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CVTS are smooth but not very strong, They also had a lot of problems early on and are extremely expensive to repair. Nissan extended the warranty to sell cars but if you read the fine print it's no good. You have to have trans fluid "anylized" at EVERY oil change or warranty is void. This is also expensive.

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If you’re working with HT capacitors or CVTs, you know how important precision is. At our facility, we use a Capacitor Winding Machine from Synthesis, and it’s been a game-changer!

It’s fast, fully automated, and keeps tension perfectly balanced. The best part is that it doesn’t require much maintenance and gives high productivity. All you need is just set it up,

and it runs for hours without a hitch. Hope this helps!

1 answer

A good quality relay type voltage stabilizer and SMPS s usually provides a good stabilization of voltage in the range of 160- 290 volts. The same is true for the CVTs too. But ordinary stabilizers and SMPS are completely handicapped and helpless against sudden power surges, spikes, brief power interruptions and dangerous transients. Due to these, even a SMPS inside a computer is at a risk of getting burnt. Also the sophisticated microprocessor ICs inside computers may instantly get damaged due to these power surges. A CVT very effectively guards the output against all the above power drawbacks providing a clean spike-free constant output voltage, and also fills in the short intermittent power gaps (1-5 ms ). Moreover its output is purely sine wave in all circumstances

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There are a variety of positions in an animal hospital and the pay depends upon schooling and experience in the field.

The wages/salaries vary widely in the Chicago area, which but the ones cited here are pretty typical (but these numbers also hold pretty well in large city settings nation-wide).

Certified Veterinary Technicians are the best paid, starting at $15+ per hour with an increasing wage or salary dependent upon experience in the field. In some practices, experienced CVTs can make $30,000/$40,000+. In addition to the salary, some practices offer generous benefits such as health care, vacation, paid holidays, bereavement time, personal days, reimbursement for continuing education, and others.

Certified Veterinary Technicians are graduates from a college/jr. college with an accredited veterinary technology program, which is typically two years. After receiving their degree they are veterinary technicians and become certified when they pass a board accreditation examination.

Veterinary Technicians are graduates from a veterinary technology program but have not taken the board examination. Because they are a step lower than the CVT they start at a lower wage, possibly $12+ per hour and with experience the wage will increase. They may also receive a nice benefits package depending upon what the practice offers. When they pass the board examination, they will receive a bump in pay as they are then CVTs.

Veterinary Assistants have no formal schooling for veterinary technology, rather learning through on the job training. The starting pay may range from minimum wage to $10+ to start, but over time and experience the wages will definitely increase significantly. Generous benefits packages are also available depending upon the practice.

For the best possibility of getting a great job in the field of veterinary medicine and being in demand, as well as starting at the best pay grade possible, it would be recommended to consider enrolling in a veterinary technology program and becoming a CVT. It is a commitment, but if you are planning to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, it will pay off in the long run.

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Veterinary assistants have no formal training. They are usually hired without experience and are trained on the job by the veterinarian at the clinic and the other staff. A veterinary assistant will often start at minimum wage.

Licensed veterinary technicians (LVTs), certified veterinary technicians (CVTs), registered animal health technologists (RAHTs), and registered veterinary technicians (RVTs) have all passed qualifying examinations to hold the 'technician' or 'technologist' title. Most will have a 2 or 4 year diploma or degree in Animal Health Technology or Veterinary Technology from an accredited college. These people are in high demand, and can command a much higher salary than an assistant. The pay range for a registered technician is $13-24/hour depending on experience and the type of work they do.

Licensed or registered technicians can also specialize within their field. There are recongized accreditations in dentistry, equine medicine, critical care, internal medicine, anesthesiology and behavior. Specialist technicians will make more money then generalists, just like in human medicine.

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The VTi is a continuously variable transmission for automobiles. It is fully automatic, electronically controlled, and designed for transverse front-wheel drive use. The VTi is assembled at a General Motors/Fiatjoint venture plant in Szentgotthard, Hungary.

Quality issues delayed the introduction of the VTi until the second quarter of 2002. Production ended in 2005 in favor of the GM-Ford 6-speed automatic transmission.

The VTi can handle a maximum of 200 N·m (147 ft·lbf) of torque for vehicles weighing up to 2100 kg (4630 lb), with gear ranges from 2.61 to 0.44. A 2.15 reverse gear is also specified. The effective final drive ratio is 4.35.

It uses two sets of 12 steel bands (Van Doorne belts) inside a die cast aluminum casing. GM claims that the CVT's bands, normally a weak spot in CVTs, are reliable for at least 100,000 miles (161,000 km) . A 225 mm (8.9 in) torque converter is also used.

In 2004 GM extended the transmission's warranty on all 2002 - 2004 GM vehicles with the VTi to 5 years / 75,000 miles (120,700 km) due to high failure rates.

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A veterinary assistant is an entry-level position at a vet clinic. You can expect to earn somewhere between minimum wage and $10/hour in the United States, with hours varying from 20-50 per week.

9 answers

Requirement of vat-47(Road Permit) for bringing the goods in Rajasthan from other states as interstate purchase

i. After the amendment dated 8th July, 2009, for bringing the goods from other states, VAT-47 is required only on notified goods (38 items as per notification No. F.12(84)FD/Tax/2009-2010) which are as follow :

1. All kinds of furniture including moulded furniture.

2. All kinds of lubricants

3. All kinds of mattresses, cushion, pillows, all types of sheets and other articles made from foam rubber or plastic foam or other synthetic foam and rubberized coir mattresses.

4. All kinds of toilet & washing soap & detergents.

5. All goods made of cement.

6. All types of bearings.

7. All types of sanitary goods including sanitary pipes & fittings.

8. All types of electrical goods including UPS and CVTS.

9. Audio & Video cassettes.

10. Butter & Deshi Ghee.

11. Computers, its softwares floppies and parts.

12. Cooling equipments including air conditioners and refrigerators

13. Copper in all its forms including wires.

14. Dry fruits including Clove, Cardamom, Pepper & Betel Nut.

15. Raw or refined edible oil & Hydrogenated vegetable oil.

16. Electronic items including TV, VCR, VCP

17. Gur.

18. Iron & steel as defined U/s 14 of the CST Act.

19. Parts of Automobile & Tractor except when used in manufacturing of automobiles or tractors.

20. Pan masala, Gutkha and Churi.

21. Paints, Varnishes, Colour & Dyes.

22. Timber, Plywoods, Nuwood and Laminated sheets.

23. Safety Matches.

24. Telecommunication and sound transmitting equipments including Cellular & Cordless Telephone, Fax and Pagers.

25. Tea

26. All types of yarn, whether cotton, woollen or synthetic.

27. Metallic Utensils.

28. All types of crockery.

29. Photographic goods.

30. Plastic goods, PVC granules except when used as raw material for production of plastic goods.

31. Rubber and goods made of rubber.

32. All kinds of paper and paper products including exercise books.

33. All kinds of tiles.

34. Fireworks.

35. Non-edible oil.

36. Rice.

37. Cotton Seed.

38. All kinds of foot-wear.

ii. If any registered dealer receives any taxable goods, as may be notified by the State Government, consigned to him from outside the state or by way of branch transfer/depot transfer/stock transfer, is required to issue Form VAT - 47. For this clause, all goods have been specified other than the petroleum products and exempted goods mentioned in notification No. F.12(84)FD/Tax/2009-22. Therefore, for receiving the goods as branch transfer/depot transport/stock transfer, Form VAT - 47 is required on all the goods.

1 answer

Hey, this is what i found on line. right now I'm having trouble with a 95 Civic fiero, so i still had the doc saved on my desktop. i hope it helps.

Take A Look-See

An overall inspection is the logical first step. A low fluid level may indicate a leak somewhere in the system, possibly at a cooler line that runs to the bottom of the radiator. Find it and fix it, then top up the level. Remember that, unlike the engine crankcase, it only takes about a pint to make the difference between the "Add" and "Full" marks. Also, make sure you use the correct ATF, which we'll discuss later. If you're lucky, the lag or shifting problem may just disappear after you add ATF.

The fluid should be bright red, clear and "sweet" smelling. If it's a smoky dark color, or has a burned odor, a complete change is needed, but the damage may already have been done.


All modern automatics (except for the continuously variable transmissions--CVTs--found on a few late-model cars) have locking torque converters to eliminate slip at cruising speeds, thus saving fuel. These are controlled by the powertrain control module (the engine and transmission management computer) on the basis of speed, temperature, throttle position, etc. If the engine is running at a higher rpm on the highway than usual--300 to 500 more--to maintain the same speed, it's possible that lockup isn't occurring. Besides reducing fuel economy, this can have the much more disastrous effect of causing the transmission to overheat.

Check that the transmission converter clutch wire that runs from the harness to the transmission is connected and intact.

Fresh Fluid

The single most important thing you can do to head off big-bucks transmission repairs is to change the ATF on a regular basis.

Some carmakers have backed down from the unrealistic 100,000-mile trans fluid change interval recommended in the past. Every 30,000 miles is much more reasonable. If you tow heavy loads in hot weather, you might even think about annual changes.

Going through the messy operation of dropping the transmission pan and replacing the filter is fine as far as it goes. The trouble is, it doesn't go far enough. At least half of the old, burned-up ATF and its contaminants remain in the torque converter (the days of those convenient converter drain plugs are long gone), clutch drums, valve body and elsewhere. If you want to get the full benefit from this maintenance service, you've got to work a little harder.

Regardless of how far you're willing to go here, you still must take the transmission pan off, and there are a couple of ways of making this job a little neater. Start by putting the car on sturdy jackstands or, better yet, ramps. Block the rear wheels. If you have a gravel driveway, toss a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood down first to prevent the stands from tunneling into the ground while you're under the vehicle.

If you just remove the pan (leave a few bolts along one side partway in), ATF will flow out in a wave all around the seam, probably splashing outside the radius of your catch pan. If you've got a suitable pump, you can run the pickup hose down into the dipstick tube until it bottoms out, then pump until you stop getting fluid. This will vastly reduce spillage.

To extract as much of the old ATF as possible, leave the pan on, remove a trans cooler line at the radiator, put a drain pan under it, then start the engine for a few seconds to find out which way the fluid is flowing. It doesn't matter whether you use the inlet or outlet line except that you have to attach a small hose either to the line connector or the radiator outlet in order to collect the ATF. Put the hose into the largest jug you can find, and let the engine idle until air starts spurting. Many professionals enhance this procedure by pouring a few quarts of fresh fluid into the dipstick tube at roughly the same rate that the old fluid is coming out, thus adding flushing action.

Now you can remove the pan. This is not only necessary for changing the filter, but also allows deposits and sediment to be washed out of the pan. There's another important consideration: This operation provides the opportunity to find out if failure is impending. Judging this is somewhat subjective, so we asked an ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician (CMAT) his opinion.

"You should see next to no swarf or debris, and then only on the first change," he says. "Subsequent changes should be nearly dead clean. If a newer gearbox is making junk, it's in trouble. You might find just a trace of aluminum shavings, or other very minor debris, but the assembly process is so clean, and the newer gearboxes so unforgiving of dirt, that any real accumulation generally means a problem is in development."

Now's the time to replace the filter and its seal, which probably can be purchased in the same kit as the transmission pan gasket. When reinstalling the pan, start every pan bolt by hand for at least two threads before tightening any of them.

If the last person to install your pan got overly enthusiastic with the wrench, you may find the pan rail has dimples around the bolts. Use a hammer and dolly to flatten them out. Otherwise, the pan gasket will leak. A cork gasket often can benefit from a thin layer of gasket sealer or adhesive, especially to keep it in place while you're trying to start those first few bolts. Don't use a thick bead of silicone sealant, as it will squish out between the mating surfaces into little silicone worms, which will eventually break off and clog the pump intake.


Of course, you can go to your favorite auto service facility and have a trans flush and refill done. Many shops today have a machine for this purpose, but you've got to be sure of what you're getting. Some quick-lube places will just attach the machine to a cooler line, exchange the fluid, and call it done. We beg to differ. The pan should be removed for cleaning.

The Right Stuff

Most of the automatic transmissions on the road will work just fine on Dexron III/Mercon ATF, except for '92 and earlier domestic Fords, which need Type F. But the Dexron is essentially a generic fluid, and some experts say they've cured shifting problems simply by replacing it with the exact O.E.-specified stuff. They have also confided in us that they've inadvertently caused trouble by using bulk ATF that was labeled, "Will also work in ..." So, especially with imports, you might want to read your owner's manual carefully where fluid specifications are listed.

You want real peace of mind? Then think about spending the extra money for synthetic ATF. The master technician mentioned earlier always uses straight $5-per-quart synthetic for his own vehicles

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