeder is USDA certified, DOES NOT MAKE THEM A GOOD BREEDER.
Look to see that the breeder you are looking at -
See the links below for lists of hedgehog breeders - but do your research on all of them before buying. You may also find breeders not listed here by completing a internet search of your area via google, bing, etc.
Though I do not recommend it for first time owners, you can rescue a hedgehog.
Never buy hedgehogs or hoglets from a pet store!Hoglets from pet stores are sub par (poorly bred, poorly socialized, poorly fed, poorly housed, sickly) 99.99% of the time. Do NOT encourage bad breeders and the pet stores themselves by buying these animals. You will pay 10 times more in the long run buying a bad animal then you will buying a good one in the first place!
Consideration on the cost of owning a hedgehog -A pedigreed, healthy, and well socialized hedgehog from a reputable breeder will cost you $150-300 in the American market. If you can't afford the hedgehog itself, you probably cannot afford proper care, which includes -
All in all, this venture can be very, very expensive.
There are also links to pages on hedgie care.10 answers
The cast of Carte Blanche - 1988 includes: Idan Aharoni as Himself - RSA Head of Cyber Intelligence (segment "Fighting Cyber Crime") Kristen Alldredge as Herself - Field Assistant (segment "Madagascar") Minki Allen as Herself (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Sudki Almakt as Himself - Druze (segment "Syria") Suleiman Almakt as Himself - Druze Sheikh (segment "Syria") Deon as Himself (segment "Phone Pirates") Bertie as Himself - Ex Noupoort Patient (segment "Noupoort II") Berisson as Himself - Rosewood Logger (segment "Madagascar") Charles Aspeling as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Les Aupiais as Himself - Presenter Les Aupiais as Himself - Presenter (segment "Monkey Town Revisited") Uri Avneri as Himself - Isreali Journalist (segment "Gaza War") Jacob Baard as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") Bianca Bagdonovich as Herself - Newlywed Michael Bagraim as Himself - Lawyer Alfred Baloy as Himself - segment "World Cup Innovations" Clinton Basel as Himself - segment "World Cup Innovations" Garth Batchelor as Himself - Mpumalanga Department of Environmental Affairs (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Anthony Batchelor as Himself - Personal Injury Attorney (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Luca Battani as Himself - Presenter (segment "Phone Pirates") Shane Beach as Herself (segment "Dead Meds") Eunie Bebeza as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") Elsabe Bester as Herself - Newlywed Lauren Beukes as herself Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Constantia") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Getting a Home") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "MAN Truck") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Military Might") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Noupoort II") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment "Take Off") Bongani Bingwa as Himself - Presenter (segment: "Radovan Foiled") Theuns Blom as Himself - SABS (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Ronald Bobroff as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") Ronald Bobroff as Himself - Personal Injury Attorney (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Chris Bona as Himself - Baxter International (segment "Swine Flu") Richard Bonynge as Himself - Conductor (segment "Pretty Yende") Daniel Botelho as himself Pik Botha as Himself (segment "Man on the Moon") Christian Botha as Himself - Private Investigator (segment "Reversal of Fortune") David Briskham as Himself (segment "Rent Boy in Rehab") Philip Bromley as Himself (segment "Tracking") Tjaart Broodryk as Himself (segment "Bills and Blunders") Robert Burford as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Robyn Carlisle as Herself (segment "Constantia") Terri Carlson as Herself (segment "Highway Robberies") Penny Carrington as Herself - Bongani Doll Creator (segment "World Cup Innovations") Danel Casey as herself Thierry Cassuto as himself Marc Celmeyer as Himself - Grade One St. Andrews School Dion Chang as Himself (segment "Mooiriver Magic") Noma Chao Tenni as Himself - Pupil (segment "Madagascar") Kate Chapple as Herself - British Environment Agency (segment "That Sinking Feeling") Peter Cheales as Himself - Consumer Activist Rinesh Chetty as Himself - Registrar Lassy Chiwayo as Himself - segment "Mbombela Stadium" Gordon Christie as Himself - Masana Chief Operating Officer (segment "Bills and Blunders") Ian Cloete as Himself - Ex Noupoort Patient (segment "Noupoort II") Greg Coetzer as Himself - AD Millar Attorneys (segment "Desperate for Government Grants") Cas Coovadia as Himself (segment "Getting a Home") Michael Cowling as Himself - University of Natal Debby Cox as Herself - Jane Goodall Institute: Uganda (segment "Monkey Town Revisited") Gavin Crichton as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Wally Croome as Himself - Chair SA Traditional Linefish Association (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Corrie Crous as Himself (segment "Dubai World") Virginia Davids as Herself - South African College of Music (segment "Pretty Yende") Ishak Dawood as Himself - Owner A.D.M. Superette (segment "Constantia") Laurentia de Klerk as Herself (segment "Modelling Scandal") Daniela de Kock as Herself - Occupational Therapist Glen de Swardt as Himself - Health4Men Jessica De Valdoleiros as Herself - Mother (segment "Beds of Hope") Div De Villiers as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Dawie de Villiers as Himself - Modelling SA (segment "Modelling Scandal") Zama Dlamini as Herself - Hijack Victim (segment "Tracking") Mavela Dlamini as Himself - City Manager (segment "Bills and Blunders") Lucito Dlamini as Himself - Resident of Skomplaas (segment "Mbombela Stadium") Joe Dos Santos as Himself - Business Owner (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Dianne Drinn as Herself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Ernest du Toit as Himself - CEO, Rooibos (segment "Rooibos") Johan du Toit as Himself - Newlywed Pierre Duhain as Himself - Organic Farmer (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Pierre Durant as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Wayne Duvenage as Himself - Chair: Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (segment "Tolls 2014") Tina Eboka as herself Syd Eckley as Himself (Segment "Dead Meds") Sven Eick as Himself (segment "Swine Flu") George Eighmey as Himself (segment "Death with Dignity") Kevin Ellise as Himself - Model Agent Daryl Els as Himself - Private Investigator (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Ben Elton as Himself (segment "Ben Elton") Kallie Erichson as Himself - Reserve Owner (segment "Rhinos") Michael Eustace as Himself - Conservationist (segment "Rhinos") Amina Fakeha as Herself - Syrian (segment "Syria") Mercia Fani as Herself (segment "Noupoort II") Ilham Farah as Himself - Gaza Resident (segment "Gaza War") Anne Farris as Herself - Mothwa Haven Matron (segment "Dead Meds") Suzette Ferreira as Herself - Daughter of Annique Theron (segment "Roobios") Paul Ferreira as Himself (segment "Noupoort II") Clayton Fletcher as Himself (segment "Rhinos") Yuri Flyder as Himself - Trojan Attack Expert (segment "Fighting Cyber Crime") Don Forbes as Himself - Councillor (segment "Bills and Blunders") Morgamat Fortuin as Himself - Fisherman (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Marius Fransman as Himself - Anc Mp (Segment "Constantia") Jonathan Garb as Himself (segment "Take Off") Jenny Gautschi as Herself - Marketing: Hello South Africa (segment "World Cup Innovations") Lynette Gerber as Herself (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Gerrie Gerneke as Himself - Director - Johannesburg Police Department (segment "Not so candid camera") Thilay Govender as Herself (segment "Highway Robberies") Peter Gregerson as Himself - Blue Lagoon Hotel (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Alwyn Grienbenouw as Himself (segment "Return from Chikurubi") Sophia Grimbeek as Herself - Identity Theft Victim (segment "Double Take") Rosaline Grobbelaar as Herself (segment "Monkey Town Revisited") Danie Grobler as Himself (segment "Reitz Revisited") Johan Groenewald as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Sharon Haarhoff as Herself (segment "Snake Oil") Bandile Hadebe as himself Fidel Hadebe as himself Errol Harris as Herself - Alleged Mercenary (segment "Return from Chikurubi") Neil Hempson as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Tappe Henning as Himself (segment "Rugby Referees") Michael Herbst as Himself (segment "Rent Boy in Rehab") John Herselman as Himself - Airline Pilots Association (segment "King Shaka Gets Wings") Rusty Higgs as Himself - segment "Mbombela Stadium" Yolandi Homan as Herself - EMG Recruitment (segment "Double Take") Allan Horseman as Himself - Asiawing Motors SA (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Noel Hurt as Himself - High Court Judge (segment "Desperate for Government Grants") Michael Jackson as himself Magdaleen Jacobs as Herself (segment "Debt Disaster") Johanna Jacobs as Herself - Mother (segment "Beds of Hope") Maggie Jaftha as Herself (segment "Debt Disaster") Moses Jaftha as Himself (segment "Constantia") Beverly Jansen as Herself (segment "Constantia") Bernard Jay as Himself (segment "2010 Countdown") Bernard Jay as Himself - CEO Joburg Theater (segment "Ben Elton") Roy Jobson as Himself (segment "Snake Oil") Pelham Jones as Himself - Conservationist (segment "Rhinos") Kyra Joshua as Herself - Cape of Good Hope SPCA (segment "Monkey Town Revisited") Willie Joubert as Himself - Rhino Owner (segment "Rhinos") Olivia Judson as Herself (segment "The Beast Within") Lindiwe Kabasa as Herself - Identity Theft Victim (segment "Double Take") Sebastian Kaempf as Himself - School of Political Science University of Queensland (segment "Drones") Izzy Kanfer as Himself (segment "Snake Oil") Roche Keyter as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") Penelope Kgomola as Herself - Home Owner (segment "Getting a Home") Gladys Khokhonyane as Herself - Mother (segment "Beds of Hope") Robert Khuzami as Himself (segment "Greg Smith") Gary Kleynhans as Himself - Extreme Surf School (segment "Muizenberg Surfers") Werner Koekemoer as Himself - National Dept. of Transport (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Marcel Kohler as Himself - International Economist, UKZN (segment "Dubai World") Jody Kollapen as Himself (segment "Reitz Revisited") Beatri Kruger as Herself (segment "Sex Trafficking") Luke Lamprecht as Himself - JHB Child Advocacy Forum (segment "Modelling Scandal") Ruda Landman as Herself - Presenter Ruda Landman as Herself - Presenter (segment "Debt Disaster") Ruda Landman as Herself - Presenter (segment "The Beast Within") Ruda Landman as Herself - Presenter (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Annika Larsen as Herself - Presenter (segment "Joule II") Annika Larsen as Herself - Presenter (segment "Military Might") Darren Le Grange as Himself - Private Security (segment "Highway Robberies") Joanne Lefson as Herself - Dog Adoption Activist (segment: "Slumdog Mountaineer") Duan Lemmer as Himself - General Practitioner (segment "EMS 2010") Henry Lerm as Himself - Uitenhage Justice Centre Executive (segment "Debt Disaster") Dirk Lessner as Himself - Senior Research Engineer (segment "Drones") Carl Levin as Himself (segment "Greg Smith") Andrew Lloyd Webber as Himself - 2008 Interview (segment "Ben Elton") Lanie Lombard as Herself (segment "Lanie II") Diana Lombard as Herself (segment "Lanie II") Mike Lombard as Himself (segment "Lanie II") Harry Louw as Himself - MD: Altech Netstar (segment "Tracking") Portia Lusaseni as Herself - Home Owner (segment "Getting a Home") Norman Mabasa as himself Melanie Machanik as herself Vumile Mafunda as Himself - Attorney (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Tiyana Magerman as herself Caroline Magerman as herself Willem Magerman as himself Solomon Makgale as Himself - Police Spokesman (segment: "Radovan Foiled") King Makosoki II as Himself - segment "World Cup Innovations" Moky Makura as Herself - Presenter (segment "Self Made Man") Julius Malema as Himself (segment "Reitz Revisited") Peter Malungani as Himself (segment "Bills and Blunders") Norish Mamve as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Anton Mangiagalli as Himself - Fisherman (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Craig Marais as Himself - CEO Sockzela Branded Covers (segment "World Cup Innovations") Frank Marco as Himself (segment "Constantia") Ryan Marzullo as Himself - Ilembe Project Manager: Terminal Buildings (segment "King Shaka Gets Wings") Bheki Mashile as Himself - Journalist (segment "Umjindi") Tsietsi Mashinini as Herself - Nov 1976 Interview (segment "16th June") Kashama Mazanga as Herself - Alleged Mercenary George Mazarakis as Himself - Carte Blanche Executive Producer Nicholas Mbele as himself Dave McGlew as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") Julie McMurchie as Himself (segment "Death with Dignity") Phineas Mduli as Himself - Beneficiary Matsafeni Trust (segment "Mbombela Stadium") Charles Meadows as Himself - Graphic Designer (segment "Phone Pirates") Thabo Meeko as Himself (segment "Reitz Revisited") Luis Mejias as Himself - Queensland University of Technology (segment "Drones") Nomaleza Melwa as Herself (segment "Debt Disaster") Marcelle Meredith as Herself - CEO: NSPCA (segment "Circus Elephants") Guy Merkel as Himself (segment ""Guns and Rogues II) Mary Metcalfe as Himself - DG Higher Education (segment "Reitz Revisited") Isaac Mgidi as Himself - Mgidi Agricultural Development Bubele Mhlanga as Himself - segment "Mbombela Stadium" Fundisile Mketeni as Himself - DDG, Biodiversity and Conservation (segment "Rhinos") Nathi Mncube as Himself - Police Spokesman (segment: "Radovan Foiled") Lalit Modi as Himself (segment "Lalit Modi") Jacob Modise as Himself - CEO Road Accident Fund (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Modise Modise as Himself - Katlehong Resident (segment "Getting a Home") Johanna Modisha as Herself - Home Owner (segment "Getting a Home") Vusi Mona as Himself - Head of Communications: Sanral (segment "Tolls 2014") Shaheen Moolla as Himself - Fishers Consultant (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Neo Motaung as Herself - Presenter (segment "Pretty Yende") Shadrack Motloung as Himself (segment "Getting a Home") Angie Motsheke as Herself (segment "The Community") Enoch Mtambeki as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Selina Mthimkulu as Herself - Home Owner (segment "Getting a Home") Divya Naidoo as Himself (segment "Desperate for Government Grants") Pinkie Ncwane as Herself (segment "Dead Meds") Nde Ndifonka as Himself (segment "Sex Trafficking") Nunu Ndlovu as Himself - Presenter (segment "Circus Elephants") Job Ngema as Himself - segment "Mbombela Stadium" Grant Nicholls as Himself (segment "2010 Countdown") Grant Nicholls as Himself - segment "World Cup Innovations" Edward Nkoloso as Himself (segment "Man on the Moon") Zaa Nkweta as Himself - Presenter (segment "Rent Boy in Rehab") Xolil Nxu as Himself - First Deputy President Samwu Inkhosi Nyanga Ngubane as Himself (segment "Desperate for Government Grants") Deliwe Nyathikazi as Herself - Acting Head: Limpopo Health Dept (segment "EMS 2010") John Oatley as Himself (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Nigel Ogilvy as Himself (segment "Highway Robberies") Gregg Olefse as Himself (segment "That Sinking Feeling") Hilda Olivier as Herself - Ex-Wife (segment "Justice for Juveniles") Willie Olivier as Himself - Anglo African Procurement (segment "MAN Truck") Samantha Oosthuizen as Herself (segment "Highway Robberies") Gerhard Oosthuizen as himself Marge Paine as Herself (segment "Return from Chikurubi") Ken Paine as Herself - Flight Engineer (segment "Return from Chikurubi") Naledi Pandor as Himself (segment "Man on the Moon") Marian Pappas as Herself - Teacher (segment "Immigrant Update II") Erik Patel as Himself - Primatologist (segment "Madagascar") John Perlman as Himself (segment "2010 Countdown") Christiaan Peterson as Himself (segment "Constantia") Ryan Pickford as Himself (segment "Tracking") Francois Pienaar as Himself (segment "Lalit Modi") Bongiwe Pityi as Herself - ACSA Assistant General Manager (segment "King Shaka Gets Wings") Joyce Poole as Herself - Co-Founder: Elephant Voices (segment "Circus Elephants") Nico Potgieter as Himself - Private Security (segment "Highway Robberies") Rudi Potgieter as Himself - Shareholder (segment "Full Disclosure") Bernice Powell as Herself - Paediatric Registrar (segment "Beds of Hope") Halye Preston as herself Koos Pretorius as Himself - Escarpment Environment Protection Group (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Tiffany Prior as Herself - Ice Models (segment "Mooiriver Magic") Stuart Proudfoot as Himself - Ilembe Project Manager: Other Buildings (segment "King Shaka Gets Wings") Kwezi Qika as Himself (segment "Muizenberg Surfers") Desire Rabary as Himself - Tour Guide (segment "Madagascar") Mohale Ralebitso as Himself (segment "Beds of Hope") Jenny Ramlall as Herself - Pick-Nik Marketing (segment "Double Take") Francois Rank as Himself (segment "Debt Disaster") David Rattray as Himself - Historian (segment "The Community") Michal Reekin as Herself - Israeli (segment "Syria") Kirsty Reilly as Herself - International Booker (segment "Mooiriver Magic") Nicole Rensleigh as Herself - Owner: Model Cup (segment "Modelling Scandal") Dominique Rensleigh as Himself - Owner: Model Cup (segment "Modelling Scandal") Golan Rice as Himself (segment "Take Off") Ashwin Roberts as Himself (segment "Muizenberg Surfers") Jacinto Rocha as Himself - Mineral Regulation (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Gary Ronald as Himself (segment "Not so candid camera") Jennifer Rossouw as Herself - Mother (segment "Sex Trafficking") Pieter Rossouw as Himself - Software Engineer (segment "Rhinos") Chantal Rutter as Herself - Presenter Chantal Rutter as Herself - Presenter (segment "Baby Turtles") Chantal Rutter as Herself - Presenter (segment "Modelling Scandal") Devi Sankaree Govender as herself Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "16th June") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Dead Meds") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Greg Smith") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Road Accident Fiasco") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Snake Oil") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "That Sinking Feeling") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Tolls 2014") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segment "Tracking") Devi Sankaree Govender as Herself - Presenter (segments "Fighting Cyber Crime" "Syria") Barry Schoub as Himself (segment "Swine Flu") Philip Schoulz as Himself - Chief Director of Operations (segment "Military Might") Wynand Schultz as Himself - HWS Transport (segment "MAN Truck") Kalesh Seevnarain as Himself - Senior registrar Molofi Sefularo as Himself (segment "EMS 2010") Ari Seurlis as Himself - National Director QuadPara Association of SA (segment "Tolls 2014") Ari Seurlis as Himself - Quad Para Association Tokyo Sexwale as Himself (segment "Getting a Home") Erez Shaked as Himself (segment "Rent Boy in Rehab") Solly Shoke as Himself - segment "Mbombela Stadium" Sizo Sibiya as Himself - Isimangaliso Park Authority (segment "Baby Turtles") Meschak Silinda as Himself - Trust Matsafeni Trust (segment "Mbombela Stadium") Anne Skelton as Herself (segment "Noupoort II") Pieter Slabbert as Himself - Neurosurgeon Nigel Slevin as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Steve Smit as Himself - Animal Rights Africa (segment "Monkey Town Revisited") Toinette Soares as Herself - Patient Richard Spoor as Himself - Human Rights Lawyer (segment "Mbombela Stadium") Richard Spoor as Himself - Human Rights Lawyer (segment "The Community") Johan Steenkamp as Himself - Former Traffic Officer (segment "Not so candid camera") Harris Steinman as Himself (segment "Snake Oil") Desmond Stevens as Himself - Acting DDG Fisheries (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Pierre Steyn as Himself (segment "Reversal of Fortune") Douw Steyn as Himself - Businessman Nicky Sutherland as Herself (segment "Highway Robberies") Ryan Sutherland as Himself (segment "Highway Robberies") Candice Swanepoel as Herself (segment "Mooiriver Magic") Mike Tanski as Himself - Liaison Executive: SITE (segment "Not so candid camera") Mike Tees as Himself - Tees Attorneys Sister Tharsilla as Herself (segment "The Community") Annique Theron as Herself (segment "Rooibos") Robert Thomas Preston as Himself - Ex Noupoort Patient (segment "Noupoort II") Virginia Tilley as Herself - Comparative Political Scientist Alan Tomlinson as Himself (segment "Snake Oil") Ben Trovato as himself Solly Tshitangano as Himself (segment "The Community") Tumiso Tsukudu as himself Jenny Tucek as Herself - Turtle Concervationist (segment "Baby Turtles") Russell Unterslak as Himself (segment "Rent Boy in Rehab") Bessie van Antwerp as Herself (segment "Not so candid camera") Oom van Blerk as Himself (segment "Double Take") Pieter Van Dalen as Himself - DA (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Wilma van der Bank as Herself (segment "Debt Disaster") Tanya Van der Linden as Herself - Motorist (segment "Tolls 2014") Marieta van der Merwe as herself Nick van der Merwe as himself Steve van der Merwe as Himself (segment "Bills and Blunders") Ray van der Merwe as Himself (segment "Dubai World") Schalk van der Merwe as Himself (segment "Reitz Revisited") Sean van der Valk as Himself - ACSA Project Manager (segment "King Shaka Gets Wings") Marcell van der Watt as Himself (segment "Sex Trafficking") Joan van Niekerk as Herself - Childline National Coordinator Anya van Oudtshoorn as Herself - Photographer Martinus van Schalkwyk as Himself - Minister Environmental Affairs and Tourism (segment "Chrissiesmeer") Marlice Van Vuuren as herself Zacheo van Vuuren as himself Rudie van Vuuren as himself Shorty van Vuuren as Himself (segment "Asiawing Trucks") Emerald van Zyl as Himself - Financial Costing Consultant (segment "The Community") Cila Venter as herself Andre Vermeulen as Himself (segment "Noupoort II") Norah Vincent as Herself (segment "Self Made Man") Tony Voorvelt as Himself (segment "Man on the Moon") Andre Watson as Himself - SA Referee Director (segment "Rugby Referees") Florian Weise as himself Isabel Wentzel as Herself - National Inspector: NSPCA (segment "Circus Elephants") Roland Wichman as Himself - Fisherman (segment "Fishermen Fight Back") Riana Woite as Herself - Paediatric Registrar (segment "Beds of Hope") Nellie Xhosa as Herself (segment "Desperate for Government Grants") Pretty Yende as Herself - Opera Singer (segment "Pretty Yende") Duna Zuzekile as Himself (segment "Wild Coast Cottages destroyed") Lorraine Zwane as Herself - Domestic Worker (segment "Modelling Scandal")
5 answers