In the sentence, Dara became impatient and left the restaurant, there are two verbs, became and left. Left is the more active of the two verbs. One might argue that becoming impatient is not actually an action.
Become is a state verb.
3 answers
In Irish "An dara duine" is "The second person". I don't believe "An dara" can be used without another word following it. An dara ceann, gach dara lá, etc.
1 answer
Dara Hollingsworth's birth name is Ransom, Dara Ann.
1 answer
Dara Fischetti's birth name is Dara Jean Fischetti.
1 answer
Do you perhaps mean Om mati dara dara? If so, it is a mantra asking for (motherly) creative energy with a dorta symbol (male) for balance.
1 answer