Yes. You can breed 2 different species of tortoise and you can breed female Greek with WC Jordanian.
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Greek - 2007 The Tortoise and the Hair 3-14 was released on:
USA: 15 February 2010
Australia: 3 September 2011
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Hermes changed the nymph Khelone into a tortoise for not going to the wedding of Zeus and Hera. Hermes also made from a tortoise shell the lyre he traded to Apollo for cattle.
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the tortoise i guess because its his sacred animal
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The Greek tortoises are kept hydrated and maintained at proper humidity levels to help them grow into healthy adults.
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From the Greek Αισωπος (Aisopos), which is of unknown meaning. This was the name of a Greek fabulist of the 6th century BC, famous for such tales as 'The Tortoise and the Hare'.
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Ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus
Also Holy Stephen in an episode of CSI.
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Russian tortoises and hermanns are both good. so are greek.
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Nobody is in the tortoise family. but if you mean what animals are in the tortoise faimly then look up this website.
I got this off http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoise at the taxonomy paragraph
* Chersina ** Chersina angulata, Bowsprit Tortoise * Cylindraspis (All species Extinct) ** Cylindraspis indica, synonym Cylindraspis borbonica** Cylindraspis inepta ** Cylindraspis peltastes ** Cylindraspis triserrata ** Cylindraspis vosmaeri * Dipsochelys ** Dipsochelys abrupta (Extinct) ** Dipsochelys arnoldi, Arnold's Giant Tortoise, ** Dipsochelys daudinii (Extinct) ** Dipsochelys dussumieri, Aldabra Giant Tortoise, common synonyms Geochelone gigantea, Aldabrachelys gigantea ** Dipsochelys grandidieri (Extinct) ** Dipsochelys hololissa, Seychelles giant tortoise * Geochelone** Geochelone carbonaria, Red-Footed Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Chelonoidis ** Geochelone chilensis, Chaco or Chilean Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Chelonoidis ** Geochelone denticulata, Yellow-Footed Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Chelonoidis ** Geochelone elegans, Indian Star Tortoise ** Geochelone nigra, Galápagos Giant Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Chelonoidis ** Geochelone pardalis, Leopard Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Stigmochelys or in Psammobates ** Geochelone platynota, Burmese Star Tortoise ** Geochelone radiata, Radiated Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Astrochelys ** Geochelone sulcata, African Spurred Tortoise (Sulcata Tortoise) ** Geochelone yniphora, Angulated Tortoise, Madagascan (Plowshare) Tortoise; sometimes placed in distinct genus Astrochelys * Gopherus ** Gopherus agassizii, Desert Tortoise ** Gopherus berlandieri, Texas Tortoise ** Gopherus flavomarginatus, Bolson Tortoise ** Gopherus polyphemus, Gopher Tortoise * †Hadrianus ** Hadrianus corsoni (syn. H. octonarius) ** Hadrianus robustus ** Hadrianus schucherti ** Hadrianus utahensis * Homopus ** Homopus aerolatus, Parrot-Beaked Cape Tortoise ** Homopus boulengeri, Boulenger's Cape Tortoise ** Homopus femoralis, Karroo Cape Tortoise ** Homopus signatus, Speckled Cape Tortoise, Speckled Padloper ** Homopus bergeri, Berger's Cape Tortoise, Nama padloper, synonym Homopus solus * Indotestudo ** Indotestudo elongata, Elongated Tortoise ** Indotestudo forstenii, Travancore Tortoise, Forsten's Tortoise ** Indotestudo travancorica, Travancore Tortoise * Kinixys ** Kinixys belliana, Bell's Hinge-Backed Tortoise ** Kinixys erosa, Serrated Hinge-Backed Tortoise ** Kinixys homeana, Home's Hinge-Backed Tortoise ** Kinixys lobatsiana, Lobatse Hingeback Tortoise ** Kinixys natalensis, Natal Hinge-Backed Tortoise ** Kinixys spekii, Speke's Hingeback Tortoise * Malacochersus ** Malacochersus tornieri, Pancake Tortoise * Manouria ** Manouria emys, Brown Tortoise (Mountain Tortoise) ** Manouria impressa, Impressed Tortoise * Psammobates ** Psammobates geometricus, Geometric Tortoise ** Psammobates oculifer, Serrated Star Tortoise ** Psammobates tentorius, African Tent Tortoise * Pyxis ** Pyxis arachnoides, Madagascan Spider Tortoise ** Pyxis planicauda, Madagascan Flat-Tailed Tortoise * Stylemys (Genus extinct) ** Stylemys botti ** Stylemys calaverensis ** Stylemys canetotiana ** Stylemys capax ** Stylemys conspecta ** Stylemys copei ** Stylemys emiliae** Stylemys frizaciana ** Stylemys karakolensis ** Stylemys nebrascensis (syn. S. amphithorax) ** Stylemys neglectus ** Stylemys oregonensis ** Stylemys pygmea ** Stylemys uintensis ** Stylemys undabuna * Testudo ** Testudo atlas, Atlas tortoise, Colossochelys (Extinct) ** Testudo graeca, Greek Tortoise (Spur-Thighed Tortoise) ** Testudo hermanni, Herman's Tortoise ** Testudo horsfieldii, Russian Tortoise (Horsfield's Tortoise, or Central Asian Tortoise) ** Testudo kleinmanni, Egyptian Tortoise, incl. Negev Tortoise ** Testudo marginata, Marginated Tortoise ** Testudo nabeulensis, Tunisian Spur-thigh Tortoise
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you draw the tortoise and then rub out its body
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Aesop's fables, including "The Hare and the Tortoise," were written around the 6th century BCE. Aesop, a Greek storyteller, is often credited with creating these famous moral tales that have been passed down through generations.
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Some words that can be made from the letters in tortoise are:
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zero, a tortoise cant swim, because its a TORTOISE not a turtle, tortoise are land species and turtles are water species
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His symbol is the tortoise because when he was very young, he sneaked out of the cave that his mother and him were sleeping. While he was walking, he saw a tortoise and he killed the tortoise. After, he used the tortoise's shell to make a lyre.
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A tortoise shells size depends on how big the tortoise is, it's age and its breed.
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They were simply known as Tortoise and Hare in Aesop's fables.
In Walt Disney's silly symphony cartoon (1935) the names were Max Hare and Toby Tortoise.
Why was he called toby tortoise??
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If the tortoise is male, you can neuter it, but have a veterinarian do it.
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The tortoise won because the hare was too confident. The hare had a sleep which allowed the tortoise to get to the winning line first.
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because he was very much similiar to a tortoise.
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Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda was a Galápagos tortoise.
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According to Greek mythology, Hermes made the first lyre using a tortoise shell and strings made from sheep gut. He then gifted it to Apollo in exchange for the caduceus.
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