what is the money in England calledwhat is the money in England called
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the colonies were controlled by England as there
people before settled in the virgina company England later seize the America
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As England is an island, it is not possible to travel by road all the way
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Helped to create England's naval dominance in the North Atlantic
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There is a website I found that compares England's death rate with the US. Link is below.
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As of the year 2011, England's total population is 50,760,000 people.
That is a lot of people! :)
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I don' think there is England in manager mode. There are only clubs.
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England is to the West of Germany, slightly to the north. You could have found this from a map.
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England incurred a lot of debt due to national expansion and involvement in wars.
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True Ireland was England first attempt at colonisation
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Salisbury Cathedral is located in England:
33 The Close
Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2EJ, United Kingdom
I have been multiple times and enjoy the Cathedral and tour thoroughly
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Full Name: Kevin Peter Pietersen
Born: June 27, 1980, Pietermaritzburg, Natal
County: Hampshire
Other Teams: Natal, Nottinghamshire, England A, England,
Test Debut: England v Australia, Lord's, July 21-24 2005
ODI Debut: Zimbabwe v England, Harare, Nov 28 2004
T20 Debut: England v Australia, Southampton, June 13 2005
Batting Style: Right-hand bat
Bowling Style: Off-spin
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The River Thames is the best known river in England but it isn't necessarily more important than the Severn, Mersey, Trent, Humber, Avon or Tyne.
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In short, England during the 1700's was a filled with the revolutionaries hating the monarchies and revolting. In short, England during the 1700's was a filled with the revolutionaries hating the monarchies and revolting.
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England takes its name from the Angles, a Germanic tribe that invaded the country in the 5th and 6th Centuries.
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Albion. Britain and the United Kingdom do not count because they include territory that is definitely outside England.
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England is a Country in the United Kingdom and Great Britain.
The UK consists of the Countries of Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
Great Britain consists only of Scotland, Wales and England and the British Isles around the coast also.
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The monetary unit which is used in England is the British pound. The Royal Mint produces the pound and is used in all territories.
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Do you mean people who played for the England football team who was born overseas? if so John Barnes was one, hes Jamaican but never got picked to play for his home country so he was eligible to play for England.
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king declared himself head of the Church of England.
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I really need this me and my friends we are doing a story plz help us!!!! we need to know how long it takes to get to Australia from England
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England is a country and is unable to use a computer. The people who live in England use a variety of computers including Apple Macintosh and various computers, including Macs, running the Windows operating system. (See links below)
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There were no ambassadors for England that died on Titanic but there WAS a victim, W. T. Stead, that was going to speak at the Carnegie Hall Peace Convention.
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England had been involved in three wars with the French during between 1682 and 1754.
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Those who played in both England and Real Madrid are Michael Owen, David Beckham, Steve Mac Manan.
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