Pronounced Jel pee - at least the Italian Gelpi's pronounce it that way. I would assume the Austrian Gelpi's pronounce it Gel (like Gelding) pee. The Spanish Gelpi I would assume Hel pay.
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Donald L. Gelpi has written:
'Committed worship'
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it was named after dr. ramon hector juan jesus gelpi at swedish hospital in seattle washington in 1851
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Christopher Gelpi has written:
'The power of legitimacy' -- subject(s): Conflict management, Decision making, International Security, International relations, Moral and ethical aspects, Moral and ethical aspects of International relations, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of International relations, Security, International
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The proper noun Gelippi is a surname. A similar more common name is Gelpi.
If you mean a person's first name, it is spelled Jelipe.
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A basic laparotomy instrumentation set and major plastics instrumentation set.
Forceps: Adson with teeth, Rat tooth, Russian, Smooth tissue, DeBakey, Potts-Smith
Scissors: Mayo, Metzenbaum, Nurses, Lister bandage
Retractors: Gelpi, Volkmann Rake, harrington, malleable ribbon, Richardson, Weitlaner, Deaver, Army-Navy
non-pentrating towel clamps
Crile hemostats, Rochester Pean, Mosquito, Schnidt, Foerster ring,
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The cast of Women and Bloody Terror - 1970 includes: The Armadillo as Rock Group Georgine Darcy as Lauren Worthington Jim Egan as Bartender David Gelpi as Danny Lance Gordon as Hustler Christina Hart as Karen Worthington Evelyn Hendricks as Party Hostess Waddy Jones as Holiday Inn Manager David Krippner as Johnny Augie Lapara as Bar Manager Buddy Lewis as Paul Chase Gerald McRaney as Terrance Bradford Michael Oglesbee as Boy in Dream Sequence John Rigol as Policeman Cheryl Rodrigue as Missie Brad Roe Len Swenson as Mr. Worthington Jed Wheeler as Boy in Dream Sequence Nita Wilson as Woman at Motel
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The cast of Night of Bloody Horror - 1969 includes: The Bored as Rock group in bar scene Lisa Dameron as Susan Collins Dalton Dedward Farley Dennis as Wesley as a Boy Phillip Fleming as Altar Boy Mark Fleming as Altar Boy David Gelpi as Victim Louis Grapes as Hood Evelyn Hendricks as Agatha Stuart Anthony Herrera as Man In Club Denis Jeantreau Rayford Johnson Nicholous Krieger as Lt. James Cole Burt Love as Hood Gerald McRaney as Wesley Stuart Herbert Nelson as Dr. Bennett Moss Gordon Ogden as Tucker Fredricks Susan Radosta Scott Radosta Bert Roberts as Mark Lewis Herman Salzer Denis Saucier Sheri Sherwood Murray Solow as Bartender George Spelvin as Priest Nigel Strangeways as Hood Russell Therleau Emile Weaver III as Jonathan Charlotte White as Kay Jensen Gaye Yellen as Angelle Miliot
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Sentiments and attitudes that certain societies associate with women ("femininity") rather than men ("masculinity") are sometimes attributed to each of the three Persons of the Trinity, without thereby assigning to the Person a particular gender. The God spoken of in the Old Testament, generally regarded as God the Father, is spoken of also as a mother giving birth to her people in Deuteronomy 32:18. In Luke 13:34 and in the parallel passages of the other Synoptic Gospels Jesus compares his care for Jerusalem to that of a mother hen for her chickens, and Jesus has been seen as the incarnation of Divine Wisdom (Sophia, grammatically feminine in Greek). So too the Holy Spirit has been associated with a feminine attitude on the part of the Divinity and has been spoken of under the images of mother and mistress. Martin Luther is said to have used feminine terms to speak of the Holy Spirit.
A few recent theologians have gone further and, while retaining masculine reference to Father and Son, have explored feminine alternatives for the Holy Spirit. Some have related this to perceived maternal functions in Scripture or Christian tradition. These include: Clark H. Pinnock, Thomas N. Finger, Jürgen Moltmann, Yves M.J. Congar, John J. O'Donnell, Donald L. Gelpi, and R.P. Nettlehorst.
However, in her study of the Book of Exodus, Carol L. Meyers concludes:
Whether the gendered images had a literal meaning for some or all of the ancient Israelites probably never can be determined. What does seem certain is that they would not have understood our current interest in the sex or gender of God. The dominant male metaphors for God may seem sexist and problematic in today's world, when wrenched from their Iron Age context. But it is worth considering that the many male images and the fewer female ones together were powerful vehicles for expressing the fundamentally nonhuman character of God.
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