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Well sort of but not really. If you look at them closely then u can tell the difference. pet shops have more designs and they're bobble Head. hppe that helps BYE!!

1 answer

If you are interested in purchasing a pair of cut resistant gloves, there are many available on the market. However, you will want go go with a trusted and reliable brand. You can usually tell if they are of good quality if they are made with materials such as Para aramid, HPPE or steelfibre.

1 answer

Read this link before you do something stupid and make the choice to snort an anti-convulsant. I have a few choice words for those who would be dumb enough to snort this drug but I am just going to hold my peace.

The above answer is a good one. Doing this would be stupid.

7 answers

Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), also known as high-modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high-performance polyethylene (HPPE). A well known brand for this plastic is "Dyneema" which is also used in bullet-proof vests.

3 answers