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The cast members of the NBC television show "Sanford and Son" that are still alive as of July 2016 are Demond Wilson, Lynn Hamilton, Raymond Allen, Eric Laneuville, Gregory Sierra, Howard Platt, Marlene Clark and Migdia Chinea-Varela and Migdia Chinea-Varela is also sometimes credited in productions as the name; Migdia Chinea.

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Jorge Luis Chinea has written:

'Race and labor in the Hispanic Caribbean' -- subject(s): Alien labor, Blacks, Economic conditions, Ethnic relations, History, Immigrants, Race relations, Social conditions, West Indians

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Frank Chinea-Varela is a famous Cuban-American Mattel graphic designer.

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She was a teenager when her on-camera acting career began with a role in a 1971 episode of Mannix.

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The cast of Happy Fliers S.O.A.K. - 2010 includes: Anne Arles as Southern Belle Kathie Bostian as Vanilla Mike Chinea Aaron Chinea as Hoodie Dyonna Harrison as Maverick Brandon Ruling as Tom Tiffany Yen as Jay Mie

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The cast of The Meaning of Filo - 2009 includes: Joe Benham as A.A. Member 1 Vince Bitz as Coroner 2 Carolyn Brandy as A.A. Member 2 Jim Bronze as Young Guy Alfonso Chinea as A.A. Member 3 Clare Larman as Mrs. Fellini Ken Ludden as Bob Abram Mar as Coroner 1

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these are silk types, i dont know which are from china tho... Broadcloth

A plain weave silk in various weights, crisper than china silk. Often used in shirting. Brocade

A jacquard weaves with an embossed effect and contrasting surfaces. Can also be woven with synthetic or fibers. Chiffon

The lightest weight and see through type. Requires some kind of lining or backing unless it's used for scarves. ChinaSilk

A plain weave silk of various weights less expensive and more commonly available silk fabrics. Crepe de Chine

A lightweight fabric made by twisting some fibers. The fabric is too soft to hold a structured shape. Crepe de chine doesn't ravel as easily as other silk fabrics, but it will tear if not handled gently. Canton crepe

A soft crepe woven fabric with small crosswise ribs. Heavier than crepe de chine. Charmeuse

A satin weave silk with a crepe back sometimes called crepe backed satin. Works well for scarves, blouses and lingerie. Jacquard

Jacquard silks offer various woven patterns, using matte and reflective threads to create a light and dark effect in the fabric. This effect is similar to brocade, although the Jacquard is originally created in one color. These are generally heavier weight and more densely woven. Doupioni

Reeled from double cocoons nested together. The threads are uneven and irregular. It has a stiff, taffeta-like hand and is usually dyed in bright colors. Silk doupioni is most often found in men's and women's fine suits and also dresses in lighter weight. Faille

Soft ribbed silk with wider ribs than seen in grosgrain ribbon. Slightly glossy. Georgette

Sheer crepe silk, heavier than chiffon and with a crinkle surface. Linen The look of linen with the characteristics of linen. Weights range from light to heavy. Noil

Silk noil is made from the short fibers left after combing and carding so it doesn't shine like many other silk fabrics. Looks similar to cotton, but has the soft feel of silk against the skin. Has the look of hopsack but much softer. Matelasse

Has raised woven designs, usually jacquard, with the appearance of puckered or quilted. Organza

Similar to cotton organdy except it is made with silk and is transparent. Pongee

A plain woven, thin, naturally tan fabric that has a rough weave effect. Raw Silk

Raw silk is any silk yarn or fabric that hasn't had the natural "gum" that protects the fiber. The fabric is stiff and dull Satin

A satin weave with a plain back. Shantung

Dupionni type of silk, made with cultivated silk warp yarns and heavier douppioni filling yarns. Depending on the filling yarn, shantung may be lustrous or dull. It has a firm, semi-crisp hand and tends to ravel, so avoid close-fitting styles. Tussah

Tussah means wild, a plain weave silk fabric from "wild" silk worms. It has irregular thick and thin yarns creating uneven surface and color. Tussah silk is similar to shantung, with silk from the wild. Color is often uneven; usually referred to as "raw" silk.

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