Brookshires gift cards and coupons are available on the Brookshires website. These can be applied to Brookshires farm-fresh produce or pharmaceutical products.
1 answer
we usally get between 7.25 for baggers and 7-9 for cahier pluse sunday pay is 25$ of hrly pay that you get every sundy
1 answer
There should be a surplus of stores in your town, or surrounding towns selling a plethora of halloween candy. You might want to try Wal-Mart, Big Lots, or Brookshires.
1 answer
Any sort of lanolin based balm will be great for your tattoo. You should be able to find most anywhere.
1 answer
Actually I thought that myself having not eaten it for years, recently this week I was craving the cereal and especially the raisins and dates in it.
Unfortunatly big retail stores like Walmart don't seem to carry it anymore, but I found a box at a local grocery store here where I live in Texas called HEB ( like Stop and Shop and Brookshires) I also noticed a box at Target
However to my dismay there were no dates in it and it seemed to lack a bit in the almond category
So perhaps they were discontinued at a point in time to remove the dates and cut back on the nuts
I also read that it had high partially hydrogenated oil (aka trans fats) which may have lead to the remake of it as well :/
2 answers
If you are looking to purchase a ticket for Six Flags Great America you should go to sixflags the website. They offer tickets for sale in singles , multiples and even season passes for families.
9 answers
What Jobs Can Youth Do?
When You Are 13 Or Younger . . .
You can deliver newspapers.
You can work as a baby-sitter.
You can work as an actor or performer in motion pictures, television, theater or radio.
You can work in a business solely owned or operated by your parents.
You can work on a farm owned or operated by your parents.
However, parents are prohibited from employing their children in manufacturing, mining, or any other occupation declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
More information on Exemptions from Child Labor Rules.
When You Turn 14 . . .
You also can work in an:
* office, * grocery store, * retail store, * restaurant, * movie theater, * baseball park, * amusement park, or * gasoline service station.
You generally may not work in:
* communications or public utilities jobs, * construction or repair jobs, * driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver, * manufacturing and mining occupations, * power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines, * processing occupations, * public messenger jobs, * transporting of persons or property, * workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed, or * warehousing and storage. Different rules apply to farms, and individual States may have stricter rules.
3 answers