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The airport code for Eastmain River Airport is ZEM.

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Shirley Cheechoo was born in 1952, in Eastmain, Quebec, Canada.

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The 4 rivers that flow into James Bay are the Moose River, the Albany River, the St. Maurice river and the Ottawa River. ;)

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Geography of Quebec. Quebec is Canada's largest province, occupying an area of 594,856 square miles or 1,540,680 square kilometres (nearly three times the size of France), most of which is very sparsely populated. More than 90 percent of Quebec's area lies within the Canadian Shield, and includes the greater part of the Labrador Peninsula.

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Here it is... List of rivers of Quebec A Arnaud River Ashuapmushuan River L'Assomption River B Batiscan River Beaurivage River Bécancour River Betsiamites River Bonaventure River Boyer River (Quebec) Broadback River C Caniapiscau River Cascapédia River Charpentier River Chateauguay River Chaudière River Clearwater River (Quebec) Coulonge River D Du Lièvre River Dumoine River E Eastmain River Etchemin River F False River (Quebec) G Gatineau River Gens de Terre River George River (Quebec) Great Whale River H Halls Stream Harricana River J Jacques-Cartier River K Kazabazua River Kipawa River Koksoak River Kovic River L La Grande River La Pêche River Leaf River (Quebec) Little Whale River M Madawaska River (Saint John) Magog River Magpie River (Quebec) Malbaie River Manicouagan River Matane River Matapédia River Rivière des Mille Îles Missisquoi River Mistassibi River Mistassini River Moisie River Rivière aux Mélèzes Métabetchouan River N Noire River Rivière du Nord (Quebec) Nottaway River O Ottawa River Ouelle River Rivière aux Outardes P Patapédia River Peribonka River Petite-Nation River Picanoc River Rivière des Prairies R Restigouche River Richelieu River Rigaud River Rivière du Loup Rock River (Lake Champlain) Rouge River (Quebec) Rupert River S Saguenay River Saint Denys River Saint Lawrence River Saint-Charles River Saint-François River Saint-Jacques River Saint-Maurice River Sainte-Anne River Sainte-Anne-du-Nord River T Tomifobia River V Vachon River Y Yamaska River FionaRuth :)

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