FactSet Research Systems Inc. (FDS)had its IPO in 1996.
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The game directory.
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As of July 2014, the market cap for FactSet Research Systems Inc. (FDS) is $5,162,329,124.40.
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Good luck finding it, zwinky found out about it and band that website for good. People say they have the fds hack but it don't exist no more, they just want your pass. There's so many fake downloads with viruses. The fds hack is gone, dont trust fake sites.
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An aerosol is a cloud of solid or liquid particles in a gas. I think you are asking if FDS contains a propellant. I believe the Isobutane in the product is used as a propellant and is also what makes the product flammable.
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The symbol for FactSet Research Systems Inc. in the NYSE is: FDS.
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There’s a case of 12 ct on eBay
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That means you are trying to play a Disk System game. The bios ROM is called "disksys.rom" and is needed for ANY Famicom Disk game. Go to Google and search for "fds disksys.rom" without the quotes. The 7th link should have more info on it. Good luck.
btw if you are using FDS, don't forget to try Super Mario Bros 2(Lost Levels)
Hope this helps, phpDEMON of X-SEGA
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you have to go on the studio, click swimwear and make it and make sure you save it as swimwear. it was easy with thre old fds
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CATEGORIES: Infection, skin and skin structuresInfection, urinary tractPharyngitisTonsillitisPregnancy
Category BFDA
FDS Drug Classes: Antibiotics, cephalosporins
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FDS, or Feminine, Discreet, Sensual, has a large range of feminine deodorant sprays and washes. Although you can find other brands for less money, FDS is known for its high-quality products. There are lots of ways you can save on FDS products, though, and the primary way of doing so is through the use of FDS coupons. As a part of the Inspired Beauty Brands, your coupons also allow you to save money on other products, including Hask, Lustrasilk, or Natural Essentials. It might not seem like much, but saving a bit here and there will add up after a while, especially if its a product you regularly use.
Contact For DealsYou'll be hard-pressed to find any coupons or discounts on FDS' website or its parent company's website, Inspired Beauty Brands. However, on the FDS website, you'll find a really simple navigational interface. You'll be able to navigate by clicking on one of the five links at the top. If you'd like to save money through FDS coupons, then all you need to do is contact them. Their "contact us" page gives you their mailing address, their email and their phone number. If you'd like to get some FDS coupons, then there's no more convenient way than to simply contact them directly. Consider sending them an email or a letter by mail asking if they have any coupons that they would be willing to give to you, as you are a big fan of their products. This is an old trick, but often the manufacturers are happy to give coupons to customers who are big fans of their products.
Drug Store DealsYou may find the occasional deal in grocery stores for products like FDS, but you should also look at the local drug stores and pharmacies for discounts. These stores will often have deals throughout the. A great way of finding out is by signing up to the drug store's email list, which means you'll be contacted about their deals as soon as they decide to publicize them. Drug stores often have a larger variety of these types of products than what you'd find at your local grocery store, too. Furthermore, drug stores often print coupons in the local newspapers. Pay particular attention to the Sunday paper, as those papers are typically larger and contain more ads than the editions that run the other days of the week. And don't just pay attention to the ads inside the paper; look through all the inserts, too.
Where to Find FDS ProductsFDS offers several feminine deodorant sprays and washes and is one of the most well-known brands. Established in 1966, FDS products are 100 percent hypo-allergenic and are clinically tested, according to its website. Local stores offer these products, as does several large chains, including Walmart, Target, Kmart, Publix and Kroeger, to name a few. Therefore, if you're looking for great deals or coupons on FDS products, make sure you pay close attention to those stores' advertisements, especially those published in your local newspapers. The Sunday paper will likely have the most coupons and inserts.
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Not necessarily. While every functional dependency (FD) implies a multivalued dependency (MVD), not every MVD is a functional dependency. MVDs involve more complex relationships between attributes compared to FDs.
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FooGems (Also known as FG's) are for buying things, such as food for your pet, flea meds. , Backgrounds, etc. While on the other hand---with FooDollars, (A.K.A. : fds) , Can be used for much more, like for buying pets.
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Take it back to whoever installed the new headlight units. He forgot to plug in a wire. You will spend hours looking for the problem. He can fix it in a few minutes.
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time deposit means payable at specified time same is the case with bank deposit ie. fixed deposit that is payable after certain period means not less than 7 days to earn interest so fds are called as time deposit
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Bromine has two stable isotopes, bromine-79 and bromine-81, which are the only two isotopes that occur naturally. This limited natural isotopic composition is unusual compared to other elements that have a wider range of stable isotopes.
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They are:
Fmr Llc
Dodge & Cox Inc
Capital Research Global Investors
Sarofim, Fayez
Credit Suisse/
Capital World Investors
Matthews International Capital Management Llc
Wellington Management Company, Llp
Mercator Asset Management,Lp
Lazard Asset Management Llc
Fidelity Diversified International Fund
Dodge & Cox Stock Fund
Washington Mutual Investors Fund
Vanguard/Wellington Fund Inc
Fundamental Investors Inc
Scout International Fund
American Fds Insurance Ser-Growth/Income Fd
Matthews Asia Fds-Matthews Asian Grw & Incm Fd
Dodge & Cox Balanced Fund
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The capacity of a standard teacup is typically around 6 to 8 fluid ounces.
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The role of FDs in an investor's portfolio is something that needs to be carefully considered. While you can earn better returns than an FD by investing in debt mutual funds, but ensure that you take the right kind of debt fund based on your needs and risk profile.
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Eddie Rickenbacker and crew went down at sea in 1942. They managed to get into rafts and the ordeal lasted for 21 days. After 8 days drifting they ran out of rations. A seagull landed on Eddie's hat and he was able to catch it which prevented starvation. Shortly after that it rained and they had fresh water till rescued. FDS
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yes it is only on certain days. you have to go to adopt another pet and most days it will say foodollars some days it will have both foogems and foodollars. only for one day.there is featured pets they are 300 foodollars or on some days 300,000 foogems how ever shelter pets are 50 fds or on some days 150,000 foogems.
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You can say "Quais são seus planos para o final de semana?" in Portuguese to ask "What are your plans for the weekend?"
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A fire detector system is a set of sensors that monitor and detect a high termperature and warns the flight crew. Fire Detection Systems are usually installed in the engine under the cowlings. If it detects a fire, the flight crew can pull a lever that fires a charge that releases a chemical fire retardant and extinguish the fire. There are other areas in an airplane that use Fire Detection System(FDS). FedEx cargo carrier is in the process of developing a FDS that monitors the freight containers (called "cans") that are positioned in the main flight deck. This system is a series of sensors mounted above each pair of Cans and watches for a hot spot. If it detects a Can that may have a fire inside of it, the computer commands the release of Argon from a central tank that operates an Arm. The Arm moves to the Can that is hot and jabs a point through the top of the Can. Then a special fire retardant foam is released under the force of the Argon gas and fills the Can, snuffing out the fire. This design will have STC approval in a couple of months.
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Deposits of public in the form of saving, current accounts, FDs, RDs, cash certificates are the main dopsit sources of a bank. Banks generally rely on such deposit sources of funds also known as public deposit. But when bank require large amount of funds to face the problem of liquidity they borrow funds from other sources like money market this is termed as non deposit source of fund.
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Victor's efforts to impress Teresa by showing off his Spanish skills, his nervousness and excitement when talking to her, and his desire to ask her to be his girlfriend all indicate that he had a crush on Teresa. These details demonstrate Victor's interest and infatuation with her throughout the story.
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bla bla bla bla
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Now that the Girlsense team has renovated the FDS (fashion design studio), it is a lot easier to custom write on your fashion(s).
Assuming you already picked the fashion you want print on, select the third from top icon on the left hand side,it should look like an upper-cased "A". A bar where you enter your text will appear, type in a message. Then using the a's above that, find a style of text you like. A new box will appear somewhere on your right. There you can change the size, color filter, rotation and some others.
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The point here is that, not all company's are mismanaged or go broke. There are numerous well-performing company's that raise capital by using this FD option. They do it because, it is usually cheaper than borrowing from banks. Banks usually charge a much higher interest rate than what these company's would pay on their corporate FD schemes. So, if the company is a well managed one, with a reputation of stable business and profit earning, then there is a very good probability that you will receive your interest payouts on time and that the company will meet its commitment to repay your deposit at the end of the deposit tenure.
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You have to go down all the way to the bottom when your on play with my foopet, then click foo fashion show and read and click foo boutique and download it then dress up your pet and buy the clothes with foo gems or FDs and then you go back to foo fashion show and click enter a show and find a show that you want to do for the next day and click enter, then you wait until the next day and time and do one trick and see if you win. its really fun. then you can watch the video by going to foo fashion show and clicking watch video, and then watch the video.
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aluminum pools are expensive because the cost of the raw material and the cost of fabrication and welding are many times higher than conctrete or gunite. however even if it was less expensive, aluminum is highly toxic to human systems. there are over 18,000 references on aluminum toxicity but the FDS has never studied the subject and it remains on their GRAS (Generally Regarded AS Safe) list. antacids , buffered vitamins, infant formula toothpaste, any contact with flouride, etc are all factors making aluminum more toxic. there are over 1100 studies showing infant formula with aluminum reduces mental functioning in infants.
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Because there are only a limited amount of ways that we need to get information from a computer but a wide variety of ways are needed to get data into a computer because of the amount of things they are used for. Output is generally in the form of visuals, print, sounds and things like robotic movement. That covers the majority of our needs. For input there are many ways we want to get information in, and new ones are being invented all the time, so there are many more of them.
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Retirement means the end of earning period for many, unless one chooses to work as a consultant. For retirees, making the best use of their retirement corpus that would help keep tax liability at bay and provide a regular stream of income is of prime importance. Building a retirement portfolio with a mix of fixed income and market-linked investments remains a big challenge for many retirees. The challenge is not to outlive the retirement funds - one retires at 58 or 60, while the life expectancy .
Here are few investment options for the retired to provide for their monthly household expenses:
-Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme (SCSS)
-Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) Account.
-Bank fixed deposits (FDs)
-Mutual funds (MFs)
-Tax-free bonds.
-Immediate annuities.
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Firstly you need to get some independence and self confidence going for you. When someone dumps their partner then they have their reasons and if they were mature enough they should communicate their reasoning's to their partner as to why they want to break off the relationship.
Why you are trying so hard to remain friends is beyond belief. This guy dumped you and now he's telling you he loves you, but doesn't want to be with you? Think about it!! This guy is a piece of work and not worth the trouble. He hasn't got the guts to tell you it's over and that he feels you should move on (which you should!) When someone loves you they want to be with you. Don't settle for less in your life, but free yourself up and expect the best for yourself in life. If you don't become more independent and self confident in your life you will always end up being someones door mat.
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S a subset of A, is a super key if S -> A.
That is, the combination of all attributes in S, determines all attributes in A.
R(studentNo, firstName, lastName, course, instructor)
studentNo -> firstName, lastName, course
course -> instructor
Is studentNo a super key?
Yes, because studentNo yields the attributes firstName, lastName and course and course yield instructor. So with studentNo as super key, we are able to retrieve all the other attributes in relation R.
Is course a super key?
No, because we can only retrieve the instructor attribute and nothing else.
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A Fixed Deposit is a investment option where you can grow your capital at a high rate of interest for a period of time.
In Kovai Tech Nidhi Limited, we provide the best interest rates for fixed deposits compared to the Bank interest rates for FDs. Our Fixed Deposits have a tenure of 1 to 5 year with highest FD interest rates.
We give 12% per annum as FD Interest Rates for Individual Members and the best FD rates for senior citizens at 12.5% per annum.
The safe and attractive regular income on the invested amount that makes the fixed deposit interest rate as an ideal match for all your short-term and long-term goals.
Depositors can choose a wide range of Fixed Deposit scheme with maturity period ranging from 12 months to 60 months at competitive FD interest rates and with different features to suit the investment needs of each individual Members.
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peer to peer lending is comparable to corporate bonds in terms of returns and safety. To ensure safe returns you should invest in loans where the borrower has a high credit score (A*-B). however, if you are looking for high returns then you would want to invest in riskier markets (C-E) where the returns can be pretty high to make up for the higher default rate. There is no guarantee that your investment is 100% safe but these p2p sites have strict underwriting procedures to vet their borrowers as well as debt chasing agencies to pursue debts gone bad. P2P should form just one part of your investment portfolio.
P2P websites like Zopa give low but stable returns, though slightly higher than banks or FDs while those like Yes-secure could potentially offer much higher returns but their default rate can also be higher. As of now, yes-secure is a young platform, having launched in 2010, and doesn't have any default data
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Loans against Fixed Deposit (FD) are secured loans where borrowers secured against collateral (fixed deposit). The amount of secured loan depends on the FD deposit amount and this can go up to 90% – 95% of the deposit amount.
Who can Apply for Loan against FD?
· Loan against fixed deposits is extended to all the fixed deposit holders, be it individual holder or those with joint accounts
· FD in the name of a minor does not qualify for this facility
· Investors of 5 year tax saving FD cannot apply for this type of loan
Benefits of Secured FD Loan
· It offers lower interest rates in comparison with other types of loans (0.5% – 2% above the applicable FD rate)
· You don’t have to break FD and go for premature withdrawal thus suffering loss of interest on FD
· There’s no processing fees
· You can obtain the loan against domestic as well as NRI FDs
· The repayment is simple – a lump sum or installments (not later than FD tenure)
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Credit card fraud detection using Markova model
Due to a rapid advancement in the electronic commerce technology, the use of credit cards has dramatically increased. As credit card becomes the most popular mode of payment for both online as well as regular purchase, cases of fraud associated with it are also rising. In this paper, we model the sequence of operations in credit card transaction processing using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and show how it can be used for the detection of frauds. An HMM is initially trained with the normal behavior of a cardholder. If an incoming credit card transaction is not accepted by the trained HMM with sufficiently high probability, it is considered to be fraudulent. At the same time, we try to ensure that genuine transactions are not rejected. We present detailed experimental results to show the effectiveness of our approach and compare it with other techniques available in the literature.
Index Terms: Internet, online shopping, credit card, e-commerce security, fraud detection, Hidden Markov Model.
Proposed System:
In this system ,we present a hidden morkov model(HMM) Which does not required fraud signatures and yet is able to detect frauds by considering a cardholder's spending habit. Card transaction processing sequence by the stochastic process of an HMM. The details of items purchased in individual transactions are usually not known to an FDS running at the bank that issues credit cards to the cardholder. Hence, we feel that HMM is an ideal choice for addressing this problem. Another important advantage of the HMM based approach is a drastic reduction is the number reduction in the number of false positives transactions identified a malicious by an FDS although they are actually genuine . An FDS runs at a credit card issuing bank. Each incoming transaction is submitted to the FDS for verification. FDS receives the card details and the values if purchases to verify, whether the transaction is genuine or not. The types of goods that are bought in that transaction are not known to the FDS. It tries to find nay anomaly in the transaction based on the spending profile of the cardholder, shipping address , shipping address, and billing addresses.
1. The detection of the fraud use of the card is found much faster that existing system.
2. In case of the existing system even the original card holder is also checked for fraud detection. But in this system no need check the original user as we maintain a log
3. The log which is maintained will also be a proof for the bank for the transaction made.
4. We can find the most accurate detection using this technique.
5. This reduce the tedious work of an employee in bank.
In case of the existing system the fraud is detected after the fraud is done that is, the fraud is detected after the complaint of the holder. And so the card holder faced a lot of trouble before the investigation finish. And also as all the transaction is maintained in a log, we need to maintain a huge data, and also now a day's lot of online purchase are made so we don't know the person how is using the card online, we just capture the ip address for verification purpose. So there need a help from the cyber crime to investigate the fraud. To avoid the entire above disadvantage we propose the system to detect the fraud in a best easy way.
1. New card
2. Login
3. Security information
4. Transaction
5. Verification
Module Description
New Card:
In this module, the customer gives there information to enroll a new card. The information is all about
There contact details. They can create their own and password for their future use of the card.
In login form module presents site visitors with a form with username and password fields . if the user enters a valid username and password combination they will be granted access to additional resources on websites .Which additional resources they will have access to can be configured separately.
Security information:
In security information module it will get the information details and its store's in database. If the card lost then the information module form arise .it has a set of question where the user has to answer the correctly to move to the transaction section. It contain informational privacy and informational self-determination are addressed squarely by the invention affording persons and entities a trusted means to user, search, process and exchange personal and /or confidential information
The method and apparatus for pre-authorizing transactions includes providing a communications device to a vendor and credit card owner. The credit owner initiates a credit card transaction by communicating to a credit card number, and storing therein, a distinguishing piece of information that characterizes a specific transaction to be made by an authorized user of the credit card at a later time. The information is accepted as "network date" in the data in the date base only if a correct personal identification code (PIC) used with the communication . The "Network data "will serve to later authorize that specific transaction. The credit card owner or other authorized user can then only make that specific transaction with the credit card. Because transaction pre- authorized, the vendor does need to see or transmit a PIC.
Verification information is provided with respect to a transaction between an initiating party and a verification-seeking party, the verification information being given by a third , verifying party, based on confidential information in the possession of the initiating party. In verification the process will seeks card number and if the card number is correct the relevant process will be executed. If the number is wrong, mail will be sent to the user saying the card no has been block and he can't do the further transaction.
Module Input and output:
New card:
Give input -Request from the user for the card.
Expected Output -Assigning an account to requested user.
Login :
Given input- give the security information by answering security questions.
Expected output- Updating of account with the security details.
Given input-Checks with user's stored details like security answers or hidden details expected output- if the verification is success user and perform transaction , else blocks the card.
Hardware Requirements
• SYSTEM : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
• MONITOR : 15 VGA colour
• MOUSE : Logitech.
• RAM : 256 MB
• KEYBOARD : 110 keys enhanced.
Software Requirements
• Operating system :- Windows XP Professional
• Front End :- Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003
• Coding Language :- Visual C# .Net
• Webtechnology :asp.net
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You can either not care for it for a certain period of time - however, this will reset all progress you have made on the game, including StarPoints, StarColour, and StarLevel - or you can sell it.
To sell it, click on the pet profile (located on your profile), then the "Transfer or Sell Pet" button. Name a price, select Public or Private setting (Public allows everyone to see that the pet is for sale, and everyone can buy him, whereas Private has a special link for you to give to who you choose), and then you wait for someone to adopt him/her.
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Computers store data in lots of places. The HDD (Hard Drive Disk) stores memory permanently. The RAM (Random Access Memory) stores memory in a faster to use format but it cannot store data once power to it is lost. (I.E., turning the computer off) The CPU (Central Processing Unit) stores information quite like RAM, only with higher efficiency) The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) stores everything required to see what your computer is doing through the monitor. Disks (Floppy/Compact) store information like the HDD only the information is portable, Floppy disks are inefficiency, break easily and are very old technology whereas CDs (Compact disks) are newer, faster, have more storage and last longer. USBMSDs (Universal Serial Bus Mass Storage Devices) are little sticks you can plug into a computer that function like Floppy Disks and CDs but have MUCH more storage space and are a different shape to FDs and CDs. There are also a few other kinds of data storage device usable by PCs nowadays.
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On earlier generation investors used to commonly invest in FDs, Traditional Life insurance policy, Gold and Real state and they were unware of other investment avenues like debt funds, equity funds, Gold ETFs and Term Plan in case of life insurance plan. But as time is changing, we shifting to better investment avenues and one such avenue is Liquid Fund compare to traditional saving account whenever you have some extra cash. As saving account is a kind of deposit account offered by Bank’s financial institution or post office which provide security of the principal amount and pay certain interest over it. That has to be an average minimum balance that you need to maintain throughout a year and it pays out interest on quarterly basis whereas liquid fund is kind of debt mutual funds which invest into instrument like commercial papers, treasury bills, certificate of deposits, etc. The maturity of these instrument here is very less which ranges from a single day to 90 days. These are available in two options: growth and dividend. To know more about Liquid fund tap https://www.vedantasset.com/articles/liquid-funds---your-substitute-to-saving-bank-deposit_1007.aspx
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there are 2000000 events
these are them
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