To persuade them to declare war
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FDRs real name is Franklin delano roosevelt.
I had a progect on him and found out his real name.
-asjah rayne:D
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Primarily by submarine warfare. The materials sent for lend-lease went by ship.
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To gain support and approval for the war effort.
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'Due and accrued' refers to expenses that are both payable and have accumulated over time, while 'accrued and due' refers to expenses that have accumulated but are not yet payable. The difference lies in the order in which the terms are presented, with the emphasis on either the payment due or the accumulation of expenses.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt felt that government should take an active role in the economic life of the nation during times of crisis. Roosevelt's New Deal offered hope for the future of the nation.
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I've heard that Joe Biden has a very high I.Q. - he just tends to run off at the mouth sometimes. He described Obama's first 100 days as more difficult than FDRs first 100 days. Need I say more?
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During President Franklin Roosevelt's time in office, there were no term limitations. Presidential term limtations came into effect with the 22nd Amendment to the Consitiution which was ratified on February 27, 1951. FDRs time in office was from 1933 to 1945.
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Definitely isolationism. The good neighbor policy intended to make relations between the U.S.A. and Latin American countries stronger by removing troops from those Latin American countries and fostering in an era of cooperation between the US and Latin American countries.
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Franklin D. Roosevelt's guiding philosophy, often referred to as the "New Deal," was based on the belief that the government had a responsibility to actively intervene in the economy to provide relief, recovery, and reform during the Great Depression. He believed in the power of government programs and infrastructure projects to stimulate economic growth and improve the lives of the American people.
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The black boxes are two separate devices, the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR)
Old CVRs recorded thirty minutes of sound, new data replacing old data. New CVRs record two hours of sound.
FDRs can record 17-25 hours of data.
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step dads grand father was a pallbearer at fdrs funeral he was in the navy and was stationed at pearl harbor when it was attacked
My Grandfather Wayne L. Borchsenius, was Part of D-Day first wave (Flagship, LST -331, Coast Guard, Stationed at Pearl Harbor) and told me one of his shipmates Arthur Arnold was flown back to the US to be a Pall Bearer for Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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James Roosevelt, Franklin's half brother was the child of Franklin's father and his first wife, Rebecca Roosevelt. The first wife died and Franklin's father married Sara Delano. Franklin's half brother was quite a bit older than he, at 28 when Franklin was born. In fact when Franklin enrolled in prep school his half nephew was a year ahead of him.
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FDR was followed in his presidency by Truman. Truman served as FDRs Vice president for three months during his fourth term in office. Truman took over in 1945.
I think that's what your asking!
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Theodore Roosevelt (26th US President) and Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd President) were fifth cousins through their common ancestor of Nicholas Roosevelt.
In 1905, FDR married Theodore's niece, Eleanor Roosevelt, also his cousin.
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The SA commonly called the brown shirts. They were led by the militant homosexual ernst rohm. The SA were hitlers street fighters who matched and sometimes exceeded the brutal tactics of the communists the nazis far left mortal enemies. Once hitler came to power he purged the leadership of the SA because the wermarck(the german army im butchering the spelling)would only support hitler if the SA was eliminated. Hitler was a long time friend of rohm but he cared more for power so he threw him under the bus. On a side note hitler hated the communists because they were internationalists who cared not about race but class differences. Hitler cared about aryan dominance over everything and he believed the bolshivism was infiltrated by judiaism so he hated communism. The nazis were to the communists right politicly but overall they were center left. Hitlers public works programs were similar to FDRs
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When the Great Depression hit, FDR, as Governor of New York, realized that the state and federal governments would have to use much more power than they had been using, to help the economic situation. He asked the NY State Legislature for relief funds, which would be called "stimulus" spending today. The money was spent on public works which would create the need for more employment. FDR would follow his own example when he became President. To be fair, President Hoover also believed that state governments should provide the most relief (stimulus) to the local economy. FDR also believed in direct aid to the unemployed by both state and the federal government.
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Oh dear ! This is not the sort of question which will endear the person who has asked it to Britons of a certain age................. the fact is that Britain was in very dire straits all through 1940 & 41 while the US did precious little to assist us in fighting against Hitler & Mussolini. (Yes, I am British) & yes, Lend-Lease was precious, and it was little, though important to the British war effort. My point is that had FDR not delared war against Germany as well as Japan as a result of Pearl Harbor then just how long, if at all, would Britain have taken to overthrow Hitler? Could the Russians have done that without the aid of the West ? I really am not in a position to comment on FDRs actions in the US, I am simply saying that the idea of 'preparations for war' in 1940 & 41 are very much misunderstood. This is exemplified by the fall of Singapore, Hong Kong & elsewhere in the Far East, at the same time as Rommel was getting very close indeed to Cairo & the Suez canal. The predations of the War in the Atlantic were affecting Britain greatly too at this time: Dark days indeed in British history.
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The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR), also known as the "black boxes", record the events and status of a flight in a continuous loop throughout the duration of the flight. The design of the FDR and CVR are such that, once the device becomes full, it begins to overwrite the already recorded information, starting with the oldest information.
The CVR is a recording device with microphones in the cockpit, and has inputs from the radios, allowing it to record all spoken words and noises in the cockpit, as well as all air traffic control (ATC) communication - both transmitted and received. The CVR also records all communications over the aircraft's internal phone and public address system. The cockpit microphones of the CVR also record ambient noises, and this feature has proven useful in some crash investigations.
Most CVR devices record the last 30 minutes of the cockpit noise, as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In a recent proposed change to the requirements, the FAA has indicated it may require all aircraft operators to replace their existing CVRs with ones capable of retaining the last 2 hours of the cockpit audio recording.
The FDR records the status of the aircraft's operations and conditions. Modern FDRs are required to record a minimum of 88 parameters, including factors such as altitude, speed, engine thrust, autopilot status, landing gear position, stall warning, windshear, cabin pressure, the amount of force the pilots excerpt on the flight controls, and so on. The FDR must record the last 25 hours of aircraft operations. Many digital FDRs record hundreds of parameters for the last several days.
The black boxes are designed to withstand extreme mechanical shock, heat, and water depth, and thus survive all but the most extremely violent crashes. They have proven so valuable in crash investigations that, after the survivors have been rescued and the remains have been removed, location and recovery of the CVR and FDR are the highest priority tasks on a crash scene.
The FDR is used to analyze the flight characteristics of the aircraft. Modern investigation software creates an animated reconstruction of the aircraft's flight leading up to the moment the recorder stopped, which is usually (but not always) the moment of impact. This time-coded animation is especially useful to understand the actual trajectories, speeds, attitudes, and courses the airplane followed in its final minutes. It is also invaluable in identifying, or ruling out, mechanical failures or system anomalies.
By analyzing both the CVR and FDR together, the investigation team can recreate the airplane's and crew's conditions and activities with a remarkably high degree of accuracy and realism. This recreation in turn unearths important insights into the aircraft's operations, as well as the crew's situational awareness and effectiveness.
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Well, first of all British & American "strategies" for which war? But this question can still be answered in one particular manner...the military histories of each nation (B & A). Traditionally Britain was a colonial power and as a consequence was geared more to conquering/controlling/protecting their interests, thus the British Army & Royal Navy. And yes, even WWI & WWII concerned the UK's colonies...in fact FDRs "Lend Lease Act" of WWII specifically addressed the UK's "colonies" which the US highly disapproved of. When WWI ended in 1918 Britain lost some colonies (and the Middle East hasn't been the same since), when WWII ended with the exception of Hong Kong, etc. Britain lost the rest of them. Therefore Britain's strategy has nearly always been of a colonial protectorate type of strategy.
America's was nearly always of simply destroying aggressive opponents...whether they be hostile Sioux, Apaches, Commanches (Indian Wars 1620-1890), the Mexican Army (Mexican War 1846-1848), Spaniards (Spanish-American War 1898), putting down a rebellion (1861 Civil War), putting down another rebellion (1900 Philippine Insurrection), fighting the British for kidnapping US sailors on the high seas (War of 1812), sinking US civilian ships without warning (WWI), or just flat out attacking the US (drawing first blood December 7, 1941...WWII). True, the whites were taking the Red man's land which caused the US Army to intervene looking like the bad guy, and true again the US was taking Mexican land under the slogan of "Manifest Destiny" during the Mexican War...but the US Army was still attacking or counter-attacking hostiles during those wars.
The US only experienced Great Britain's COLONIAL pattern once during the US's lifetime; during the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902); and American didn't like it! Note: Today the Philippine Insurrection is typically called the "Philippine-American War"...which would not be correct as the Philippines were NOT A COUNTRY at the time they were US PROPERTY (US TERRITORY) and they were rebelling against the UNITED STATES, therefore it was an insurrection...however, these days people seem to want to be "war veterans" so they change the name of the conflict to justify that status.
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The New Deal was Franklin Roosevelt's way of dealing with the depression of the late 20's and 30's. Unfortunatly it depended on large government programs at taxpayer expense to employ people and it was not a sucess. Only the advent of ww2 and growth of private industry pulled the US out of the great depression and we were and still are left with many new deal socialist Democrat programs that mean a bigger tax burden for all working people. People all over the world try to escape to the US so that they too can have economic freedom and ownership of property. Sometimes these socialist countries that they are fleeing from have taken 70 percent or more of their wages. In return they get health care public transportation etc. but no money left for their own home car etc. That is the New Deal and it is here in this country. We have many Bolshevics in our country too. Both Democrat and Republicans that would die rather than support a flat tax of 10 % that would cause the greatest economic boom of our history. Why not? They are in the wealth redistibution business that's why! Their new deal is just like the old FDR model of socialism and it failed in the USSR and it is failing here too. Look at our failing government schools as an example! The cure is to cut taxes and let private industry thrive then all of us will be better!! The catch is the politicians will have less power and they would rather bring the country down around them than give it up.
There were several thrusts of the "New Deal", most of which were new in that they made the government a more active participant in the economy than it had ever been before, outside of wartime:
Emergency programs to reduce unemployment by all kinds of public works programs, ranging from the tried and true types like road construction to the more esoteric, such as murals in public buildings. Many of the amenities in national parks in use today date back to the New Deal projects.
Financial security measures to restore confidence in banking and the stock market, involving insuring deposits and regulatory inspections of the public stock and bond markets to ensure honesty of claims made and to regulate insider trading.
Encouragment, instead of the previous government discouragement, of labor unions in order to boost wages and reduce working hours to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.
Financial security for the elderly by bringing about the Social Security Adminsitration, funded by payroll taxes. This served not only to give retirment security, but it stimulated the economy too as it reduced the fear of growing old without a means of support, thus reducing the hording of savings, which was a big problemn in the Depression. This was not an American invention, it was used in Grmany in the nineteenth century.
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