FDD means floppy disk drive,....., it also means Feature Driven Developement in terms of UML.
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FDD insurance is normally using in shipping insurance sectors. FDD is an abbreviation of 'Freight Demurrage And Defence'
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Do you mean "1.44MB 3.5 inch FDD"?
This means a floppy disk drive (FDD) for disks which are 3.5" wide and have a maximum storage capacity of 1.44 megabytes.
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FDD is feature driven development in HTML. It is a kind of software life cycle to create a webpage or site.
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Of the following:
the "FDD" stands for "floppy disk drive", and is not a hard drive.
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There are a couple ways to obtain the McDonalds FDD Franchise Disclosure Document. Several online providers sell the McDonalds FDD for $220 to $250. Alternatively you can get a copy of the FDD at FranchiseComplaints.org or the Franchise Foundations website. As of 2015, the McDonalds FDD weighs in at 371 pages.
The McDonalds FDD is a treasure-trove of information that includes investment figures for buying a McDonalds franchise, financial performance of McDonalds restaurants operating at three different sales volumes, audited financial statements, a list of McDonalds franchise owners, a copy of the actual McDonalds franchise agreement and much more.
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they writing on the PC specification FDD Nashi . Lan .
i want buy PC but i can,t understand that Details . please let me know
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FDD feature driven development is one possible methodology
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FDD is an acronym for Floppy Disk Drive. For a short time, external floppy drives were available with special-purpose connectors. This was quickly superseded by USB ports.
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a cable from the power supply to the Berg power connector on the FDD
a cable from the 20-pin ATX power connector socket on the motherboard to the Berg power connector on the FDD
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The Federal Trade Commission issued a new FTC franchise Rule that became effective in 2007, the first major revision since the Rule was enacted in 1979. That is when the name of the document changed from UFOC (Uniform Franchise Offering Circular) to FDD (Franchise Disclosure Document). An FDD Franchise Disclosure Document is a legally-required document intended to give prospective buyers enough pre-sale information so they can make an informed investment decision before investing large sums of money and making lengthy legal commitments. Sometimes running into hundreds of pages in length, the FDD includes 23 chapters of information, audited financial statements and copies of all contracts. However, there are significant topics and areas of financial concern that are not disclosed in an FDD. Due principally to the influence of the strong lobby by franchise companies and their associations, critical disclosures are either not required or are substantially watered down.
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HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive...
FDD stands for Floppy Disk Drive...
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Franchisors have the option to disclosure financial representations in Item 19 of the FDD Most do not. The best way is to receive the companies FDD, and call the frachisees listed in that document.
If you can find out what the sales where for the last year and take 10 percent of that number that would be your potential earnings in a nutshell...If a store does $2,000,000 a year you have the potential to make $200,000 if you run your business right.
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FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) headers are used for floppy disk drives. In all likelyhood, you won't be using them. IDE headers are used for CD/DVD drives and older hard drives, and SATA ports are used for newer hard drives. As far as USB ports *on* the motherboard? You mean the ones on the back? Those are just for peripherals.
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If you put floppy disks in it, its called a floppy disk drive (FDD), if you put CDs/DVDs in it its called a CD/DVD drive
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Every model of 1.44 MB floppy disc drives had a different circuit board layout. Some have no micro switches on them.
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Backup is anything by which you can produce redundancy.. You can either copy data to FDD, HDD, CD or anywhere else..
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Frequency division duplex, FDD, uses the idea that the transmission and reception of signals are achieved simultaneously using two different frequencies. Using FDD it is possible to transmit and receive signals simultaneously as the receiver is not tuned to the same frequency as the transmitter.
The other system uses only a single frequency and it shares the channel between transmission and reception, spacing them apart by multiplexing the two signals on a time basis. Time Division Duplex, TDD, is used with data transmissions (data or digitised voice), transmitting a short burst of data in each direction. As the transmission periods are relatively short no time delay is noticed on voice transmissions resulting from the time delays introduced by using TDD.
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Frequency division duplex, FDD, uses the idea that the transmission and reception of signals are achieved simultaneously using two different frequencies. Using FDD it is possible to transmit and receive signals simultaneously as the receiver is not tuned to the same frequency as the transmitter.
The other system uses only a single frequency and it shares the channel between transmission and reception, spacing them apart by multiplexing the two signals on a time basis. Time Division Duplex, TDD, is used with data transmissions (data or digitised voice), transmitting a short burst of data in each direction. As the transmission periods are relatively short no time delay is noticed on voice transmissions resulting from the time delays introduced by using TDD.
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Technically, the computer gets its data from the RAM faster than any data storage technology available. HOWEVER if you are talking about storage data, than it would have to be the ridiculously expensive FDD or Flash Disk Drive, with data transfers of over 100MB's a second for the more outrageously priced models. These are hampered by the fact that the largest FDD you can get is 128GB at this point in time.
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Because of the low data storage.. Normally FDD stores only 1.44 MB of data and printer drivers could need more space..
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Colour doesnt matter for the IDE.
It is the number of pins that are available in the IDE slot
If it is a 40pin IDE, it will support HDD and CD/ DVD RAM drives.
If it is a 34 pin IDE, it supports the FDD
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Floppy data cable is 34 pin flat cable having two connectors for floppy drive. The floppy drive connected at the end connector is A: and the another connector disk is B:..
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Floppy disks are rarely used today, mainly due to the fact that they are obsolete. Flash drives, hard disk drives, and memory cards all take the role of floppy disks in a more simple fashion.
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This is a question from the A+ test!!!!!!
The answer is that the cable is reversed at one end.
The cable must be plugged in correctly at both the ends.
The red wire on the cable shows the pin 1 end of the connector and must be plugged in correctly on the MB and the drive.
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A serving of ice cream is around 1/2 cup. One quart has four cups, so one quart would have 8 servings. 5 quarts of ice cream would give you 40 servings.
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No. Floppy by definition is not hard. An HDD is a hard platter upon which a coating of oxide material is placed so that magnetic fields of bits (1's, & 0's) are encoded .
A floppy disc is a flexible mylar platter that is coated by the same metal-oxide material .
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The small capacity of floppy disks, compared to the ever-expanding size of files, makes them impractical for most uses. Plus, there are many much better alternatives available (USB drives, CD-R, etc.). Diskette drives are becoming rare on Windows computers, as well. Macintosh computers were just ahead of their time, as usual!
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800 channel as 24*1000 for conversion in khz then divide by 30 i.e sprcturm/channel bandwith
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10 Things to Need to Know First Before Buying into a Franchise
1. Do Your Homework
2. Assess Your Work Style & Strength
3. Investigate the Fees
4. Get Your Money Straight
5. Read the FDD Disclosure Statement Carefully
6. Use a Franchise Attorney
7. Beware of Franchise Consultants
8. Work for a Franchise
9. Hire Professional Help
10. Talk to Other Franchisees
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The context diagram is very important part in FDD which stands for functional Decomposition Diagram. It will help us to create the baseline in context diagram which we will draw the entities and the main process. Thus we have knowledge what Diagram Zero DFD contains, which is the same entities and same data flow but only the processes will break down into the lower sub process.
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The floppy drive data cable has a stripe denoting pin #1...PIN #1 on the FDD cable must be aligned with PIN #1 on the drive connector, or the drive will not work...This misalignment does not damage the drive, but the activity light will stay on constantly...To correct this, turn the computer off, reconnect the data cable aligning the pins correctly & reboot the computer....
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Start by visiting this site https://www.cityoflakecharles.com/department/index.php?fDD=12-0 Use the search and type in "senior activities" to get a list of scheduled events. You might also call around to larger churces in the area, many of which plan senior outings, weekend getaways and social events.
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A franchisor must provide a prospective franchisee a Franchise Disclosure Document ( FDD) at some point in the discussion process. It contains 23 items describing the relationship between franchisor and franchisee. It also contains the then current Franchise Agreement, which governs the relationship The prospect must sign and date the receipt acknowledging the issuance of the FDD. Nothing is obligated until execution of the Franchise Agreements, as well as the The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular or UFOC.
The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, or UFOC, is one of the most significant documents you will receive from the franchisor. These documents contain a wealth of information about the franchisor, which may seem repetitive and redundant and it is imperative that both you and your attorney read it.
Some of the criterion's a UFOC must contain is their History and Experience, Financial Factors, Obligations and Restrictions, Exhibits, Earnings Claim, along with other considerations.
An in-depth elaboration of these criterion's can be found under the source below.
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It is much easier to build a satellite transponder using different frequencies for the two directions (frequency division duplex, FDD). A single frequency (time division duplex, TDD) satellite link is possible, but then all earth terminal must be carefully synchronized. The satellite transponder and the earth terminals would be more expensive, the whole network would be more complex and less reliable. There is also a historical reason. Frequency bands were allocated decades ago and changing them would be very difficult. FDD and TDD terminals cannot coexist in the same geographical area.
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Depending on your computers system and specification, the main hardware will include:
Motherboard (Mobo)
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Hard Drive (Permanent Memory)
RAM (Temp / Live memory)
Optical drives (CD / DVD / Blu-Ray)
Floppy Disk Driver (FDD)
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