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Freud said phobias were repressed conflicts, were as Watson said that phobias were learned

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Freud's idea "Einfall" was translated into English as "psychoanalytic insight" or "thought."

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Yes, Sigmund Freud and Charles Cooley had different views on the nature of the self. Freud emphasized the role of unconscious desires and drives in shaping the self, while Cooley focused on the social interactions and relationships that influence self-concept. Freud's psychoanalytic theory contrasts with Cooley's symbolic interactionism in how they explain the development of self-awareness and identity.

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Clement Freud was the Grandson of Sigmund Freud. He was a celebrity chef, food writer and restaurateur. His favorite food was caviar, foie gras, and oysters.

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Freud theorized that human instinct is governed by a complex interplay between the id, ego, and superego. The id represents primal instincts and desires, the ego mediates between the id and external reality, and the superego enforces moral and societal standards. Freud believed that conflicts between these psychological forces can lead to anxiety and neurosis.

3 answers

Freud's theory of the mind proposed three main components: the id (instinctual drives), ego (rational decision-maker), and superego (internalized moral standards). He believed these parts can be in conflict with each other, leading to internal struggles and psychological issues. Freud also suggested the mind can repress or block out unwanted thoughts and memories, leading to unconscious motivations and behavior.

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Freud believed that the function of dreams was to bring unconscious thoughts and desires into conscious awareness. He viewed dreams as a way for the mind to express repressed feelings and memories that could not be addressed in waking life. By analyzing dreams, Freud believed one could gain insight into a person's unconscious motivations and conflicts.

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Freud's theory of psychosexual development suggests that individuals go through stages focused on different erogenous zones of the body: oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. The resolution of conflicts at each stage influences personality development. Freud believed that unresolved conflicts or fixations at any stage could result in psychological issues later in life.

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He believed that if dreams were interpreted correctly, they would tell what was troubling the patient.

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Freud believed that the unconscious mind consists of repressed thoughts, memories, and desires that influence our behaviors and emotions. He proposed that accessing and understanding these unconscious desires could help in resolving psychological issues.

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Freud believed that socialization was necessary to control the innate human instincts such as aggression and sexuality, to adapt to the demands of society. He viewed socialization as a means to prevent chaos and maintain social order through the internalization of societal norms and values.

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Freud's psychodynamic theory of dreaming emphasizes the role of unconscious wishes, desires, and conflicts in shaping our dreams. According to Freud, dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to express these hidden thoughts and feelings in symbolic form. He believed that analyzing dreams could provide insights into an individual's innermost thoughts and emotions.

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Freud's technique of psychotherapy is called psychoanalysis. It involves exploring a patient's unconscious thoughts and emotions to bring repressed experiences to the surface and promote healing. This technique often involves free association, dream analysis, and the interpretation of transference and resistance.

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Freud believed that unresolved conflicts and repressed desires from our unconscious mind can lead to psychological issues, such as neuroses or psychoses. He argued that these hidden elements could manifest in symptoms like anxiety, depression, or irrational behaviors, affecting a person's mental well-being. Freud's psychoanalytic theory focused on exploring these underlying issues through techniques like free association and dream analysis to address and resolve them.

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Freud compared himself to Copernicus and Darwin because he believed his theories on the unconscious mind, psychoanalysis, and human behavior would revolutionize our understanding of psychology and the human experience, similar to how Copernicus and Darwin revolutionized our understanding of the natural world. He saw himself as challenging conventional beliefs and shifting our perspective on the inner workings of the mind and behavior.

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Freud was criticized for basing his theory of development on clients with abnormal behavior, as it may not accurately represent typical human development. Additionally, his theories were criticized for being too focused on sexual drives and subconscious processes, which some found to be overly deterministic.

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Freud described Oedipus complex as an aspect of gender development in boys. The boy is said to lust after his mother, and thus see his father as a rival. He fears his father finding out and cutting off his penis. This is resolved by him identifying with his father and so becoming more able to find a mate. All these thought processes are said to be subconscious.

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Freud suggested that slips of the tongue illustrate an incomplete expression of unconscious thoughts or desires, which can reveal hidden feelings or motivations that the individual may not be aware of. These slips often occur when there is internal conflict between conscious and unconscious thoughts, leading to verbal mistakes that can provide insight into the individual's deeper psyche.

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were not easily explained by conscious thoughts or experiences. This prompted him to explore how unconscious processes could influence behavior and mental health. Freud's work on the unconscious would go on to profoundly shape the field of psychology.

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Freud's tripartite model of personality consists of three distinct components: the id (instinctual drives and impulses), ego (reality-oriented decision-making), and superego (internalized moral standards). These three components interact and conflict with each other to shape an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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Freud's tripartite model of personality consists of three parts: the id, ego, and superego. The id represents primal desires and instincts, the ego is responsible for rational decision-making, and the superego acts as the internalized moral compass. These three components work together to shape an individual's thoughts, behaviors, and personality.

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Freud's concept of the preconscious aligns with Jung's idea of the personal unconscious, which contains material that is just beneath the surface of conscious awareness. Both Freud and Jung believed in the existence of layers of the mind that influence behavior and thoughts beyond what is immediately in conscious awareness.

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Freud highlighted that ignoring one's unconscious desires and instincts can lead to psychological conflict, repression, and ultimately, mental health issues. He believed that acknowledging and addressing these hidden and repressed emotions is essential for a person's overall well-being.

5 answers

Sigmund Freud believed in determinism, which is the idea that all behaviors and mental processes have underlying causes that can be identified. He proposed that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are influenced by unconscious drives and early childhood experiences, shaping our personalities and actions. Freud's psychoanalytic theory emphasizes that human behavior is not random but rather determined by a complex interplay of unconscious motivations.

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Freud believed that dreams were wish fulfillment and that they provided insight into the unconscious mind, while Carl Jung saw dreams as a way to access the collective unconscious and gain personal growth and self-awareness. Freud emphasized the importance of deciphering hidden meanings in dreams related to repressed desires, while Jung focused on the symbolic and archetypal elements of dreams that reflect universal themes. Both theories acknowledge the significance of dreams in understanding the human psyche, but differ in their interpretations and emphasis.

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Freud's theory of the unconscious and the role of dreams in understanding human behavior influenced writers to explore complex psychological themes and character motivations. Techniques like stream-of-consciousness narrative were used to portray the inner thoughts and emotions of characters more vividly, creating a deeper sense of realism and psychological depth in literature.

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It was created in the 1880s by Sigmund Freud.

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Freud proposed defense mechanisms as strategies the mind uses to protect itself from anxiety or psychic distress. Examples include repression (pushing unacceptable thoughts or memories out of conscious awareness), projection (attributing one's own undesirable qualities onto others), and denial (refusing to acknowledge a painful reality). These mechanisms operate unconsciously and help individuals cope with internal and external stressors.

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Clement Freud's birth name is Clement Raphael Freud.

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Emma Freud's birth name is Esther Vallencey Freud.

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Esther Freud's birth name is Esther Lea Freud.

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Lucian Freud's birth name is Lucian Michael Freud.

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Freudian is the proper adjective for Freud.

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Sigmund Freud's middle name is Schlomo.

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No, Sigmund Freud is not single.

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Sigmund Freud, born Sigismund Schlomo Freud, was an Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalyticmethod of psychiatry. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious.

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Avoid Freud was created in 1984.

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Jung was one of Freud's students.

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Walter Freud died in 2004.

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Walter Freud was born in 1921.

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Amalia Freud was born in 1835.

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