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MYSQL - a freely distributed DBMS

Microsoft SQL Server - the product of old-brand Microsoft

Oracle - a strong and powerful DBMS, which is normally used by larger enterprises nowadays.

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Database management system

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A DBMS (Database Management System) is a software application that allows users to interact with a database. An RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is a type of DBMS that organizes data into tables with rows and columns, and uses structured query language (SQL) for querying and managing data. RDBMSs are a subset of DBMSs, designed specifically for relational databases.

3 answers

Yes. Database Management Systems (DBMS) have replaced the traditional file based data storage systems. This is because they are:

  • More powerful
  • Easier to manange
  • Can store large volumnes of data
  • Manipulation & fetching of data from a DBMS is many times easier than doing so from a file based data storage system
  • Faster

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DBMS is the Database Engine itself

like MySql Server

RDBMS is the GUI (Graphical user interface)

for any Database Engine which used in

CRUD (Create, read, update and delete)

like PHPmyAdmin

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NA_ what are highlights of advanced DBMS what are highlights of advanced DBMS what are highlights of advanced DBMS

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Java is not dbms..

Java is a programming language

Dbms is database

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DBMS in Commercial Environment

In large groups of business companies which they have to work under the commercial environment, they have to manage large amount of data regarding their business. Filing all those data manually, is not practical which will be time consuming, data might get repeat in several locations, when data entering lot of mistakes can happen, data is not up to date, no secure for company information. Other than all these drawbacks, the biggest disadvantage is difficult to make quick decisions within a short period and producing reports to measure the company status. But if a company has a database system, all the above mentioned problems can be solved easily. Other than that, decision-making and report handling can be done within seconds. Because in a DBMS, data is stored in a way that end user can handle them easily at any requested situation.


Banking system, financial companies

If we take banking system, For example in Commercial Bank they have systems like ATM, different kinds of accounts, etc. These systems are saved in database. As banking system is linked with database it's called commercial environment.

DBMS in Non-Commercial Environment

Social service associations, government public service departments come under the non-commercial environment. In this situation large amount of data has to be handled by these organizations, which they have to share the data within many numbers of departments. If the organization doesn't have the DBMS, data will get repeated in several locations which are unnecessary and time consuming effort. When transferring data from one department to the other, data might get miss placed and perhaps data might get destroyed forever. And also one person can handle one particular data set at a time. Others have to wait until they get it to their hand. But in a DBMS data is stored in a centralized database which will enable multi users to access data at the same time. No data repetitions in many files, data is much more secure, providing user authentications will control the user access to the data and also can have backups to recover data when need.

Example:Railway system, oil system, hospital system

If we take oil system there is no database for this as no need to save the data for oiling the path. So it's called non commercial environment.

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The syntax for granting privileges in a database management system typically involves using the GRANT keyword followed by the specific privileges (e.g., SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and the object (e.g., table, view) being granted on, to a specific user or role. Example: GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO user_name;

2 answers

1.The data definition facility or data definition language (DDL).

2.The data manipulation facility or data manipulation language (DML).

3.The data query facility or data query language [DQL].

4.The data control facility or data control language [DCL].

5.The transaction control facility or data control language [TCL].

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In DBMS the data is stored in the form of table . Each row in DBMS is known as tuple.

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What is the purpose of dbms?

DBMS is a software that organises the creation, storage and maintenance of Databases for end users.

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Polyhedra DBMS was created in 1993.

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DataBase Management System (DBMS)
is a software package
# it allows data to be effectively stored, retrieved and manipulated
and # the data stored in a DBMS packege can be accessed by multiple users and by multiple application programs like (SQL Server, Oracle, Ms-Access) .
Types of DBMS
# Hierarachical DBMS (HDBMS)
# Network DBMS (NDBMS)
# Relational DBMS (RDBMS)
# Object Oriented DataBase(OODB)
# Distributed DBMS (DDBMS)

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DBMS is short for database management system . DBMS is the collection of related records.

2 answers

DBMS is database management system and it stores data that are related. DBMS maintains data security and integrity as well.

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How do you start and finish a transaction in DBMS?

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"log" rigestary of DBMS contains

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No. MS Access is an application which uses a (sort of) DBMS. The power of the DBMS it uses is limited which is why it is not used for larger applications.

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what do u mean by lossiess join in dbms

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Yes ,DBMS -data base management system

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DBMS or database management system overcomes the problem of FPS. In DBMS The data is secured and integrated while this was not so in FPS.

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Without decision making we can't do anything in DBMS.

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a) What are the importance of DBMS in commercial and non cmmercial enviroment?

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DBMS is database management. Database is where the information is stored.

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DBMS, Server, Storage media, Indexing, Encryption etc.. c

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DBMS stands for database management system. DBMS reduce data redundancy as it checks if the data is duplicate and if duplicate then store it as a single record.

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Traditional FPS and DBMS both are different from each other. In DBMS there is security of data as well as integrated data while this is not in FPS.

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if we need a modifying ,sreach,delete a file so we need a DBMS

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The full form of DBMS is Database Management System.

2 answers

I'm Looking for the Same awnser. anyone? Thank

1 answer

A DBMS is a database management system.

A database application would be something inside the DBMS such as:

~a way to search files

~a way to pull certain information

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A DBMS delivers economy of scale because it is optimized for processing large amounts of data.

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1. DBMS Developers

2. Application Developers

3. DBA

4. End user

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DBMS means Data Base Management System, it is not a programming language.

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class in dbms is nothing but a collection of attributes....

class in java is defined as collection of objects....:D

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Database management system is full form of DBMS . Characteristics of a DBMS are following :

1) It maintains data integrity.

2) It reduces redundancy.

3) make access to data easy.

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DBMS stands for data base management system. DBMS is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a database. The DBMS is a general purpose software system used to facilitate the process of defining, constructing and manipulating data bases for various applications.

features of DBMS:

1.Data independence

2.Efficient data access

3.Data integrity & security

4.Data administration

5.Reduced application development time

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A DBMS becomes an RDBMS when the data contained in its tables are related to one another by referential integrity rules.

DBMS - Database Management System

RDBMS - Relational Database Management System

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safe Edwin :)

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