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It was $6.00 but recently went you this year to $8.00. It was $6.00 but recently went you this year to $8.00.

1 answer

The George Washington Bridge (GWB) is approximately 4,760 feet long.

1 answer

The national debt was about $5.77 trillion when GWB took office in 2001.

1 answer

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magnify glass

how can i pair my bluetooth?

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I havent heard anything about GWB trying to buy wonder bread. not that it couldn't happen, but i haven't heard anything, and i work for one of GWB's bread companies.

1 answer

it is 8.00 $ per axle for a big truck

1 answer

Yes. The George Washington Bridge has a 1-way toll, heading into Manhattan.

1 answer

13$ in GWB while going to Lguardia..Nothing while coming back

1 answer

Yes near Waco in mcgregor, tx....Near GWB ranch between Crawford and Coryell City

1 answer

Yep - Over the Throgs Neck - Over the GWB and up the NYS Thruway.

1 answer

Yes, the George Washington Bridge (the "GWB") transverses the Hudson River at approximately 181st Street of Manhattan.

1 answer

Gerd-Ulrich Kapteina has written:

'Paragraph 5 b GWB, Mittelstandskooperationen' -- subject(s): Law and legislation, Restraint of trade, Small business

1 answer

If the toll is for the GWB you can go to ezpassnj.com and proceed to the violations page, for NY unpaid tolls you can go to e-zpassny.com and proceed to the violations page.

1 answer


Upper level GWB

Length of GWB: 4750’

Eight lanes: 38,000’

Six lanes: 28,500’

Four lanes: 19,000’

Two lanes: 9500’

Avg length of Semi: 72’

Max semi weight: 80,000#

Avg semi weight: 50,000#

Avg space between semis in traffic jam (following distance): 4’

One semi length including following distance: 76’

Two lanes closed on GWB traveling east/north. Traffic at a dead stop. Total bridge length of two lanes @ 9500’.

9500’ / 76’ @ 125 semis.

Weight of semis on bridge (including following distance) @

Bridge weight Capacity:


2 answers

When you come across the GWB - get on I 80 west all the way to I 79 south. You'll pay absolutely no tolls.

1 answer

Erwin Herresthal has written:

'Die Praxis der Mittelstandskooperationen nach [Paragraph] 5b GWB' -- subject(s): Business enterprises, Cooperative societies, Industrial Trusts, Law and legislation, Unfair Competition

1 answer

It's not "the" arrow, it's a group of arrows. The eagle is shown holding an olive branch indicating that the U.S. is (usually) a peaceful country, but also holding a quiver of arrows indicating that we are strong and will use our military power if we have to.

GWB notwithstanding.

1 answer



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int no, ans;


printf(input no. \n");

scanf("%d", &no);









2 answers

The purpose of the George Washington Bridge was to make it easier to travel between New Jersey and New York City.

The Holland Tunnel opened in 1927, while the George Washington Bridge opened in 1931. Before the Holland Tunnel and GWB were built, there was no way to travel across the Hudson River between New Jersey and New York, except by boat.

Traveling across the Hudson River by boat was inconvenient enough, but it became doubly inconvenient when automobiles became popular. Before the 1920s, nobody had cars except the rich. But as the 1920s progressed, the price of an automobile went down, and average people were able to buy cars, too.

But you couldn't take your car across the river by boat. So, it became necessary to build the Holland Tunnel and the GWB (and the Lincoln Tunnel, which opened several years after the GWB), so people could drive across the Hudson River.

2 answers

The George Washington Bridge (GWB) connect Ft. Lee of New Jersey to upper Manhattan. The official estimated daily traffic by the New York & new Jersey Port Authority for 2013 was 49,402,245-vehicles per day in the direction of Manhattan.

1 answer

The standard thickness of a typical interior sheetrocked wall is 4 1/2" and 4 3/4" thick.

Most apartments are built with a sheet of 1/2" or 5/8" GWB on each side of a 2x4 which is actually 3 1/2" wide.

1 answer

Round trip from Lowell, MA to Kendall Park, NJ was $30.85 as of 1/1/13. The largest fee was $13 on the GWB heading into NY; no fee is charged heading into Jersey. It costs $8.05 to drive to Jersey, but $22.80 to return home!

1 answer

Both parties to 'feather their own nest' have betrayed the country.

Example the continuation of 'the need to finish his daddy's war' after GWB has left the white House. One Term President Obama doesn't have to back bone to shut the useless war down and go after Ben Ladin. That just one example.

1 answer

Angie Dickinson Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates oh and also GWB

5 answers

The Bahai Scriptures look forward to a world continuing, and eventually becoming a much nicer place to live, with the end of war and poverty, and universal education, equal rights for women and minorities, the rule of law ... They see the apocalyptic and Judgement Day scenarios of some earlier scriptures as metaphorical representations of the end of the old world order and the beginning of the new world order. One world is passing away, and a new one is being born.

Baha'u'llah writes:

"The wonders of His [God's] bounty can never cease, and the stream of His merciful grace can never be arrested. The process of His creation hath had no beginning, and can have no end. In every age and cycle He hath, ... recreated all things, ... (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 61 : http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-26.html )

1 answer

No, he was not behind this attack.

Unlike many conspirators think, he is not behind everything wrong in the world.

Look at the lack of evidence that was involved, and the major support that he was NOT involved.

Honestly, GWB isn't behind everything that happens in the world.


2 answers

NYS tax is 4% City tax is 4.65% on item over $110
The tax in all othe counties / cities throughout the state varies from almost nothing above the state tax, to even more, nassau county has 4.75% on top of the 4% state tax.... Drive to Paramus on the other side of the GWB if you are doing alot of shopping.....

1 answer

You can take the George Washington Bridge. The GWB connects New Jersey to Upper Manhattan. It traverses the Hudson River at Fort Lee, New Jersey, and around 181st Street in Manhattan.

You can also take a detour through Staten Island and Brooklyn. The Bayonne Bridge connects New Jersey to Staten Island, and the Verrazano Bridge connects Staten Island to Brooklyn. Then you would take the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel into Manhattan.

1 answer

You can take any of the Hudson River Crossings (GWB, Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Outerbridge Crossing, Goethals Bridge, Bayonne Bridge) from NY to NJ for free. However, if you are traveling back into NY there is a toll at each crossing.

2 answers

Depending of the speed and also the technology of the cardan.

Generally, you have to build with a 3° angle approximatly.

The reason is to avoid to have the same needle in contact with the force.

Like that, you spread the force on twice the angle installed.

In industrial shaft Spicer GWB, the construction make the needles turn without rolling, thanks to a ring.

I want to precise that the 3° angle is just an indicated value, not a close value (You are not obliged to build this angle with a laser alignement! If it is 3,01° or 3,2 or 3,9 OK.

1 answer

Yes, however, the President has the authority to order the military into action. Once US military forces have been deployed to secure the US, it becomes difficult for the US Congress to either end the military action or to off funds required to keep the military action going.

The so-called Gulf of Tonkin Resolution provides the US president with a wide range of war making actions. This has been confirmed by the US Supreme Court. And, even when one party in Congress has enough votes to change that "Tonkin" resolution it never does. This places great power in the hands of the executive branch. Surely the Framers never intended to leave the US Congress out of US foreign affairs.

5 answers

1) the George Washington Bridge (the "GWB")

2) the Brooklyn Bridge

3) the Manhattan Bridge

4) the Williamsburg Bridge

5) the Queensboro/59th Street Bridge

6) the Triborough Bridge (aka the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge)

7) the Henry Hudson Bridge

8) the Verrazano Bridge

9) the Throgs Neck Bridge

I think that's all of them...I hope I'm not missing any.

3 answers

Martin Grelis has: Played Roger Holt in "Water Rats" in 1996. Played Adam Peters in "All Saints" in 1998. Played Guard in "The Lost World" in 1999. Played Boba Fett in "The Dark Redemption" in 1999. Played Policeman 1 in "Soft Fruit" in 1999. Played Paul Barton in "Young Lions" in 2002. Played Politician in "Mabo" in 2012. Played The Mirror in "The Fairest of Them All" in 2012. Played 2nd GWB Officer in "Iron Sky" in 2012. Played Bruce in "Black Betty" in 2013. Played AFP Detective in "Schapelle" in 2014.

1 answer

They are both members of the Republican Party, though their politics are markedly different. Both TR and GWB prefer to assert the power of the President to influence international affairs, though TR's motto was "speak softly and carry a big stick" while GWB has been more inclined to use the "stick" (and his entire party is now paying the consequences, to say nothing of the thousands of families his policies have ruined in the US, Afganistan, and Iraq).

5 answers

There's an artist here in SLC Utah who created a portrait of George W. Bush with plastic army men. There is one army man for every soldier who had died (by the time he made it). Since the number kept growing, the artist added a flip book beneath the portrait that raises in number every time a soldier dies under the GWB administration.

The flip book is currently set to:


2 answers

Depending on the route you take, a lot of the skyline of Manhattan, the East River, the Hudson River (if you go via GWB - that's the George Washington Bridge) or if you take a really long southern route you can see all of lower NY Harbor via the Verrazano Narrows Bridge across to Staten Island and may see the Statute of Liberty. You may also see parts of Long Island Sound, La Guardia Airport, Governor's Island (in the East River), the Brooklyn Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, and you could drive into Manhattan and through one of the tunnels to the Jersey side. If you go via the Throgs Neck Bridge it's high enough up you'll get a pretty interesting view of the a lot of the area. You could take the Major Deegan to the 2nd Avenue bridge into Manhattan and take the FDR Drive and go south around the battery... but you can't do all of this at once unless you double back a lot!!!! Have fun.

1 answer

1) At the personal level: a transformation of characterthat will also affect religion and society:

"is not the object of every Revelation to effect a transformation in the whole character of mankind, a transformation that shall manifest itself both outwardly and inwardly, that shall affect both its inner life and external conditions?

(Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 240 ; http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/KI/ki-8.html#pg240 )

2a) The revival and reformation of religion:

Might there not emerge out of the agony of a shaken world a religious revival of such scope and power as to even transcend the potency of those world-directing forces with which the Religions of the Past have, at fixed intervals and according to an inscrutable Wisdom, revived the fortunes of declining ages and peoples? (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 33)

2b) the removal of religious prejudices and antagonisms:

The Purpose of the one true God, exalted be His glory, in revealing Himself unto men is to lay bare those gems that lie hidden within the mine of their true and inmost selves. That the divers communions of the earth, and the manifold systems of religious belief, should never be allowed to foster the feelings of animosity among men, is, in this Day, of the essence of the Faith of God and His Religion. (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 287 ; http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-132.html )

3) world unity and peace:

The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men.

(Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 215)

All three together are expressed here:

They that are endued with sincerity and faithfulness should associate with all the peoples and kindreds of the earth with joy and radiance, inasmuch as consorting with people hath promoted and will continue to promote unity and concord, which in turn are conducive to the maintenance of order in the world and to the regeneration of nations. (Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 36 ; http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/TB/tb-5.html#pg36 )

1 answer

Gabriele Theren has written:

'Der Unterhaltsanspruch der geschiedenen Frau' -- subject(s): Alimony, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Alimony, Social aspects, Social aspects of Alimony

8 answers

Andrew Buchanan has: Played Young Man in "Prisoner" in 1979. Performed in "The Clinic" in 1982. Played Gus Brown in "Time Trax" in 1993. Played Young Constable in "Mr. Reliable" in 1996. Played Dominic Leary in "Medivac" in 1996. Played Cameron Slater in "Medivac" in 1996. Played Head Injury in "Medivac" in 1996. Played Guard in "Roar" in 1997. Played Senior Centurion in "Roar" in 1997. Played Neil Charlton in "Murder Call" in 1997. Played Ford, IBI Tech in "Chameleon II: Death Match" in 1999. Played City Drunk in "Paperback Hero" in 1999. Played Father in Tent in "Hildegarde" in 2001. Performed in "Rome: Total War" in 2004. Performed in "Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion" in 2005. Played Allan in "Answered by Fire" in 2006. Played Mr. Frankel in "Mortified" in 2006. Played Jim Kouvros in "RAN: Remote Area Nurse" in 2006. Played Edelstein in "Monarch Cove" in 2006. Played Lyle in "The Condemned" in 2007. Played Campbell Fulton in "Sea Patrol" in 2007. Played Army Major in "Sisters of War" in 2010. Played Cop in "SLiDE" in 2011. Played 3rd GWB Officer in "Iron Sky" in 2012. Played Sergeant Wayne Black in "Reef Doctors" in 2013. Played Married Man in "Devasdating" in 2013. Played Det Blanchard in "Drive Hard" in 2014.

1 answer

I have been studying this character for a long time. It seems that he has been linked to many things of wich i will use to conclude he is Satan. Here is the great list of things that my research has revealed:

1. the great wall of china

2.The birth of Jesus christ (was not god)

3. The death of Jesus christ (seems he did not like his son leading a cult against him)

4. The rebirth of Jesus christ 3 days later (Jesus said he was sorry)

5. Jesus going to heavan (apparently he disowned him)

6. The Dark Ages

7. The Renaisance

8. Leonardo de Vinci (second son)

9. King Louis the 16th (third son)

10. The Great Fear (he saw this as a joke)

11. The Revolutionary War ( he was King George)

12. The Civil War (He was Abreham Lincoln)

13. WW1

14.WW2 (Hitler was his forth son)

15. Theory of Relativity (He was Einstien)

16. Vietnam (He was on our side the Americans, hence why we lost)

17. Kennedy Assasination (he was the actual shooter Lee Harvey Oswald missed Brandon and hit Jfk)

18. Cold War( he inspired Russia)

19. Nixin (Enough said)

20. GHWB ( son number 5)

21. Grunge Rock

22. 9/11 (miss aiming for the Coach of the Yankees)

23. GWB ( he apologizes for that hence Obama and Clinton)

Do not be fooled by him. He is not a mere mortal, he is Satan incarnate. He has lived for countless ages. Rumor is that he currantly is in disguise as a 19 year old. He has been seen in nebaska, Iowa, and Missouri. Join me destroy BSG-M.

Your friend,


1 answer

The GWB connects Fort Lee, NJ with upper Manhattan.

There is a toll when driving into NYC, but it's free when leaving and returning back to NJ.

The Port Authority of NY/NJ (which governs the bridge) states the 2012 tolls to be:




Peak: $9.50

Off-ours: $7.50


Weekdays: 6-10 a.m., 4-8 p.m., Sat. & Sun.: 11 a.m.-9 p.m.

3 answers

There's an artist here in SLC Utah who created a portrait of George W. Bush with plastic army men. There is one army man for every soldier who had died (by the time he made it). Since the number kept growing, the artist added a flip book beneath the portrait that raises in number every time a soldier dies under the GWB administration.

The flip book is currently set to:


6 answers

This really depends on what you mean by politician. Do you mean representative, senator, etc. Also, what state?

A Bit More Information

Right now, the president of the United States is paid $400,000 per annum, plus expenses. Understand that in his case, "expenses" will be many times the actual salary.

On the other hand, local politicians often serve for free, or for a tiny salary that doesn't cover their expenses.

On the "third" hand, you have extreme examples, like the recently fired city manager out in some small town in California who was knocking down over $800,000 a year. I think even the police chief was making more than the POTUS.

I think it's correct to say that the salaries of politicians varies tremendously, based on a number of factors. Where I live, township trustees serve in exchange for payment of about $150/month, but it's a small township with a small population. In other locations, a township trustee or a politician in a similar position could actually make a living doing nothing else.

3 answers

Okay, here's what I would do, to avoid having to go Downtown to 42nd Street and then back Uptown: take the Downtown Aexpress train (of the A-C-E, the blue line) 2 stops, from 175th Street to 145th Street. An entrance to the 175th Street Station is included inside the GWB Bus Station complex.

Transfer at 145th Street to the Uptown D train (of the B-D-F-M, the orange line), UNLESS you're traveling between 4 and 6:45 PM, in which case you have to take the B train instead. Take the Uptown D or B 2 stops to 161st Street-Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.

Transfer at 161st Street-Yankee Stadium to the Downtown 4express train (of the 4-5-6, the dark green line). Take the Downtown 4 train, 3 or 4 stops, to 86th Street (at Lexington Avenue) in Manhattan (it's 3 or 4 stops because the Downtown 4 train skips the 138th Street stop between 7 and 9 AM). Lexington is the next avenue west of 3rd.

The second-best option is to take the Downtown A to 42nd Street-Port Authority Bus Terminal, walk through the tunnel that connects this station to the 42nd Street-Times Square Station, get the S shuttle train from 42nd Street-Times Square to 42nd Street-Grand Central Station, and then get the Uptown 6local train from Grand Central to 77th Street (at Lexington Avenue).

This would probably take about twice as long as the first option, since you have to go all the way down to 42nd Street, walk through the passageway connecting the two stations, shuttle your way over to the East Side, and then go back up to 77th Street.

See the Related Link below for a subway map.

1 answer

The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a social reformer , and a freedom fighter, erroneously perceived as a Hindu nationalist by the media. He killed Gandhi because , Gandhi in his zeal to look "fair, secular and equal" to the world actually actually cowed down under Islamic Fundamentalist pressure and compromised the interests of 30 million Hindus , that eventually led to their massive genocide. In today's context the parallel to this would be something like this. Islamic Fundamentalists wowing to destroy the West and Israel, carry out 9/11. As a response to that The President instead of ordering airstrikes in Pakistan / Afghanistan actually actually says "sorry" to the terrorists and announces a special state called "Islamabad" in USA specially for Moslems where Sharia Law would be allowed. He appeals to the local Christian population that initially occupied that land to evacuate the place to make "place for our moslem brothers". Some people can't stand it and shoot him down. This is just an imaginary situation. No disrespect for The President. We know out President GWB was anything but that but that would be a perfect comparison to help understand Godse's position.
Refer to the the following lines from Godse's own testimony ( available uncensored in Google Docs) that help expound the situation that led Godse to kill Gandhi :-

" From August 1946 onwards, the private armies of the Muslim League began a massacre of Hindus. The then Viceroy, Lord Wavell, though distressed at what was happening, would not use his powers under the Government of India Act of 1935 to prevent the rape, murder and arson. The Hindu blood began to flow from Bengal to Karachi with little retaliation by the Hindus. The Interim Government formed in September was sabotaged by its Muslim League members right from its inception, but the more they became disloyal and treasonable to the government of which they were a part, the greater was Gandhi's infatuation for them. .............
One of the conditions imposed by Gandhi for his breaking of the fast related to the mosques in Delhi occupied by the Hindu refugees. But when Hindus in Pakistan were subjected to violent attacks he did not so much as utter a single word to protest and censure the Pakistan Government or the Muslims concerned. Gandhi was shrewd enough to know that while undertaking a fast unto death, had he imposed some conditions on the Muslims in Pakistan, here would have been found hardly any Muslims who could have shown some grief if the fast had ended in his death. It was for this reason that he purposely avoided imposing any conditions on the Muslims.
He was fully aware from past experience that Jinnah was not at all perturbed or influenced by his fast and the Muslim League hardly attached any value to the inner voice of Gandhi. Gandhi is being referred to as the Father of the Nation. But if that is so, he has failed in his paternal duty in as much he has acted very treacherously to the nation by his consenting to the partitioning of it. I stoutly maintain that Gandhi has failed in his duty. He has proved to be the Father of Pakistan. His inner-voice, his spiritual power, his doctrine of non-violence of which so much is made of, all crumbled against Jinnah's iron will and proved to be powerless.


At the time of Gandhi's death, an Islamic Fundamentalist driven demand to investigate the role of Hindu Organizations in the death of Mr Gandhi was readily conceded by the then ruling party Indian National Congress ( which BTW across its 70+ year ruling span also became notorious for harboring the world largest Swiss Bank accounts and the dubious distinction of the most Corrupt Political Party in the globe ). So called "Hindu Fundamentalist" leaders were thrown in jail, tortured and made to falsely confess relations with Godse . A few months later after all investigations proved these claims baseless , they had to be released.

9 answers